Chicken Wars

Chick-Fil-A.jpgChick-fil-A may close it’s first and only shop in the UK because the shopping center it resides in will not renew their lease. This is due to a horribly belated LGBT xyzmhdfslmnop protest over the comments of one man and his pursuit of his beliefs. By the way, his beliefs are no more or less important than anyone else’s.

It remains to be seen if Chick-fil-A will relocate. The article says they’re going to close, but perhaps the franchise can find a less PC shopping center in which to do business. If not, well…

UK don’t want no chicken, UK don’t get no chicken.

It goes deeper than a chicken stand. It sets a precedent and proves that the Empire is completely, irrefutably dead.

I ask you UK, what will you do when rage culture and protest devolves further into tribalism?

What will you do when certain factions protesting on behalf of the planet demand that cars be abolished for the good of the planet? Will you go back to horse and buggy?

What about cows and sheep? Surely their flatulence is an immediate threat to the wellbeing of your nation. Will you force your nation to veganism, walking, and taking sailing ships across the channel so that your citizens are totally green and must therefore go to Paris to fly to other destinations?

Will your butcher shops be closed due to the Vegan movement? Will you allow your people to be subjugated by vocal minorities, espousing the myriad beliefs fueled by two minute internet searches? How about the Church, surely they are guilty of participating in the horrific patriarchy that has so doomed the world.

Demonstrably, Religion is responsible for the destruction of indigenous people, incredibly biased actions against LGBT people, the crusades… I could go on.

Will you outlaw all religion for its past global sins? Will you demand the razing  of St Peters?

The CEO of Chick-fil-A was opposed to Gay Marriage in the United States. HE LOST. Marriage is now legal. He said his piece, supported his beliefs with his money in 2012, and lost.

The company is family operated and continues to donate to fundamentalist Christian organizations, that is their right and regardless of your agreement or disagreement they are acting in good faith to their stated charter.

How about directing your rage at the Middle East where LGBT people are commonly being thrown from buildings. How about boycotting gasoline from OPEC and demonstrating in front of middle eastern embassies? Yes, LGBT folks, using petrol is supporting the torture and subjugation of your LGBT brothers and sisters. 

LGBT people in the US go to Chick-fil-A today. Hey, It’s pretty good chicken at an okay price.

We have a saying in the US, “People vote with their wallets”

Perhaps you should do the same. No-one is forcing you to eat the damn chicken. There are people in your country that might enjoy it or it’s entirely possible that the chicken isn’t going to please the UK palate.

The LGBT community in the UK must have better things to do with their time and energy. Oh that’s right, you’ve allowed your country to be strangled by political correctness. You cannot say anything about the real problems you have, because those problems might offend small groups. And your government has systematically abridged your right of free expression. 

I’m fully aware that here in the US, we too are allowing erosion of those same rights. It’s not lost on me that the finger I’m pointing at you, has three fingers pointing right back at me. 

My point is, you’re wasting your time and energy. You’re only hurting yourselves, and looking pretty silly in the process. Choose something more relevant.

I’d suggest that the LGBT community in the US do the same thing. 

At this point the LGBT community is whining about so much and so often that they risk becoming nothing more than background noise. When viewed against the much larger concerns of the entire planet, is a chicken stand closure anything but a Roman Circus, or Pyrrhic victory?

Ya know… I’m gonna go be an alien hunter

Yep, I’m going to go start hunting Aliens.

Not with the purpose of proving that life exists on other worlds it probably does, and who cares, but with the purpose of Spaceship jacking the little bastards!

Greta1It’s time for me to get the hell off this rock and maybe check back in a hundred years or so. By that time perhaps most of the jackasses will have offed themselves or each other.

I’ve decided on this course of action because in part, of the following:

  • Panicked tearful women talking to presidential candidates saying, “I thought I was gonna die when he was elected…”
  • Hyper emotional Children scolding the impotent fucking UN.
  • Sourpuss sore losers making grandiose and hollow gestures to impeach a President
  • Crazy fuckers blowing each other up over, of all things religion?
  • Endless demands/hearings for answers about how we came to be in a myriad of situations, instead of fixing the situations. Who cares how/why we got here? We learned it was a mistake, now change direction and move on. 

170302 nancy pelosi mn 1820 a91099034828eb04d939d6458129588b nbcnews ux 2880 1000You have got to be fucking kidding me, this is what humanity has come to? Well fuck this!

Better to die in the silence of interstellar space than continue to read about, or be visually / aurally assaulted 24/7 by what has to be the stupidest shit in the galaxy. 

If I’m able to jack a spaceship…. Then I can perhaps find a nice planet where the inhabitants are more evolved. 

BomIf in fact we were “Seeded” here by an advanced alien race (as some ancient alien researchers believe), when they come back you can bet your ass they’re going to sterilize the planet and start over.

“Well Humans, you had your shot… you fucked it up and now we’re gonna end this failed experiment and try again. Yeah dumb asses, Earth is nothing more to us than a petrie dish and we’re going to flush this mess.”

RwUzgWtThen they boil the oceans, flame all the land masses gamma sterilize the planet, and come back in 100,000 years, with better genetic material to try again.

Of course the minute a huge assed starship parked in high orbit above the planet, all Humanity would stop their petty bullshit, look up in fear & wonder, then demand answers from their politicians about why this was allowed to happen.

Based on evidence right here on planet Earth, mass extinction events happen and guess what? The planet spins on! Dinosaurs, assuming any of them became self aware, (Raptors sure look like they were heading that way) must’ve thought they were hot shit, then they were gone. 

This planet could be hit at any minute by a Gamma Burst from a dying star, all life would end in a twinkling.

2 10 14 WVPA Clean Water HearingA billion years later, life would probably start over. That’s the nature of life, it’s happened before and will probably happen again. So what the hell do you do about it? Live in fear or prepare?

We don’t know which direction Climate change will take us, we only know the climate is changing and it’s such a big chaotic system that our predictions over the past 40 years have been laughably incorrect.

So what do you do? 

Blue Debuts at Raptor Encounter in Islands of AdventureOne thing at a time… reduce your personal pollution. Make changes where and when you can. Make preparations to accommodate short term issues like flood, fire, earthquake, and be responsible for yourself. Pass from this life with a clear conscience that you personally did your best to live without leaving a mess, and that you did your best to clean up messes as you encountered them. Whatever the global climate does, when you draw your last breath at least know that you minimized your impact on it.

We know our political system is a mess, we know that our representatives (Globally) do not represent the interests of the average person. We know for a fact that people in power will always do whatever it takes; (including, but not limited to, riots, massacres, war, or economic collapse,) to remain in power. That includes religious leaders, by the way… so get physically involved. (Not Facebook or Twitter involved) Oh yeah, twerking in the middle of the street doesn’t count either. The only people you’re annoying by doing that are the very same people that you want on your side. Uh newsflash, they’re not likely to be on your side if you make them late to work, or piss them off with your stupidity. You want to make a point? Vote! Initiate recalls of shitty politicians. If you must twerk, try it in the capitol rotunda. Then it’s more likely you’ll be inconveniencing the people whose attention you’re after.

What you absolutely don’t do is live in fearful apoplexy. In fact, put aside the fear, put on your big human panties and get your shit together!

There are literally tons of issues to work on. Pick one! But don’t be an asshole about it.

So get to fucking work!  Try something new, come up with a better plan. Make things better instead of whatever the hell we’re doing now.

Full0001My plan is to spacejack the first Alien I encounter and hoist the Jolly Roger!


We’re All Looking for something…

Lately I’ve been dealing with isolation.

Due to my work schedule, I’ve been cut off from non-work interactions for about 3 years. In truth it’s probably been longer than that due to commuting long distances to previous workplaces.

This has led to a sense of profound loneliness and disconnection from the world. Most people are troublesome to begin with because they’re wrapped up in their own issues. I know first hand how tough it is to look beyond your own stuff and think of a bigger picture.

Inside my workplace, there seems to be a calculated effort to make sure that no personal connections are made. So at work, I tend to feel alone in a crowded noisy room.

Being as old as I am, I don’t recall that it was always this way. I have memories of knowing my neighbors, even if I wasn’t talking with them every day. I recall clearly knowing that culturally speaking it was ok to go “borrow a cup of sugar” and have a nice conversation with the neighbor next door. I clearly remember just walking up the block to help a neighbor with a project. You knew that you’d be fed for your effort and you’d have company, good conversation and the sense of accomplishment that goes with finishing something.

As time went on, people became more mobile and honestly it was easier to isolate yourself from the community around you because that saved you the heartache of goodbye.

Technological advancements have made it easier to be isolated from the community you actually live in, while at the same time giving you the illusion that you’re part of a community online. The thing is, most of your online “Friends” have no skin in the game. If you’re having a rough time in your life, it’s unlikely that someone you “know” from a thousand miles away is going to show up at your door with a plate of cookies and warm conversation.

So in the midst of my rumination, and trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. The book Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger was recommended.

It’s a quick read and is not a self help book.

It is however an interesting exploration of the differences between modern culture and our tribal beginnings. It also brings to light that rejection of “modern” culture is not a new phenomena.

After reading the book, then coupling many if not all of the concepts with my own life experience, I’ve concluded that I’m probably not as alone as I think I am. It’s also likely that I’ve been able to put my finger on what changed in my life and why I feel so disconnected.

I’m not part of any particular group, more specifically I’m not part of any special group.

Politically speaking I’m mostly an independent. I’m liberal and conservative, and refuse to drink the kool-aid of any specific political party. I choose, instead to look at issues and evaluate each one. Based on it’s merit, I may be “Pro” or “Con” regardless of the prevailing political party’s opinion.

I don’t have any particular “Cause“.

Many of the Causes today seem more fleeting than toilet paper in a stomach flu ward.

I’m for smaller government, but at the same time don’t believe that we should leave people in this country in the lurch. If anything I’m becoming anti-foreign aid. That is especially true in light of my belief that we should not provide financial aid to our enemies, That leads us down a rabbit hole of defining who exactly are our enemies.

I’m generally speaking, for a lot less government involvement in the personal lives of citizens. Because of this, my alignment with political parties would be uncomfortable at best. As a result I generally keep my political opinions to myself.

I believe Black lives matter, JUST like all lives matter. But when I look at the way in which that movement makes it’s statements I can’t help but think there’s something else going on.

I’d have a lot more respect for Black Lives Matter if the organization wasn’t bullying people in the streets and was instead teaching folks in the inner cities that violence against each other was a problem. I mean the statistics tend to indicate while there are some bad police engaging in racially fueled brutality, the incidents of Black youth shooting, maiming, and killing each other is far more prevalent than issues with police.

If BLM was addressing those issues and seeking to find peace in troubled communities I’d be far more likely to listen when they start pointing out problems with police brutality.

That doesn’t mean, were I to witness a racially motivated issue with an Officer, that I wouldn’t intervene. There are certainly officers who should not be officers and it is the responsibility of the citizenry to question and police, the police.

Antifa is another group who is completely beyond my understanding. The reason is simple. They traditionally behave in a far more Fascist manner than the people they’re railing against.

There was a time when the Gay community was also united in the same way. Gays were hated because of their “perversion”, then they were united by HIV because as a “Throw-away” subculture no-one was looking for treatment or a cure. ACT-UP coalesced to fight common enemies (HIV and Government sanctioned disposability) and were pretty successful at it.

Marriage equality was another fight that  united the Gay community. But those “Wars” have devolved into occasional skirmishes. Research is ongoing, Marriage is legal, the skirmishes mostly seem to mostly be about wedding cakes now.

If someone won’t bake a cake for you… Find another baker who will. It’s a simple fucking equation.

I mention these groups as examples of groups who have found solidarity within themselves because they are united against something they see as oppressive and overwhelming.

Individuals, by their association with specific groups have the feeling of being the underdog in a righteous fight. In that, they are united by a sense of purpose, commonality, and community.

I think about things… I’ve never been one to just go along with the crowd. Oh sure, to parties, of course. But I’m always among the first to leave if a party starts going south.

My particular problem seems to be that I’m an outlier.

Whether by nature, choice, or life experiences, I’m always on the outside looking in.  When I connect with someone I go all in. I’m curious about them, who they are, and where they’re coming from.  That intensity, (alright intrusiveness) can be unsettling for people, especially when they’ve up to that point, thought of me as reserved and circumspect. I can see their point. They wonder who the real me is.

I think I’ve been trying to answer that particular question all my life.

Am I the good guy? The bad guy? Hero? Martyr? Criminal? Immoral? Amoral? Average? Or below average? Am I all of these, trying to fuse into one individual?

Now, at this point in my life I’ve begun wondering if it’s even a question I should even concern myself with.

Perhaps the best choice is to just let myself run without constraint or worry. Maybe that’s what being comfortable in my own skin is really all about.