Been out of it for a couple of days… All I can say is DAMN!


My ISP was having some difficulties with packet loss and their problems were affecting my ability to get email and upload to the blog.

Paraphrasing Poltergeist 

“I’mmmm BAAACCK!”

The question is what do I talk about first?


The Bundy Ranch v the BLM?

I hate to even think about what could have happened if someone had squeezed off a shot during that standoff. That’s how really bad things happen really damn fast. I personally don’t think Mr Bundy has a leg to stand on legally. OF more concern to me is that we had an armed standoff at all. 


When you start looking at issues surrounding the Bundy standoff. You can’t help but stumble over reports of other events where one could say that the US Government is overstepping its authority and behaving very much like a totalitarian entity.

There are currently issues over land between Texas & Missouri due to the ever changing nature of a river that had traditionally marked the boundary line between the states and ranchers in the area. The BLM is taking an interest and stands to usurp something like 90,000 acres without compensating either the states or the landholders.


The EPA is attempting to assert control over many bodies of water, including watering ponds on farms and ranches. They are also making noises about assuming control of dry or seasonal creek and river beds.

Meanwhile The Border patrol has become a nuisance to Arizona ranchers whose property abuts the buffer zone between the US / Mexico boarder They’re doing things like cutting fences or leaving gates open without so much as a “by your leave.” 


These supposed events are concerning because they’re in general, never picked up by the main stream media but are reported in local area papers. On an individual basis these seem like minor local issues but when you view them from the “orbit” of the internet it does start to look like a quiet conquest.

With government oversight, come government control. With government control, come fees, fines, and increased taxation (whether it’s called a tax or not.) This seems to be the source of the underlying embers that almost burst into flames at the Bundy ranch.


The FDA is being reported as sticking their noses into a long standing arrangement (100+ years) between Beer Brewers and farmers regarding grain. The Beer uses the grain to make beer, then the waste material is usually given to farmers / ranchers to mix with feed stock. This arrangement takes care of the waste without requiring anything other than a farmer / ranchers willingness to haul the used grain away.

Now, the FDA is wanting to regulate this equitable arrangement in the name of public health even though there has never been an instance where the public or the animals have been harmed. Some old traditions bacme old traditions due to the test of TIME. It’s not in the best interests of Farmers or Ranchers to engage in an activity that is detrimental to their livelyhoods. So does the FDA really need to be involved? Probably not, but you can expect for their fees and inspections and whatever the hell else they’ll do to drive up the cost of a beer, and possible the cost of food too.


The newest revelations about the IRS internal memos?

Just WHO is Lois Learner afraid of? She claims she’s in fear for her life and that’s why she doesn’t want to testify. REALLY? Can’t her employer The United States Government protect her & her family? Or is it the US Government that she’s afraid of?

The Ukraine?


Does anyone really believe that Vladimir Putin is concerned in the least about what President Stompy Foot thinks? Don’t get me wrong Putin is not a nice guy but he’s doing what he things is best for his country ( Or Himself) and he’s not in the habit of asking permission. 

Potential for World War III?

There have been some writers comparing the flashpoint issues for WWI and WWII to what’s happening in the Ukraine.

I’m not sure that I completely agree with their assesment that WWIII could be in the offing but the correlations are interesting to read. I doubt Putin would move it to an all out war against NATO but hey no-one thought a strange little houspainter would end up Chancellor of Germany either.

President Obama’s trustworthy polls?

This one cracked me up. Approximately 60% of Americans believe that Obama is actively lying to them one way or another. Now that’s really gotta piss President Finger waver off.


The President was on TV again today defending Obamacare and as usual took the opportunity to reiterate that Republicans are BAD and that their continued desire to revisit Obamacare isn’t in the public interest. Whoo Hoo 8 million people signed up. Lets see, there are approximately 313.9 Million people in the US. Does that mean a whopping 3% of the population signed up. Whoooo impressive!

I’d have been more impressed if this 8 million had ALL been previously uninsured people instead of poor schmucks that lost their insurance and had to find something on the exchanges.

I’d have been more impressed if there wasn’t a recent editorial by a lady that had called something like 92 doctors in New Jersey only to find out that her shiny new obamacare card wasn’t being accepted because the doctors didn’t want to deal with the smaller payments obamacare would provide for their services, and the increased overhead and oversight from the government.

I’d be more impressed if, instead of Pres. Stompy shaking his finger at Republicans he’d actually listen to what the vast majority of Americans are bitching about regarding having their health insurance screwed with.

I’d really be impressed if ALL of Congress, including that idiot Harry Reid had to sign up with Obamacare through the exchanges. (Hey Harry, let see if you’re smart enough to use the damn internet shall we?)


I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore. I feel like I’ve walked through the looking glass into bizzaro world.


In other Insurance news…


Spent hours on the phone again with the insurance company.

This time it’s not about getting my insurance back on-line. It was about figuring out what policy would be best for me to migrate to.

Got that all sorted out, I think. The new lemon scented Obamafresh plan will take effect March 1.

But here’s the really interesting thing I found out.

Obamacare hasn’t really helped anybody.

Oooops! Big surprise! Yeah, I’m behind the times.

Here’s the thing that rebooted my brain.

I’m not making any income. So when I get ahold of an insurance rep I point this out and ask what can be done to lower my insurance rate.

Unknown-1Medi-Cal is the answer.

But Medi-Cal I point out, severely limits my choices of Doctors, Hospitals, Drugs, and provides far less care than I, or anyone should consider acceptable. I thought Obamacare was supposed to make that better. I thought that’s what the whole subsidies thing was about.

I thought the subsidies were designed to allow people at the lowest end of the income bracket to purchase decent coverage and look forward to not waiting for care.

Obviously, I’m some kind of moron.

If, on the other hand I was making 90K I’m eligible for a subsidy? WTF?

First and foremost, I’m a capitalist pig. Even I think that’s obscene!

That being said, as a general rule I have no problem helping out those folks that are less fortunate than I am.

I believe that we should help the folks in our own country before we start sending bloody fortunes to 3rd world cesspools where hatred of America is taught in the damn schools. That however, is another topic.

I believe today and have believed for the majority of my life that NO CHILD in this country should ever go wanting for food, clothing, medical, or dental care. It’s an obscenity that so many children do go without such things.

This is not to say everyone should have a free ride either. Eventually, everyone should be employed.

However, children that don’t get enough to eat, who are sick, whose teeth are rotting out of their heads typically don’t do well in school. Without basic education we doom those kids as adults to be forever poverty stricken.

This must change. I don’t believe in grand sweeping changes which our politicians love to engage in for political purposes. I believe in evaluating the problem then solving that  problem. Often the correct answer is the simplest, arrived at by the straightest path.

Obamacare had potential. It could have fixed a problem by simply making sure the people most at risk, had care available to them.

So what the hell is Obamacare doing aside from throwing the medical care system into chaos?

If anyone should have subsidized care it’s those at the lowest rungs of the economic ladder. That’s just simple common sense. What are the politicians smoking?

I stuck with paying for my policy. I’d rather deprecate my 401K than put up with shitty medical care. But what of those less fortunate?

Where do they turn? Who is their advocate?

Why does no one listen?


You know, when it comes to computers I’m pretty good with ‘em.

So when I notice that someone who shall remain nameless, has a cracked aluminum bezel, (on their laptop, after repeatedly dropping the poor machine) and suggest that it would be an excellent idea to have the screen replaced ASAP. 

I’m not making the suggestion just to hear myself talk.

I know of course in the end that I’m going to be called upon to fix it when the system fails. So one could say that my suggesting the repair is an act of pure selfishness. They’d be right and I make no apologies!

However, when a certain someone decides to ask everyone else they know what they think about spending the $800 to get the machine repaired. Then take these other peoples advice, but still do nothing! I can’t help but be a little annoyed.

Especially when these other people;

1 Don’t know the value of the machine

2 Are suggesting that for $800 you can buy a new machine

3 Are forgetting the little extras like larger hard drive, expanded memory, top of the line processor etc.


Yes, for only a little more than $800 you can buy a new machine. A bottom of the line stripped unit that will in fact run but which isn’t a worthy replacement for the unit being replaced.

This is one of those times when I wonder why I even bother.

The cracked bezel led to flexing of the display near the hinge every time the laptop was opened or closed. This led to plastic supports breaking and falling out of the display, further weakening the assembly.

I said “That needs to be repaired now.

I was ignored.


Then came the day last week when the display was finally so weak that something inside was shorting out.

This caused the computer to randomly hang or reboot.

Then it was “What’s wrong with my computer?

I’m thinking, “Well DUH!!!” 

Turns out that the short in the display damaged the video processor on the mother board. Which in the case of a laptop typically means total replacement of the mother board.

NOW the cost to repair the machine exceeds the cost to repair it!


You don’t have to be psychic to see what happens next.

“Oh My GOD! I can’t finish my whatsit for work! What am I going to do?”


Hey, I’m keeping my mouth shut and watching TV. I do turn the volume up on Lethal Weapon 3. The explosions helped drown out the meltdown.

I’ll wait for the panic attack to subside, to be followed by the self loathing, followed by depression, followed by could I borrow YOUR machine?

That’s when I point out that while it might be possible to restore their data to my machine I doubt that I have enough room to accommodate a 750GB drive.

I also point out that my machine has my book, and my client data on it and that I’ve got appointments next week that will no doubt require me to have my machine.

I suggest that the person get in their car and go to the Apple store. When they get to the Apple store, I suggest that they purchase a new machine and that they don’t forget to purchase Apple Care. Then I say buh bye!


That of course is not what happened. OHHHHH NO! Nothing in my life is ever that simple or straight forward.

After searching for a day or so, for any alternative to purchasing a new machine.

The used market provided a nice solution. That can also be read as CHEAP!

Saturday evening a new laptop appeared in the house. Well gently used, it’s in great condition and it’s the next generation up from the laptop that suffered such an undeserved demise.

It sat on the counter, nothing on it’s mind, all night.

This morning I woke the little guy up and started trying to figure out how to restore the backup data without restoring the entire operating system.


I figured it out in no time, then found a nasty little bugaboo.

The other person had 377GB of data stored on the DESKTOP of the old machine. The problem is that the maximum capacity of the hard Drive on the new machine is 299 GB


Talk about 25 pounds of shit and a 5 pound bag!

First, WHO keeps that amount of data on their desktop?

Then I started poking around and could tell it was mostly video.

Uh oh… it’s probably not the family Christmas.

The restore utility is a utility that restores only a selected set of folders at the user level.


Yes I could restore the desktop folder if I had enough room but I can’t select the important folders in the desktop folder.

At this level with this backup routine, it’s kind of an everything in a folder or nothing affair.

Ok time to get clever!

First I’ll restore everything but the desktop.

Then I’ll see if I can navigate the backups themselves, digging into the data and bringing back only the really important stuff. 


NO! not the movies your mother shouldn’t see, I’m going for the work stuff.

Thank goodness for UNIX, Terminal, and FTP.

Since I’m the administrator of the network and of all the backups I can, in an emergency do this kind of thing. To be honest I’d rather not!

When you go digging around on someone else’s computer or in their backups you almost always find something you wish you’d not found.

But here I am… 

Cleaning up another mess.


I really need to upgrade the switches on the network to gigabit. Or I could justify a new WiFi router with 600Mb capability.

But none of that is going to help me today. Today it’s slug it out with the infrastructure I’ve got and learn from what’s not working well, what I need to do.

I laugh when I think about it. I’ve got a network here in my house with storage and speeds that most small or even medium sized businesses don’t have. 

Maybe I should come up with a way to capitalize on that. Humm another thought for another day.

SIgh, an hour to transfer one of the work folders. It looks like there’s about a DVDs worth of data in that one.

I go back to editing my book, then I realize I could blog a bit and that brings us to here.

I can’t help but notice that we’d never have gotten to “Here” if someone had simply done what I said to do in the first place!

Live but don’t learn seems to be the motto lately!