It’s about damn time!

Our leaders have to be out of their damn minds!

All their political posturing has completely screwed us.

The hell with the debt ceiling! Our leaders have damaged our credit worthiness, probably hindered any recovery from the recession, and have hurried us on our way toward being a 3rd world cesspool.

When the President of Russia describes our country as a parasite that is dragging the rest of the world toward an even deeper recession.

We need to recall ALL of our leaders then elect people that are interested in actually doing good things for the country instead of beating their chests to highlight how important they are. This debt ceiling discussion should NEVER have reached the level it did.

How about this? SPEND WHAT YOU HAVE!

Washington, like Sacramento seems to think it has limitless credit cards funded by the taxpayers. I say it’s time for the taxpayers to start rejecting the charges.

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