I can move my body without too much pain today!

That’s a very good thing, because when I hauled my carcass out of bed yesterday morning I was sure that I’d broken every major muscle and joint in my body.

It makes sense. I’d spent 3 years metaphorically chained to a 3×3 area in front of a desk in a cubicle, not doing a whole lot of physical activity. Then all at once, I was demanding a ton of physical activity of my joints & muscles, my body had every right to be seriously pissed off. Guess what? It was!

This morning there are only minor kinks. My hands are working properly again so working on my computer is a lot easier. So it looks like my body and I will not be divorced anytime soon, I was pretty sure that I’d be served with divorce papers from God yesterday morning. This was especially true when I started carrying things up into the house from the car.

So it’s on to the next things… Unpacking and integrating things from the apartment back into the house. Oh Joy! Followed immediately thereafter by moving the automatic bill pay items from the Credit union in San Diego to the Credit union up here. While that is a pain in the ass, it will ultimately be for the better because of the address snafu that is jamming me up with the Credit Union in San Diego. I’ll be closing the San Diego account as soon as all the finances are settled.

Leaving CaliforniaI did play “Rearview Town” from Jason Aldean as I left San Diego. The other thing that was funny was how many U-Hauls were heading up the I-15 on Monday. I thought I was part of a mass migration. I’d been noticing a lot of folks in U-Hauls over the past few months but had chalked that up to me being more aware since I was moving too.

I’m wondering if there was more to it, since I had trouble locating a one-way truck for my move.

I’ve often wondered if California has “Moving Cams” at the state line. Cameras like that could count the number of moving trucks headed into and out of the state. I wonder if it would be about equal or if there are more folks moving out than coming in.

Anatomy male muscular system rigged 02I am going to arrange to get a massage. As I was thinking about that, I remembered my massage therapist has a chart of the muscular system on the wall and sometimes he’ll say point to where it hurts. He knows me, so mostly it’s a joke between us. But this next time I see him I think I’ll be able to point generally in the direction of the wall and truthfully say, “There, pick anywhere at random”.

I’m sure we’ll laugh and then I’ll be screaming like a little girl at a horror movie.

But today is better than yesterday and that’s all I can ask for.

The new machine is up

Macbookpro2019It took a while, but the techno-demons have been cast out of the new machine.

Setting up a new computer is always a pain in the ass. In this case it turns out that the old machine had gotten a bit senile in it’s last days and corrupted the backup I have at the apartment.

So when I restored the backup(s) to the new machine, I also restored the corrupted files. OOOOPPPS!

Neither I, or the old workhorse realized there was a problem, so there was no way to anticipate the issue and since the old machine wasn’t working there was no way to check before I brought the new machine online.

Under normal circumstances, if I’d just been doing a normal computer replacement I’d have checked the backup before restoring to the new machine which would have avoided the problem.

It’s 4 AM

I woke up thinking I was late to work. I’m going to go back to sleep for a couple of hours. I guess it’s going to take me some time to get over the odd schedule I’ve been living on for the past 3 years.

Since I was awake I figured I’d check on the computer. It looks like everything has been sorted at the apartment hooray!

Now I have to clean up the backup on the mountain to complete the setup and fully retire the old machine. Just a couple more details to finish & files to load, and those can be done mostly automatically. I’m still in San Diego and will head up to the mountain later today.

It’s nice to not be worried about timing or rushing to get somewhere.  I can take my time without worry over losing my job. That’s already happened!

This new keyboard feels strange. I do like the touch-bar but it’s going to take some getting used to.

I’ll probably come back to San Diego on Tuesday. I’ll take the opportunity provided by being on the mountain during the week to make arrangements with a storage facility nearer the house to store the larger items from the apartment.

The plan is to take the smaller items up and reintegrate them into the house storing only those things I don’t need in the storage facility.

Depending on the job situation I’ll move stuff from there if I need to.

The Job market is very weird right now and I don’t know how long a period of unemployment I’m looking at. Who does? It’s a lot harder to land a job than it used to be.

In the mean time I’ve got a couple of books to write and perhaps that will help with the income side of things. After all those stories have been fermenting in my head for a few years they should be about ready to pour onto the page.

It’s 4:30, I’m going back to sleep.

Have a great Sunday

Rain… Yea, I don’t have to wash my car

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Aside from the freeways being a mess, the rain is good and we need it.

I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof and thought, “Nice!” 

It’s been coming in waves which is a good thing up on the mountain. The pauses give the water time to soak in.

Later in the day there’s supposed to be snow, but I’ll be slugging my way toward San Diego when that starts.

The rain will clean the dust out of the air and off the leaves. It will also strip the last of the Autumn color from the forest leaving only the green of the pine trees.

So while many people say they hate the rain I’m one of those that likes it and appreciates the break from, “It’s 78 degrees and sunny,” weather forecasts day in and day out.

I’m also amused by the traffic and weather people gushing about water accumulating on the street, oh my goodness! Whatever will we do? To hear the local newspeople, it seems like everyone should be building an Ark.

Enjoy your day, the free carwash, and drive carefully. No, I don’t mean 20mph on the freeway in the fast lane. Just move at some speed less than 90mph and for god’s sake stay off each others bumpers. Allow a little space, try a little courtesy and everyone will get where they need to be safe and sound