I’ve been thinking about this for a while…

I’m pretty conservative, albeit some of my previous posts may not reflect that.


I frankly can’t listen to more than about 30 seconds of OutQ on SiriusXM.I’ve also begun to weary of the Ultra Liberal gay “mainstream” media.

As I’ve previously stated It’s rare that I agree with Joe My God, or Dan Savage… As to Perez Hilton… All I can say is NO!

These bloggers don’t reflect the rest of us. By that I mean the GLBT folks who aren’t into all things GAY. 

There are a lot of other folks that live their lives, do their jobs, and build homes with their significant others without being all about entitlement, or the Democratic party.

They’re the people that don’t feel it’s appropriate to submit to the jack-booted tactics that so many of the GLBT brethren use to keep them, and the straight world at large “in line”… which in this case means silent.

I started wondering who speaks for those of folks that choose to live out of the Urban Meccas of so called gay culture, and who don’t like the concept of an entitlement rich society. Or who may not agree with the likes of the HRC or GLAAD.

I’ve decided that perhaps I could be a voice on the more conservative side of the equation.

To that end let me throw the following ideas at you.

The Republican Party is not, by definition SATAN.

Members of the Republican Party are not always capitalist pigs bent on the destruction of the planet.

Religion is not always automatically bad.

Guns are not evil… they are tools, nothing more. The 2nd amendment must be protected, and responsible gun ownership should be encouraged and as simple as putting a credit card on a gun shop counter.

Someone who doesn’t financially support, or who may in fact speak poorly of the HRC,  EQCA, GLAAD or whatever other organization isn’t a traitor to the cause or an “Uncle Tom”

Not all of us can be artists, rock stars, actors, or “wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice”. It’s not a sin to work hard to derive, and enjoy nice cars, homes, or other material goods from that labor.

The wealthy, should not be expected to suffer disproportionate and unfair tax increases that specifically target them.

War is not always wrong… (the current wars notwithstanding)

Ever increasing Taxes are not the answer to all problems.

Expensive Social programs designed exclusively for “The Poor” are inherently unfair.

It’s not a crime or racist to desire securing our country’s borders. (It’s irrelevant that 200 years ago this land was settled by people of X ethnic origin. By that logic the peoples of the Lakota nation should have the Great Plains and Midwest returned to them. Currently, the United States is owned and occupied by its CITIZENS, deal with it!)

A national healthcare system that increases our national debt by trillions of dollars is nothing short of irresponsible. Fighting such a system is, ultimately in the best interest of the nation.Desiring to institute a single national language is NOT racist

President Obama… Is NOT the second coming, nor are he and his programs in the best interest of this country at this time. (President Obama is not however solely responsible for the problems our country faces.)

Environmental protection should be factored into any equation, however Human needs (food, clothing, power) should always be considered first. Carbon credits are nothing more than a method to collect additional taxes and will force corporations to manufacture their goods in unregulated third world nations. This is bad for our national economy and ultimately bad for the world at large.

In yet another spectacular failure of the American Education System…

Anderson Cooper interviews a supporter of Pastor Charles Worley.

Pastor Worley has recently come to national attention because of a sermon he delivered, in which he suggested that the Gays should be put in concentration camps to die off.

The good pastor and his church have taken a lot of heat for his sermon.

This young lady, I respect because she at least had the gumption to stand up for her pastor, her church, and her beliefs.

Sadly it appears that she hadn’t really thought out her game plan and she was obviously no match for Anderson.

A friend sent me this link


After watching the video I almost felt sorry for her.

However, my brain was hurting so badly by that point all I could think is, “She’s obviously a poster child for the failure of the American education system.

Then I thought, “This is why we must teach human reproduction in school, cause this lady obviously doesn’t understand how babies are made.

In fairness she does apparently come from an area of our country where fundamentalist Christians manage to block almost any social or scientific progress. Unless of course the scientific progress is in proving that God exists, or improved lung cancer treatments. I do hope she knows you can’t get pregnant from a toilet seat.

Anderson was nice to her too. He really didn’t rip her up as much as he could have. I guess thats one of the things I like most about Mr. Cooper, he adjusts his style to the intellect level of the interviewee.

Unfortunately… for Anderson to have reduced himself to her level would have required a Doctor and a Lobotomy.

Lets review;

1) Gay People are usually born to straight parents…

2) Putting all the gay men in one camp and all the lesbians in another camp would simply create one hell of a party! All these people wouldn’t have to work anymore and they could devote all that free time to working on their tans, literature, science, architecture, and of course… the next haute couture and hairstyling products for the straight people.

Mr Cooper did make one minor tactical error. It’s not his fault.

How could he have known about the time warp that exists in the Carolinas?

The folks living  there are still trying to get over the North having won the Civil War. They’ve only just begun to work through the complexities of World Wars 1 & 2. This poor lady probably didn’t realize that gay people were exterminated right along with Jewish people. That’s IF she even knew what a concentration camp was…

I’m sure that she’s never met a gay person. <wink, wink, nudge, nudge> At the risk of invoking a stereotype… I KNOW she’s never met a gay person! Clearly her hair dresser is straight!

The friend who sent me the clip said “You can’t fix stupid”

My response was “Sure you can… You give everyone IQ tests and the really dumb ones you put into two camps, all the men in one camp and all the women in another.  Then you make sure the fences are electrified and wait for the stupid people to die off. OH Wait!!! I’ve heard this plan before somewhere!

Psycho News #1

The recent flap over Ted Nugents comments started me thinking…

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More often than not I read or watch news broadcasts and find myself saying WTF? It’s led me to the conclusion the reason the world thinks we’re nuts is beacuse of News like the following bits of psychosis.

Here for your amusement is the first installment of Psycho News…

Mr Nugent said some things that the liberal media blew up into a “potential threat”. The media flap cost the American Taxpayers a chunk of change because the secret service felt obligated to investigate.


Ted Nugent NEVER, I REPEAT never threatened the president. At worst his comments sounded to me like he expected to be in jail because of his participation in protests of acts of civil disobedience. It’s not like we haven’t seen people arrested in recent years during protests… That Nugent said it was possible that he might be dead speaks to a general belief among conspiracy theorists that vocal dissenters end up having “Accidents“.

It’s all in how you choose to interpret the information. In this case a simple statement was blown out of proportion by an overly sensitive liberal sensationalist media.

Then I saw an interview on 60 Minutes with Leslie Stahl where she was interviewing a former CIA operative Jose A Rodriguez Jr. about his book Hard Measures.

 Leslie StahlAs I watched the 60 Minutes piece I couldn’t help noticing the squeamishness of Ms. Stahl while Mr Rodriguez calmly and rationally explained the mechanics of getting information from detained terrorists.

Ms. Stahl appeared at points downright argumentative. She kept using the word torture like a hammer.  Yeah by any stretch of the imagination we tortured detainees. We didn’t slit their throats, or saw off their heads on camera. We engaged in “Torture Lite”, we had protocols and rules and with few exceptions we followed those protocols. 

My opinion of the interview was that Ms. Stahl was trying to spin the CIA, Mr. Rodriguez, and our interrogation methods as negatively as possible. 

I found Mr. Rodriguezs reasoning sound. In defense of my nation well…. In all honesty I would have been far less humane about how I gathered information. I’m a firm believer that communication is best facilitated when you’re speaking the same language.

In the case of Al Qaeda and The Taliban the language that they use to make their point is a language of brutality and torture. Torture, I might add that is far worse than anything the CIA has done.

I could see dusting off Torquemadas‘ and the Marquis de Sades‘ reference books on the subjects of compliance and conversion then pulling out all the stops. Just imagine The Rack powered by a wench motor!

However, were I to speak to Al Qaeda and The Taliban in this language I’d be labeled a “War Criminal” and no doubt be brought to trial.  In the case of the Al Qaeda and Taliban murderers… It’s obvious there will never be any changes filed in any court either here in the US or in The World Court at The Hague.

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Last Sunday a preacher in North Carolina advocated torture of effeminate boys as he ranted against a ballot measure 1. So much for freedom and tolerance guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution… and where the hell is Leslie Stahl? Shouldn’t she be interviewing people in this church? Where is the liberal medias sensitivity in this case?

What does it mean when we’ll express concern over torturing combatants in war, and yet remain silent when a man of the church espouses torture of our own children because of perceived sexual orientation in prepubescent boys. Dr Robert Cargill asks a chilling question at the end of a blog entry about this story. The question is below, Dr Cargill’s blog is worth reading don’t pass it up.

at what point can we conclude that advocating violence against children – for whatever reason, but especially for reasons of bigotry – from a Christian pulpit is ABSOLUTELY NO different than when militant preachers of other religious traditions advocate violence from the pulpit?? Can we condemn one and not the other? And can we go ahead and admit that inciting violence in the name of God is reprehensible and unworthy of the protections commonly afforded religious institutions?

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Yet we have National outrage because a woman in New Jersey took her child to a tanning salon. It’s not even clear if the woman allowed her 5 year old to be in the tanning booth. The mother in question looks like a poster child on the ills of tanning and skin cancer and is seriously scary looking. That however doesn’t automatically make her a bad mother or a criminal. 

This week, Mitt Romneys campaign lost Richard Grenell due to the so called religious base in the GOP bitching because Grenell is an out Gay man. This is hysterically funny since as an out gay man he’s living his life honestly.

Think about it, what kind of scandal is likely to come out of an open gay mans life? The worst the GOP base had to worry about is that Mr. Grenell might be caught in bed with… a woman (gasp)!

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The scandals that have rocked our country have been those created by “Discovery” that the Jerry Sanduskys, and Larry Craigs are “straight” but like sucking or fucking boys or men in restrooms or public showers.

The GOP Religious wingnuts ignore those facts and instead bitch and whine loud enough that the best qualified person for the job feels compelled to step aside for the benefit of the campaign and arguably for the benefit of the American People as a Nation. Not because he’s ashamed or intimidated, but because he was concerned about the controversy damaging the campaign

Presumably Grenell believes that Mitt Romney is the best man for the office of President. If you get right to it, by extension he was attempting to act in the best interests of our Nation by working for the Romney campaign.

By that logic… you can argue that the GOP Wingnuts did a disservice to the country, because they may have weakened Romneys staff.



That’s it… These are the news stories that have left me saying WTF this week.

As I sit shaking my head I sometimes consider getting my backpack, tent, Bow and supplies and just heading out into the forest.

Perhaps there is such a thing as too much information….

I am sick to death of the hate

Why the fuck is it so difficult for the average Joe to wrap their paramecium brain around the concept that Gay people are strong?

Lets think about this shall we?

Gay people, once they realize they are in fact Gay have to overcome fear, persecution, and outright hatred, just so they can live their lives honestly and honorably.

If they are married when they realize they’re gay. They face legal and financial ruin.

In some states they may be forbidden from seeing their children.

In other states they face discrimination in business and housing that is sanctioned by the state. See the recent rulings in Kansas.

Gay people become “HALF CITIZENS” simply by admitting they are gay and yet still have to pay the FULL measure of TAXES.

Gay people still have to face the ridicule that is sanctioned, and in some cases demanded by the rules of the society.

It’s OK to publicly joke about gay people.

Apology after apology notwithstanding, public figures still get away with joking about gay people. Public figures do this in ways that would never be countenanced by the society if the joke was about Black, Latin or any other group of people.

Would Carson Daly have even THOUGHT about saying something like “The Jet Blue Pilot is lucky the passengers of that plane weren’t Black, if they were he’d have been robbed and killed instead of just subdued.” NOPE! Why?

Because it is unacceptable! Well folks it’s just as unacceptable to say gay people are cowards.

Even after dealing with the shit listed above… You still have to find a comfortable place within the gay community.

The Gay community is a place where youth is worshipped and in many cases age is isolating. This community actively seeks to homogenize it’s members.

I’ve met gay men that won’t admit in public things like;

They like sports

They can fix a car

They don’t identify with pride parades.

They’re Republicans (There are Personals ads that commonly say no republicans)

They own or like shooting guns

They like hunting

They’re religious

It takes more than a bit of courage to be gay, admit you’re gay, and build a decent life in spite of the obstacles set before you.

So before you make a stupid comment about gay people being cowards. Stop for just a moment and consider, could you take the heat every fucking day of your life?


I was going Write something about Super Tuesday earlier

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Romney wins 60% of the states in the Super Tuesday election. Is there any doubt that he’s going to be nominated?

Unless something really bad happens between now and the nomination, Romney is going to be running against President Obama in the 2012 election.

By really bad… I mean Romney gets caught doing something just awful. Like he’d have to be caught in the act having kinky sex with an underage dude while his wife is tied naked to a chair with a dildo glued to her forehead. With Romney yelling “Make me your bitch honey”.

Even then… there would have to be video!

Since that scene is about as unlikely to happen as Mr. Romney walking across Lake Michigan, the primaries are fait accomplis. So why the hell are Santorum and Gingrich continuing to fight on?

They’re each interchangeable anyway.

Fundamentalist —- CHECK!

No Clear Foreign Policy —- CHECK!

No Clear Economic Plan —- CHECK!

Seemingly anti choice —- CHECK!

Out of Touch with the American People —- CHECK!

Like Obama, they’ve never made a choice between filling their gas tank and eating lunch for a week —- CHECK!

Santorum and Gingrich should step aside, spare the American people the static of the primaries and let us focus with laser like precision on just HOW the Republican candidate differs from the Democratic candidate.

Will that happen? HELL NO!


Because the longer the static, noise, and churn continue the less likely the American people will start asking the important questions.