
I like sex. By that I mean I REALLY like sex.

What man doesn’t?

I like it with myself, while watching porn, with others, with groups, with one hot person, in short let me have sex. Let me be naked, let me be hard, let me CUM!!!

Lately though, I’m embarked on a new exploration.

This exploration has occured due to a discussion I was having with a friend and from reading his blogs.

For a long time Women have supposedly been able to become multi-orgasmic.

Rarely in the west has it been discussed as an option for men. But it is posible.

I was chatting with this friend and mentioned that I was in a sexual rut.

I’d been looking for something to break me out of a long period of the doldrums with regard to my own sexuality, but wasn’t having much luck. Even with innumerable  meaningless assignations I’d enjoyed from time to time.

The problem with super casual sex is that one you’ve both cum, you’re pretty much done.
You all know that feeling. Get naked, lick, lick, lick, suck, suck, suck, groan, groan, groan, fuck, fuck, fuck, “Oh Baby, Oh Baby, Oh Baby” squirt, squirt, squirt, Clean up the cum, pull your jeans, shirt, & shoes on, say you’ll call and beat feet out the door.

You engaged in a purely physical process that is about as satisfying as blowing your nose. When you’re done you move on to the next thing without actually being present in the awesomeness of cumming.

I was looking for something a little more interesting.

My friend mentioned re-learning masturbation. “I thought dude… with all the practice I’ve had I’ve pretty much got that down!”

Oh come on… we all did it as boys and we STILL jeck off. I defy any of you out there to tell me as boys you didn’t work your dicks so hard and often you weren’t raw sometimes.

I personally believe that every Father should talk about masturbation with their sons and it would be very cool if they mentioned that they still did it even though they were married. God knows that would help to remove the guilt and shame.

My friend went on to explain… As boys when we submit to our lust and discover the pleasure that our cocks and balls can give us we learn to be furtive and fast in our masturbatory behavior. Part of this is due to embarassment, part due to religious guilt and part due to the societal messages we get as we’re growing up.

Who hasn’t heard “it will make you go blind”, “you’ll grow hair on your palms”, “Jesus cries when you touch yourself”. (That one is really sick! Jesus was a dude, he’d be crying if you didn’t experience the joy our bodies can bring us.)  In any case because of all of these things, we develop patterns of masturbation the change little as we get older.

As young men in my personal experience, we  get into the mind set “Get it as much and as often as we can” and even in relationships we never really change the behavior.

I think I fell into that category simply because many of my early sexual partners treated sex as some kind of reward for putting up with their stupid shit. (Sweetheart, your hole ain’t quite as golden as you think it is and would it kill you to wash it?)

My first clue should have been that they were using sex as a golden carrot and my second clue should have been that I thought most of the stuff my partners were concerned about was plain stupid. Well live and learn!!!!

As a result I found myself figuring “when I get the chance to fuck, or be sucked I’m going to go as many times as I can”. I was a crazy person and a lot of that sex was really hollow for a wide variety of reasons.

Hell, I’ve been involved in orgies where the object wasn’t necessarily to enjoy yourself but to see if you could cum more and faster than other guys in the room. (As an aside… I’ve won some of those competitions!) In retrospect, I wish that I’d been more in tune with enjoying the moment rather than the competition.

Needless to say unless you grow up, adapt, and learn to slow down, savor, and enjoy the time you’re not going to be all that fulfilled sexually. Which is EXACTLY where I found myself.

What kind of sick bastard finds himself flogging the hell out of a lovely sub and is BORED?

Hi There! Sick bastard here!

Thankfully, I’m not too far gone. In that example the chemistry just wasn’t right for either of us. But performance art is art nonetheless (Another story for another time)

I’ve digressed, a bit.

The simplest explanation of the multi-orgasmic practice is that just before the point that you actually blow your load, you’ve actually begun to orgasm.

This is a technique for hanging in that place and learning to extend the time you stay in the orgasm phase without moving on to the ejaculation phase.

As a part of the practice you develop a realization that you have the choice to blow your load or not. It’s an interesting learning exercise. I can see the potential and I like that there are options I couldn’t see before.

The practice time is a lot of fun too!

I need a lot of practice!

As I get further into this I’ll write more about what I’m experiencing. In the mean time you can check out The MultiOrgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know. It’s available from most booksellers.

Not a choice

A Friend referred me to this Dan Savage Column. It’s a challenge to the leader of British Columbia’s Conservative Party

You can read the entire article here Savage Love Here’s the part we’re talking about;

THE CHOICER CHALLENGE: Last week, the leader of British Columbia’s Conservative Party, John Cummins, told a radio interviewer that gay people shouldn’t be covered by the BC Human Rights Act because being gay is “a conscious choice.”

Like truthers (9/11 was an inside job!), birthers (Barack Obama was born in Kenya!), and deathers (Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living in West Hollywood!), choicers would appear to be just another group of deranged conspiracy theorists who can’t be dissuaded by science or evidence or facts. And John Cummins isn’t the only choicer out there. We have lots of choicers right here in the United States (Tony Perkins, Rick Santorum, Stephen Colbert, et al.).

But what if the choicers are right? What if being gay is something people consciously choose? Gee, if only there were a way for choicers to prove that they’re right and everyone else is wrong… actually, there is a way for choicers to prove that they’re right!

I hereby publicly invite—I publicly challenge—John Cummins to prove that being gay is a choice by choosing it himself.

Suck my dick, John.

I’m completely serious about this, John. You’re not my type—you’re about as far from my type as a human being without a vagina gets—but I have just as much interest as you do in seeing this gay-is-a-choice argument resolved once and for all. You name the time and the place, John, and I’ll show up with my dick and a camera crew. Then you can show the world how it’s done. You can demonstrate how this “conscious choice” is made. You can flip the switch, John, make the choice, then sink to your bony old knees and suck my dick. And after you’ve swallowed my load, John, we’ll upload the video to the Internet, and you’ll be a hero to other choicers everywhere.

It’s time to put your mouth where your mouth is, John. If being gay is a choice, choose it. Show us how it’s done.

Suck my dick.

NOT a Choice

Being Gay is no more a choice than being Straight. Never has been, never will be.

Here’s something to think about. During the dark days of DADT, I was interviewed by an NIS representative about whether a Marine who had come out to his commanding officer was really gay. What follows is my best recollection of the interview.

NIS: So John says he’s gay.

ME: Yep he’s gay

NIS: Well I have to ask. Sometimes Military folks decide that they just don’t want to finish out their hitch.

ME: I understand.

NIS: How do you know that John is gay?

ME: He told me, He’s been involved with other men that I know.

NIS: Are you gay?

ME: Yes

NIS: How do I know that?
(with an annoying macho bravado)

ME: Because I’m willing to prove it to you WITH you right here, right now on this conference table.

NIS: Uhhhh… Umm… no thanks…

ME: Well then how will you know for sure?

NIS: I’ll uhhhh take your word for it.

ME: As you wish… your loss.

NIS: ummmm
(increasingly long uncomfortable silence)

ME: Look if you’d like to actually have a conversation, I’m willing to talk with you honestly and without the bullshit.

NIS: Uh yeah I didn’t mean to get off on the wrong foot

ME: It’s cool what do you need from me regarding John?

NIS: Just your statement and I need to write a report with confirmation that you’re gay and corroborate that John is too. Did you two sleep together? Are you uhhh lovers?

ME: Nope we’re not lovers, never have been… not that I would mind but we discussed it once and decided it would be a lot like incest and that would just be nasty.

NIS: (Laughs) Really?

ME: Yep, we’re too good as friends and sleeping with some of the same men and then each other would be too weird.

NIS: How did you know you’re gay? I mean when you first figured it out?

ME: You’re married right? I noticed the ring.

NIS: Yeah, have a son and another kid on the way.

ME: Good for you. In answer to your question, I wasn’t aways gay. I was a serious horn dog for women and If it was female and willing I’d jump it.

NIS: What changed?

ME: Let me ask you something. You know how sometimes you make it with your wife out of habit because it’s been a while, or she wants to, but you’re really not into it? Yeah you perform, you get it up and you get off, but it’s not the mind blowing gut wrenching shuddering pleasure that sex is when you’re really into it?

NIS: Uhhhh… (uncomfortably) Yeah.

ME: OK, now if that was the way you felt EVERY time you fucked a woman, and if Jacking off felt better emotionally than actually being with a woman wouldn’t you look for something better?

NIS: Uh yeah I guess I would.

ME: Ok so then you find yourself in bed with a dude and for the first time in your life it’s not just your body thats having fun, emotionally you feel fucking great! Your heart, body and mind are humming and fulfilled. Suddenly you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the way sex is supposed to be.

NIS: Yeah but it could be a one off. Just the newness of the situation.

ME: True and an excellent point. But In my case I spent time moving between the two sexes. What I found was that every woman… Well the sex was fun but didn’t touch my heart. With every single man… I was left with that humming sense of fulfillment. So the answer becomes pretty self evident. It’s really not a choice per-se it’s simply a fact.

NIS: I never thought about it like that.

ME: I think if more people thought about it without thinking about the actual sexual mechanics they’d be a lot less freaked out about gay versus straight.

NIS: Probably, but the actual sex is ummm… well un-natural.

ME: OK, Lets go down the list, I Love having my cock sucked, I like having someone stroke my cock, I love putting my cock in a nice hot tight hole. Can you say you don’t like the same things? Or that you’ve never done anal with your wife or an old girlfriend?

NIS: Well No, I like all the same things but neither my wife or I cared for anal when we tried it.

ME: Not every one likes anal sex, and there’s a ton of other things that you can do that don’t revolve around anal sex so again, we’re not that far apart. I don’t know ANY MAN that doesn’t like to get his rocks off.

NIS: You’ve given me some things to think about… I’m not going to be switching teams but I’m looking at it a little differently.

ME: That’s all I can ask for. I should tell you that If I see you in any of the bars, I will make sure that the military personnel are out the door before you get a chance to arrest them. It’s nothing personal, but we take care of our own.

NIS: (laughs) I get it. I wont take it personally.

As it turns out I’m a little less gay and a little more straight than I thought I was at that time. Human sexuality seems to be a lot less binary and a lot more shades of gray than I thought was possible back then. Honestly, thank goodness! I’d have been bored with only one flavor!

The point I’m making here is that if we can engage folks in conversation and thought rather than anger, rhetoric and dogma we’ might get our point across better.

On the other hand Dan Savage is right too. Sometimes, some people just really need to …


Circumcision as a Political Football?

I heard about a group in San Francisco that had managed to get an anti-circumcision law on the ballot in The City.

On the one hand I personally think that circumcision is a barbaric practice.

On the OTHER HAND I don’t think it’s reasonable in our society to add to the body of Nanny State laws.
When the State has a say in what happens with MY dick or the dicks of the males in my family then something is very wrong.

I suggested to my brother that he leave his sons intact. Not because of religious issues, or hygiene issues or anything other than a philosophical position.

I don’t know what my brother decided, but after saying my piece, the matter was closed.

If I, as the Patriarch of our family know when it’s time to butt out, what makes the state of California think that they have any greater say in what is clearly a personal issue.

Lets NOT even begin to discuss the interference in freedom of religion that this San Francisco law would create.

I wasn’t going to comment on this legal silliness UNTIL some nutjob in Santa Monica started to try to get the same kind of law enacted down here.

Folks, Circumcision is barbaric. However, it’s a personal choice for various reasons  AND it should remain a personal decision. This does not belong in the body of law. It also begs the question, are you going to have little boys dropping their trousers so that teachers can report the boys circumcision status to the state?

Again, and I can’t stress this enough Think for yourselves! Don’t eat the pudding.