Buckle up for 4 more years of Obama Bashing and pissing contests


Romney may be going down in flames…

Not because he said anything wrong…

Well ok, approximately 46% of our population don’t pay taxes and he said 47%. And he should have been more precise… Federal Taxes… 

Romney isn’t being destroyed because of imprecision. He’s being destroyed for telling the truth.

If you do the math, one way or another 46% of our population isn’t paying federal taxes. Guess what? They’re NOT breaking the law. 

A large percentage of them are retired folks, remember the baby boomers??? Well they’re still retiring!

Social Security by definition makes them dependent on the government. It should be remembered that Social Security is technically a term life insurance policy that they have paid into all of their working lives.

Yes, they’re dependent on the government to dispense their money. But NO SSI doesn’t represent an “Entitlement” program. The SSI recipients don’t pay Federal Taxes, nor should they.

Then there are the working poor, they make money, but usually don’t make enough to cross the Federal Tax threshold. Not only don’t they pay taxes… They shouldn’t pay taxes!

Mixed in there somewhere are the perpetual victims, we all know they exist why deny it?

There are always people in any society for whom nothing you do to ease their burden is ever enough. These people are 100% dependent on the government. And they don’t pay taxes either.

So Romney was right and wrong. The problem is that what he said and the way he said it, sounded bad. 

He’s absolutely right that 46% of America is in all likelihood not going to vote for him.  It wouldn’t be in their best interests because they’re as afraid of him cutting social services, as the Republicans are of President Obama expanding social services.

Romney, rather than wasting time trying to convince the hard sells is making a conscious choice to focus on those folks that can swing the election his way.

President Obama is doing the same thing. He’s not bothering to focus on the hardline Republicans. The President is rightly concentrating on those swing voters whose votes will carry him to a win in this election.

So why is it right for one candidate and wrong for the other one? It’s not. Each candidate must ignore those people who won’t carry them to victory and do only what is going to insure them winning.

The truth notwithstanding it’s likely that Romney will loose because of media spin and the choice of the American People to believe exactly what they’re told on TV. I wouldn’t mind our candidates winning or losing based on facts and truth.

No doubt, we all remember the poisonous vitriol the media hurled (rightly so, in many cases.) at former President Bush.

The same venom is being heard time and again regarding Republicans in general, even when they’re agreeing with their Democratic counterparts.

One can get a full measure by simply listening to the difference in reports covering the Tea Party and Occupy (what ever this week). The former are portrayed as nut jobs the latter are spun as victims. I view them as two sides of the same coin. (Another blog post entirely to justify that statement.)

I cringe to think the office of the President of the United States hinges on who makes the best commercial or who the media likes versus the choice being made by informed voters.

Obviously I took a wrong turn because I’m living in a Kardashian / Snookie world.

If you happen to see a door to a real world, please give me a call…

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