In a time when privacy is of such concern…

thisisyourbrainontheinternet.jpgWhy is it that almost every single company you apply to for a job asks for you to create an account on their site?

Are we applying for jobs or are we providing information for data mining?

Well, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out, it’s both.

I detest having to create an “Account” just to apply for an advertised position, and I’m always concerned when a job application site asks me “Security Questions”

What’s your mother’s maiden name

Where were you born

What’s the name of your pet

What school did you attend

These bits of data, when aggregated with other bits gleaned from other sites can form a very complete picture of you as an individual.

Why do I need to create an account in the first place? The company I’m applying for hasn’t hired me, and in all likelihood we’re only going to have one time when we have contact with each other. The Odds of my returning to a particular corporate web site for anything other than prepping for an unlikely phone interview are exceedingly small. So why should I have to provide anything other than a resume and cover letter?

bigstock-210973132.jpgThere are currently something like 300 accounts stored in my web account password manager, at least 250 of those are from sites that I don’t visit or have only visited one time. Yet each one of those entries represents a corporation that has some amount of my personal information. This is information that I shared in the hopes of getting a job and it’s information that is no longer under my control.

Knowing how data can be scraped and related, and how easy it is to include similar results from other people, I’ve become concerned not only about my loss of control of that data, but also the veracity of data presented as “Me” on sites like,,, and That doesn’t even touch what Google may report.

The issue for me is, due to the proliferation of these sites, it could be a full time job just asking them to remove me from their records and verifying that they’ve done so.

I don’t particularly have anything to hide, but I am concerned that these sites could inexpensively be used to create a very convincing false identity, leading to successful identity theft. I’ve been through that once and have no desire to repeat the experience.

As a minor example of how easily data can get screwed up, I once had an argument with a lady, (who may or may not have been a very distant relative) on over whether my Father was in fact my father.

According to her research, my step siblings were my Father’s original family and my half brother (we share the same father) and I didn’t exist. She had pictures of my Dad in her ancestry page but the birth dates were all incorrect for all of my step siblings. I figured “Fine” live in your own fantasy world lady, but I was there and I know who my father and mother are.

The problem was, that every-time I corrected the data for MY immediate family in my account, her data would override mine. Matters were made worse when my stepfather and mother started adding information from their ancestry page and my mom discovered her marriage to my biological father and my subsequent birth were being erased by this lady that we didn’t even know. My mother tried reasoning with this woman and got nowhere. You do not want to piss my mother off, she will rent a bulldozer and get certified as a heavy equipment operator,  just to smash your car into a pancake.

I lost interest after a while because I was beating my head against a wall. I signed off of ancestry and haven’t been back. I purchased an application that runs locally on my computer. That way I can maintain the integrity of my personal family data without having someone arbitrarily make changes.

You see, this stranger was searching for context and her locating my branch of the family was easier than finding the real branch of the family that she was connected to. So instead of doing the research, she started creating or editing data that fit her narrative.

Imagine a scenario like this in more important matters. Your job history, your credit history, your criminal history…

How would you even go about correcting it? Unless you ran a background check on yourself periodically you might not even know that you had been cross-linked with someone else. The problem there is, the longer the cross link exists the more “True” it becomes.

I explain all of the above to support my implied assertion that we are being “Programmed” to give away random bits of ourselves without much thought. The consequence of which is that our identities and security is being eroded.

SocialNetwork.jpgDo you really want your employer, your date, spouse, or your mother, to know about that rather large kinky sex toy you purchased on Dec 27 2005 at 3 PM in Los Angeles?  Or how about that time when you went to a shooting range with your boyfriend?

You may have purchased the toy as a practical joke, you may have gone to the shooting range to see what guns were all about and decided they weren’t for you, but the people looking at the sales records won’t know that, and you’ll never have the opportunity to explain because the folks looking at the data will never give you the chance.

We’re moving more and more toward a contextless world.

We see it in media coverage of political figures, Who cares if some politician dressed up in blackface AND a KKK outfit for Halloween in 1977, when they were 13 years old?

In a contextless society, that event reads as… Politician dressed in Blackface KKK robe. This insensitive leader must be removed from office immediately! It’s an outrage!

Not only do I not want to participate in that kind of society, I don’t want to hand a society the weapon to harm me.

So that’s why I’m very twitchy about websites demanding that I create an account for the simplest of things.

Call me paranoid if you wish, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

Life is funny…

Just when I’ve decided to un-case my demonic wings and go back to being “that guy” I have a chance encounter, and a weird “Message?”

“That Guy” for those who haven’t known me for 30 years, is someone that I spent a great deal of effort putting in the ground in my consciousness. That was the “me” that lived for conflict, revenge, hostility, and chaos. That was the me that loved and got off on political games, and causing discord simply because I could.

The me of today might say stuff, but it’s usually in the context of joking.

The “Me” of years ago wouldn’t joke about it, he’d revel in it and feed the fires until someone quit or got fired and enjoy watching the fallout. About the time things settled down again, I’d start all over. Not for any reason other than it amused me, and so many people were so dumb that they didn’t realize they were being played.

It took a lot of effort and time to break myself of that habit. On balance, that effort was rewarded because I no longer had to carry the burden of guilt about the misery I’d had a hand in creating. I also slept better at night and came to like myself a lot more.

It is with a lot of conflicting emotions that I even consider letting that genie back out of his bottle. He’s an addiction, power corrupts, and manipulating people into dancing my dance a little, even for the right reasons can easily lead to manipulating people just for the fuck of it.

There’s an insight into why I react sooo very poorly when people try to manipulate me.

Just tell me what you want. I’ll either agree or not, and we’ll move on from there. Don’t try to engage me in your bullshit then try to ease into something that you already know I’m going to be opposed to. Just cut to the chase, make a reasoned case for why you want me to do something and thus opens the negotiation.

Anyhow, I’d just come to peace with letting “That Guy” out of his bottle. I was going to go into work and just start fomenting chaos and seeing if I could end a few careers. I’m not deluding myself, I wasn’t considering doing this for any greater good, or altruism.

This was about nothing more or less that revenge, hate, rage and feeling like I’d been betrayed.

If, as part of the collateral damage, some good came of the destruction, then so be it. Call me Shiva and make me a god.

So I’m sitting in a bar. I’d decided to have a whiskey before getting on the long drive back down to San Diego. The place wasn’t very busy, so I asked the bartender if he liked what he did.

He said, “Yes. This is the greatest job in the world.”

I thought to myself, “Interesting, what’s his angle? No Job is that good.”

He went on, “I used to be in the mortgage banking business. I made a shit ton of money but never had the time to enjoy it. I don’t make that kind of money here, but I make more than you’d think and I leave this place and go on with my life. I don’t think about work when I’m not at work.

I thought about it a minute and concluded that I’m looking for something like that.

The bartender went to go help a new arrival.

He came back and said you know we’re hiring. He said, “I can teach anyone to be a bartender, I can’t teach someone to have a personality. “

I chatted with the patron next to me for a minute.

The Bartender came back asking if he could close my tab out. He was going off shift. I said, “Sure and and asked for an application.”

Can’t hurt to ask…

I decided to wait for a couple weeks before letting “That Guy” out of the bottle. Maybe the universe was trying to tell me something, maybe I’m not as at peace with going back to who I was as I think I am. 

Either way, it’s another choice.

So here’s a weird thought…

Oculus rift insideOne of my coworkers was showing me some stuff in augmented reality. This led to a discussion about virtual reality. 

We were watching a Microsoft demonstration video about VR and there was this person who’d entered a VR version of their own apartment. On it’s surface, cool but then as I was watching this person hang virtual pictures on a virtual wall this thought popped into my head.Virtual Reality Age

“What if VR becomes so much the norm, that people simply become unaware of their homes and apartments falling down around them. What happens when the VR construct is so lifelike and interactive that people no longer see the dirt or the broken windows? More and more of our written documents exist in digital format only, what happens when we become fully invested in a VR world? What would our civilization look like in 5 or 10 thousand years?” What would be remembered and how?

Puma punku ruinsThen I thought about all the ancient civilizations scattered around the world. Broken stones standing in mute testament to a people who were gone. Our archeologists trying to piece together a civilization from fragments left behind. What would they think of our civilization after it passed?

Excerpt from last Journal entry of Lin Jon, Archeologist of the Draco-Tang Consortium

These people appear to have made large monuments and dwellings, they had a written language but only seem to have used it to engrave names and dates on some of their most important buildings. In virtually all other cases this civilization did not use written language, we find little evidence of books, or libraries and those we have found appear to have been reserved for only the wealthiest of the population.

Each person carried a totem that had great significance. These totems are typically smooth rectangular wafers of varying sizes. Totems are always found within arms reach of their owner.

The totems all contain a complex array of delicate gold wires embossed on an unknown laminated material. The wire patterns fall into predictable patterns, however their meaning is as yet unknown.

We surmise these may have been significant of religious practice or religious sects. All the totems have a container of poisonous chemicals in a desiccated state, Perhaps at the end of an individual’s life they were expected to break the totem open and consume the chemicals?

We have found huge numbers of bodies. Many of them in repose inside what appear to be individual dwellings. We believe these were dwellings, not tombs. Our theory is grounded in the variety and quantity of serving & eating utensils with organic residue.

Legends of Puma Punku in TiahuanacoWhat we do not understand is why each dwelling has only one or two individuals. In many cases the individuals seem to have died at different times. We can deduce this because in some cases of two individuals being present, we have found that one of the individuals was encased in a large sack. Often the second individual was discovered in a reclining position in close proximity on a piece of furniture specifically built to maintain this Skyward looking pose. Our testing on the material of the various sacks, suggest that an intact sack would have been air and water tight.

We do not know what happened to this civilization, the first assessments that these civilizations were ravaged by some kind of disease are called into question by some of our findings. (See previous reports attached)

On the one hand these people appear to have been civilized and lived in a social hierarchy. On the other hand, they don’t have art, music, or literature, all of which are precursors to civilization. It is almost as if there was some other “ruling class” who suddenly left, and the remaining population, without guidance couldn’t take care of themselves anymore.

This new find on the Southwest coast of the continent is in a remarkable state of preservation. No doubt owing to the arid climate and little rainfall. This site will keep archeologists busy for decades as we try to understand what happened here.

Clearly, this may be one of the civilizations of legend. Let us hope we can find out what happened here so that we may avoid the same mistake.

Addendum: Send more fuel. Our explorations are taking us deeper into tunnels under the city and we’re using lanterns more than expected.

2nd Addendum: Dr. Gravo just brought three artifacts to me. One looks like a ceremonial mask but there is no way to see through it when wearing it. The other two artifacts are small curved domes of glasslike material. Dr. Gravo found these in the eyesockets of one of the bodies. He began rechecking and has since found each body has a set, always found in the eyes.

Dr. Gravo has suggested cleaning and sanitizing a set then trying them on to see what function they may have served. He surmises that these are corrective lenses of some kind.

We’re going to work through the night so we can allow the entire research team to try these little domes on.

I’m very excited to see the world as the ancients did, more tomorrow.

PinoutWhat if Atlantis was a High Technology Civilization surpassing our own? What if they actually did destroy themselves with that technology. What if the legends we have of magic are actually descriptions of technology that have been watered down through the ages?

What if we’re on a similar path?

Yeah, I sound like Ancient Aliens. But I have to say all of the stuff above crashed into my head in about 10 seconds. It’s not like I’m dwelling on it. 

It was just one of those weird trains of thought.

IurIt’s possible that artifacts in museums around the world are not what the arbitrary placards say they are. What if the oddball items are in fact technology that we don’t recognize as technology because it’s beyond our understanding.

After all would you recognize a memory chip if it was mounted in an amulet? Do you know what’s actually inside your TV, Phone, Computer, or Tablet? Would you know how to activate any of those components outside their user friendly boxes?

Pga pWithout a schematic or pin out description of a particular chip, I couldn’t even apply power to most of the chips used in our technology today. That’s coming from a guy who’s been working in technology for over 30 years.

Sure, I could figure it out with the right tools, but it’s not like those tools are just laying around and you’d have to understand that the tool… was a tool in the first place.

As I’ve said in the past… Be grateful that you don’t live in my head.