Exploding Pagers & Radios? Oh My!

Pager explosion 768x439.When I first saw some of the snippets of news talking about exploding pagers, I thought it was yet another hoax from Hezbollah or Hamas, or any of a number of the other savage organizations operating in the Middle East. I thought they were trying yet again to blame Israel for their own screw up.

You know, kind of like when the morons in Gaza blew up their own hospital with malfunctioning rockets aimed at Israel. 

When it was apparent that the story was real, I thought it was brilliant. If members of these terrorist organizations weren’t outright killed, at least they were too maimed to be interested in hurting other people. 

Then I thought, “Hmm, If their pagers were in their front pockets, even if they survived, they weren’t going to be able to reproduce or rape anyone anymore,” and I counted that as a definite win.

Whoever thought of this in the IDF deserves a freaking medal! When we had troops in Afghanistan, I was always a big believer that we should’ve randomly made every cellphone in the country ring just to blow up the IEDs. People always asked, “What about the collateral damage to innocents?” My answer was always how innocent is someone with IEDs being built in the basement?

I know I sound harsh. But these people have, after decades of bullshit, devalued themselves with me to the point of being nothing more than crudely drawn characters in a video game. I no longer see them as human. They’re liars, untrustworthy, despicable, things. They’re crash test dummies now. It’s not hate, it’s complete unconcern and distain. They’ve become the characters in the video game that you shoot in the head to see how many different patterns of blood spatter the game developers programmed into the game.

I hate that we’re still sending money to the Middle East. I’m for letting them wallow in the cesspool of their own making and think they should either prove to the rest of the world that they’re worth something or be allowed to devolve into nothing.

I do find it ironic that a people who want to drag the entire world back to the 5th century are being hurt by 20th and 21st century technology. Perhaps if they walked their own talk, Allah wouldn’t have allowed them to be punished with exploding technology. 

Maybe that’s the lesson we should be teaching them. Stone Age people have no business messing with Western magical juju.

They should stop using cars, planes, busses, phones, computers, electricity, medicine, & indoor plumbing. Perhaps they should return to their old ways as bands of tribesmen tending their flocks. We could facilitate that by making various modern devices explode randomly. Aversion therapy I think it’s called. Make it so they can’t trust any technology so they stay away from it altogether.

It would solve a bunch of problems for them, and the rest of the world.

To fight crime, I honestly wonder if building every single item with a bomb in it would be a great idea.

If the item is stolen, it detonates when it’s reported as stolen. That would shut down the crime in this county and it would only take a few years.

I think it was RoboCop that introduced the idea that car thieves got fried inside the car they were trying to steal. That’s always been an image I liked when it came to thieving of any kind.

If technology were to be expanded to include GPS Coordinates so that the devices themselves knew where they were and then exploded if they were delivered to specific areas of the world, I’ll bet you could eliminate rockets and mortars being stored in schools, hospitals, mosques, and UN facilities in Gaza or Lebanon. 

I’ll admit, low yield explosives blowing Hezbollah’s balls off just tickles the hell out of me.

OH Really… Like this is a surprise.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that the Hamas Leaders, you know, the assholes living in luxury in Qatar, have suddenly turned off their phones and left their nice digs.

I find it interesting that Hamas fighters will do all the horrific things they’ve done, on the orders of men sitting on their fat asses in another country. Men who never go hungry, who have the finest clothing, and the best of everything, and who order the poor deluded “Freedom Fighters” to do despicable things or order them to their deaths. That alone speaks volumes about the mental capacity of Hamas fighters and the Palestinian people in general.

Of course the same could be said to some extent of our “Elites” and our military. I hope and pray our average soldier still questions the morality of orders they’re given. I’m starting to wonder about that, but perhaps the discussion should wait lest I open another “Rabbit Hole” and never finish this post.

The Hamas Leaders “going on the run”, and that’s what they’re doing, suggests that they’ve realized the IDF was very serious about hunting down those responsible for 10/7. It’s also possible that the IDF is closing in on these fuckers.

Personally, I think a worldwide bounty would be more efficient. If Israel offered a million bucks for these guys heads I can think of a few people who’d take that action. Why not? Hell, Muslims all over the world would probably turn them in for the bounty. There is no honor amongst those people.

Were I younger, well trained, and healthier, I’d consider going all Predator on these cockroaches. The payday would just be a bonus. The real payoff would be ridding the world of defective, horrific, rabid animals, like Hamas. 

If they think they’re going to be safe in the US that’s a sad state of affairs on a number of levels. 

1) They shouldn’t be able to enter the country in the first place and they shouldn’t under any circumstances feel the US would be “Safe” for them. Unfortunately, I suspect neither is true anymore.
2) If they make it to the US they’ll use the Palestinians in the US as human shields hoping to “blend in”. Then they’ll pervert our laws to their protection. Our feckless politicians will allow it.
3) If pissed off folks in America start hunting Palestinians looking for these cowards then so called innocent people will be hurt. I question the innocence of Palestinians in general, based on Rashida Tlaib and the Protests in the streets. I’m willing to accept the possibility of innocent Palestinians for the time being.

I find myself thinking, “If no Muslim country will provide safe haven to the poor displaced Palestinian victims perhaps it’s reasonable to ask why. What do they know that the rest of the world doesn’t?”

I look forward to the heads of Hamas Leadership on pikes. 

Perhaps a little too Vlad, but my family origin is northern European. 

Hey, I could have gone full Vlad and called for them to be impaled alive, then have their posts set along the entrance road to The Dome of the Rock.

I know, if that were to be done, (deserved, given what Hamas did to women and children,) the Palestinians would run to the UN and whine like little bitches. “They’re being mean to us… This is a war crime… “

Yeah, whatever! Fuck off!

If the IDF were to use sling shots in defending themselves, the UN, the Muslim World, and the Palestinians, would accuse Israel of war crimes. 

My advice to Israel, “You’re going to be guilty of some war crime (even if you’re not,) no matter what, so carpet bomb Gaza. Then Napalm it. Then flood it. Repeat as necessary and make sure everyone else knows that Gaza is an example of what will happen to them.”

Go fucking crazy! Don’t bother with restraint. If the world thinks you’ve lost your minds they might just think twice before screwing with you.

It might take some time, and some examples, but as long as you say what you’ll do, and do what you say, eventually even the moronic muslim world will get the picture, or go extinct. Either way is a win.

The logic is pretty simple. If someone wants to kill you, (and muslims have stated they do, time and again.)

Kill them first!

May Hamas leaders come to brutally ugly ends. Heads on Pikes (optional).

As an aside… 

I’ve read it in news articles, and heard it said in the crowds of protesters shown on TV, that white people should be killed.

As a white person, from a family of white people who generally speaking, like our lives, families, God, and guns. You might want to review this philosophy…

The logic is pretty simple. If someone wants to kill you…

Kill them first!

Y’all probably don’t want to poke the white bear!

Just Sayin…

Could this be a pattern?

Kamala Harris 1 640x480I see President “I don’t know where I am” has appointed Cackler Harris his new point person on Islamophobia.


With antisemitism up 400% and followers of Islam / Supporters of Palestine, trapping Jewish students in a college library I tend to think the problem may not be Islamophobia.

I know, I know, under the umbrella of “National Strategy on Islamophobia” they’re including antisemitism. Honestly it seems more like creating a protective organization for the KKK and as an after thought, saying they’re going to work with the NAACP.

Give me a fucking break!

Antisemitism is the problem. If you want to fix Islamophobia which is a misnomer. (People aren’t generally afraid of Islam, people just don’t like the assholes who follow Islam.) 

Anyway, if you want to put an end to Islamophobia the answer is simple. Get rid of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Remove them from congress and when people aren’t being irritated or outright pissed off by these rancid cunts every fucking day, then perhaps Islamophobia will be dialed down.

Or you might consider making CAIR pay for having funneled money to Hamas, and other radical Islamist organizations. They’ve been investigated time and again, with credible outcomes suggesting that criminal charges should be brought, but nothing ever happens. The Islamic people get all up in arms and start making threats. Then politicians get worried about potential violence and the investigation is allowed to die.

By the way Americans really don’t like that shit. We don’t like that a minority group can threaten violence and get away with whatever the hell they want to. Especially when if Americans do the same, they’re branded domestic terrorists and subject to arrest.

However, the pattern I’m starting to notice is this:

Whenever the White House doesn’t want to deal with something and wants nothing to change about whatever the “It” is. They appoint Cacklea Harris to take care of it.

In other words the Powers that be make Harris the fall person and are destroying her career, (if you can call it that,) while Joe is slowly self destructing on the world stage.

Neither of them could get elected to scoop shit out of a Dog Park. The country knows it, and the world knows it. Which means that we’re going to see escalation in warfare and violence across the planet and perhaps even here at home running up to the 2024 election.

It makes sense, all the bad actors better get what they can get while they can because if a conservative Republican wins the election, there’s going to be a lot of folks having to crawl back into their festering holes, until another weak assed President gets elected. But they’ll be able to keep the new lands or resources they’ve managed to take by force.

On the other hand, if by some act of Satan, Biden gets another term, or some other Democrat sycophant is elected then the conflicts will go on, and we’ll all be run into the poor house unable to pay back the loans we took out to … Support? Appease? Conflicts and people that want nothing to do with us but take our money.

At this point I feel like we fucking OWN Ukraine. I think when this conflict is over, they’ll need to be sending us shipments of goods and raw materials to repay the debt with interest. 

I’ve asked the question for years, “Why do the American People always end up footing the bill for other peoples fuck ups?”

When you look at all the money the American Tax payer has dumped into failed countries, often filled with people who hate us the legitimate question is, “What did we get for our effort or money?”

Maybe we should have been shipping oil home from the Middle East, Perhaps we should have been mining Afghanistan and never fucking left. Their mineral resources alone are going to allow China to fuck us for decades to come.

How about us backing the Shah of Iran, and then watching that puppet government collapse into the Mullahs we have now? Those are just a few examples. Why does the UN always get access to American Troops to cool a conflict? Isn’t that what the UN peacekeeping force about? Why is it that somehow the US always ends up sending more men and resources than practically any other UN nation?

Honestly, these are some questions that Americans should be demanding answers about. Maybe from here on out, American assistance comes with a price tag!

Cackling Harris will be as ineffective on Islamophobia and Antisemitism as she’s been on everything else. She’ll be telling us that Islamophobia is caused by people not liking Islamic people and that somehow Israel is responsible for creating islamophobia because the Jews don’t get along with the Muslims and perhaps Jews should just give Palestinians more land then Islamophobia would be a thing of the past…

She’ll do it with a fucked up word salad but she’ll do it.

Are you shitting me?

The UN, and others are demanding a cease fire between Israel and Palestine. 

A cease fire??? What? The IDF hasn’t moved in to clean out the vermin of Hamas.israel hamas war 1.jpg

Cease Fire??? Oh HELL NO!

I’m looking forward to every single structure in Gaza being razed to the ground. I want bodies of Hamas floating out into the Mediterranean as they’re shot trying to escape the righteous vengeance of Israel. Let ‘em feed the sharks!

No prisoners, No mercy, No ceasefire, until every single element of Hamas has been put down like the rabid vermin they are.

These Hamas fuckers are already in tunnels, those tunnels should become their graves.

As the media keeps spinning this as a humanitarian issue for the Palestinians, I can’t feel any sympathy. Ohhh poor babies… their internet and cell service is down. Ohhh poor babies they’re running out of fuel and the power is off. Ohhh they have no water to bathe with. SO FUCKING WHAT?!?

Better than half the Palestinians support Hamas. They celebrated the massacre of 1400 Israeli civilians. They laughed at the murder of babies in their cribs. They are complicit in the crimes of Hamas. They should share in the punishment.

There was one report that said the average IQ in Gaza was 67. I haven’t verified this report but if it’s true… you know what? These people are never going to contribute anything to humanity. No great loss.

I respect the IDF trying to preserve life. That amazes me considering what happened. I think that their efforts will go unacknowledged. The very people they’re trying to save will turn on them at the first opportunity. But I respect that the IDF is trying to do the right thing.

There may come a time when the IDF has to abandon their higher principles when or if that happens, I will still support Israel. 

Oh and Iran… FUCK YOU!IranAmbasto UN.png

I don’t like being threatened.

I’d happily walk into the UN general council and tell the Iranian Foreign Minister, “given their proxies attacks on US facilities that technically a state of war exists.

I’d love to be the guy who then asked the Iranian Foreign Minister to try to call home… I’d love to deliver that message to the Iranian Foreign Minister while Tehran was already under attack and being bombed into oblivion. The video of his expression should be televised worldwide as he realizes that that his home is gone, and he’ll never see his homeland again.

I think it’s time for us to really make the point to the entire fucking world.

Americans are sick and tired of being fucked over, 

I don’t like war, it’s a waste of resources. War is a failure of diplomacy. 

But it’s become clear that appeasement is not going to work, diplomacy will not work with a culture that will never honor any treaties or agreements.

This leaves only one option. War

The war should only end, when what’s left of the enemy is literally on their knees on broken glass begging for mercy and their lives.

Israel Palestinians New York 14 1698457549605 1698457572798All you fucking morons protesting for Palestinian “Freedom” in the streets of New York, and other major cities. I’m totally for letting you parachute right into Gaza. If you love the Palestinian animals of Hamas, then join them.

If you survive, perhaps you can provide useful instruction on how much Hamas hates any Americans. They don’t care if you’re protesting to support them, they’ll kill you right along with someone in the IDF.

You’re nothing but useful idiots that cause disruption, and spread hate in your home country.

On Palestinian Refugees…

No Thanks!

We already have a Palestinian!Talib

This one is quite enough.

If Egypt refuses to allow Palestinians into their country, there’s a reason.

Could it be that Egypt knows that the majority of the Palestinians are radicalized and will probably launch attacks on Israel from their soil?

Could the Egyptians be smart enough to realize that they don’t want to give Israel any reason to attack them? Egypt and Israel have had wars, so it’s not that the Egyptians are all that worried about it, but maybe they’re not ready to engage in war again. Maybe they like peace more than they want to destroy Israel.

It doesn’t matter why… What matters is that Egypt knows something about the Palestinians and consider it too high a risk, or too many mouths to feed.

Now that it’s come out some of the missiles the Palestinians fired into Israel were made from water pipes that Israel gave to the Palestinians to irrigate their fields. I personally am suspicious of everything the Palestinians say. That goes for any Palestinian anywhere.

Obviously Hamas had help, while not every Palestinian is a fighter in Hamas… It’s clear a substantial number of them were helping Hamas.

By the way, this occupation narrative where people say Israel was occupying Gaza… It’s bullshit! The Israeli settlers left a long assed time ago. They left fields, greenhouses, and infrastructure.

The Palestinians and Hamas chose to do some seriously fucked up shit because like many parasites they always want more and will continue taking more and more until they’ve destroyed their benefactor.

The Palestinians and Hamas could have turned Gaza into a fantastic tourist destination with a booming economy. They could have fed and educated their population. They could have become a 21st success. Israel would have helped them do it!

The Israelis would have loved to have a stable, peaceful, productive, Gaza.

But Palestinians chose flat out evil. They chose to leave their people hungry, thirsty, and destitute. Hamas chose to use their people as human shields.

I’m pretty damn sure a martyr for Allah would choose to be alive instead of blown to bits for a cause they weren’t sure they supported, instigated by a bunch of assholes living it up in Qatar on money that could have been used to improve living conditions in Palestinian lands.

With that kind of mentality, we don’t need any Palestinian refugees at all! Hell, we don’t know who’s in our country right now, we don’t need to add any more assholes to the mix.