I was thinking about what I’d do to stimulate the economy…

Here are some ideas. They may not be good ideas, but they’re ideas nonetheless.

Make offshoring illegal! 

Ohhhh I know that sounds bad doesn’t it? But think about it. If companies have to use laid off American workers uhhh it creates jobs.

Cancel all New H1B1 Visas, Don’t renew old ones. 

This sounds horrible! Again, if there’s an American worker to take the job you’ve just put an AMERICAN back to work in their own country. 

One of the dirty secrets in High Technology over the past decade or so is that you can hire an H1B1 worker for pennies on the dollar compared to an American doing the same job. It’s created what I think of as a labor force akin to slave labor. 

The corporation has the ever present threat of canceling the workers visa and sending these folks back to their own country. With that threat hanging over their heads… H1B1s work like slaves. 

I’ve seen these people carried out of work by EMTs because they refused to take a sick day. Of course they expose everyone to whatever they’ve got but they keep working until they drop.  

Nobody considers the additional cost of the EMT call, or the lost work because everyone else in the department was sick too.

Lighten EPA restrictions

I’m not talking about to the point of creating Love canals all over the country but how about we give corporations more choices than closing shop or moving to a third world cesspool?

California has lost tons of companies large and small due to onerous regulations regarding so called “toxic” materials in their business.  By “toxic” I mean chemicals that you’d find under your sink. Ammonia, Acetic acid (main component of vinegar), Acetone, I could go on but you get the picture. 

The United States is following California’s lead and making it harder for companies to do business AND be profitable. 

I’ve wondered how much the BP spill in the Gulf was the result of cutting corners to make numbers and how much was just negligence or bad design? I wouldn’t be at all surprised to discover that really expensive “mandated safety systems” were installed at the cost of overall safety.

Reduce Immigration Quotas

Another hot button. If we have 12% Reported unemployment in this country we probably in reality have closer to 24%. This disparity in unemployment figures is because of the unrealistic way the government keeps count. 

Why not automatically reduce immigration quotas by double the unemployment figures? If we can’t find jobs for the people that are already here what makes us think that immigrants will fare any better?

As for the illegal immigrants (of whatever ethnic origin)… they should be returned to sender. The third time the same person is caught here illegally… they should be clapped in irons and put to work as part of a prison work gang. They’ll be fed, clothed, and they will work, just they’re not going to be sending money home.

Institute a flat rate tax

One tax rate. No state income taxes, JUST ONE flat percentage and that’s it.

No more IRS filing, no more gamesmanship on April 15th. 

Everyone pays the same amount. Corporations, Poor people, Small businesses, Rich people, the Middle class, EVERYONE.

I personally believe that we’ve incorrectly villainized  the wealthy. 

Not everyone was born wealthy. And many of the wealthy became so, by hard work and astute business dealings. I believe that making the wealthy “villains” because they capitalized on opportunity does us all a dis-service. 

We should point to those folks and say “See, anyone can make it with hard work.”

But I think they should pay the same percentage of tax as all the rest of us. 

Make the governments (US and State) spend within their means

With a flat rate tax in place, the government can predict how much they’ve got to spend on an annual basis.

That should mean that  the budget is predictable too. No borrowing, no raiding of social security, no raiding of road taxes. The politicians will know beyond a doubt how much they have to spend, and they’ll have to allocate funds to essential services first. 

If the economy is doing well and the citizens are making more money, then there’s more money to allocate to non-essential services. If the economy is bad then the converse is true.

I think that this would act as a very effective check / balance for the size of our government and would force our legislators to focus on what’s really important. Like the PEOPLE they’re supposed to represent. And…You know, minor stuff like maintaining a growing economy….

Remove immediately any politician that is late on or obstructs budget decisions 

Yes up to and including the President!

The American people deserve better than to be used as bargaining chips in a personal battle of wills between politicians.

When the President threatened to withhold Veterans and Social Security recipients checks. It demonstrated just how far removed he is the common person. It also demonstrated the contempt he has for the American people in general.

So I think it’s time to make sure that politicians KNOW THEIR PLACE! They need to be reminded that they ARE OUR EMPLOYEES. They are paid and employed at the sufferance of the American People. A few instant firings of these arrogant parasites might bring all the others to heel. If not… well then I guess elections come early this year.

Start Charging for Military Intervention

I think we should bill any country where we’re expending military resources. 

I think we should bill the UN for Peace Keeping missions.

I even entertain the idea of us renting our military forces to other countries. 

I’m not talking about currency as payment either. I’m talking natural resources, Oil, gas, gold, silver, rare earths, in short any commodity that our nation could use. 

Why the hell should the United States taxpayers keep footing the bill?

If someone needs our forces to settle a dispute… well they can damn well pay for it.  I also think that our troops should be very well paid for their services and that could easily happen if we were billing countries that asked for our help.

It might also make folks think twice before going to war if they knew their opponent could afford to field our military against them. 

The world has cast America in a peacekeeping role. Lets make it profitable! 

Empty the Prisons

Every convicted prison inmate has two choices:

  1. Military service outside the United States. 
  2. Prison Work gang.

The goal is to make use of the standing labor force that’s just sitting around costing money but returning very little to the society.

I’m sure the ACLU would have a heart attack if any of these ideas ever were implemented.

I don’t know if any of these ideas would work…

I do know that continuing on the way we have been will lead to our becoming a third world cesspool, and I’d hate for that to happen.

Yet Another Reason I HATE California

I got a registration notice yesterday.

This is typical of the way that California FUCKS it’s citizens.

The notice arrives yesterday, It’s dated as Due in 3 days…

SO the BASTARDS start clocking LATE fees BEFORE you have a chance to get the damn payment to them. Yeah there are other ways to pay ’em. You can use the internet or you can use AAA. But suppose you need to have a smog check?

I guess you’re supposed to fuck over whatever schedule you had, whether that is going to work, or taking a trip, or suppose you’re out of town for a week?

Depending on the amount of your WAY overpriced registration, the late fees can really add up.

For the period 10 days after the due date you incur an approximately 23.5% increase.
For the next 20 day period the increase is about 36%. For the period beyond it’s a 74% increase.

Last year I paid more for my registration than my normal car payment.

I wouldn’t have minded except that the California roads are falling apart. 
Potholes have cost me 4 wheels in the past 2 years if your rims cost 800.00 a piece you really don’t appreciate the shitty freeways, or crumbling surface streets.

You know MY MORTGAGE, and my Credit Cards give me 30 days. At least they provide me with some kind of services.

California is acting like a sleazy loan shark. I don’t like it, I think it’s wrong and I wonder if there’s any place better than this fucked up, third world shit hole.

Time to go….

Congratulations New York!

Congratulations to my friends in New York.

Guys ya done good!

Now, unfortunately you’re going to have to fight hard to keep your right to marry. Your opponents are going to fight dirty!

Even now while you’re celebrating, there are people gathering money, lawyers, and public relations folks. They are preparing to wage a battle to defer your ability to seize your marriage rights.

They will fight to defer the date you can marry, then they will work to render the law unconstitutional and invalidate the process that put the law on the books.

In all likely hood they will pull out all the stops and do everything to characterize you, your partner, your children, and anything that you have created or done as something hideous.

In some of the most evangelical circles, there may even be “Men of God” who incite violence against you or anyone perceived to be gay.

My friends and brothers, Celebrate this weekend!
…On Monday be prepared for a renewed fight.

Don’t let what happened in California happen to you.

Religious groups time and again talk about “The Gay Agenda” and  how “The Children” will be hurt.

The ONLY GAY AGENDA is this. Gay people want the RIGHTS, and PRIVILEGES that they are ENTITLED TO, NOTHING MORE!

This notion that Gays want special rights comes directly from the fact that so many people have worked so hard to insure Gay peoples rights were abridged!

Gay people pay taxes, own homes, and are contributing members of society.

It makes absolutely NO FUCKING sense that simply identifying ones self as GAY strips you of the rights, that being a citizen of the United States conferred on you a moment before you said the word.

The gay agenda is TAKING BACK rights that were TAKEN away by a bunch of fucking insecure zealots who couldn’t abide someone that was different. Unless of course the “different” person could do something for them. Alan Turing springs to mind.


I know a lot of gay men who have children.

When these men came out and divorced their wives, Their children were more hurt by the divorce than they were by their Dad being gay. Dads are Dads regardless of who they sleep with.

To a man, their Children are priority number 1. I know men that broke up, because they were concerned that their boyfriends didn’t have the appropriate values to be around their children. This is parenting… it’s not a Gay or Straight issue.

I know it’s infinitely better for a child to have EVEN a single responsible loving parent than to live in an institution. Having two loving parents regardless of their genders can only be even better for a child.

Lets take “THE CHILDREN” off the table as a weapon / or bargaining chip. THE CHILDREN deserve better.