Grumpy Naked Computing (What happens at my house late at night)

1:00 am, the leather of my chair is cold on my bare ass as I sit down at my desk.


I was just about asleep, then my technology started chiming with a regularity that forced me awake again.

Comments are being made on the blog, but they’re comments on really old posts.

I dig a little deeper. There are thousands of comments now, all of them trying to slip through the comment process so that they can post a link to what is probably a bogus web site.

The sites claims to be selling replica shoes, or handbags at very low prices.

More comments more bullshit.

Tracking the originating IP for this stuff takes me to China.

I scratch my balls. Got a friend in China… don’t want to cut him off but don’t know which IP addresses he’s likely to be using, These IPs look like they’re from Beijing.

I wish my buddy would come the hell home, I’d like to see him, I miss him.

When my buddy comes home all of China is going in the exclude list. I see how to do that elegantly and simply. 

In the mean time I’m blocking all the IP addresses that these spam comments are originating from. 

I try to maintain a blog that is enjoyable and yet isn’t draconian. I hate like hell having to block any IP but where there’s the potential to steal, there’s always someone willing to try.

I used to be pretty agnostic about it.

I thought if you were stupid enough to click on a link, or greedy enough that you wanted a Rolex for $50.00 and were willing to give someone your account numbers you pretty much got what you deserved.

I figured let the greedy scum feed on each other until only one scumbag remained, then snatch that scumbag up and toss their ass in a dark prison with their orifices clearly labeled when they went to the showers.

But then I started seeing the collateral damage. 

I saw the old, the charitable,the kind, the inexperienced being taken advantage of and my agnosticism evaporated.

Which is not to say that I support anything like CISPA or PIPPA or in fact most of the bullshit laws or government is trying to pass.

Hacking is 10,000 shades of gray.


A hacker who hacks to point out a weakness in a critical system is very different from a hacker that cleans out an old lady’s bank account.

The terms Hackers, and Hacking have lost all meaning in great part due to media misreporting. 

A hacker used to be a person that through their cleverness and innovative thinking was able to penetrate computer security and gain control of a system remotely. They were usually brilliant and more often than not BORED.

Occasionally, they’d cause damage to data, but that generally wasn’t the goal and shouldn’t have been too large a problem if the hacked computers were properly maintained and the data backed up.

The reason that hacking became such a big deal in my opinion was that the folks running the computers systems were embarrassed that they’d been caught with their pants down.

So they whined to their wealthy and powerful bosses who in turn blew the situation out of proportion to the politicians they were playing golf with and then the politicians had a wonderful scary new windmill to tilt at. and they looked busy and ever so smart to their constituents. 

Hackers, were in a way doing a public service. By pointing out the weaknesses of systems in a counting coup way they made the computing gurus of the times re-think their security approach. To some extent the computer security that we enjoy today is because of hackers. Yes, data sometimes gets lost or stolen but it’s not as bad as it could be. I credit that hackers spurred early computer pioneers to think about security.

By the time the government and media got through with the subject… We The People had something else to fear.


Many of the hackers today aren’t what I’d call hackers.

The phishing emails, the virus laden websites, the chain letters from Nigeria aren’t hacking.

They’re betrayals of trust & kindness. In that way these crimes are no different than the normal Con-Man frauds. They should be prosecuted the same.

Armies of Zombie computers are in my mind perversions of theories of distributed computing. They are nothing more than a marginally clever re-tasking of otherwise brilliantly useful software to nefarious purposes.

You want to know who’s responsible for Phishing? Look at the spelling! 

They’re young, bored, and could be anywhere along the economic privilege curve.

A real Hacker I once knew called them script kiddies. These kids are just clever and technical enough to locate, figure out, and then use Hobby Kits that compile viruses and other creations designed completely and solely to cause mischief or be used in fraud.

But they’re not really creating “New” threats, they’re just reworking existing code.

Phishing techniques aren’t only used by children and criminals. And sometimes even people like me fall for them.

I recently signed a petition on 

I wasn’t thinking about the organization, I was thinking about the petition and the cause.

I’m going to be writing about the cause as the story develops further.

Within 24 hours I was getting SPAM of all kinds from Democratic organizations around the country.

It’s taken me DAYS to remove myself from those mailing lists.

Just because I as a thinking person sign a petition supporting a young man being unjustly punished by stupidity doesn’t automatically mean I’m interested in being your best friend AND it doesn’t mean I’m automatically a Democrat.

I pointed out on one of the Removal pages that I held Democrats responsible for the “Zero Tolerance” Policies being used to unjustly punish this young man. 

I’m hoping that someone blows coffee out their nose on Monday morning.


Ahhh and with that happy message. I’m going back to bed. 

I told you that sometimes the thoughts here would be random.



Weird Dream

I often remember snippets of my dreams, but occasionally I remember big chunks of them and baby i have a NewImagereally strange dream world.

The dream in question this time is I’m in a nifty little house and all is right with the world. The house is small and efficient and there’s not a lot of space.

My stuff is where it should be and I’m whistling a tune as I’m cleaning this little place. (That’s how I know I was dreaming I can’t whistle to save my life!)

So I’m dusting or wiping down something and I open a door to wipe down the doorjamb (another sure clue I’m dreaming, nobody does that… Well I can think of one person who might. I’ll ask the next time I talk to him.


The door opens and I glance into the space beyond. I really don’t pay it any mind but as I’m cleaning I see a beam of sunlight coming through a skylight illuminating a beautiful space with a large stone fireplace.

I think “oh crap I’m going to be cleaning all day”

Then I pass through the door of my little efficient space into this grand space. The place is decorated exactly in the style I prefer. As I move from room to room I realize how truly big the place is. Each room is appointed exactly  in my taste.

The place is strangely familiar but a little uncomfortable, it’s that feeling that you get when you’re in someone NewImageelse’s home when you’re house-sitting.

This place though seems much more familiar. It’s like finding something half forgotten from your childhood in a random box. You’re connected to the object and holding it unlocks tons of memories. 

As I move from room to room I suddenly realize that this grand house is mine, but that for some reason not only am I living in a fraction of the available space, but I’m choosing to live in the smaller place.

All I need is a lizard with a tattoo wandering through the place and my dream scape would be complete.

I miss the good old days when I had nothing to worry about except dreams of space battles and alien species NewImageannoying me. 

At least those dreams made some kind of sense!

N.Y. mayor ‘shocked’ by soda law ruling

I saw the following headline this morning. This link should take you to the whole article.

N.Y. mayor ‘shocked’ by soda law ruling, takes shot at Mississippi law

I couldn’t help myself…




Dear Mayor Bloomberg.

First… REALLY???

You really don’t understand why Mississippi has passed an anti Bloomberg law?

You really were shocked that  the Judge ruled against your soda law? Obviously you must have forgotten about a little thing called freedom.

You can’t be that clueless, therefore you have to be working at being purposefully obtuse.

Let me explain this to you in a way that perhaps your sycophant aides won’t.

Mississippi, isn’t legislating in favor of obesity they’re legislating against government interference in their lives, a phenomenon all too present these days.

I wouldn’t expect someone like you to understand this concept, you’re so sure that you know whats best for everyone.

In your arrogant conceit you assume that no-one is capable of thinking for themselves or making their own choices. Further, you seek to remove any choice that could have deleterious effect.

Where Mr. Mayor would you stop?

Would Steak and all red meat be outlawed in the city of New York? Would you further legislate that only a vegan diet is acceptable? A healthier lifestyle requires less in medical costs doesn’t it?

Would you ban all alcoholic beverages from your city? That should put a stop to drunk driving. It would also reduce employee absenteeism thereby making your city more industrious and productive.

To protect society and New Yorkers Would you criminalize sex out of wedlock? Or Would you simply pass legislation to enforce reversible sterilization? This would prevent the poor from overly burdening themselves with children that could require assistance from the state, or who might become criminals.

How about requiring registration and licensing for use all cooking knives over 5” long?Those too can be used as deadly weapons.

Would you decide that fashion envy is a threat to the stability of your city and require uniforms to be worn by everyone?

Would you try to engage in eugenics, assigning men and women to each other for the purposes of reproduction. After all, in just a few generations you could erase or significantly blur the color lines in your city. Homogenous is good isn’t it?

Would you outlaw religion? Or will you simply define a State religion, thereby removing any potential conflict over beliefs?

When your ideas were rejected and the people engaged in protests and other forms of civil disobedience would you give the police a shoot to kill order? Would you bring in the national guard to enforce your will? I suppose you wouldn’t need the national guard, NYPD does seem to shoot and kill innocent people with frightening efficiency. 

Mr Mayor…

As insane as these ideas sound. To some extent throughout history been tried in various times and places, thankfully for the most part they’ve failed or at least been mercifully short lived.

Despots, and Dictators seem to start out by enacting laws “For the safety and Security of their people”. Historically, it doesn’t end well.

Thankfully you’re not in a position of national power. You pose little threat to the rest of us. 

The people of Mississippi and indeed other states are using you as a means to voice their opinion by saying no to the Nannyism which leads to a dark path, a path that is anathema to the core beliefs of America and her citizens.

That Mr Mayor is why you’ve become a laughing stock in so many places.

That’s why a Judge has ruled against your silly law. That is why other states are etching your name in the annals of their books of law as someone who is on the wrong side of common sense and freedom.

That’s why you’re becoming largely irrelevant.

Mr. Mayor, you do serve one purpose, You’re an example to our politicians about what can happen when you go too far.

I hope they get the message.

I look forward to the phrase “He’s a / Thats a Bloomberg” entering the national conversation as a euphemism for someone or something which is largely irrelevant.