OMG! I don’t know… I’m so conflicted…

A CIA whistleblower has come forward describing payola to 6 analysts to change their findings about the origin of COVID-19. 1226905 Wallpaper2

It’s the freaking CIA, Can you say “Bay of Pigs?” How about Vietnam? Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? How about shitty intelligence in every single war we’ve been involved in.

Can I have any faith in what the CIA says? They’re renowned for lying. 

Okay, maybe I”m being harsh. When the CIA gets it right, they leave no trace so we, the public, wouldn’t ever know what happened, or why, or how the CIA was involved.

My examples above are simply epic failures. I’d like to believe that the CIA is actually pretty efficient. Notice I said I’d like to believe

My problem is that over the past 3 years we’ve all been told so many lies! We’ve been told that even when we had it right, we were wrong, or conspiracy theorists.

To be clear… COVID-19 came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. COVID-19 was engineered, created by man, and released into the wild possibly by accident, or perhaps by design. That whole “Wet Market bat meat to pangolin to human,” evolution story was absolute bullshit. 

Those of us who called it bullshit were labeled as disinformation spreaders. We were called rabid MAGA racists. We were deemed dangers to society. We lost our twitter accounts, we lost our Facebook accounts, we were de platformed, our income streams were damaged… But we were FUCKING RIGHT! 

We’re all too intelligent to hold our breath for any kind of apology.

It begs the question, where are my reparations for the PTSD our lying government and media gave me?

LighteningWhen the hell is Anthony Fauci going to be dragged out of his home at 5AM by 25 FBI agents brandishing M-16s?

We know that will never happen!

St Fauci of the mask will never see justice for what he did to the American People.

Either on the front end, when he was financing illegal research into gain of function, OR when he lied for years about the source of COVID-19, the efficacy of masks, the efficacy of the vaccine, and lied to congress under oath when asked about his involvement in the destruction of colleagues careers who had dissenting opinions about how to address the COVID-19 crisis. Or indeed his direct involvement in the creation of COVID-19.

I know there will be no justice. One can only hope that Fauci is struck by lightening on a golf course.

Of course, the Russians might be pissed enough about Fauci having a hand in the creation of COVID-19, and the damage done to their economy to give him a polonium enema. In which case, I’d call it justice done!

Yes I know, they don’t give it as an enema. Polonium can be injected, put in a drink, or a small pellet can find its way into the victim. The Russians have used this method of poisoning quite effectively. It’s not quick, it’s brutal suffering until the victim is begging or praying for death. There’s no cure.

In Fauci’s case someone like me could torment him with a potential cure but remind him that double blind placebo trials had to be executed before the experimental cure could be given to him. I say like me, because I’m evil, and that little gnome deserves punishment. 

I look forward to what happens with this next if anything. I’m sure this news, like all the news that paints the COVID response as anything but reasonable, will be buried as quickly as possible. 

Maybe the D.C. machine will indict Trump for jaywalking as a distraction.

Wow, I’m torn about this…

Recently a Judge dismissed a case from a sorority that was seeking to prevent a “Trans” a.k.a. a cross dressing man from joining.

On the one hand, I think this is wrong on its face and we shouldn’t be having a discussion about a transvestite being allowed into a sorority in the first place. I know I don’t want a transvestite bunking in my niece’s dorm.

The judge should have heard the case. But as is all too common these days, common sense and the law don’t intersect. Worse, the law and those entrusted to uphold it, either don’t do their jobs dispassionately, are too cowardly to make a decision that might fly in the face of the vocal but small minority.

But and this is where it gets really muddy. I’m pleased that Women are having to deal with the infiltration of spaces that were “Theirs”. Now they know how Men felt when we were told we couldn’t have exclusively men’s clubs, or salons, or VIP locker rooms for men, (if the women didn’t have one too,) even when 98% of the gym membership was male.

I doubt Women will get it, they’ll make everything about what it means to them, but never think about what they’ve done to men by demanding there can be NO MALE only places. Even our bathrooms aren’t ours anymore.

Ultimately, because I’m like most decent men. I’ll forego having satisfaction that women are getting what they deserve and stand with the sorority against the so called “Trans” agenda.

These girls are supposed to be going to college where they can learn something, they shouldn’t have to live in fear of some messed up freak.

If I was the father of one of these young ladies, I’d tell her she didn’t need the sorority experience. I’d tell her that the distraction of the sorority isn’t going to help her grades. I’d probably offer to arrange for her to attend a conservative private college.

I admire the sorority trying to seek legal remedy for the problem but that’s not likely to happen in our society these days.

I remember when…

My parents were very concerned that I was listening to Alice Cooper and had a poster of him in my room. The poster, I’d purchased from Spencers Gifts. My parents hated that I went into that store way too often to spend my allowance.

I even got grounded for sneaking into the living room one Saturday night to watch “Saturday Night Live” because Alice Cooper was performing.

Totally Worth it!

So imagine my surprise and joy to find that Alice Cooper is still raising hell.

I was astounded that Alice has rattled cages at a cosmetics company because he said there are only two genders.

In an interview with Stereogum Cooper said, “I’m understanding that there are cases of transgender, but I’m afraid that it’s also a fad, and I’m afraid there’s a lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that,” he said. “I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him telling him, ‘Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.’”

Later in the article he said, “If you have these genitals, you’re a boy. If you have those genitals, you’re a girl.”

Apparently this was enough to cause cosmetics company Vampyre to end a Brand Relationship (whatever the hell that is) with Cooper.

I guess “Brand Relationships” are what we used to call spokesmen or endorsements.

Vampyre Cosmetics caters to the Goth community. Who Knew?

In the ancient days of my youth, we’d find cheap garish makeup and go to town. It never occurred to us that we needed a brand that catered to us. We shopped the bargain bins. Blood red lipstick, grey / black eyeshadow (I preferred it to look like dark ash,) and almost any whoreish black gunky eyeliner would do. (After reading about Egyptian culture and their makeup, I made my own eyeshadow out of charcoal from the fireplace. Hit & miss but Goth to it’s core.)

All of our supplies were usually available for 50% off. If you were in a super religious area, Goth makeup was easy to get and even cheaper because “Decent” people wouldn’t wear makeup that made them look like the whore of Babylon.

The only place you could get some pieces was Spencer’s Gifts and that was a pricy proposition. Your leather or heavy antique coat was either from an old trunk in the basement (and smelled like it), or from Goodwill. Sometimes suitable leather coats could be found on the Wilsons discount rack.

Then along came Hot Topic…

Half the fun of being a Goth was finding all the Goth accouterments as hand-me-downs, throwaways, and goodwill items. Your style was defined by you and what was available, which meant all good Goths were unique individuals and their attire spoke to that uniqueness.

Alice Cooper and Ozzy Osbourne were out patron saints. We modeled ourselves on their performance art. Our parents hated those two with a passion.

My Goth clothing phase lasted less than a year. It was tiresome to get into costume ever day. I also found that I preferred to be invisible in a crowd. Dressing Goth meant I couldn’t blend in with the general population, I had to remain in “GothLand”. I don’t like limits. It was fun, it was a phase, and in short order I was done.

Maybe one of these days I’ll dust off the old Goth me, and dress up for Halloween. It might be fun.

For me, Alice Cooper going against the grain of the alphabet culture, is at once ironic and comforting. It says that apparently I haven’t drifted too far from my roots.

Mr. Cooper always said what he thought, and carried the mantle of counter culture proudly.

I find that I agree with him once again. He makes sense and he’s willing to speak his mind in this cancel culture, consequences be damned.

Vampyr Cosmetics said in their statement,
“In light of recent statements by Alice Cooper we will no Longer be doing a makeup collaboration. We stand with all members of the LGBTQIA+ community and believe everyone should have access to healthcare. All pre-order sales will be refunded.”

There was a tweet… Should I call it an X now? Oh never mind. Anyway this tweet directed at Vampyr Cosmetics absolutely nailed it.

I’d like to shake @OldGuyGamer2’s hand for being so succinct.

This goes back to the LGB part of the gay community wanting a divorce from the TQIA+ bunch. The divorce will be very ugly and god only knows who’s going to get custody of the kids but it’s time. The TQIA+ bunch has moved to almost diametric opposition to the LGB group and the rest of “Decent” culture at large.

I’ll be curious to see which side the Goth community comes down on, or will they split into opposing groups?

What does that look like? Cooper Goths and PlannedParenthood Goths?

The vision in my head of “Cooper Goths” marching with Church groups is amusing. There’s something just funny about pink taffeta and white heels juxtaposed with Goths more somber hues carrying anti-grooming, anti-puberty blocking, and perhaps even anti-abortion signs.

That last one might go just a tad too far but that would be priceless to see.