Here’s one of those weird things I notice occasionally

As I’ve mentioned, this whole driver’s license and ID thing in your phone fascinates me.

In August it was announced the California would “Soon” be joining the ranks of digital ID capable states. 

What didn’t get a whole lot of play was that Ohio brought the functionality online a few weeks earlier. 3-4 days ago Hawaii enabled the functionality with little fanfare at all.

So as of this writing, there are six states whose ID’s can be stored and presented via Apple Wallet.

Looking at the digital representations of the IDs is kind of neat.

It might be that the digital licenses are better looking than the documents they’re intended to represent.

I stumbled across Hawaii being in the list, completely by accident and then wondered how that happened.

There have been no IOS updates over the past few days, so the addition of any of these IDs appears to be independent of the base OS.

This leads me to think there’s some kind of switch that can be turned on without a full update. Which begs the question, just how connected is my phone to Apple?

They talk about privacy and security but if something like this can be enabled transparently I wonder what else can be enabled… Or disabled behind the scenes without the phone or OS mentioning that there’d been a change.

This also suggests that California’s addition to the participating states could be done independently of an IOS update too.

Previously, I thought that states were added to the “Allowed” list via “Point” updates to the IOS and they’d require the user to allow the download and installation of an IOS update.

Yet clearly that is not the case.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.

I suppose in reality nothing has changed. Apple still has control over the device just as they always have, the difference now is that I’m perhaps a bit more aware of their technological leash.

There’s another thing that I found interesting.

With the exception of Ohio. Every single one of these states, has something in common. They’re all deep Blue States politically.

Even Arizona, though I know there are people who’d vehemently disagree, is a Blue State these days.

California, a deep Blue State will soon be added to the list.

I don’t think it’s anything other than an oddity, a coincidence if you will. But it makes me wonder.

According to Apple and several news articles I’ve been able to dig up, there are other states looking into allowing digital ID’s.

In 2022 Apple said there were six states that would soon allow digital licenses. These States were;

Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, & Utah.

To date none of these states have proceeded with the project. Kentucky for example says “Soon” but has been saying that since 2022. The other states either say in the future or are non committal about it.

With the exception of Connecticut, these states are all Red States.

So I’m wondering if the difference is a matter of political, or religious leaning. Might it be conservatives worried about the intrusiveness of technology on every aspect of our lives, or do these Red States know or suspect something I’m missing.

Well, my Number is 2 out of 5

2 out of 5 Times for something to work is apparently enough to keep me trying.

There’s a Shell filling station nearby in Phelan.

3 out of 5 times their pay at the pumps systems aren’t working. It’s always the same shit. “We have to reset the pump” Well if you have to reset the pump then why don’t you do it once an hour since apparently this is an ongoing issue.

Nobody knows how hard I work to keep from being an angry bitter old man just like one of my grandfathers, or one neighbor who is literally pissed off more than he is not.

It’s an effort to not go down that road.

I’m a cynic, easily annoyed, easily cranky, and generally don’t like people en mass.

Put all of those things together and it’s a recipe for a supervillain.

Except in my case I don’t have super powers so I’d just be a frustrated un-supervillain. Probably more like Dr. Evil.

I’m really tired of thing after thing, system after system, & service after service failing because people aren’t doing their jobs. What’s even worse about it is that most of these so called “Jobs” don’t require a lot of brain power, they just require that the person does as instructed.

Today, this gas station thing pissed me off perhaps a bit more than usual because they’re sitting there explaining, “We just need to reset the pump. It’ll only take a few minutes. “

I could see their display was flashing red on several pumps. Obviously all of those pumps needed attention.

So why were these idiots saying “Bro” and joking around then chatting with the customers and each other instead of doing their job. OR how about taking the pumps completely offline so they’re non responsive?

That’s what frustrated the hell out of me, The damn thing looked and acted like it was working but then told me that it couldn’t read the card. After 3 tries where I entered the rewards information only to have the transaction declined and waiting a good 20 seconds for the pump to be ready to work again I was really annoyed. It was 100° & I had groceries in the car.

What these idiots were talking about resetting is the pump’s payment processing system. So that annoyed me too. The pump was literally half assed online and was just teasing me. This is the absolute worst kind of malfunction for me. Half working shit that appears to be fully operational.

It’s not just the gas pumps. It’s literally services at every point of my contact with the world today.

I’m astounded just how much has changed in such a short period of time. Just since 2019 everything seems to have gone nuts and nothing is as it was, or stable for that matter.

I wonder if the craziness is a response to the sudden changes. Everyone is struggling to adapt and as a result folks are short tempered and easily provoked.

I hope that things settle soon.

Google got there first.

Apple Wallet California state ID hero_inline.jpg.large_2x.Google Wallet is now supporting California mDL as of today Friday, 8/23/2024

mDL (Mobile Drivers Licenses)

I’m still not sure exactly where, “there” is. Sure, Google beat Apple to the punch but honestly so what?

There’s an article from FoxLA that largely says nothing…

California driver’s license now available to add to Google Wallet

It again reiterates the TSA piece at selected airports. But doesn’t really say much about other benefits of having your driver’s license in your phone versus your wallet. Especially since you still have to carry the physical Driver’s License.

Again… The point?

Sure it’s neat but so what?

What benefit does this provide to the actual user?

Student ID use cases seem to be more beneficial.

Some colleges allow the students to have their Student ID on their phone which grants the students access to dorms, libraries, cafeterias, and other on campus amenities.

Some corporations in addition to Apple are putting their employee IDs on phones which eliminates the annoying lanyards with your ID dangling and if you’re a tech, getting in your way constantly as you access machines. In this case the ID on the phone opens doors and eliminates a whole bunch of problems with leaving your ID card in your car, or having the ID card lost or stolen because you dropped it when you meant to shove it in your pocket.

A lot of companies have polices about not wearing your corporate ID outside the corporate campus. This is particularly true of aerospace companies.

I can see the student ID and Employee ID and their immediate utility. Thus far, the benefit of my Drivers License on my phone, escapes me. Perhaps it wouldn’t, if I flew more.

Being able to validate my alcohol purchase at the grocery store in a self checkout line would be useful. Not having to tell the pharmacist my date of birth and name when I pick up a prescription would be useful. But neither of those cases are remotely available at this time.

Congrats to Google for getting there first in California. Good for you guys. 

But what now?