A new day, A new chapter…

I relented. I decided that it was worth my while to divest myself of the company systems and close that door.

My desire to not show up to turn in my company equipment was nothing more than me wanting to inconvenience them as much as they have inconvenienced me over the past three months.

I made the 2 hour drive down to the office. I’m actually glad that I did, I got to see a couple of my favorite people one last time to say goodbye and good luck.

Of course the person doing the out-processing was for the most part winging it, and wasn’t entirely sure that the paperwork we were filling out was in fact the “Correct” paperwork.

I must say, I’m not surprised. Through all of this, the HR people have been notably absent and in fact left the final paperwork to a mid level manager who commented that there was no training. In my mind, this is a sad comment on the state of the company, and heralds what is to come.

It probably wont be tomorrow, or next year or even the year after that. But I foresee the company closing or being purchased then gutted for it’s patents or other assets. This assessment is based on my experience with other companies and what they were like as they got old and near their final death throes.

Happily I won’t be working for them as they implode and self destruct.

I received nothing in the way of information about my corporate savings account, 401K, COBRA, and I’m still waiting on my vacation payout. It looks like severance was deposited in my checking account.

Yet another aspect of how poorly implemented this whole layoff process has been.

I’ve been laid off enough times to pretty much know the process by heart.

In the layoffs where I was the manager, I had packets of information ready for each employee. Those packets covered every bit of information about the employees rights, their retirement accounts, how their medical was going to be handled, how to continue medical coverage under COBRA, who to contact with additional questions after they were laid off, and a FAQ sheet.

Any other questions not answered with the information on hand, and I’d get HR and / or Legal in my office or in a conference room to make sure everyone had the answers or knew that their questions were being researched.

But then again, I’m anal about such things and worked for companies that actually had a plan, clue, system, direction…. you get the picture.

So while I’m done with them mostly… I see that I’m going to have to be on the phone demanding an information packet and know that I’ll have to make that demand several times. I’ll start those phone calls on Monday.

I watched the sun rise over the mountain this morning. It’s a pretty day and I’m in a pretty good place.

I’ve got three books I’m trying to read. One of them is a study guide for HAM radio. I think it’s about time that I got my license. It’s something that I’ve been wanting to do for a number of years and well… It looks like I’m going to have a little time on my hands for learning something new.

I’m also thinking that learning something new, that’s fun for me will make it easier to get into a learning mode for any training that I may take for a new career or a new job.

After I was done with the company debacle, I treated myself to a $60 stop by Ham Radio Outlet in Anaheim.  I was studying for my license before the fire. I had the books, and a sweet little radio. All of that was destroyed with the house. The $60 was me picking up study guides for the Technician and General class tests.

Lately, I’ve been thinking more and more about disaster preparation and as part of that preparation, I think it would be a great idea to have a couple of small radios for local communication and a HAM rig for longer distance, so learning something new is a twofer…

Career choices are another matter I’m working on. I can continue on in the career path I’ve been in, or I could pick up some additional training and move into a slightly different and “new” direction. The problem is that the “new” direction may not provide many more opportunities for employment and could be pricey for the education. I’m still weighing that one out.

Alternatively I could leave technology behind altogether and go do something completely different.

Again, I’m weighing the options. I think a lot of it will boil down to a simple question.

What am I willing to give up?

Ahhhh…. there’s the rub.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily the lives we build for ourselves can become cages.

As of today I’m unemployed

This is a mixed blessing, and a long time coming.

I wasn’t going to go in until next week. But I noted that a paper check had been cut paying me a lump sum for my vacation, and unused holiday time. So it’s convenient and profitable for me to drive down there to hand in my shit.

It’s also a nice form of closure I will no longer have anything that I have to be responsible for and with few exceptions the company and I will be done with each other.

In hindsight, I took the position for all the right reasons. There was no way I could have known just how screwed up the project would become. Bad management is as likely in one industry as it is in any other. That there is a concentration of crappy management in the aerospace industry shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

These people have existed within a culture of obscene overruns for decades. Most of them have the attitude that no matter what, they can always go back to the government for more money and in many cases they have built systems and procedures where that assumption is integral to any project they bid.

The movie Pentagon Wars was a comedy. Sadly, it is also surprisingly accurate in it’s depiction of how government projects work.

It’s a real pity that the bureaucratic red tape necessary to become a government contractor is so arduous that many companies simply refuse to even try. I think that it’s time for the government to reduce the bureaucracy in favor of better, more modern, less expensive goods and equipment.

The old guard contractors like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop, Raytheon, and TRW need a good solid kick in the pants in terms of competition. Lessening the red tape and allowing new players and new ideas into contract bids would serve the nation well.

That’s just my opinion.

The Santorum follies continue

Santorum is obviously clueless and probably out of his mind.

As if this guy hasn’t done enough harm to his political aspirations already, he’s continuing to blather on about gay marriage.

I’m sure that his handlers wish they could shut him the hell up and keep a script in front of him at all times.

Thus far he’s pointed out that a napkin is not a paper towel (making the point that gay marriage is not marriage)

He educated us that water is not beer and calling water beer doesn’t make it so.

Now he’s astounded us all by telling us that a cup of tea is not a basketball.

Clearly a politician is not a politician just because he’s running for president. Right now the least of anyones worries in this country are gay ANYTHING!

What does he propose to do to stimulate the economy?
Address the banking mess or the foreclosure issues?
How is he going to deal with the wars we’re fighting and what does he propose to do to increase our safety without accruing yet MORE enemies?
How does he feel about apologist politicians?

His handlers need to tell him to stop beating a dead horse or he needs to drop out of the race NOW and give his campaign warchest to a candidate that actually has a grasp of what the president should be doing.

One of the ways I relax

Took a long drive yesterday This was my first time on hwy 2 since it reopened.

The road was partially closed for 4 or 5 years. At it’s highest point it’s about 7000 ft. One very bad winter, the snow, ice, and rockslides caused a large section to slide down the mountainside. CalTrans opened as much as they could in the Summer but it wasn’t open to La Canada.

I used to take it home sometimes from work. It’s not as fast as the Freeway (well come to think of it, in rush hour traffic… it might be faster!) but the scenery is beautiful and if you’re someone that likes to drive, it’s a great road to forget about the work day on.

I took a few pictures but it really was the wrong time of day to get nice shots. I couldn’t resist a picture of the road, it’s new and smooth.
This is the kind of road my car was built for.

Drove all the way to La Canada from Wrightwood, it was a great drive! I had the top down, the road to myself and it was sunny & beautiful.

Coming back from La Canada right at the base of hwy 2,  I watched a young deer saunter across the road.

He was at least a 4 point buck, once he crossed the road he paralleled it for a bit. I drove by slowly, keeping an eye on him.

My concern was that he might panic and dart back into the road ahead of me then both of us would have a bad day.

I don’t think California lets you keep what you kill… the image of a deer strapped across the front of my car is amusing. The further thought of the cost to repair the inevitable body damage is not!

As I got even with him, he started to panic a little… when I realized he was trying to get ahead of me, I accelerated away. He disappeared into the trees a second or two after I passed him.

I wish I’d been able to grab the camera and snap a few pictures of him, he really was beautiful. But paying attention to the road took priority.

Seeing that deer made my day. Between him, the drive, and the sun on my skin I returned home very contented.

Gotta do stuff like that more often.

Whooo Hooooo!

It’s probably counterintuitive but I actually got my notice. So the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train!

No more stupid furlough, I’ll be able to turn in my company equipment and process out and since they’re finally laying me off I get to keep unemployment benefits.

I know it makes no sense….

Once I’m free and clear of the paperwork and all the other silliness I’m thinking I’ll write a nice long blog posting just to get all the frustration out of my system.

Now, at least I know what’s happening and can chart a direction that doesn’t screw me.

Of course given the history of the management I’ve been dealing with, it could all change tomorrow!

For today though I’m a fat happy camper. Only question to ask is, what do I want to do now for a career?

I’ll think about that tomorrow.