Missed opportunity

Eiffel Tower

I have a wonderful opportunity to go to Paris for a couple of weeks in March. In my heart of hearts I’d love to go. I could get there and back for less than a grand and there’s no cost for hotel.

You’d think it’s a no brainer right? But with my being unemployed, and with no jobs on the horizon I’m hesitating.

On the one hand I’m thinking “Seize the opportunity!“, on the other hand… I’m worried about the costs. The monetary cost is really pretty dang small but it’s still money I don’t have. Additionally, I have to think about the person I’m involved with and realize that they can’t go…

The selfish part of me says… “Tough… I’m going and I’m worth it…” The rational part of me says you’ll be hurting that other persons feelings, and the longer term damage may well be irreparable. The selfish part of me says “SO WHAT? They’ll either deal or they’ll get the hell out… ” The rational part says “You’d toss what has been a pretty good relationship for a simple trip?

The selfish part makes good sense, “seize the opportunity… you only go around once in this life and hell aren’t you sick and tired of waiting for the stars to align???

Even the rational part of me says “Hummmm. ” when confronted with the truth of that statement.

All of this underscores something that I’ve been thinking on for a while. I still don’t have an answer.

How far do you go, how much do you sacrifice, at what point do you conclude that a relationship is no longer a joy and has instead become a burden? When you reach that point what are your options?

The rational part of my mind won out… I couldn’t see spending the money.

Many thanks to World City Photos for the use of their beautiful photo.

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