Could Someone please explain this?

You have to have ID to open a bank account. You have to have ID to buy cigarettes, beer or alcohol. You have to have ID to enter a bar or strip club. You have to have ID to purchase your prescriptions. You have to have ID to get on a plane, ship, or train for travel. You have to have ID when you see a doctor. You have to have ID when you go to an emergency room or hospital. You have to have ID to get a permanent job. You have to have ID to get an apartment. You have to have ID to set up utilities or get a mobile phone account, (unless it a burner, in some states even a burner phone requires ID at time of purchase.) You have to have a ID to purchase a gun, (In California even to purchase ammunition.) You have to have an ID to attend college. You have to have an ID to pick up your children from school (if they’re sick or have a Doctors appointment.)

Lest we forget, the country has enacted the “Real ID” act.

It should be fully in force by May 3, 2023. If you’re unfamiliar with this, you can look it up here. The minimum requirements for a Real ID are:

1) Full Legal Name; 2) Date of Birth; 3) Social Security Number; 4) Two Proofs of Address of Principal Residence; and 5) Lawful Status.

From the Real ID FAQ Section of the DHS website

I find it interesting that the authorities want to see a utility bill or something aside from just presenting my Old Driver’s license and for example, my passport. Both of which I’ve had for the past 40 years, and the address hasn’t changed in the past 30 years.

I’m honestly confused that I can’t simply show up to the DMV with my passport, have my fingerprints scanned & compared to those that were submitted 40 years ago as part of my passport application. If the fingerprints match it should be a no brainer. In fact when I got my driver’s license I was fingerprinted too. It seems that comparing all three would be proof enough that I’m really me.

According to Bernie Sanders, Stacy Abrams, and others, requiring an ID to Vote, is voter suppression? A threat to Democracy? Inherently racist? Jim Crowe???

With the implementation of Real ID nationwide and the minimum requirements of Real ID, haven’t we already laid the groundwork for requesting Voter ID? Isn’t Voter ID reasonable given the Real ID requirements?

By Sanders, Abrams, & others, logic it follows that no ID, or for that matter vaccination card, should be required at all, ever. It also begs the question; Is Real ID is pointless, as it sets the bar too high for an apparently large number of individuals in our nation?

It seems to me that, if Sanders, Abrams, et al. are so concerned about voter suppression, they’d simply make Federal funding available so that ID (Real ID or otherwise) was free to all citizens in all states.

How about simply issuing free passports to all Citizens? I’d certainly appreciate not having to pay $140 for a passport book + card. I’d also appreciate not having to pay $25 for a driver’s license.

If each citizen was issued a Passport and Passport card, then each citizen could simply use their passport card to vote. The cards have chips built in, they could be verified at the polls, much like a credit or debit card is today for transactions. And isn’t voting at its core really a transaction?

Upon verification the holder gets a printed ballot or accesses an ATM like machine that displays a ballot appropriate for their address of record. Once their vote is cast, the date and polling station id get recorded recorded on the chip and their ID cannot be used to vote again in that particular election.

That solves a bunch of problems, although it would mean that the verification and voting machines would have to be verifiably secure. The technology obviously exists otherwise no-one would have any faith in ATM banking or point of sale systems.

Imagine the chaos if everyone in a city asked to get $20 from an ATM and got their $20 bill but their account actually had $200 deducted. That just doesn’t happen, if it did, faith in banking would evaporate and everyone would demand to be paid in cash.

Such a system would ensure one vote per person. It would also negate the need for mail in ballots almost entirely. Any citizen could, on voting day, go to any polling place in their state, or for national elections, anywhere in the country and cast their vote.

In theory, a person traveling out of state could go to the county seat or registrar of voters office where-ever they were, and vote in their local elections for their home state. I’d imagine that particular functionality could be something that would come much later, since it would require some infrastructure connecting state registrars which is not available at this time.

But… you say, that all requires infrastructure we don’t have. People would still have to go to a polling place, having to show up is too hard for some people.

We actually do have most of the infrastructure already in place, which could be tasked for the purpose, and make voting accessible almost everywhere in a state.

Most banks have multiple ATMs at their branches. Those ATMs have chip readers, cameras, and touch screen displays. Surely in the interest of patriotism, banks could be prevailed upon to allow one ATM per branch, on one day a year to be programmed for voting by a duly authorized officer from the registrar of voters.

Instead of inserting your ATM card, you plug in your passport card. The ATM could even print a hard copy receipt showing your voting receipt number and perhaps your choices for various offices. I understand that after the last election people might be reluctant to use electronic means of voting. I personally have avoided electronic voting machines in my locality because they didn’t produce a printed receipt nor a copy of my voting selections. That being said, if I had both, I’d go electronic.

If you think about it, such a system could conceivably negate the question of voting fraud.

The major problem is that what I’m describing is tantamount to a National Citizen ID. Many members of congress have historically been opposed to the idea. Much as those same members of congress are opposed to voter ID laws today.

So you can see my confusion.

We have the Real ID act . But some voters apparently can’t navigate the difficulties of getting ID. (How will these people carry on day to day life? Isn’t that also exclusionary, perhaps even racist?)

Which form of ID has a higher priority? A passport or a Real ID? I’d guess a passport, given the information I had to provide when I got the passport in the first place.

We’re concerned about election integrity, But we’re allowing essentially unverifiable mail-in ballots to be counted.

Somehow asking for ID at the polls is exclusionary and racist. But to exist in 21st Century America requires ID for even the most basic things.

It’s clear that I’m missing something.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why there’s such wailing and gnashing of teeth over simply asking for ID to Vote. As an aside, Real ID was written and passed after the 9/11 commission report, so it’s something that for once, Congress agreed was important.

And Here it is Folks!

New York has rolled out a vaccine passport. The Article is here.

Yes, at this point it’s only New York. But the plan is to roll this kind of dystopian nightmare out across our country and across the whole planet.

I’ve got just a few questions…

How the heck does anybody think this is a good thing?

At a time when a law requiring a citizen to produce ID to vote is “racist“, and has been described as akin to Jim Crowe. It’s apparently it’s A-Okay to require someone to produce proof that they’ve been vaccinated so that they can enter a venue, or shopping center?

At a time when the stratification of our society is by far, worse than it’s even been in my memory (figure 50 + years), we’re fine with saying some people are not able to enter some buildings, shops, etc?

What happened to equality? Not everyone will get the vaccine for various reasons.

Some people literally can’t take the stuff. They’re to be excluded from participating fully in society? Shopping, Travel, Sporting events, concert halls, you name it, all due to a quirk in their biology?

One could easily describe higher or lower quantities of melanin in the skin as a biological quirk.

Will we see “Vaccinated” and “Un-Vaccinated” Water Fountains?

Will we be okay with “Vaccinated” and “Un-Vaccinated” Subway trains, or Buses?

Will we be more okay with marginalizing a segment of our society for supposed “Bio-Hazard” reasons instead of racial reasons? What does that look like?

People in tattered clothing with a pink Bio-Hazard label on their lapels?

Homeless, destitute, hungry, but otherwise completely healthy people, excluded from society? Will we force these people into the bowels of our cities to work in filth (regardless of their intellectual ability,) becaus they’re presumed to be; diseased, carriers… expendable?

Or will we just opt for leper colonies that look more like Hitler’s concentration camps?

Trouble is, no matter how much you want these assumed “pariahs” to die, they probably won’t.

They’re likely to become stronger, healthier, and because they won’t have the benefits of an easy life where their feelings aren’t being hurt, they’ll be tougher mentally too. Quite likely, they’ll be much more clever at survival.

See, I have a lot of faith in biology and the adaptability of the species. Apparently a lot more faith than what passes for “Science” these days.

I reiterate, COVID-19 has a survival rate of 97% or higher.

The next question is;

Might we be over-reacting a bit?

We’re still learning a lot about this virus. New discoveries are being made, peer reviewed, and published papers, show up in reputable medical journals almost daily.

A lot of those discoveries are actually pretty good news. The human race may have dodged a bullet this time around.

Would it not be better to consider this a dry run? Learn from this experience what works, and what doesn’t, then lay down the groundwork necessary to mitigate the next, likely more deadly pandemic?

Say something like an airborne Ebola, or the Black Plague, that kills in 6 hours? (Come on… You know some insane government or military somewhere on the planet has thought about it.)

I’m simply not ready to go to a GATTACA, The Walking Dead, Omega Man, or other dystopian nightmare scenario just yet.

I don’t think it’s right or reasonable to demand vaccination records to transact business.

Politicians have been attempting to spin shame for those people who choose not to wear a mask.

What’s the saying, “You’re not wearing a mask for your protection. You’re wearing a mask for the protection of others.” Implicitly stating that you’re a selfish bastard for not wearing a mask.

The spin machines have been trying to conflate wearing a mask as an act of patriotism, when in reality it’s probably more likely government mandated virtue signaling. A way of reenforcing that “We’re all in this together…

If the shaming, spin and conflation continue to their logical conclusion. Things will be a lot worse than someone at a dog park being maced.

Picture the poor schmuck standing in line at a grocery store who discovers too late, that they don’t have the “Correct” vaccine de jour.

Crowds who believe they’re right, and just, get very ugly, very quickly.

I could see someone being beaten to death because their vaccine scan failed. (Sadly, they’d be counted as another COVID-xx death.)

Being the cynical and dark fuck that I am, the following scenario occurs to me.

Because the vaccine is essentially free, and the vaccine passport is also free I could see a scenario where the next 3 – 5 years is a period of adjustment.

A “New Normal” where everyone scans their vaccine passport to enter everywhere. Once people aren’t thinking about it anymore big pharma starts charging for the booster shots.

Picture the level of non political control a government or company could exercise on an entire population. “Oh, we’re sorry, you can’t cross the state line, or enter this city, or corporate office, without a booster shot. It costs $2200 for nonessential people, and we can give it to you right now if you can afford it…

If you were one of the people in control, you could create an immediate two caste system, and easily control who was elite and who wasn’t simply by controlling the price of a vaccine or booster shot. All you need to do is keep fear alive.

No bullets, no war no political systems or parties… just simple absolute control.

If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you, it should. History has shown us repeatedly that control is the goal

Wow! Just Wow.

Obviously I must have misunderstood the Democratic reconciliation message.

Governor Abbott of Texas has decided to lift all the COVID restrictions… Pundits, politicians, and Hollywood Elites are losing their minds. (Uh, last I checked neither Pundits or Hollywood’s elite had access to the same information that Governor Abbott has access to from his state health services.)

For those that may have missed the subtext… that means “Shut the hell up!”

The President described lifting the lockdowns as Neanderthal thinking.

Well Mr. President, you would know all about that, given that it appears your thought processes have devolved to a sub-neanderthal level. At least it appears Neanderthals could string two sentences together.

They were tool users, had command of fire, structurally their bodies may have supported more muscle making them stronger, and their bones were built a tad stronger than ours. Their brain size was also not too different.

It may simply have been a fluke that we survived and they didn’t. Although evidence does suggest that there was interbreeding between the species. So you might want to speak kindly of Neanderthals, after all, you never know who’s lineage you might be insulting.

They, unlike you and your staff appear to have disregarded things that didn’t definitively work. While you and Dr. Doom & Gloom Fauci on the other hand, continue to cast the bones, chant, and wave your arms around, about masks.

Next, one of your staff will be saying that we should use Oni masks to scare away the evil spirits released upon the world by China.

The next day though your administration would be scolding us for cultural appropriation and calling us all racists.

Who knows? The Oni mask might actually work, the Japanese have been dealing with China a lot longer than we have.

One of the best of the many screaming about Abbott’s decision, was Keith Olbermann. Let’s see, a washed up sportscaster who blindly Hated Trump and now has to content himself with just hating Republicans came out with this:

Why are we wasting vaccinations on Texas if Texas has decided to join the side of the virus?

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) March 3, 2021

Say what?

Let me get this straight Mr. Olbermann, are you saying that because the Governor of the state of Texas does something that you disagree with, you’re in favor of denying the vaccine to ALL THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS?

NICE! Very forgiving, how very enlightened!

Last time I checked it didn’t take much more than a big mouth, and the ability to watch sports to be a sportscaster. Keith, do you have a medical degree you’ve not mentioned?

How about this? Just floating the idea here, maybe we should deny the entire state of New York access to birth control, since Governor Cuomo obviously can’t be trusted not to sexually harass women?

That would make about as much sense as what you’ve suggested.

(And don’t even get me started about Como’s nipple rings… Yeah, that’s a thing, look it up.)

Then we have the perennial favorite AOC, declaring that re-opening Texas endangers The whole country.

This endangers the entire country and beyond. We are in a pandemic. We know that COVID spread isn’t neatly contained by state borders, and explosions in COVID cases can increase the likelihood of new COVID variants to develop or spread to new places. It’s dangerous.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 2, 2021

This hyperbole is what we’ve come to expect from AOC. At this point, I think she’s being kept around for nothing but comic relief, or perhaps she’s just serving as an example of how not to be a village idiot.

Now Johnny, if you don’t work hard and study, you’ll be just like AOC. You don’t want to be that stupid do you? Don’t you want to be at least a ditch digger and not a politician?

AOC also demonstrated her profound stupidity this weekend by saying that NYPD sending in a robotic “dog” to assess a possible hostage situation was racist.

I tried to wrap my head around that one and found that I couldn’t.

The “Dog” costs 75K it was not armed, and couldn’t really escalate a situation in the same way that sending a human into harm’s way could have.

I found that I wasn’t willing to undergo a lobotomy to understand how she came up with racism from that one. Especially since the perpetrators had been holding two men hostage, while torturing them, and demanding money.

AOC can expect a lot more of this kind of racism going forward. Just wait, it will probably get more interesting when robots are armed, and bring a situation under control by shooting first and asking questions later.

Can you really accuse a robot of being racist? Of course, killer robots as police would save the state a ton of money in trials, juries, and prison expenses. I’m fairly sure that we’d see a lot more homeless lawyers too.

The body cam footage from a robot would be priceless. Robot orders perp to stop or be fired upon. The perpetrator takes a shot at the robot, the robot blows the perps brains all over the place. Simple, dispassionate, efficient, and brings a whole new meaning to “Death by cop”.

I can imagine hostage negotiations; “Okay, let the hostages go or we’ll send the ‘bot in… ” The hostages come running out and the perps handcuff themselves. Just like RoboCop, I just hope we don’t get to the Gort version. What would happen to a city like Chicago with 100 Gorts running around? I’d imagine there would be one really bad weekend, and then Chicago might be a super nice place to live.

The courts would be hard pressed to say the robots are racist. Robots could simply hate all humans equally.

I’ve digressed.

I keep looking for this reconciliation the Democrats keep talking about, all I see is vengeance.

Democrats … You won! How about you stop beating dead horses and get to work making good on all the promises you made about how much better things will be under your benevolent, loving rule?

Orange man bad… Democrats good. Remember????