Thank goodness for a hurricane


I probably won’t have to water for a week or so!

FYI, I does in fact rain in Southern California. We got a nice steady rain for about 4-6 hours yesterday and into last night.

The dog was not amused about it at all. He loves snow but water falling from the sky… He spent most of the day in his “room”. He also kept looking at me as though I had something to do with it.

I don’t know how much rain we actually got, but it wasn’t enough to cause a lot runoff as sometimes happens. This was a nice constant soaking where I live, the plants in the yard are already perking up after 90°F plus temps baking them for the past week or so.

The temp dropping to 70°F with a breeze through the house after the high temps caused some shivering at dinnertime.

I’m sure in the lower areas (Off the mountain) there may have been some street flooding etc.

The rain also helped out the fire crews working the fire in Riverside County so that is another plus.

This morning it’s cool and overcast. I’ve been watching some young squirrels playing in their home tree. I guess they were cooped up all day yesterday and their mom told them to get out of the house for a while.

The dog has been talking to me all morning as Husky breeds tend to do. He’s wanting to play but when we go outside to toss the ball around he gets distracted by smells, then forgets what we were doing. He comes up to me with this “where’s the ball,” look. Even though it’s right where he left it when he got distracted. I swear this dog has ADHD.

I think everyone in the neighborhood is taking it slow this morning. They’re probably just enjoying the coolness as I am. I’m also enjoying the silence, no cars, chainsaws, hammering, or screaming nut jobs yet today.

I’m guessing that once things dry out a little, all the noise will start up, but for the moment I’m enjoying the sound of nothing except birds chirping and squirrels barking at each other in the trees.

There’s the possibility of thunderstorms later in the day. The dog will no doubt be on the couch next to me for “Protection” if that happens.

Apple had its big annual announcement this week. I’ve been reading about the new products and am thinking I’ll wait until the iPhone 15 before thinking about a phone upgrade, my iPhone 12 Pro is still working. The new IOS is supposed to be available on Monday, I’ll be waiting for a week or more before installing that as well.

I’ve found in general that I’m not intrigued by the new products. The exception is the Apple Watch Ultra. That product got my attention. I’m not going to run out a pre-order it, instead I’ll wait to see it in person. It’s a big watch and it might simply be too big for me personally. A 36 hour battery life addresses one concern I’ve had with my aging series 5. Typically if I’m wearing the series 5, I’m running it in dark mode rather than having the display always on. It saves power and I don’t mind not seeing the display until I need it.

Apple fw22 watch ultra1

That the Apple Watch Ultra is going to have recreational dive computer software available later in the year is also a plus. For me it’s a twofer. I get an Apple Watch with longer life per charge, and a dive computer. It remains to be seen, but it’s possible that they may be able to provide wireless air integration with a bluetooth transmitter on the regulator.

My faithful Sunnto dive computer and transmitter are due for a battery change and pressure test. This service costs about $300 and requires that both units be sent away to God knows where, this time. It used to be San Diego, then it was Florida, and I haven’t checked where it’s going to go this time around.

While I like the Sunnto, (this is the second one I’ve owned. The first one was lost in a fire,) this particular unit’s backlight has never been as bright as the first one. The battery changes are expensive too. I’ve been looking for a new dive computer and have discovered a number of newer units that are rechargeable and provide wireless log transfer to computers or phones (my venerable D5 requires a hardline connection). Because of the service costs on the Suunto, I’ve been considering a new dive computer anyway.

Perhaps the Apple Ultra can provide all the functionality I’d like in one neat package. It’s also cheaper than many dive computers available now.

Could it be that Apple is going to be able to change the paradigm in SCUBA too?

The Apple Watch Ultra could also address some of the navigation issues I’ve noticed while hiking in the mountains & forest near my home. I’m interested to see how the dual band GPS works. My series 5 has on occasion been completely confused about my location and I’ve resorted to a compass and topographical map to sort out the issue.

(As an aside, that’s the reason you always carry a non digital backup if you’re hiking someplace unfamiliar. I also have a HAM radio because sometimes there’ no cell service but I can usually hit a repeater. Fortunately I’ve never had to call for help but fortune favors the prepared. I typically have some food, water, and a minimal first aid kit with me as well. I don’t want to be one of those hikers who needs a risky night evacuation putting rescue personnel in more danger. I’d rather be able to tell rescue folks, something like, “I’m hurt, my location is coordinates x West y North, I can’t walk out, but I’ve got food, water, and proper clothing to wait it out till dawn. I’ll check in with you guys throughout the night on Freq xyz”. That’s just being responsible.)

Yes, I know that the newest iPhone has satellite messaging, but my radio works just fine. Even if I were to get a new iPhone, I’d still carry the radio.

In short, I think the Apple Watch Ultra might be for me. This doesn’t mean that I’m not still looking at good old fashioned automatic watches like the Omega, Ball, or others. Sometimes it’s really nice to just know what time it is…

Aside from reading articles about The Queen, I’ve successfully ignored the news this week. Although I have indulged my Reddit AITA “Am I The Asshole” addiction a few times.

I get a kick out of those articles. Some people are real jackasses!

The End of an Era

200838 queen elizabeth ii

Another constant in my life is gone.

Queen Elizabeth II has passed.

There has never been a time in my life when she wasn’t The Queen. She was a force of nature, a constant, like the Sun rising. In some strange way, even as an American, that was a comfort.

I’m not a Royalist. I haven’t paid too much attention to British politics or the monarchy, nonetheless The Queen was always there.

I hope Angels sing her to her rest. My heart goes out to the British People and The Royal Family.

I think the world is diminished by her loss. 

Goodby Your Majesty, this American will miss you.

Funny, I don’t feel any better!

President Joe Biden gave a speech last night.

Normally, I dutifully ignore his speeches because they are often full of inaccuracies and hyperbole. This is true of most speeches any President, Premier, Prime Minister, Potentate, Dictator, or whatever may make.

I would have ignored the Biden Speech as well. Except that all the sudden my phone started buzzing with News Alerts. Those too I would have ignored, except for this image.

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Upon seeing this image, I pulled up the entire speech and sat through all 29 grueling minutes.

I was very annoyed at the fact that I had to keep adjusting the volume on the TV to hear him. One second, he’s whispering and the next he’s bellowing. (I feel really sorry for the sound crew. They must have been losing their minds too.)

On the one hand The President was saying some things I actually agree with. We should all be working together, political violence is wrong.

Okay, I thought, “I agree with you.”

Then The President veered into his MAGA, Semi-Fascist, rhetoric and he totally lost me.

The President wanted us to know that he doesn’t hate all Republicans. He came close to sounding like the racist who proudly tells someone he has Black Friends. The President wanted us to know he knows America’s heart. That didn’t quite ring true because he is clearly not listening to an increasing number of Americans of all stripes who say they think the country is heading in the wrong direction, (If polls are to be believed.)

I’m a visual kind of guy.

As The President and The First Lady walked out to the podium the lighting was a basic white reflecting off Independence Hall. Then as The President started talking the lighting changes to a somber angry red. This isn’t a color scheme that’s uplifting, it’s dark, brooding, and forbidding.

I found the whole image profoundly disturbing. Perhaps this is because in my visual memory are images of Adolf Hitler giving fiery speeches decrying the evil of the Juden against a background of Nazi flags.

Adolf Hitler speaking at the Lustgarten Berlin 1938

There was something really off about The President’s speech painting Independence Hall in that somber red flanked by Marines.

Perhaps it’s just that I’m old enough that we studied Hitler and Nazism in depth, in Social Studies. Let me say, Hitler was a fantastic orator. The cadence of the words in his speeches was mesmerizing even if you didn’t understand German.

Apologies for this image of Hitler’s back, there are very few surviving color images from that time. This one came to mind but the first one I thought of was him at a podium with the Nazi flag behind him. I can’t locate that image online right now.

The more The President spoke about the threats to Democracy and the danger of MAGA Republicans. The more I felt like I’d heard speeches like this before. Thankfully President Biden isn’t the orator that Hitler or other despots were.

But by the end of his speech I was profoundly uncomfortable. I didn’t sleep well last night at all.

I’m not a MAGA Republican. That being said, Hillary versus Trump was the first time I’d never cast a vote for President.

Two questionable choices isn’t a choice. Voting for bad or worse isn’t a viable option for the future of our nation.

In 2020, presented with Trump versus Biden. I voted for Trump. It was a simple choice because Biden was such a poor candidate, and Trump was the “Devil” we knew.

By that time, Trump had survived an impeachment, the Steele Dossier had been disproven, and claims of Russian Collusion were falling apart too. Trump is definitely not a saint, but by 2020 it had become fairly obvious that something more was afoot. The man called it as he saw it, sometimes he called it wrong but at least he spoke plainly. He didn’t take any bullshit.

By 2020 we’d seen the hypocrisy of many in Congress and the double standards were being exposed. The economy was running well, at least until COVID, yet even in the face of COVID, I think people were still pretty positive given the circumstances.

Does that make me a MAGA?

I don’t think so.

I am in favor of an America first agenda. I don’t think rabid nationalism is the solution, but I have no problem thinking of my nation first. I don’t see that as a crime, or particularly selfish. We shouldn’t be feeding our enemies when people in our own country are homeless and hungry.

I’ve always appreciated the wisdom of the airline flight safety briefing.

In the event of cabin depressurization, secure your oxygen mask before helping others.

That concept of securing my own well being so that I have the strength and capacity to help others is just plain common sense.

The more President Biden spoke, the more my mind played tricks on me. In my mind’s eye I saw the background of speech altering. By the time The President finished speaking…

Biden Speech Altered  1

This is what was in my mind’s eye. Perhaps that’s why I didn’t sleep well. I couldn’t shake the image.

The Marines standing in the background was completely un-necessary and I took it as an implied threat. Recently President Biden has said essentially, if you’re worried about giving up your AR-15s or other guns you shouldn’t because we have F-15s and your guns aren’t going to be much use against them.

He couched that in more florid terms but that’s what his statements have boiled down to in my head.

Marines standing behind The President comes across as a threat. Those Marines didn’t appear to be armed, they were too far from The President to afford much in the way of protection. The construction of the stage, walkway, and position of the podium itself precluded either of those Marines from taking action if The President was threatened.

They were Window Dressing.

The choice of location for this speech was also disturbing. Independence Hall, the place where our Founding Fathers debated and approved both, The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution is a place that has very special meaning.

President Biden has said publicly that The Constitution is not absolute. During his speech, he singled out a group of Americans that simply disagree with he and his party. Mind you this is a group of people exercising their First Amendment right to free speech and that includes their right to disagree.

Somehow, The President’s speech and his earlier comments about The Constitution made it seem like he was intentionally defiling Independence Hall.

I want to believe that wasn’t his intention. I want to believe that his handlers and “Show Runners” just didn’t think about it in that light.

Nonetheless, it still feels like somehow The President diminished the revered status of the site last night.

As a conservative leaning Libertarian this President concerns me greatly.

This speech left a very bad taste in my mouth and I suspect that it had the same effect on millions of other people who generally speaking, are middle of the road politically.

The President may have created more MAGA Semi-Fascists last night than he intimidated.