Are you shitting me?

The UN, and others are demanding a cease fire between Israel and Palestine. 

A cease fire??? What? The IDF hasn’t moved in to clean out the vermin of Hamas.israel hamas war 1.jpg

Cease Fire??? Oh HELL NO!

I’m looking forward to every single structure in Gaza being razed to the ground. I want bodies of Hamas floating out into the Mediterranean as they’re shot trying to escape the righteous vengeance of Israel. Let ‘em feed the sharks!

No prisoners, No mercy, No ceasefire, until every single element of Hamas has been put down like the rabid vermin they are.

These Hamas fuckers are already in tunnels, those tunnels should become their graves.

As the media keeps spinning this as a humanitarian issue for the Palestinians, I can’t feel any sympathy. Ohhh poor babies… their internet and cell service is down. Ohhh poor babies they’re running out of fuel and the power is off. Ohhh they have no water to bathe with. SO FUCKING WHAT?!?

Better than half the Palestinians support Hamas. They celebrated the massacre of 1400 Israeli civilians. They laughed at the murder of babies in their cribs. They are complicit in the crimes of Hamas. They should share in the punishment.

There was one report that said the average IQ in Gaza was 67. I haven’t verified this report but if it’s true… you know what? These people are never going to contribute anything to humanity. No great loss.

I respect the IDF trying to preserve life. That amazes me considering what happened. I think that their efforts will go unacknowledged. The very people they’re trying to save will turn on them at the first opportunity. But I respect that the IDF is trying to do the right thing.

There may come a time when the IDF has to abandon their higher principles when or if that happens, I will still support Israel. 

Oh and Iran… FUCK YOU!IranAmbasto UN.png

I don’t like being threatened.

I’d happily walk into the UN general council and tell the Iranian Foreign Minister, “given their proxies attacks on US facilities that technically a state of war exists.

I’d love to be the guy who then asked the Iranian Foreign Minister to try to call home… I’d love to deliver that message to the Iranian Foreign Minister while Tehran was already under attack and being bombed into oblivion. The video of his expression should be televised worldwide as he realizes that that his home is gone, and he’ll never see his homeland again.

I think it’s time for us to really make the point to the entire fucking world.

Americans are sick and tired of being fucked over, 

I don’t like war, it’s a waste of resources. War is a failure of diplomacy. 

But it’s become clear that appeasement is not going to work, diplomacy will not work with a culture that will never honor any treaties or agreements.

This leaves only one option. War

The war should only end, when what’s left of the enemy is literally on their knees on broken glass begging for mercy and their lives.

Israel Palestinians New York 14 1698457549605 1698457572798All you fucking morons protesting for Palestinian “Freedom” in the streets of New York, and other major cities. I’m totally for letting you parachute right into Gaza. If you love the Palestinian animals of Hamas, then join them.

If you survive, perhaps you can provide useful instruction on how much Hamas hates any Americans. They don’t care if you’re protesting to support them, they’ll kill you right along with someone in the IDF.

You’re nothing but useful idiots that cause disruption, and spread hate in your home country.

On Palestinian Refugees…

No Thanks!

We already have a Palestinian!Talib

This one is quite enough.

If Egypt refuses to allow Palestinians into their country, there’s a reason.

Could it be that Egypt knows that the majority of the Palestinians are radicalized and will probably launch attacks on Israel from their soil?

Could the Egyptians be smart enough to realize that they don’t want to give Israel any reason to attack them? Egypt and Israel have had wars, so it’s not that the Egyptians are all that worried about it, but maybe they’re not ready to engage in war again. Maybe they like peace more than they want to destroy Israel.

It doesn’t matter why… What matters is that Egypt knows something about the Palestinians and consider it too high a risk, or too many mouths to feed.

Now that it’s come out some of the missiles the Palestinians fired into Israel were made from water pipes that Israel gave to the Palestinians to irrigate their fields. I personally am suspicious of everything the Palestinians say. That goes for any Palestinian anywhere.

Obviously Hamas had help, while not every Palestinian is a fighter in Hamas… It’s clear a substantial number of them were helping Hamas.

By the way, this occupation narrative where people say Israel was occupying Gaza… It’s bullshit! The Israeli settlers left a long assed time ago. They left fields, greenhouses, and infrastructure.

The Palestinians and Hamas chose to do some seriously fucked up shit because like many parasites they always want more and will continue taking more and more until they’ve destroyed their benefactor.

The Palestinians and Hamas could have turned Gaza into a fantastic tourist destination with a booming economy. They could have fed and educated their population. They could have become a 21st success. Israel would have helped them do it!

The Israelis would have loved to have a stable, peaceful, productive, Gaza.

But Palestinians chose flat out evil. They chose to leave their people hungry, thirsty, and destitute. Hamas chose to use their people as human shields.

I’m pretty damn sure a martyr for Allah would choose to be alive instead of blown to bits for a cause they weren’t sure they supported, instigated by a bunch of assholes living it up in Qatar on money that could have been used to improve living conditions in Palestinian lands.

With that kind of mentality, we don’t need any Palestinian refugees at all! Hell, we don’t know who’s in our country right now, we don’t need to add any more assholes to the mix.

I keep trying to write a non political blog post, but…

I keep running across reports out of Israel. 

My God! How can humans be that monstrous? Raping the women of your enemies is something that’s been going on for centuries so it’s not terribly surprising but I’d thought we’d gotten past that stage as a species.

Apparently I gave the human race more credit than it was due.

However, murdering infants? Decapitating them? Murdering women and children in their beds? That shit is vile beyond words. It also demonstrates what fucking cowards Hamas is. 

Their, Oh so Brave ‘Freedom Fighters’ killing unarmed people is wrong on so many levels that I find myself wanting to see Gaza leveled Indiscriminately. I find myself thinking “No Mercy, No Prisoners”

My rage quickly expands to those praising Hamas and Palestines actions in other countries. Australia I’m looking at you!

How can a country with such asinine hate speech & disinformation laws that they imprison their own citizens for misgendering a gender fuck drag queen, allow such hateful things as “Gas the Jews” to be chanted in front of the Sydney Opera House? 

I can tell you this, I don’t think I’ll be visiting Australia. I’ve heard it’s beautiful, but I don’t deal well with confusion. If “Gas the Jews” is okay, I’m going to assume my telling a tranny to get away from me, or calling the COVID Vaccines ineffective, or stating the fact that COVID 19 was only fatal to about 2% of the people contracting it, is going to be okay too. 

Except… We all know that’s not true and I’d end up in jail.

Then we have our own politicians, & citizens supporting Hamas with demonstrations in the streets or flying their flags outside their offices. Our own colleges saying they support Hamas and Palestinian causes. 

And I ask myself what has happened?

If this is humanity… then maybe it’s time for God to start over. 

Even I, pointing out the horror, am willing to look the other way when I say, “no mercy, no prisoners,” and say that Gaza be leveled. I’m willing to look away knowing that hundreds of thousands of men women and children would be killed.  

That makes me just as defective as the rest of the human race.

Recognizing my own defect… I still think every single member of Hamas should be hunted down and shot in the streets like the filthy rabid dogs they are. I might even be up for torturing them a bit first.

I have no idea why I feel that way. Is it that what they’re doing is so heinous I’m almost blinded by rage? OR is it moral outrage?

I look forward to the Israeli counter offensive

Well that 6 billion sure helped the Iranians

Israel hamas war rockets AP

The Iranians suddenly had 6 Billion extra in their budget and what did they do with it??

Pretty obvious, wouldn’t you say?

They funded the Palestinian assholes known as Hamas. Who then started attacking Israel.

Go Team Biden! Fantastic job! 

So that’s two armed conflicts that Team Biden failed to anticipate or understand. But Team Biden managed to light the fucking fuses on both, through demonstrated weakness and incompetence. Yea Team!!!

Ukrainian and Israeli blood is on the hands of the Democrats in Washington and Biden in particular. 

I’m glad to hear that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared War, and I sincerely hope that his forces kill every fucking one of the Palestinians. No Mercy! No negotiations, No peace until Palestine is a graveyard.

Yeah, that’s the kind of person I am about this bullshit. The Palestinians have demonstrated time and again what kind of vile shitheads they are. As far as I am concerned, the Palestinians lost all right to my consideration of their position when they hid weapons in schoolyards, and fired missiles from schools then cried to the UN accusing Israel of firing on children.

The one thing I can pretty much guarantee about Jews, is they wouldn’t knowingly hurt children, even the children of their enemies. But they would fire on the point of origin of missiles pretty much instantly. The IDF will do their level best to prevent loss of innocent lives as they always do. So while Palestinians may richly deserve retribution for harboring and keeping Hamas in power. Not all Palestinians are Hamas.

The Israelis usually know the difference and I have faith that they’ll be merciful with non combatants.

The people that should be worried are the folks who funded this War. The Israelis will not be merciful with them.

This Just In!

An article appearing in Energies declares that 1 Billion people will die due to climate change over the next 100 years!

The Article is here

Doom on you all!

The article may well be correct. There’s a lot of verbiage that seems to be future casting based on previous articles and publications.

Given the human reproductive decline in China, Russia, Japan, The United States, and other westernized countries. The fear mongering may be a moot point.

Will 1 Billion people die in addition to those never being born or is that figure the sum total?

100 years is a long time. Just look at what’s happened in the past 70 years. Look at the accelerations in technology. It was entirely likely that humans would apply their technological prowess and found solutions…

I say WAS with purpose.

I’ve run across some articles and been sent other articles that lead me to believe scientific rigor and the search for truth and understanding of the universe around us has become corrupted by dogma.

Here is an article describing one scholar’s approach to getting funding and maintaining his job in academia. This article is about climate change too, and the author describes omitting information to get the piece published in a peer reviewed journal. The author even says this isn’t science anymore.

Apparently, your article must reflect the current dogma.
You mustn’t ask or answer questions that run counter to prevailing dogma.

We’ve seen this in all aspects of scientific inquiry. In recent years this protective approach to prevailing dogma has been particularly focused in the areas of Climate Change, and Medicine.

What questions may you not ask? What facts must you not present? If you think about it you can easily extrapolate the chilling effect this attitude will have on scientific inquiry.

The same drivers exist in all scientific publications to a greater or lessor extent. This is driven in part due to funding and in part due to fettering brilliant minds with illogic in the name of political correctness.

We’ve seen this before…

Galileo Galilei, arguably the father of modern science, was put on trial by the church because he discovered that the Earth and all the planets revolved around the Sun. Church dogma placed Earth at the center of the universe. Galileo was eventually forced to recant his belief and discovery. He was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Ringing any bells???

Let me help, MDs being stripped of their licenses to practice medicine because they spoke about and tried alternate treatments to COVID? Their unforgivable SIN was that those treatments worked!

Here’s an example that I’ve still not gotten an answer about.

In Biology there’s a classification system for all life on the planet. This system seeks to provide order, and some information about the evolutionary pathway of all organisms.

With the advent of modern DNA studies and sequencing, this classification system has undergone some revisions. We’ve found that certain organisms are not related as closely to others as their appearance, and niche in the ecosystem would have suggested.

These discoveries have caused some organisms to be relocated from one branch to another branch of the classification system.

Many organisms are further sub-classified based on their color, habits, and evolutionary adaptations.

A notable exception is an animal called Human.

Why? Why are we special? Clearly all humans derive from the same basic body plan. So do Gorillas, and Chimpanzees. All humans function pretty much the same ways, our reproductive habits are the same. There are clear genetic differences otherwise we’d all look the same, but we don’t . There are diseases which afflict certain variations of humans and not others. Surely, these obvious core differences deserve the same scientific rigor. However human sub-classification stops at Homo sapiens sapiens which is redundant.

This is nothing less than scientific rigor stopping, because to go further would imply racism. Politically and societally racism is bad and therefore must never be reenforced in any way. So, the rigor and truth of scientific inquiry gets tossed right out the window.

You’d think there would be at least 6 subspecies of Human based on the occupied continents and variations that the environment of each continent induced.

You sure have to declare your subspecies on government forms and job applications! So apparently, racism is perfectly fine if it provides a financial advantage.

I cite the Human issue because it’s to my mind one of the most glaring. If we can’t look at hard truths bravely and clear eyed we will inevitably miss critical information that would lead us in new directions.

It appears that’s where we are as a species.

We got really smart, but we peaked probably in the mid ’90s. Instead of continuing to face uncomfortable truths we closed our eyes and put our fingers in our ears.

Look at our youth, Safe Spaces? Censoring Classical Literature? Math is Racist? How can we move forward if those who are supposed to create new advances can’t handle conflict, dare to dream, or being wrong?

Science… Especially Science, is about trying and failing. One need only look at the history of flight.

How many of those early inventors failed again and again, got up and dusted themselves off and tried again?

Even the Wright Brothers didn’t get it right on the first try.

Think what life would be like if those pioneers of flight had failed, gotten their feelings hurt and ran to their safe spaces, never to try again.

We’d be flying, but with balloons and blimps. The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Étienne achieved human flight with a hot air balloon in 1783. The pilot of the ballon was Pilâtre de Rozier.

120 years, from a hot air balloon to powered fixed wing flight.

66 years later we have 747 passenger planes and in the same year landed on the moon.

That’s the power of unfettered thinking. That’s what happens when you’re free to speak, to question, and to explore the edges of the unknown. That’s what happens when the truth of science is seen and not feared or discounted because it doesn’t fit some arbitrary world view.

747-8 In-flight Artwork K64146

And yes… because I know these things, that is why I hate people like Dr. Fauci, and the purveyors of dogma around Climate and Medicine.

Establishment scientists who silence truth are no better than the church in Galileo’s time.

They retard human advancement and the dim the human spirit. They dull brilliant minds by making scientists and amateurs alike, afraid to speak or discover.

We know where this leads too. If everything must be iterative and done the same as we’ve always done it due to dogma, then stagnation isn’t far off.

Give it a hundred years and our Doctors will be dancing around us casting out evil spirits.