I have enjoyed Luke Macfarlane in other performances. I know nothing about Billy Eichner.
Billy Eichner has apparently tweeted his dissatisfaction about Bros opening weekend box office. It apparently wasn’t very good.
Reading what Eichner said was pretty offputting. There wasn’t any need for him to shoot his mouth off. I’d have much more respect if he’d taken the opening weekend under performance like a man and simply moved on.
Lets face it, this movie is going to have limited appeal. That being said, the box office may have improved over the Columbus Day Holiday weekend had Eichner not sounded like such a spoiled brat.
Now, I’m thinking I’ll wait for it to be on streaming services.
It may well be funny, the trailer has some moments that look promising, but I’m not sure that I can put up with catty board room scenes with a bunch of LGBT people sitting around sniping at each other. That is something that I’ve personally had way too much of.
From the trailer, this movie appears to be steeped in elitism. Not having seen the movie itself I could be wrong. But the trailer sure had that elite feel to it.
There are other movies that are gay romantic comedies with more appeal to the average gay man.
You know, the guy who worries if he’ll be able to pay his electric bill. The guy who uses his phone with the cracked screen for a year or so, because it still works, and he doesn’t have the cash to pony up $800 for a new one.
Movies like:
In & Out The Birdcage If Dad Only Knew 4th Man Out The 10 Year Plan
All of which are worth watching. The latter two have pretty relatable characters and tell a good story. Sure they’re not mainstream but they’re nice films.
The thing is, not everyone is elite, not everyone can live in a beautiful apartment in New York, not everyone gets to sit in an office arguing over inconsequential trivialities.
There are a lot of Gay and Bi men who do manual labor. They don’t live in high-rises sometimes not even in a single bedroom apartment. The have calluses on their hands, they’re pragmatic and don’t hang out every night in bars with a $25 cover charge.
Perhaps those same LGB people are a bit reticent to spend money at a theater to watch a bunch of elites bemoan their “horrible” lives. Maybe those Gay and Bi men are more content to buy a six pack, grab a good burger as a treat to themselves, and wait for Netflix to show the movie 6 months down the road.
Maybe, they don’t want to sit in a theater with a bunch of the LGBT community screeching and howling a a big screen. Maybe these guys have so little in common with the “normal” LGBT people that they’re uncomfortable in such a crowd.
Maybe from a personal worth perspective these guys would rather go home, shower, and sit on their couch in a clean pair of boxers with their feet up while they wonder if they’ll be able to put gas in their truck.
I can say this, after hearing Billy Eichner whine about homophobia and straight people not seeing his movie I’m less inclined to see it. That’s a pity too, because I could really use a good laugh.
Speaking of which maybe I’ll queue up If Dad Only Knew. There are some pretty funny scenes.
Mr Eichner, you really need to learn when it’s time to keep your mouth shut.
Alec is in big trouble. Though I doubt that he’s going to see the inside of a prison. He should, but we all know that if you have enough fame, fortune, and appear often enough denying that you did something wrong you’ll get away with it.
Halyna Hutchins’ family will perhaps finally see some justice.
Baldwin showed up on CNN still denying that he was negligent, careless, and stupid. He makes it sound like somehow Trump is involved, in that he feared for his life after Trump’s comments on the matter.
Baldwin seems to be counting on people who hate Trump to lose any objectivity at the mere mention of the name and therefore believe his lies.
He goes on to whine about losing jobs.
Big Deal Alec! At least you have the capacity to lose jobs over this, unlike Hutchins who is dead by your hand.
I still haven’t changed my mind. Alec Baldwin was careless, probably didn’t follow the safety protocol for guns on set, and deserves to become persona non grata in Hollywood.
I hope that he’s tried somewhere where the jury pool has a working knowledge of guns, and that the judge in the case throws the book at him.
Poor little Alec may finally learn that guns don’t kill people. Ignorant people handling guns improperly without due respect, kill people.
I think that Alec should be left destitute, or forced to make appearances as the poster boy for gun safety training at the NRA.
Unfortunately, I suspect that his scum bag attorney will spin it so that the poor Armorer takes the rap. It’s likely that will be the direction this goes she doesn’t have the wealth to mount a really good defense and Alec desperately needs to blame someone else.
Even if he destroys that person in the process.
I can’t watch The Hunt for Red October, or Betelgeuse, anymore without focusing on Alec Baldwin. It’s drained the enjoyment out of these movies for me.
His whining about his victimhood hasn’t done anything to help his image either.
It’s not like he was all that good in Justice League
I may be a bit biased because even as a little boy I didn’t like The Flash.
I don’t think I’ve seen anything else that Miller has appeared in. If I have, since I don’t recall Miller, his roles must not have been all that large or his acting compelling enough for me to remember him.
There are some actors, who make an impression on the screen even in minor roles. These are the folks you watch during the movie, then you watch the end credits for the actor’s name, then you IMDB their name to find out what else they’ve been in.
After that, you rent the other movies to see if their acting holds up. If they turn in compelling performances in other things, you’ll keep an eye out for them and spend your money to see them.
Jason Mamoa, for example. I liked him way back in Stargate Atlantis. I know there are people who don’t care for him, but I’m expressing my opinion.
I wasn’t sure that he’d be able to pull off Aquaman. Lets face it, Aquaman was always a generic Lilly white, blond, blue eyed dude. I remember thinking… Mamoa as Aquaman????
Now I can’t think of any version of Aquaman except Mamoa.
His portrayal is wonderful and he’s brought a humanity to Aquaman that has enriched the character for me personally. Aquaman in the comics always felt arrogant and elitist. He wasn’t really all that likable.
Mamoa’s rendition is generally humble with a touch of arrogance. He’s got a sense of humor and playfulness.
I really like the Polynesian cultural elements. They make so much sense in context of the character. Who better to protect the sea, than someone with a deep cultural connection to it?
I was honestly hoping for something better, more interesting, for The Flash. Instead what we got in Justice League was a neurotic selfish child. I suppose we got too much of Ezra Miller’s real personality translated into the character.
Given all the negative publicity and reporting surrounding Ezra Miller. I’m honestly hoping that the folks controlling the DC movie franchise just flush The Flash entirely.
Ezra Miller is largely forgettable and perhaps should be forgotten.
There are a lot of other super interesting characters in the DC universe. Perhaps we’d be better off with one of them stepping into the spotlight.
Like most Americans, I haven’t bothered to watch anything but snippets of the Jan 6th Hearings. I have been moved to laughter and tears by some of the headlines.
Usually I’m moved to tears when I read the articles associated with those headlines.
Most recently there was a Brietbart headline, “Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Call for More ‘Confessions’”
Within the article, is a video clip from CSPAN of Liz Cheney sloppily referring to the testimony before the Jan 6th Hearing as confessions.
Testimony, is not necessarily a confession. Association is not necessarily guilt. Hearsay is not admissible in court.
According to Liz Cheney’s Bio posted on the Congressional Website she’s an attorney. You’d think that as an attorney she would be a lot more precise with her wording and language. You’d also think that she would know the above facts.
During this whole hearing mess, in the back of my mind I’ve been hearing Mel Brooks singing the catchy tune “The Inquisition” from History of the World Part 1
I think like most Americans, I’ve been completely unimpressed. Perhaps a better description would be shamed and terrified.
I do not think this hearing represents the best of American Jurisprudence. In fact the hearing truly looks like a Soviet Era show trial. It is completely obvious that the sole purpose of the Jan 6th Committee is to find Donald Trump guilty.
Look, if he’s that guilty refer the matter to the freakin DOJ and get on with a real trial. The DOJ appears to have become the “Junk Yard Dog” of Congress, so dispense with the bullshit and just go arrest Trump. You could dispense with the trial and simply take Trump to prison. I’m sure from there you could “Epstein” him.
Everyone knows that guilty or not, Congress and the DOJ will fully destroy Trump, if for no other reason than he was uppity with Congress, he made mean tweets, and screwed up the status quo.
Come on Congress you’ve already shown America and the freakin World that there are two tiers of justice. You’ve demonstrated that the is no longer liberty and justice for All Americans. You’ve shown that certain groups have favored status, (for the time being,) and are therefore more equal than the rest of us. You’ve shown time and again what you really think of We The People.
America has already been destroyed by malfeasance, corruption, and elitism. Why not just come out of the freakin closet and tell us all, The Constitution is dead, Justice isn’t ever going to be “Just” again, you have decided that you…
… Our “Betters” know what is best for us and get on with the soft enslavement you’re gunning for.
That’s where you’re headed right? Elites and little people? Masters and slaves?
The little people beaten down and controlled, drones whose sole purpose of existence is to enrich elites then be cast aside when they are too tired, or useless to serve a function.
Stop nibbling on the barrel of the gun, fucking pull the trigger! I’m sick of watching my nation being torn at by a pack of corrupt rabid hyenas such as you.
None of you represent me, or even the interests of American Citizens. None of you are worthy of my vote. None of you in Congress are my betters. I hold you all in Contempt.
Just declare the Declaration of Independence a flawed racist founding document. Say that The Constitution and Bill of Rights were racist, illegal, drunken, fevered dreams, of a bunch of white supremacists. Call those two documents garbage and say that the United States was a bad idea.
Then Congress, you can move forward with your communist central committees, and your dictatorships, beginning the real purges.
All Republicans Anyone who ever questioned or disagreed with you All the conservative Justices on the SCOTUS and every single Judge not approved by your new regime All the educated constitutional law scholars who disagree Follow that up with purging real Scientists. Set us back by 100 years to ensure complete dependency on government by destroying innovation. You could probably get away with marching most of the “educated” pseudo elites to re-education camps With proper party members and regional tribunals you could order the summary executions of all the rest of us who should have forced you to stop who were too distracted by the latest episode of “The Masked Singer” or whatever other vapid show you’d care to name.
Just get on with it. Bend Lady Liberty over and slit her throat while you’re ass raping her. While you’re at, it don’t forget to blow up the Statue of Liberty in NY Harbor.
After all isn’t she the epitome of celebrating the racist founding documents? Therefore shouldn’t she be cancelled as well? Don’t forget… she’s white. That should be an easy sell dontyathink?
Remember this you miserable fucking bastards. Once you do, you’ll never know another moment of safety or peace. You’ll be despised, cursed, and hunted for all time.
Enjoy your humiliation on your knees in front of whatever communist masters come help quell the dissidents. I’m sure their cocks will taste sweet on your tongues.
That is what the Jan 6th Hearing makes me think. I no longer give a shit if Trump did or didn’t do anything wrong.
I didn’t vote for him, I also didn’t vote for Hillary. I did vote for Trump as opposed to Biden in 2020 because at least in that matchup, Trump knew where the fuck he was.
The longer this show trial goes on, the madder I get. At this point, if I vote in the next elections I’m going to vote for the least funded, most common, man in the line up. I’m going to vote for people who are hopefully just as pissed off as I am because it’s long past time for the anger of the American People to be represented in Congress.
I’d love to see 435 pissed off average citizens sitting in The House. I don’t care if they’re farmers, janitors, truck drivers, or garbage collectors.
At least they’d have the perspective of not living in a life of luxury. They’d know how to balance a checkbook and what is needed in a budget to put food on their tables.
Our entire leadership needs to be flushed like a gas station toilet. Then follow-up with a good dose of industrial bleach.
My 4th of July peace & quiet was shattered, as was the nation’s by the Highland shooting. The other half got a BBC notification on their phone.
WTF? Of course the media jumped on it, gleefully rubbing their hands, “If it Bleeds it Leads,” and they were all practically salivating that the shooter was white and used a rifle.
I imagine the newsrooms all over the country were spinning up their white supremacist tropes. That fell apart pretty fast as more came out about the shooter. But the media still got their licks in about guns being a problem in this country.
Then someone remembered that Illinois has very restrictive gun laws. RED Flag Laws, State issued licensing to purchase a gun, certain weapons banned, etc. You know, kind of like the law Biden just signed…
As more information poured in, it turns out that the shooter wasn’t listed as a RED FLAG, even though he should have been. The shooter had threatened to kill his family and the police had removed his collection of knives from his home.
That didn’t stop him from getting his Illinois issued FOID permit which allowed him to purchase guns legally. It appears that he’d even purchased his guns in the state of Illinois. OOOPs there goes the gun show, and the out of state or straw purchase narrative.
As the week progressed, we heard that his mental health was questionable. That was kinda of a “Duh,” right from the start. Now folks are asking some of the right questions. “Why wasn’t he RED FLAGGED?”, “Why wasn’t he getting some kind of help?”, “What made his so very angry?”
These are all good questions and there are no easy answers. But it’s good that the questions are being asked.
President Doofus wasted no time telling America that this is the reason that we need stricter gun control. Again he shot his mouth off without having all the information. If I’m recalling it correctly he opened his pie hole before the police had even brought Robert E. Crimo III, age 21 to heel.
But this is what we’ve come to expect from this President.
Remember the Border patrol officers accused of whipping Haitian migrants illegally crossing the border?
U.S. Customs and Border Protection mounted officers attempt to contain migrants as they cross the Rio Grande from Ciudad Acuña, Mexico, into Del Rio, Texas, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. (AP Photo/Felix Marquez)
Biden said, “To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped — it’s outrageous,” Biden told reporters, making a whipping motion with his hand. “I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.“
At the time I wrote a blog post saying what the CBP jackasses have now also said in their copious report about the incident. The Head of CBP has said, “no evidence” that Border Patrol struck Haitian migrants with their reins or used whips in Del Rio, Texas, last year”
I’m not much of a horseman, I’ve been astride horses many times in my life, I like horses and would enjoy having enough space and money to own one, implicit in that would be getting to be a better horseman.
I’ve enjoyed rodeos, and seen a variety of reins and saddles. Mostly, I have experience with mucking out stalls that horses occupy when they’re not being ridden or wandering around a corral.
That being said, as inexperienced as I am, I knew looking at the pictures that CBP agents weren’t whipping migrants.
The thing is, CBP is still going to punish the officers, for other infractions. One of which is using harsh language. Harsh Language? Get the fuck out of town!
The entire article is here. It’s from Fox News it popped up in my Apple News Feed.
One thing that struck me as I read the article was that the agents appear to be at fault for having insufficient training for the situation. To which I say, “WHAT THE FUCK?”
Our government placed these agents in the situation. Then is holding them responsible because they didn’t have the right training to deal with the untenable situation the government placed them in?
The agents wouldn’t have been in the situation if President dipshit hadn’t opened the damn border in the first place.
Talk about a no win situation. That kind of thinking isn’t going to have the Border patrol’s recruiting office overflowing now is it?
“Sure you’re going to have this job but you’ll be constantly under scrutiny from assholes who have no idea what the job entails and they’ll throw you under the bus at a moment’s notice for their own political gain. Oh, and by the way, if one of these politicians demands punishment you’re totally fucked. Even if you did everything by the book.”
“Welcome to CBP. Have a great career.”
People wonder why we’re losing Law Enforcement personnel at unheard of rates? Why the military isn’t going to meet its recruitment goals? Why Border patrol is woefully understaffed?
None of these factors are making any of us more safe. Our politicians don’t see the problems they’re causing…
But it is driving record gun sales.
Long ago folks realized that if they could rely upon police to be present, to arrive in a timely fashion, and take care of crime, that it was better to allow the police to deal with problems.
It was easier that having to explain, and dispose of, the body of a criminal from your living room, or on your lawn, or why you dropped a piece of shit in the middle of town.
Now, with the police stretched so thin, and neutered by conflicting laws, people are coming to the conclusion that their only option is to be armed. Where I live, the sheriffs are 30 minutes away on a good day.
That’s provided they don’t have some jurisdictional conflict about whether the sheriff, or the Highway patrol is supposed to deal with an issue. For that layer of confusion I thank politicians, and lawyers. The officers, even though they want to help, are constrained by those jackasses.
Why does it take years to deal with a drug house, or a house of prostitution operating in a neighborhood? What about a person that routinely assaults their neighbors for no apparent reason?
The reason is that average “normal” folks are expected to put up with the shit. Not just expected, but constrained by rules, regulations, jurisdictional rivalries, lawyers, politicians, boards of supervisors, interpretations, and all the bullshit that gets in the way of a simple question.
Was a crime committed?
If the answer is “Yes”, then the perpetrator is hauled off.
If the answer is “No” then folks will have to deal with it.
Then there were the shrieking harridan protesters who thought it was their right to make everyone uncomfortable at a Mortons Steakhouse because Justice Kavanaugh decided to have a meal there.
This was another What the Fuck moment for me.
I walked out of a StarBucks once when some protestors walked in raising hell. (I forget what the hell nonsense they were protesting about,) all I remember is that one of two things was going to happen. Either I left without my damn coffee, or I was going to incite a riot by saying something.
I also knew that none of the morons in the Starbucks were going to have my back but they’d film me getting my ass kicked.
I haven’t been to that Starbucks since. It was near a college. We all know how the college crowd is about whatever the liberal bullshit of the day is.
Shortly after, Starbucks in California started saying cops couldn’t come in if they had their guns. That was the beginning of the end of my relationship with Starbucks.
Anyhow, Mortons released a statement that made me want to go spend money with them.
They said, “Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protesters while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant,”
I get that the protesters were outside, on the sidewalk. The police couldn’t do anything about it since they weren’t trespassing. Okay. They’re exercising their first amendment right.
But, in these situations I always ask what about all the other people’s rights that these protestors trample on? The right to peace and quiet? The right to a nice dinner with family or friends?
There are reports that the protestors were calling the restaurant demanding that Justice Kavanaugh not be served.
What about the months of protests outside Kavanaugh’s home? The protestors are raising a ruckus in front of his house, but the whole fucking neighborhood has to suffer, what about their rights to privacy, to peace & quiet, to live their lives without fear or inability to get into or out of their homes?
The White House was taken to task by Peter Doocy and got a completely bullshit answer from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. The article is linked here.
There was another article that mentioned a twitter account offering to pay cash for information about the conservative Justices movements within D.C.
Rebooted my brain…
That’s beyond the definition of stalking. The Folks in D.C. don’t seem to have a problem with it. BUT THEY WOULD, if a similar account was set up. That followed Pelosi, or AOC, or Harris, or Schiff. Then it would be 24/7 OMG how is this allowed?
Imagine what the response would be if any of the people I mentioned above couldn’t go into a restaurant without being hounded by angry conservatives standing outside on a sidewalk screaming at them for running the country into the ground.
What if their neighborhoods were turned into protest zones 24/7?
We’d never hear the end of it.
The LA Times reported that the LA County Supervisors want the ability to remove the LA County Sheriff (In case Villaragosa wins his election). They’re not interested in any of the other eight elected positions, only the Sheriff.
Hmmm that sounds vaguely familiar. Wasn’t there something similar in Washington D.C. on January 6th 2021? I can’t quite recall…
The thing is, if the erosion of law, and indeed human decency and respect continues we’ll have anarchy.
I’ve thought for years that our country is a powder keg and the polarization,” us against them” mentality espoused from the highest levels in our government isn’t helping.
What happens when average, “normal” people decide they’ve had enough and decide to take matters into their own hands?
What happens when the people say they no longer agree with the first paragraphs of The Declaration of Independence, saying, “NO! We The People withdraw our consent to be governed.”