I’m batting 1000 today.

As I was wandering through a social web site today I was struck by a few lines in an online profile.

The profile owner specifically says

“If you meet any of the following criteria don’t bother to contact me.”

The list was 6 or 7 items long and dealt with things like dugs, alcohol, disease, and phenotype.

The lines that leapt off the screen at me were these;
Granturismo sport209
“If you drive a BMW or Mercedes Benz or SUV” or “If your’e a Republican”

This gave me pause.

Perhaps it’s because I have an SUV parked in the drive and a BMW in the garage. Perhaps because while I disagree with the Republican stance and agenda with every fiber of my being… I’m still at heart a Republican leaning towards Libertarian.
2012 lamborghini aventado 14 460x0wThen I thought “WOW” this person is restricting their social interactions to ONLY like minded individuals and on the one hand saying how Kumbaya, progressive, and inclusive they are WHILE they’re judging other people on the basis of ephemeral things like the car they drive or the dysfunctional political party that they belong to.

I almost sent a message asking “What’s up with that?” but I refrained.

I must admit that I too judge people, in fact everyone does. 

For instance it’s unlikely that I’m going to hang out with a bunch or 18 year olds. I’m going to make that choice because I know that I don’t have a lot in common with them. 

It’s nothing personal it’s just that my values & experience are so radically different that we’re not going to have a lot to talk about.

I suppose that this profile owner is saying something similar and it’s their prerogative.

My mind though, goes to the absurd.

Is the owner of the profile saying that Democrats who own Ferraris or Maserati, or Lamborghinis ARE acceptable? And if that is what they intended to say doesn’t that imply that the profile owner CAN in fact overlook their contempt for affluence and hard work if the trappings of that affluence have an estimated value of over $100,000?
After due consideration I’ve decided to modify my profile to read.

“Don’t contact me if you own a Kia, or Scion. I, in general find drivers of these vehicles to be poor drivers and have no desire to know anything about them.”

“If you’re a member of ANY religious organization don’t contact me. Religion is a poisonous, hate filled abomination and I’ve decided to eradicate it from my personal world view.”
ScionFRs“If you make less than 50K a year I’m also not at all interested. Contact me when you’ve gotten to 100K and I’ll re-evaluate you… Oh and I’ll need to see your W-2 or paystub.”

That should cull the riff-raff!

Of course, I’m likely to be going to the movies alone, But it’s worth it so that I don’t have to be bothered with “undesirables”.

The owner of the profile I’m referencing, often states that they’re lonely…

I wonder WHY?

Will be gone all day today

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Figured that I better get a blog entry prepped.

I’m going to visit a friend. I SOOO need to get away if only for a few hours.

I’m dealing with a bit of cabin fever. With the price of gas as high as it is, I’ve not been going too many places. I’ve certainly not been spending any gas that I didn’t need to.

On the one hand, I’ve been saving money. On the other hand… I’m going stir crazy in isolation.

The subtle signs are that when I actually do go somewhere I’m grinning the whole way there and back. It doesn’ matter if I’ve got the top of the car up or down, It’s freedom! It’s a new view and I’m stimulated by it. Another sign is that I’ve bought some music that would make great driving / traveling music.

The Chromatics is the latest acquisition. Yeah… gotta drive playing their music.

I’ve packed my camera, and a few other items in case I see something that’s photo-worthy.

Changed a bunch of Lightbulbs yesterday to the new LED lights. In the process I busted an insert in the fixture. I’m taking that along with me in case I see a Home Depot or Lowes and feel like stopping.

The problem is cabin fever is that to a point you’re productive and take care of little projects. But beyond that point you slip down the slope to depression and you just don’t give a damn about much of anything. The shit will STILL be there tomorrow and if it’s gets moved today, tomorrow, or next week it really doesn’t matter.

The problem is that feeling like that feeds further depression and then it starts coloring all kinds of things in your life. Within a short time the cycle is feeding on itself and growing worse.

Today is going to be a mental health day. New view, good conversation, & probably a good drink or two. I think it will be good to talk with my friend I’ve gotten the impression that he’s in a similar headspace. If true then we may be able to help each other out and give each other direction as only interaction with someone you know well can.


When it rains it pours… And speaking of rain…

This week has flown by and not in a good way. It’s not been a bad week either just full.

The original plan was to edit and write.

I’d planned to have my car serviced.

While the car was having it’s fluids changed I was going to go to a friends place and see about getting my fluids drained. Both of us could use a nice long session of sweaty naked ugly bumping. Me and my friend, not me and the car… although i suppose we could bump uglies IN the car hummmm sounds kind of fun. I’ve got a squeegee and the leather seats would clean just fine.

That’s not happening this week.

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My Godson is home from the military and I wanted to spend some time with him. He’s a different young man now. The changes I’ve seen, are good ones. I’m absolutely sure that he’s going to continue growing into a fantastic man.

Surveillance cameras

One of my best friends had a little incident at his business. The incident was captured on the surveillance system and you’d think that getting the video off said surveilance systems would have been cake… So I opened my mouth and said yeah sure when I got asked to pull the video.

I found out quite by surprise that my friend was in the hospital when I got to his business. Needless to say I was worried but my Godson was at the hospital with him so I figured the best thing I can do is get the video so it’s one less thing for them as a family to worry about.

This is an example of the typical story of my life. Getting the video was anything but easy. It took two computers. The one that I was able to successfully use to get the video was my netbook.  I’m not complaining because it worked.

It was a lot like pulling teeth with a pair of rusty pliers in a barn, with the zombie apocalypse happening while you have explosive diarrhea.

The netbook has a processor that is about half as fast at the processor in my smartphone. And my netbook only has 2Gig of memory… Can you say SLOW? “Good children, I knew you could.”

Techie digression… Non Techies, well I’d suggest you skip ahead a bit.

Don’t get me wrong, My Netbook is more than enough for email, the occasional word processing document and surfing the web. But this application was pushing at the fringes of it’s ability.

The single most annoying thing was that the manufacturer of the surveilance unit goes to great lengths to tell you ON thier web site and in their manual that they write the video in H264 format. This is pretty much an industry standard and my Mac has all the stuff necessary to read this format directly.

What they don’t tell you is that you can’t do something as simple as plugging a drive into the USB port on the side of the surveillance base station and say Copy this file, or copy from this time index to that time index. Nope they make you view the event through their web interface or through their application. BOTH of which require Windows and that you either BUY a 3rd partys software or that you find a time limited freebie to actually COPY the video that you see.

Personally I HATE with a passion a vendor that says here’s our software… Then when you load it they tell you it’s necessary to load something else from another vendor.  If you’re like me and your goal is to keep the amount of changes to your operating system to a minimum then that kind of makes their software useless doesn’t it? Unfortunately there was no other alternative.

Now I have to clean up two machines instead of one. My windows XP machine and my Netbook both have this vendors crap software and the 3rd and 4th party software on them. Grrrrrrr!

The Win XP machine kinda worked but the image was doubled and the color was all wrong. There was no error per se… The system thought it was doing everything correctly and If I hadn’t checked the file I’d have said “Done” then delivered something completely useless. Which led me to using the Netbook and Windows 7.

The added frustration was that the surveillance unit isn’t on a network. It will be! I guarantee that! I had to create a private network with fixed IP addresses and  a small switch. Not a big deal unless you have to keep switching IP addresses in Windows so that you can talk to the Internet and then talk to the private network and then back again because the 3rd party software you’ve had to download doesn’t actually download everything you need until you’re actually installing it.

Techie Comment… Non Techies skip this or you’ll start bleeding from your eyes.

Windows can become a stone bitch when you’re messing with IP addresses. XP practically demands that you reboot every freakin time you change an IP. (Yeah, I know it’s not every time but it’s inconsistent enough that you might as well reboot. All us techies just love ipconfig telling us the ethernet adapter can’t obtain an ipaddress.)

After battling with getting the files onto my computer I figure I’m home free. The files are converted to AVI in the process of saving them to a hard disk. WRONG Wouldn’t you know it, the CODEC for AVI playback is either not installed on my friends machine or the files are in an almost but not quite AVI format. (Hair Pulling, grumbling, Grrrr.)

So I play the video on my Mac, it’s grainy but it’s the same quality that you get watching the surveillance monitor live. The problem is that I’m playing it for My friends wife and she’s noticing things that I thought nothing about. Suffice it to say these are things that she’s going to have a discussion with him about. Folks… You really need to tell me if I’m supposed to edit your video content!

It’s a classic reminder that stepping into an office to scratch your balls, rearrange your tackle, or flat rub one out…. DON’T forget to check for nasty little cameras.

220px DVD Video bottom side

As I’m writing this, my Mac is humming away writing all the video to an industry standard DVD. And before I deliver the DVD I’m going to test it in every player I have here at the house. I’m really wanting to get this project off my plate.

I guess I need to make sure that none of my porn collection got built into the DVD too… Hummmm.

I’m about a week behind in the hard copy editing of the book. So I really need to focus on that.

We’ve got a storm coming in over the weekend that is supposed to drop a foot of snow or more on us but the weather reports are confllicting. I’ve gotta batten down the hatches just in case.

Then last night… I’m getting ready for bed and my Muse scratches his fingernails across my brain. It’s essentially the same sound as fingernails on an old style blackboard but LOUDER!

So at 12:30 am I’m at my computer writing a short story. I finally got to bed at 3 am, I’m having a slow start to my day but I like the short story. It needs a couple of tweaks but i was pleased overall with the result.

So today, I’m going to be busy with laundry, poo patrol cause it needs to get done before the rain, snow or what ever. Maybe if I’m really lucky… I can tend to draining my own fluids.

Nahhh I won’t be that lucky!

Off to get the rest of the day started.

New Years Eve

As I’m scanning & shredding documents, backing up computers, and trying to collect all the little bits of flotsam and jetsam that will be required for my tax guy, I’m struck by a number of things from the year gone by.

We came into this new year with 2 wars raging.

The housing crisis was, and still is with us. Government propaganda not withstanding.

The people (as in We the People) are learning to flex their muscle using social media and I was surprised to see in the latter part of the year corporations yielding to pressure from consumers. I sincerely hope that more corporations and especially the United States government agencies take note.

The TSA is still strip searching folks based on racial profiling. (Yes, think about it… think about the demographics of the TSA abuses…) This is an organization that needs a major overhaul but they also serve as an object lesson in how Power corrupts absolutely.

Our Economy has taken some serious hits, so has the world economy. I was watching the news the other night and the reported mentioned that China was experiencing an economic downturn. I blew my drink out my nose. The reporter almost sounded like they were trying to spin it as “Poor China” which was annoying… But the more interesting thing is that since so much of the stuff in the stores is Made in China… What does it mean if China is having a manufacturing / economic slump? One would hope that it means Americans are buying American goods. Somehow I doubt that is the case since it takes time for manufacturing companies to move factories and supply lines.

Occupy Wall Street was a good and a bad thing. On the Good side… It demonstrated that Americans are getting fed up with greed and obscene abuses of wealth, power, and their good will. I’m actually glad to see that happen.

On the bad side, There wasn’t a lot of coherent thought in the Occupy protests and I think Occupy… wore out it’s welcome in the minds of the American People.

We lost some good people this year. Classic actors, thinkers, and creators. I hope in 2012 we’ll see people step up and fill those voids in our culture.

It seems that everyone is ready to have this year come to a close. I’m personally right there with them.

I don’t know what 2012 will bring (Other than a Presidential Election, which is sure to be a major embarrassment for America) but I, like all Americans am built to be optimistic.

For an American, a new year is opportunity and it must be better than the previous year.

As you all head out to your New Years Eve revelries please remember…

Be safe, enjoy your parties, your families, and your friends. Lets make this new year a good one.

Welcome Back

As folks go back to work for the few days until New Years we begin the come down from the capitalist carnage “high”.

This year I baked cookies and tried to give of myself instead of running up the credit cards. I bought few gifts, I made the Christmas card and in general I enjoyed this Christmas as much as any other.
I got some nice material gifts but they weren’t excessive. 
I got the strongest reminder about the importance of giving of yourself when I dropped some cookies and a card off to a gentleman here in town. He was at his shop wrapping packages for his kids and appeared a bit frazzled. We’ve done business a couple of times and he impressed me as a man of honor and decency.
This guy was a Rodeo Rider until the past few years. 
He took a look at the cookies, so obviously homemade and in just a couple of steps was around the counter hugging me. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart”, he said and he meant it. The look on his face was a gift to me. 
Hell I’d even miscounted on the cookie tins so I was handing him a big ‘ol ziplock of cookies and a card nothing more. It didn’t matter to him, he appreciated the time, and that I’d made time to drop a small token off and wish him a Merry Christmas.
It was the look on his face that took me right back to Kentucky and Tennessee. 
While I’d spent time growing up in those places, I discovered a kind of people who valued your actions more than the material goods. 
Whether it was me as a scrawny 12 year old responding to a call of help from a complete strangers barn, or 14 year old me telling my best friend that he was joining my family on a sumer vacation to Florida. 
The “Worth” was in deeds not in trinkets from the store.
What a lot of folks seem to have forgotten is that when you give a gift of yourself it’s almost immediately rewarded by the look of appreciation on peoples faces. 
Jack, here in town reminded me of my roots this Christmas. Unknowingly he took me to a place in my heart and head where I got to appreciate the season again. Jacks gift was among several that I got this season that I’ll treasure. 
The gifts of time, company, companionship, and friendship as it turns out are worth more to me than  the “Made In China” stuff you can buy in the mall.