Can’t take it anymore…


I’ve been pointedly ignoring all the bullshit about Trump, the billion or so goofball Republican candidates, Megan Kelly (Who the hell is she?) And Hillary freakin Clinton.

I can’t remain silent anymore.

Hillary Clinton should be in Leavenworth, in a deep dark hole of a cell, shackled and awaiting trial. The FBI should have picked her happy ass up wherever the hell she was on the campaign trail the moment it was discovered that she had sent classified material over her private little server.

Hillarys Email Server

I’m not talking about material that has since been classified, or material that has been declassified, because there is no distinction. The business of the State department of the United States of America, should by default be considered Confidential if not Classified from the get-go. That’s why the United States has a whole bunch of Operational Security specialists, and requires employees and contractors to be re-certified in Operational Security every six months to a year, (Depending on the materials employees are handling,) just to keep it straight. And the rule of thumb is ASSUME a document is Classified and you’ll never go wrong. 


Which means this private email server should never have been allowed to exist. Innumerable agencies within the government who are charged with maintaining the security of the United States had to know about this server, its location, and its security status. They were told to “ignore it” because… why?

If I’d done what Hillary did… I’d be lucky to be sitting in Leavenworth. I think it’s more likely I’d have been sent someplace really nasty, provided the government didn’t put me on trial for treason then shoot me.

Leavenworth Penitentiary

I don’t think treason can be proven but the government tends to “over charge” in this kind of litigation because they want to make sure you don’t get off on a technicality.

One only has to look at the case of Aaron Swartz as example.  

Aaron Swartz

Swartz was simply making academic articles available via a P2P network from JSTOR and the issue had been settled between JSTOR and Swartz when the Federal Government stepped in.  Once involved, the Feds slapped Swartz with 13 criminal charges carrying a potential 35 years in prison and 1 million in fines. The case was pending when Swartz killed himself. By the way, most if not all, of the information Swartz distributed, was free, and still is today. I think the majority of Swartz’s crime was that he used the P2P distribution system to bypass JSTOR’s requirement for you to be a registered subscriber. I’m not clear on if he was costing JSTOR money.

So here we have a guy who’s maybe costing someone a little cash.

Hillary Clinton

Then we have Hillary who, for her own convenience hired a company that appears to have been unvetted by the US government, whose employees were apparently not subject to background security checks, to set up a server outside the control of the US government, handling Classified material and emails from one of the highest levels of the US government.

As the onion got peeled Hillary denied that classified emails were on the server. (Turns out there were classified emails on the server.) Hillary then said SHE decided what was important to turn over to the government, and deleted the rest of the information. Uhh that’s not how this works ma’am.  Now we’re finding out that the security of the server is in question. (Was there encryption? Who had physical access to the machine?)

Hillary Clinton


I thought rules and the law were supposed to apply equally to everyone. Yet here we have a clear example of someone who is not only above the law and social constructs, but they are still running a campaign to become President!

For God’s sake people, we’ve burned other politicians down for far less.

It’s well past time to force Hillary out of the Presidential Race.

This is not the kind of elitism we need in our government. We don’t need another liar in the White House. We don’t need yet another person in office who doesn’t understand and obey the rules.

I admit, I look forward to Hillary’s arrest for Contempt of Congress. That will be a day to be watching CSPAN.


It must be the apocalypse…

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But if it’s the apocalypse… I’d have expected less traffic!

In the course of one day sitting here minding my own business I’ve seen alerts for Flash Flooding, The sky is clear and blue.


Then we’ve had a big fire. Which went from 50 acres to over 2000 acres and which our amazing firemen have taken care of.

The I-15 was closed north and south for several hours. I’m really glad that I didn’t go off the mountain today.

And THEN I got my first Emergency Alert EVER on my cell phone. BOY that is A LOUD sound if you’re not expecting it!


But the real kicker is what the alert is about.

I’d have maybe expected something about the fire. I might even have been good with something about the potential for flood.

But this one… I have no clue, where am I? The Sahara???

All is fine, there’s nothing anywhere near us.

IMG 0509

There’s not even any wind to speak of. I don’t even want to think about what you get if you mix brush fire with dust storm.

I suppose it would be…


Well I think I’m going to have “The Vapors”

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So sometimes I get all snarky, and sometimes the people I love respond in interesting ways.

I saw this headline from The Daily News  ‘White people are terrorists!’ Heckler yells at CNN during live broadcast in Charleston, calls Don Lemon an ‘Uncle Tom’

I grabbed the link and sent it off to a friend prefaced with

Well then, I guess we’re done with any attempt at living together!


Barbarians 1987

What I got back was this…

Here’s the truth of it,

It’s a divided country… culturally, sexually, politically, in all ways. We are no more than the animals from which we descended. We’ve painted a thin veneer of “civilization” on top of the denial we have practiced for generations. As our country and culture ages, that veneer is being chipped away.

Now its nature’s way of saying, “Who the fuck do you people think you are?… Do you think you’re special?… Go fuck yourselves!”

If there is a god, it’s, “You’re here to amuse me, that’s it… go fuck yourselves!”.

So you wish you could run away to another country?… Riiiiight!… Won’t make no nevermind where you go.


There’s a storm approaching. There may be nothing left in the aftermath but 8 billion bloated meat puppets. We will have earned it.

Something is trying to tell the world, “You’re no more than children. And children often need to be reminded of the order of things.”

The view from 45,000 ft. is that of a world of primitive barbarians engaged in perpetual tribal warfare.

We need to adopt the same view from the ground… behave accordingly… and stop acting so fucking shocked and surprised.

Here’s your next blog entry.

And there you have it.

Easiest blog I’ve ever posted.

Then in a related story… There’s this

Woman calls for Race War at Scene of Church Shooting

Apparently this is the same woman that called Don Lemon an “Uncle Tom”.  Who says African Americans can’t be racists?

All I can say is this has either got to STOP… or BRING IT!  All the simmering hatred is like a festering pustule on the ass of the world, we either need to just pop it or heal it.

It doesn’t matter which direction we take, we can’t go on like this.