If you’re gonna lie, make sure the facts aren’t easily verified.

That’s kinda rule number 1 of telling lies.

What brought this to mind was the wailing and gnashing teeth over Jason Aldean’s song, “Try That In A Small Town

The song itself has been out since May but the music video has gained all kinds of attention in recent days. From what I’ve seen of the video, it incorporates news clips of violent riots, and crimes taking place.

It’s nothing we haven’t all seen in the past two to four years too. (As an aside, the last five words of the previous sentence are why you should know how To, Too, and Two, work. And yes, the “Too” at the end is grammatically incorrect.)

Anyhow, before I digress into some linguistic insanity, I’ll get back on point.

The media, and even other country singers are saying that Aldean’s song is a call for violence and some have gone so far as to say the song is racist and calls from lynchings.

Uhh. NOPE! I’ve personally heard the song. The Lyrics are readily available on the internet.

THE COLONY, TEXAS – MAY 10: Jason Aldean performs at the 2023 ACM Lifting Lives Topgolf Tee-Off And Rock On Fundraiser at Topgolf on May 10, 2023 in The Colony, Texas. (Photo by Richard Rodriguez/Getty Images)

Try That In A Small Town

Jason Aldean

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya like

Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you’re tough

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they’re gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck

Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

Full of good ol’ boys, raised up right

If you’re looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

Written by: Kelley Lovelace, Neil Thrasher, Tully Kennedy, Kurt Michael Allison

Album: Try That In A Small Town

Released: 2023

I guess it’s okay as far as songs go, were it not for the controversy I’d have missed it entirely. As prose goes, there are a few stanzas that just seem strained. That’s just my opinion, and worth exactly as much as you paid for it.

There are a number of Jason Aldean songs I like a lot, this just isn’t one of them.

The point is, there’s nothing racist in the lyrics. Nowhere is the word lynching used. Nowhere do the lyrics suggest that “Old Black Joe,” should be strung up.

Before you freak out screaming I’m a racist. “Old Black Joe’s still picking cotton,” is a line from a Leonard Cohen song called “Everybody Knows” I wanted to use an actual verifiable lyric that was easily checked.

Everybody Knows should be an anthem for the Biden years!

FYI I prefer the Sigrid performance to the Cohen performance. I think it’s the orchestration.

Before screaming harridans decide to cancel Leonard Cohen, they should know that a) Cohen will not give a fuck because he’s dead, and b) they’ll have to cancel the movie Justice League because “Everybody Knows” is the opening song. If it was good enough just a couple of years ago what’s changed?

I’m just asking…

The problem is that the video clips in Aldean’s music video kind of rub the leftists’ noses in the shitstorm they’ve caused and continue to allow with their stupid policies.

Everybody Knows multiple cities in this once great nation are dumpster fires of crime without consequences. I live 70 miles from one of these festering shitholes. Approximately 400 miles up the interstate is the penultimate example showing where these policies lead.

That city is called San Francisco. But it’s not just the city of San Francisco, you have to include Oakland too. Oakland has always been teetering on the edge. Even 20 years ago, you didn’t want to be on the street after dark in Oakland. Now…

I’m thankful that should I decide to go visit the northern parts of California, Interstate 5 swings well clear of the Bay Area.

It does sort of piss me off. San Francisco was once a breathtakingly beautiful city.

I always enjoyed business trips in that city and while I knew the hotels were way overpriced as was the food, I didn’t mind paying because San Francisco had a happy vibe.

Business trips, or even standing in the Moscone Center all day for a trade show weren’t horrible. I knew in the evening I’d be trying some new food, or seeing something that would put a smile on my face. The last rays of the sun gleaming off the spire of the TransAmerica building for example. The Golden Gate Bridge disappearing artfully into a fog bank.

Chicago, New York, and St Louis, had some interesting sights. But once I’d seen them I was done. For me, there was never the desire to live in any of those cities. San Francisco on the other hand, I always picked up the newspaper for the real estate section.

Property and apartments were always out of my price range. Or more concisely, beyond what I personally would pay. A one bedroom fixer-upper shack of a house with street parking and no yard for 750,000 was simply insanity that I could not and would not buy into.

Now I wouldn’t even think of living in or near San Francisco. I can’t even think of myself visiting the city because I don’t think I could stand the heartbreak.

The racist claim against Jason Aldean is false on its face. In many of the clips shown, you can’t really tell what race the perpetrators are.

The fact that the leftists assume the race of the perpetrators then accuse Aldean of racism says a lot more about the leftists and their view of the world than it does about Aldean.

Leftists have spent the past decade reopening old wounds. They’ve divided us along racial lines, I think their assumption Aldean is racist based on the news clips, means they expect violence to be committed by black and brown people. Even though in Portland, and Seattle the mix of the crowd was about even.

Leftists, if you’re going to lie, at least do it well. You’re not even putting in any effort. You just expect everyone to believe whatever CNN or MSNBC chitter on about.

That may be true and has been for many years, but you should ask yourself how much longer that will last, if you don’t hold up your end of the bargain. You should be constructing at least marginally believable and difficult to disprove lies.

It’s the “marginally believable and difficult to disprove” part that makes CNN’s or MSNBC’s spin work. Without that, the people will simply stop watching the mainstream media and then where will you be?

If you get right to it maybe leftists have been phoning it in for a while.

How many lies have unraveled in just the last two weeks or so?

IRS Whistleblowers having evidence to show that their investigations into Hunter was stymied with intent.

Hunter’s laptop being not only real, but verifying the accounts of corruption and disproving Joe’s lies about talking with Hunter about business dealings and / or receiving bribes. It’s strange to see the laptop corroborating the whistleblowers stories.

Those of you on the left, really do need to step up your game.

I’m sure however, that Jason Aldean appreciates that you and CMT pushed his song to Number one on the iTunes Charts. Keep screaming morons, Aldean and his lovely wife will roll around naked in the additional millions you’re swinging their way.

Hollywood on Strike?

Meh, who cares?

I haven’t been to a theater in a decade. I killed Netflix and Amazon Prime a couple years ago, and Hulu is Next.

I don’t watch network TV

Most of the movies I’m interested in are either old, or from independent or foreign production houses.

It’s not even about “Woke” vs. “NonWoke”, it’s about the quality of the story. I’ll grant you, I don’t like being preached at. So about the time something looks preachy I’m out.

With the streaming services, I found myself asking, “How is it that I have 3 streaming services and still can’t find anything I want to watch that I don’t already own?”

Hulu has started to annoy me because of their algorithms. I can’t confirm this for a fact. But it seems that when I add a movie to my personal Apple TV library, suddenly Hulu starts showing me the exact same movie and encouraging me to view it on their service. Uh… look dumbasses I already own it commercial free, why the hell would I watch a movie that I own through your service with commercials?

Perhaps Hulu, you should have been showing me something new!

The only reason I’ve kept Hulu to this point is that they were more or less cheap and sometimes I’d be able to find a movie I hadn’t seen. They’ve saved me purchasing some real turkeys. But since I enjoy campy sci-fi, even the turkeys in my collection are amusing sometimes.

Speaking of campy sci-fi I saw a photo of what looks like Jane Fonda protesting with the writers. Honestly, the photo made me smile. Jane Fonda did a lot of protesting when I was a young person. There’s a sweet nostalgia seeing her out protesting now. I think I’ll have to fire up Barbarella.

Lilly Tomlin was in that same photo and I thought that was very cool homage to Grace and Frankie which was a show I enjoyed.

Personally I think this strike is ill timed and is going to hurt the writers, producers, and actors much more than it helps.

Like it or not, the COVID years, got everyone used to not going to movies, and a lot of folks, myself included got used to looking for old shows or movies that we remembered fondly.

I can speak for myself when I say I don’t have a clue what is new on the boob tube. When we cut the cable years ago, it seemed that every other show was some form of “Reality TV” that we weren’t interested in at all. So why were we paying over $100 a month to Not watch TV? We didn’t miss it once it was gone and if I put that $100 into old movies and TV shows that we did like we still came out ahead.

But for other folks, this strike is going to feel like nothing more than an extension of COVID production halts and likely, whatever shows or movies aren’t being produced won’t be missed.

I’d strongly suggest that the writers and actors not push this too long. People are fickle and have the attention span of a gnat these days. Give it 6 to 9 months and stupid TicToc challenges will be all the entertainment people remember or need.

On the plus side Alec Baldwin’s epic Rust will probably rot on an editing computer, never to see the light of day.