Alright, I’ll admit I’m intrigued by the Apple vision thing.

I don’t know if I’m 3500.00 intrigued.

There is something interesting about having a completely virtual display and the ability to make that display almost any size you’d like.

When I think about being about to watch movies on as big a screen as I’d like in silence, without disturbing someone else that’s sort of nice. (I don’t think I want larger than life-size porn though.)

One of the use cases Apple shows, is a guy on a plane. That one rang true for me personally.

I was once watching a movie on my phone with headphones on a plane and the lady sitting next to me angrily flipped my phone face down on my tray. When I looked at her and asked WHAT THE FUCK?

Her reply was she was a Christian woman and she didn’t agree with my choice of movie. She apparently couldn’t keep her eyes off my phone’s screen.

Okay I was watching “From Dusk to Dawn” but she didn’t have to be looking at my phone. I asked the flight attendant if I could change seats. 

Unfortunately I couldn’t as the flight was full.

I was in the aisle seat. I decided in the interest of just getting through the flight, I’d switch over to music. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the wired earbuds loud enough to drown out her proselytizing for the next 4 hours.

I’d have gone to sleep, but this woman had some bladder condition that had her getting up every 20 minutes, and was adamantly opposed to switching seats, after all, she had a captive audience to bring to Jesus. At one point she accused me of trying to drown her, and Jesus’s word, out with the devils music.

I said, “Yes I’m trying to drown you out because you will not shut up. You crawl over me every 20 minutes to go to the bathroom, you might want to get that checked out by a doctor not a faith healer, and you are literally annoying the hell out of me. However, I hardly think Vivaldi is the devils music.” 

At which point I ordered a bourbon from the flight attendant. It was 9 AM and the bourbon was one of the few I freakin hate. This of course started a whole new and unwanted sermon. I kept drinking and wondered when the last time her husband had just fucked the hell out of her, among many other unkind thoughts.

If we’d been on an exit row, I don’t know if I’d have been able to restrain myself from popping the hatch at 35,000 feet, and sending her straight to Jesus.

“Karens” are not a new phenomena, they were just recently emboldened by fear of an imaginary plague. BTW, all those “Karens” that came out of the woodwork… Remember they are the same bitches that would turn you over to the Gestapo in Germany, The HOA’s across America, Or the Inquisition in medieval Europe. There was a reason politicians in various places established phone numbers to turn in non compliant people during COVID. They knew the “Karens” would light those phone lines up.

“Karens” are the killers of Buzz, Fun, and Joy. They’re the “Enforcers” who gossip, and bitch constantly, their way is the only way and they think nothing of leaving “depression suicides” in their wake. They’ll take no responsibility for pushing someone one step too far. “Karens” are simply the adult versions of the “Mean Girls” from high schools.

They’re the ones who get your kids kicked out of school because of a sticker on your car, they’re the cunts that get you thrown out of a store, bar, or restaurant because you’re not wearing a diaper on your face.

They’re the bitches who complain about your motorcycle or the motorcycle of your friend who stays the night once in a while. They’re the ones who call a tow company at 3 am to have your friend’s motorcycle, their sole source of transportation, removed, and they’ll tell whatever LIE they have to, so they can get their way.

They’re the ones who are so busy ignoring their own life and trying to insinuate themselves into your life, that when they realize their children hate them, their husbands left them, and they’re hated everywhere they go…

Then they’ll blame YOU because you took so much time out of their day trying to maintain control over you.

These rancid cunts are not gone, they just crawled back into the woodwork waiting for another “Cause” for which they can become the unasked for ‘Champions’.

I’ve often wondered if misogynists, like racists, aren’t born… They’re built! Step by step, incident by incident, cut by cut, manipulation by manipulation.

I’m not there yet. But upon reflection, especially after the COVID years I’m a lot closer to either “IST” than I’d like, or ever thought I’d be.

I suspect that general feeling is why so many people lose themselves in gaming, VR, and sitting behind computer screens.

It’s way easier to NOT have to engage with shitty people than to have to learn to deal with them.

For me, if I was flying a lot, or if I was living, as my parents want me to, in their spare bedroom.  I’m pretty sure that I’d plunk down the 3500.00 for Apple Vision to avoid having to have screens or whatever.

Living in my parents house though, I know they’d never let me enjoy a movie. They’re like the lady on the plane, they need constant attention.

Listening to music or a podcast at my parents house while they’re watching some TV program that I’m not interested in, is forbidden. My Mother can’t stand the thought of me not hearing the screaming shrews on The View.

“What are you listening to?”

Arctic Monkeys

“I haven’t’ heard of them.”

“Roll it back, what did Sonny Hostin just say?”

Even going into another room requires a ping every 5 minutes.

Perhaps the 3500.00 wouldn’t be a good investment after all, living with the parents.

Disgusting fatass.I don’t fly anymore. I’ll admit it’s because I don’t want to deal with shitty people, or the TSA, or late flights, or the ridiculous price of food and drink inside the airport, or the flights bouncing across the country landing every hour or two so they don’t have to provide in flight food, or the narrow ass seats, or being trapped next to some sweaty fat person who smells like a rotting whale carcass and knowing I’m never going to be able to get out of my seat to take a piss.

I doubt that Apple Vision at  3500.00 could assuage all the reasons I don’t fly anymore.


I’m not sure I can see a case for me owning an Apple Vision thingy.

Applestore robbery.Maybe, I’ll try one on the next time I’m in an Apple Store. Then again, since Apple stores are getting overrun with shitty people here in California… Maybe Not.

Busted! When AI writing goes off the rails!

I routinely look at articles discussing Apple iPhone’s “Dynamic Island”. It’s a relatively new feature on iPhones and a new feature for me as this is the first iPhone I’ve owned that incorporated it.

Every once in a while I’ll have an app running, then switch to something else. At these times I’m made aware of the Dynamic Island because interesting information from one or more apps is displayed in the island.

Not all apps support Dynamic Island, nor do they need to. However, I’m always intrigued when an app puts something in the island.

This morning I ran across this article about the DI and had a really good laugh after my brain rebooted once or twice. The article starts getting really funny in the “Apple’s Vision for the Dynamic Island” section.

Here for your amusement is a copy of the article in case someone over at wakes up and realizes the AI made up all the content.

I suppose it’s possible that or the listed source are a completely bogus site designed for nothing but pushing advertisements. Perhaps this article is satire?

Apple Reveals Its Actual Thoughts On The Dynamic Island

Written by: Blaire Lubin | Last updated on January 24, 2024

Tech Insights & Trends

Industry News

Mobile Accessories



When it comes to cell phones and mobile accessories, Apple has always been at the forefront of innovation and design. Their latest revelation, the Dynamic Island, is no exception. Apple’s new product promises to revolutionize the way we interact with our mobile devices. But what are Apple’s actual thoughts on the Dynamic Island? In this article, we will delve into the minds of Apple and explore their insights and vision behind this groundbreaking creation. From the design concept to the functionality, we will uncover the secrets that make the Dynamic Island a must-have accessory for every cell phone user. So, let’s dive in and discover Apple’s true perspective on the Dynamic Island.

Inside This Article

Apple’s Vision for the Dynamic Island

The Technological Innovations of the Dynamic Island

The Environmental Impact of the Dynamic Island

The Potential Challenges and Benefits of the Dynamic Island



Apple’s Vision for the Dynamic Island

Apple is renowned for its groundbreaking innovations in the tech industry. From the iPhone to the Apple Watch, the company has consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the world of technology. Now, Apple is turning its attention to a new frontier: the creation of a Dynamic Island.

So, what exactly is a Dynamic Island? According to Apple, it is a revolutionary concept that combines cutting-edge technology with sustainable design principles. The goal is to create an island that is not only a place to live and work but also a living ecosystem that adapts and evolves with the needs of its inhabitants.

At the core of Apple’s vision for the Dynamic Island is the integration of smart technologies. Imagine a place where buildings are seamlessly connected, and everything from lighting to transportation is controlled by an intelligent network. This would not only enhance the convenience and efficiency of daily life but also minimize waste and energy consumption.

But it doesn’t stop there. Apple’s vision also includes the utilization of renewable energy sources. Solar panels and wind turbines would be strategically incorporated into the island’s infrastructure, ensuring a sustainable and eco-friendly power supply. Additionally, advanced waste management systems would be implemented to minimize pollution and promote recycling.

One of the key aspects of the Dynamic Island is its adaptability. Apple envisions an island that can respond to the changing needs and desires of its residents. This means that buildings can be easily reconfigured or even moved to different locations, allowing for the flexible use of space. Whether it’s creating new residential areas, expanding commercial zones, or transforming public spaces, the Dynamic Island can accommodate it all.

Furthermore, Apple recognizes the importance of fostering a sense of community and connection within the Dynamic Island. The company plans to create vibrant public spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and socialize. Green parks, recreational facilities, and cultural venues will be carefully integrated into the island’s design, promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Apple’s vision for the Dynamic Island is an ambitious one, but it aligns perfectly with the company’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. By creating a smart, adaptable, and eco-friendly living environment, Apple is setting the stage for a new era of urban development.

As the company continues to explore and refine its vision, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the near future. The Dynamic Island represents a bold step forward in the evolution of smart cities and serves as a shining example of what is possible when technology and sustainability come together.

The Technological Innovations of the Dynamic Island

The Dynamic Island is not just a groundbreaking architectural marvel – it is also a testament to the limitless possibilities of technological innovation. From its inception, Apple envisioned the Dynamic Island as a hub of technological advancements that would redefine the way we interact with our environment and each other.

One of the most notable technological features of the Dynamic Island is its smart infrastructure. Powered by advanced IoT (Internet of Things) technology, the entire island is interconnected. Every building, streetlight, and vehicle is equipped with sensors and actuators, creating a network that constantly collects and analyzes data to optimize efficiency and enhance the island’s functionality.

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in the operations of the Dynamic Island. The AI-powered virtual assistants, embedded in every corner of the island, act as personal concierges, providing real-time information and personalized services to residents and visitors. Whether it’s finding the best route to a destination or recommending local attractions, the virtual assistants are there to make every experience on the island seamless and convenient.

The Dynamic Island is also a pioneer in renewable energy solutions. It harnesses solar panels and wind turbines strategically placed throughout the island to generate clean and sustainable energy. The advanced energy management system intelligently monitors and optimizes the distribution of this renewable energy, minimizing wastage and reducing the island’s carbon footprint.

Another technological breakthrough on the Dynamic Island is its integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. Visitors can immerse themselves in interactive virtual worlds or enhance their real-world encounters with digital overlays, giving rise to a new dimension of entertainment, education, and communication.

The transportation system on the Dynamic Island is perhaps one of its most awe-inspiring innovations. A network of autonomous vehicles, powered by electric engines, seamlessly navigates the island, offering efficient and eco-friendly transportation options. These cutting-edge vehicles communicate with the island’s smart infrastructure, ensuring a smooth and synchronized flow of traffic throughout the island.

The technological innovations on the Dynamic Island are not limited to buildings and infrastructure. The island provides its residents with seamless connectivity through advanced 5G networks, enabling high-speed internet access and facilitating the integration of smart devices into everyday life.

Overall, the Dynamic Island serves as a testament to Apple’s commitment to technological innovation and sustainable living. Its smart infrastructure, AI integration, renewable energy solutions, AR/VR experiences, autonomous transportation, and connectivity advancements make it a remarkable model for future cities and a true testament to the power of technology.

The Environmental Impact of the Dynamic Island

The Dynamic Island, with its advanced technological features and cutting-edge design, offers a plethora of benefits to users. However, it is essential to consider the environmental impact that this innovative creation may have. While the island is designed to be sustainable and eco-friendly, there are still important factors to consider.

1. Energy Consumption: The Dynamic Island utilizes various technologies that require a substantial amount of energy to function optimally. From its advanced lighting systems to its interactive screens, energy consumption is a significant consideration. Efforts must be made to ensure that the island’s energy needs are met using renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, to minimize its carbon footprint.

2. E-Waste Management: With the rapid advancement of technology, electronic waste (e-waste) has become a significant concern worldwide. The Dynamic Island, with its intricate components and sophisticated features, may also contribute to the e-waste stream. It is crucial for the creators of the island to implement effective recycling programs and promote responsible disposal of old or damaged components.

3. Environmental Preservation: The construction and maintenance of the Dynamic Island must take into account the impact on the surrounding environment. Special consideration should be given to the preservation of natural habitats, reduction of noise pollution, and protection of flora and fauna in the area. Additionally, sustainable materials and practices should be implemented during the construction process to minimize the ecological footprint.

4. Water Usage: The Dynamic Island incorporates various water features to enhance its appeal and functionality. However, the efficient use of water resources is paramount. Technologies such as water recycling systems and automated irrigation should be employed to ensure water conservation and minimize wastage.

5. Long-Term Sustainability: The environmental impact of the Dynamic Island should not only be considered during its construction phase but also its long-term sustainability. Regular monitoring and evaluation should be conducted to identify areas for improvement and ensure continuous adherence to eco-friendly practices.

The Potential Challenges and Benefits of the Dynamic Island

As exciting as the concept of the Dynamic Island may be, it is essential to consider both the potential challenges and benefits that accompany such a technological innovation. Let’s explore some of the key factors that could impact the success and implementation of this revolutionary idea.


1. Infrastructure: Building a Dynamic Island from scratch would require a significant investment in infrastructure. The construction of this virtual paradise would involve the deployment of a vast network of sensors, communication systems, and power sources, presenting logistical challenges and costs.

2. Privacy and Security Concerns: With the integration of numerous sensors and IoT devices, privacy and security become critical concerns. Ensuring that personal data remains confidential and protected from cyber threats would require robust measures and protocols to safeguard user information.

3. Ethical Considerations: The Dynamic Island raises ethical questions surrounding the impact on wildlife and the environment. Constructing a virtual paradise could disrupt ecosystems and wildlife habitats, necessitating careful planning and mitigation strategies to minimize any negative effects on the natural world.

4. Social Inclusion: The implementation of the Dynamic Island shouldn’t exacerbate existing social inequalities. It is crucial to ensure equal access to the island’s benefits and opportunities, avoiding the creation of a digital divide between different socio-economic groups.


1. Innovative Integration: The Dynamic Island offers the potential for seamless integration of various smart technologies. From smart homes to autonomous transportation systems, this interconnected environment could revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with our surroundings.

2. Enhanced Sustainability: With a focus on green technologies and renewable energy sources, the Dynamic Island could serve as a model for sustainability. By implementing eco-friendly solutions and practices, such as efficient waste management and renewable energy generation, the island could significantly reduce its ecological footprint.

3. Improved Quality of Life: The Dynamic Island would aim to enhance the overall quality of life for its residents. Smart healthcare systems, advanced AI-assisted services, and seamless connectivity would contribute to convenience, efficiency, and overall well-being.

4. Economic Opportunities: The implementation of the Dynamic Island would generate a wide array of economic opportunities. The construction, maintenance, and management of the infrastructure would lead to job creation, technological innovation, and sector growth, stimulating the local economy.


As we conclude our exploration of Apple’s thoughts on the Dynamic Island, it becomes evident that the tech giant recognizes the potential of this innovative concept. With its emphasis on modular and customizable mobile accessories, the Dynamic Island opens up a whole new world of possibilities for smartphone users. Apple’s enthusiasm for this idea is reflected in their commitment to research and development, as well as their collaboration with accessory manufacturers.

By embracing the Dynamic Island, Apple is not only catering to the evolving needs and preferences of their customers but also setting a new standard for mobile accessories in the industry. The integration of advanced technologies, sustainability-driven design, and seamless user experience is set to redefine how we interact with our smartphones.

As we eagerly await the release of Apple’s Dynamic Island, it’s clear that this groundbreaking concept will revolutionize the way we use and accessorize our mobile devices. The possibilities are endless, and the future of mobile accessories looks brighter than ever.


1. What are mobile accessories?

Mobile accessories refer to supplementary devices or products that are used to enhance the functionality, aesthetics, or protection of mobile phones. These accessories can include items such as cases, screen protectors, chargers, headphones, power banks, and more.

2. Why should I invest in mobile accessories?

Investing in mobile accessories can greatly enhance your overall mobile experience. Accessories like cases and screen protectors offer protection against physical damage and scratches, while chargers and power banks ensure you never run out of battery power. Headphones and Bluetooth speakers improve audio quality, and mobile stands or mounts provide convenience for hands-free usage.

3. Are all mobile accessories compatible with all phone models?

No, not all mobile accessories are compatible with every phone model. Manufacturers create accessories specifically designed for certain phone models, taking into consideration factors like measurements, ports, and features. Therefore, it is essential to choose accessories that are compatible with your specific phone model to ensure a proper fit and functionality.

4. How do I choose the right mobile accessories?

Choosing the right mobile accessories depends on your individual needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the type of protection you require, the desired functionalities, and the overall aesthetics that align with your personal style. Additionally, make sure to check compatibility with your phone model and read reviews or seek recommendations to ensure the quality and reliability of the accessories.

5. Are there any tips for maintaining and cleaning mobile accessories?

Yes, there are a few tips for maintaining and cleaning mobile accessories. For cases and screen protectors, wiping them with a soft cloth and mild cleaning solution can help remove dirt and smudges. To clean headphones or earbuds, gently wipe the exterior with a damp cloth and use a small brush to remove any debris from the speaker grilles. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific cleaning recommendations and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the accessories.

Well that’s interesting.

Finally after a very long wait VMWare released a version of Fusion that downloads appropriate files, then creates a functional ISO image of the ARM version of Windows 11. 

That’s a lot of techno babble.

What it means is that there are two version of Windows. One runs on the familiar Intel processors and the other runs on ARM design processors.

VMWare is a well known application or more properly a suite of applications that allow you to virtualize a computer. The practical upshot of this is you can have multiple instances of a computer operating system running on a single hardware platform.

So if you needed to, for example, test a new bit of software on Windows 7, 8, 10, and Red Hat Linux, and perhaps some flavor of UNIX. You wouldn’t need to have 6 dedicated computers, nor would you have to manage loading each operating system sequentially on a single machine for each testing run. Instead you could use virtual instances of each OS simultaneously, limited only by memory and the speed / capabilities of the Processor of the host system.

Often this kind of thing is run on powerful servers during automated testing and for manual testing you have a client that allows you to create or use an instance of the operating system(s) under test on your local machine without having to flush your local machine’s native operating system. You can even have 2 or 3 operating systems running at once for comparison sake and logging purposes.

VMWare Fusion is an application I’ve used for years to enable my Mac to run Windows, Linux, and even other versions of the Mac OS. It’s slick and efficient. 

When I made the leap to Apple Silicon, things got a little more interesting. When Apple was running Intel processors VMWare just loaded the intel version of Windows or whatever and off you went. 

Apple Silicon changed all that. While I really like Apple Silicon for it’s speed, power efficiency, and God knows it’s nice to not have fans screaming all the time when the processor is under a load, Apple Silicon looks like an ARM (RISC) processor. Which makes compatibility with some software a bit more problematic.

It’s funny because Apple has come full circle. The old PowerPC processors Apple used to use, were RISC processors too. They were, in many ways faster than comparable Intel chips for some functions. They too sometimes  had compatibility issues with some applications that were ported from other hardware.

6 – 8 months ago, I downloaded and compiled an ARM version of Windows 11, then created the ISO and loaded it into VMWare Fusion. I didn’t like the resultant Windows OS and it was very “twitchy”. So after fiddling around a bit I deleted the image and went on with my life.

I noticed on Sunday that my VMWare installation had updated. I got curious, and fired it up. It threw some errors because it was looking for the Windows install. I resolved those errors and was presented with a nice clean dialog box offering to download and install Windows 11. 

Okay, no skin off my nose. So I told the system to do it.

I should state upfront I really hate Windows.

VMWare Fusion did exactly what it said it was gonna do. It downloaded a copy of Windows 11, it compiled it and saved it as an ISO image that I could burn to CD or store in another fashion.

Then It fired up a standard Windows setup and directed me to the ISO image stored on my computer. Boom! In about 30 minutes start to finish I had a functional, stable, Windows 11 installation.

I’m not thrilled with Windows 11 itself, but having a copy to screw around with is useful for me. I can catch up knowledge wise to the latest version, and if by some miracle I get an actual new job. I won’t have to purchase another computer.

Unfortunately, I can’t run anything less than Windows 11 on this computer / VMWare combination. So if I have to do a bunch of testing on previous versions of Windows, I’ll have to get an intel system.

Sunday brought some neat advances. As I said I still don’t like Windows 11 and I’m even more annoyed at Microsoft.

I put into their search dialog, “How do I purchase Windows licenses?”

I still haven’t found a way to just purchase the license. I did find that Microsoft is apparently selling PCs on their website. So what are you Microsoft? Are you a sofware vendor or are you a PC retailer? 

All I need is the 16 digit license bullshit. I don’t need a PC, I don’t need a USB Stick with an Intel only version of Windows on it, I just want to send you money and in return you send me the code.

My God! Why do these people insist on complicating the simplest things? Thank goodness, I don’t need to find out how to jerk off from the Microsoft Web Site. My balls would have exploded and I’d still be looking for the appropriate information.

Apple, don’t get all smug… Your website is becoming shitty too.