Hmm, the young couple up the road is selling their place.

Either this last winter broke them or the increasingly annoying situation with Crazy Pants did.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen them taking their usual walks lately.

Crazy Pants and her…

Whatever the hell he is, went from having two annoying Chihuahuas to having a pack of very annoying Chihuahuas. The pack is often roaming around the neighborhood so you never know if you’re going to be attacked.

Even if they are in their yard, It is not possible to walk in front of my house, or indeed anywhere on the street without being barked at constantly.

I have also wondered about the status of their various shots. Rabies for example?

This is a redux of every dog, or dogs, Crazy Pants has had for 20+ years. At least in this case they’re Chihuahuas, not some indeterminant aggressive Wolf hybrid.

Years ago, the county had to remove five or six wolf hybrids from Crazy Pants because she had zero control over them and they were beginning to threaten everyone in the neighborhood.

The Chihuahuas too, are becoming a nuisance. I saw them surround a woman who was walking on the street 1/2 block away from Crazy Pants yard the other day. I’m sure the county is going to be called any day. Will they do anything? Probably not.

If the county did actually show up it would be interesting, the dogs, the obscenities screamed all the time, the guy living with her is sleeping in a shed in back of the house because he’s afraid she’ll gut him in his sleep. Let’s not even discuss the trash, junk, and debris over there… Ohhh if the county could be bothered to come up, they’d have a field day.

That’s a big IF.

Crazy Pants has a habit of going to the Young Couple’s fence and just standing there staring at the house. I’m sure that must be un-nerving…

The young couple is asking a lot of money for their house. I hope they get it.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a place where you weren’t held hostage? The county’s inaction with Crazy Pants has led to a situation where effectively the neighborhood is held hostage.

I suppose the rot will spread. It already has in a way.

The cabin next to Crazy Pants is a nice place, but it’s never occupied because the owner can’t get any rest if he’s up. Crazy Pants is shouting and screaming like she’s being murdered the whole time he’s there.

A neighbor adjacent to Crazy Pants hides in his house all the time. The “A-frame” across the street was converted to an Air B&B when the former owner died. Other houses around Crazy Pants seem to change hands about every 2 to 4 years.

In short, the neighborhood is getting more transient. The faster the turnover, the more likely there’ll be trashy people occupying the homes and then the spiral down begins in earnest.

The cops and the county talk about Crazy Pants “rights” as a homeowner. The unspoken part of that is; what about everyone else’s rights as homeowners?

The pack of Chihuahuas gets stirred up at almost anything. Once the barking begins it’s like one of them has to have the last word so they don’t stop.

Their yapping is punctuated by the boyfriend yelling, “SHUT UP” all the time. You’d think that at minimum a noise complaint would be possible. It’s not, the boyfriend is constantly running power tools over there at all hours of the day and night. The cops and county don’t care.

Compared to the power tools, the Chihuahuas barking is almost preferable. I said almost.

In a strange way I’m grateful the trash is over there. Every single “shutup,” power tool noise at 11:00pm, or screaming obscene rant from Crazy Pants, reenforces to me that I need to get out of here.

I love my view, I even like my house and neighbors on my street. But after 20 years of this bullshit, I guess it’s time to go.

The stupid, the trashy, the shitty, always win. They always attract more of their kind and where 2 or more of their kind gather, drama ensues.

There’s another man down the road a bit. He’s trashy like Crazy Pants and her fella.

He actually walked up the hill several times this last weekend to yell about something Crazy Couple did or didn’t do. (I was sorta hoping for him to have a heart attack but alas…) He’d get almost to Crazy Couple’s street and sit and rest on the stairs of an unoccupied cabin. He’d be huffing and puffing like mad for a good 5 to 10 minutes. (Now you know why I was expecting a heart attack,) Then he’d make his way to Crazy Couple’s house and start yelling. He usually drives his truck with no mufflers, then starts screaming at them. I guess he didn’t want Crazy Couple to know he was coming, or he was out of gas.

Ah well, Back to sorting and tossing!

What the holy Hell?

I’d heard of some singer doing something to the National Anthem and thought, “Goody, some of the mistakes are epically funny, I could use a laugh.”

I looked it up and was not amused in the least.

When I heard the lyrics;

“Oh say can you see by the blood in the streets / That this place doesn’t smile on you colored child / Whose blood built this land with sweat and their hands / But we’ll die in this place and your memory erased / Oh say, does this truth hold any weight / This is not the land of the free, but the home of the slaves! “

There was a time when the folks running the sound system would have pulled the plug on this kind of crap.

I wasn’t going to give this rancid bitch any more publicity but DAMN! Who the hell does she think she is?

Apparently, she was singing at the Essence Festival. Essence of what, stupidity?

Hypocrisy much CUNT?

This is a rich ass bitch who, if she was enslaved, would be paying all her money to Massa.

More likely if she was enslaved and if America was everything that she and people like her believe. Not Black necessarily, but weak minded, idiots the progressive leftists have deluded and corrupted, she’d be singing Camptown Races picking cotton in the fields.

I thought a number of much stronger things than I have written above.

Then I thought “Why did we bother to fight the civil war? After the war, there were some who thought that the Africans should have been repatriated to their country but that was too expensive. There were others who thought that the Africans should be put down like diseased beasts in the fields.”

Cooler, kinder heads prevailed. Sure there were still issues in the South, members of the KKK wrapped themselves in bedsheets and did horrific things.

But the incidents, while deplorable, were not nightly events contrary to what believers in the 1619 project might believe.

Members of the KKK were farmers and businessmen after all, they had families to feed and business to attend to, they didn’t have a lot of free time.

That’s one of the problems with revisionist history. Mine, Yours, Governments, or anyone else’s. There’s a tendency to frame the events and the people in contemporary terms.

Farmers in 1866 got up at dawn, fed the animals, hooked up the Ox, or Donkey, or Horses, to the plow or other farm implement and plowed a large an area as they could physically work. At night, they might read a bit of the Bible, after a simple dinner and then they’d go to sleep exhausted.

From their plot of land, they fed their families. They prayed to have enough rain, that locusts wouldn’t eat everything and hoped there’d be enough to sell come harvest time, to buy what goods they needed for the winter and the next year.

They didn’t have tractors, or much in the way of mechanized devices. They didn’t live long. A simple cut could be a death sentence.

The human equation was pretty simple. Work or Die. Just like all the rest of the animal kingdom. You have to realize that the term work encompasses hunting and gathering as surely as going to an office every day. Going to an office is just Hunting and gathering with extra steps.

Even criminal enterprises like robbing a train is technically work. The thing to remember about criminal behavior in the streets or towns back then is; crime was dealt with in brutal fashion. You’d be lucky to live long enough to see a judge or magistrate.

The truth is;

It was then, and is even today, cheaper to put a bullet in someone’s head, or cut it off, than it is to house them, feed them, and clothe them, in jail or prison.

Nobody gave you anything for free. That was pretty much a true statement right up until the 1930s.

Farming wasn’t the only option, but generally speaking no matter the profession, life was hard work.

Sure, there were some rich people, there are always rich people, but the average person was living hand to mouth.

The lyrics this lady sings make it sound like slavery is still a thing in this country. That offends the shit out of me.

Why aren’t people like her singing about real slavery going on today in other countries? Why aren’y people like her singing about child sex slavery south of the border and now moving north. Why aren’t people like her applying their immense wealth to stopping any of this?

Oh right these people are still bitching about something that happened 150 years ago. Something that no one alive today was a part of.

This bitch has said publicly that she’s considered leaving the USA.

I say, “your terms are acceptable.” I’d love to see her hustled onto a plane, flown across the ocean and dropped in Lagos. Give her $100.00. Put all the rest of her money in trust to pay her debts off.

Perhaps I’m being cruel. But I have gotten really sick and tired of this kind of shit.

Yes, we have problems, but what these people are doing isn’t helping anybody at all.

I hope her career crashes and burns. I don’t listen to R&B so I can’t boycott her. The best I can do is ignore her, and anything she says or does from here on out.

Ahhh, Made it to the end of “Pride” Month

That’s a laugh. Pride MY ASS! Normal LGB folks have most likely been hiding.

When the Pride… Oh hell let’s call it what it really is, the TRANS gestapo is out in force it’s uncomfortable for normal folks to go to a bar, or even to certain towns.

I had a couple of appointments in Palm Springs which I chose to do via Video. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with Palm Springs during “Pride” month. A more appropriate name would be humiliation or shame month.

Very little about the behavior of these folks engenders pride in me. One of the things that we must always remember is that the news media will always focus on the most shocking or depraved elements of anything. Pride parades are no different.

That they were so many examples of people mostly naked marching through the streets in front kids and tourists isn’t empowering it’s just filth. There’s no reason to be naked in a parade on a Main Street of any city.

There are places where that is appropriate and even fun, but it’s in very poor taste in a situation where children may be present.

There was a time when Pride was admittedly edgy. The leather guys could be intimidating but they refrained from simulated or other sex acts in the main parade down Hollywood Blvd. Generally they kept their damn pants on.

Which is not to say that questionable things didn’t happen at all. There were other less commonly known celebrations which were “adult only” and took place in confined areas blocked off from public view.

You had to know exactly what you were looking for and exactly where it was and then be sized up by guys whose job was to make sure only “Members of the Club” were allowed inside.

Those were fun days! God I miss those….

Umm, I digress…

In the early Pride events, 1979 being the first one I attended it was about getting together under a rainbow banner where all of us had the same goals in mind. Pride used to be fun, we partied and enjoyed each other’s company. We welcomed our brothers and sisters in law enforcement and thanked them for serving our community.

Just because we were LGB meant we could be denied rights, (Real Rights… Right to housing for example. There was a time when you could be evicted by a landlord because you were gay. Right to Jobs, you could be fired if anyone found out you were gay. Right to speak and assemble, the police were still patrolling gay bars looking for any infraction to shut the place down.)

Pride has become overdone, and a pain in the ass.

The Trans activists who have taken over Pride, don’t’ typically have these battles to fight. (I say typically, because I’m sure there are exceptions,) They’re not going to be kicked out of their apartments, lose their jobs, or be subject to arrest just because they’re Trans.

People, the Government, and the Police, take a very dim view of discrimination of any kind these days.

The number of Trans, “Real” trans people is vanishingly small. That is a fucking fact.

The number of attention whores and insecure people is a lot greater. It’s these people in my opinion that have made themselves pawns to the likes of the HRC & GLAAD.

These organizations shamelessly use these folks to generate funds. They’ll take donations from these people, and other guilt ridden elements of society, (aka the progressive left, aka white liberals who need to virtue signal,) and go to their elite fundraising parties throughout the rest of the year.

The HRC is no friend of LGB OR Trans folks today, It hasn’t been a friend to the LGB community for a long damn time. The HRC is trying to hold onto their million dollar salaries. The only way to do that, is by creating and maintaining a victim class.

BLM does the same thing, as do hundreds of organizations in this country and across the world.

How many Trans people did the HRC feed or house last year? How about BLM? So what “Help” exactly do these organizations provide?

The HRC and GLAAD should have disbanded the day after same sex marriage was ruled on. They were done. Mission accomplished! Good job!


While they were cleaning out their desks, they realized, “No more White House dinner invitations, No more hobnobbing with famous actors, No more health insurance, and finally OMG! We’ll have to be in the unemployment line!” That was the final straw. I’ll bet they dragged a Real transgender person from the phone bank or mail room, into a conference room and began working on building the next victim class.

It’s time for the LGB community to stop attending or supporting PRIDE. In recent years there have even been PRIDE celebrations that excluded people based on race. There is no PRIDE in that.

It’s well past time for PRIDE, the HRC, GLAAD, and many other moneymaking schemes built on the LGB community to be swept into the pages of our history. Theres no shame in becoming history instead of making it. Let’s put pictures of these events and organizations right next to steam engines and ACT UP.

It’s time to turn the page of the history book.