I caught a snippet of a report about NY demanding money to deal with illegal immigrants.

I gather Kathy Hochul wants several billion dollars to house, feed, and provide healthcare for people who broke our laws getting here, then ended up being sent to sanctuary NY.

Okay, I get it. These people are here now and they’re sucking up tons of resources.

My opinion is, they should have been turned around at the border. At the end of a gun barrel if necessary.

As I was shaking my head thinking about the hypocrisy of NYs Hochul and that winner of a Mayor in NYC. I found myself wondering if ANY of these politicians actually hear themselves?

It wasn’t too long ago that they were criticizing actual border states for requesting federal funds to deal with the border crises.

These politicians called Governors, Mayors, and even ranchers, in Arizona and Texas racists because they were pointing out that their resources were stretched too thin and they couldn’t accommodate or ensure the safety of the flood of people. When Arizona and Texas asked for funds they were insulted and essentially told to, “suck it up” or called fascists for trying to add additional law enforcement to the border.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly these declared sanctuary cities and states are begging for money and even criticizing the Biden Administration.

Uhhh, hypocrite much?

A lot of the small towns on the border have been bled completely dry trying to keep up with the onslaught of needy people. The quality of life for Americans citizens in those small towns has been sent straight to the shitter. And no-one gave a fuck until NYC had 10 or 15 thousand illegals.

We’ve seen illegals crammed into airport terminals and police stations in Chicago. The illegals are sleeping on the floors and arguably preventing the “Normal” business of airports and police stations from progressing smoothly. Chicago and NYC are big places. Meanwhile, the small town of 800 is effectively wiped off the map when 5000 illegals show up demanding to be fed, housed, clothed, and in need of medical attention.

There should be a lot of outrage at the irrevocable damage done to our border towns. There isn’t! On a national front, but I’m sure that the folks who call these small towns home are hopping mad. The dazzling urbanites never give it a thought because while they’re inconvenienced, their cities are relatively unchanged.

Then you have ranchers trying to keep their herds fed that can’t actually use big chunks of their land to turn the herds into. Why? Because Biden’s Administration keeps cutting their fences so the illegals can more easily enter our country.

Fences often are necessary to keep things in, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Emus… The last thing a rancher needs is half the herd wandering off through a fence the damnable government cut.

If you think about it, in addition to the small towns and ranchers paying regular taxes that are sucked up into servicing the illegals, the rancher gets to pay again and again for every head of cattle lost or injured because the jackasses in Washington DC have no clue what it takes to put meat on their tables.

You’d think that morons like Hochul and Adams and that idiot mayor of Chicago would wake up and realize this immigration mess is not sustainable.

We all know Alejandro Mayorkas will not do a damn thing to stop the invasion. Mayorkas is an absolute moron who would keep piling people into a lifeboat until it sank, then say it wasn’t his fault.

Our “Border czar” Vice President Cacklema Harris is completely useless on all fronts. Hmmm Come to think of it she’s even more useless than Biden was as Vice President during the Obama Administration. That’s saying something!

I know I’ve been “Political” for a while. I’ve been trying to pull back but I caught this snippet while I was tuning around on the HAM radio this morning.

Uh Yeah, Sometimes I’ll listen to a distant country station on the HAM rig. Hey… It’s got a decent antenna and the radio itself has really good ears. That’s the “up” side, the down side is that radio stations sometimes do news segments in the morning.

That’s how I got onto this whole immigration disaster. I was able to tune out of the political crap quickly because I was heading for a morning “Net” where a bunch of local HAM operators check in with each other.

The morning “Net” is a lot more rewarding than listening to the news…

Hope you all have a great day.

Hey Tucker Twitter isn’t working!

Well it’s probably working for a lot of folks, but since I don’t have a Twitter account and am really ambivalent about creating a new one I’m not able to see Tucker Carlson.

I had a Twitter account, which i got rid of a number of years ago.

In my case I was tired of speaking my mind and then either being shouted down or censored. This was especially true when what I said was 100% correct with verifiable sources.

After becoming disgusted with Twitter, killing the account, and not looking back I don’t really want to sign up again. Then there’s the fun little thing that Twitter is perhaps limiting how much I can read per day? (Is that true?) and now they’re not letting me look at any tweets behind the “Create an Account” page.

I was tuning in a couple of days a week to see what Mr Musk was proposing about the future of Twitter. I was actually thinking about rejoining the service. But now… Nah, I’m not going to jump blindly into a service that drove me away.

I was tuning into Tucker Carlson on Twitter. That was another perk for me to rejoin the service. I hadn’t quite decided when the Twitter folks locked things down.

Now I can’t see him at all and interestingly his Twitter show isn’t being rebroadcast as widely as it was.

You can go to Tucker’s web site and maybe view episodes. Although I’ve not had that work either. It looks like the link it trying to take the user to Twitter or X (whatever,) but the linkage fails without an error and never plays either.

So while I’m sure the number of people like myself who don’t really want to play Twitter’s game is vanishingly small, There are a number of us for whom Tucker is effectively OFF THE AIR.

Which is just exactly what the folks who fired Mr. Carlson from Fox wanted.

Hmm, the young couple up the road is selling their place.

Either this last winter broke them or the increasingly annoying situation with Crazy Pants did.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen them taking their usual walks lately.

Crazy Pants and her…

Whatever the hell he is, went from having two annoying Chihuahuas to having a pack of very annoying Chihuahuas. The pack is often roaming around the neighborhood so you never know if you’re going to be attacked.

Even if they are in their yard, It is not possible to walk in front of my house, or indeed anywhere on the street without being barked at constantly.

I have also wondered about the status of their various shots. Rabies for example?

This is a redux of every dog, or dogs, Crazy Pants has had for 20+ years. At least in this case they’re Chihuahuas, not some indeterminant aggressive Wolf hybrid.

Years ago, the county had to remove five or six wolf hybrids from Crazy Pants because she had zero control over them and they were beginning to threaten everyone in the neighborhood.

The Chihuahuas too, are becoming a nuisance. I saw them surround a woman who was walking on the street 1/2 block away from Crazy Pants yard the other day. I’m sure the county is going to be called any day. Will they do anything? Probably not.

If the county did actually show up it would be interesting, the dogs, the obscenities screamed all the time, the guy living with her is sleeping in a shed in back of the house because he’s afraid she’ll gut him in his sleep. Let’s not even discuss the trash, junk, and debris over there… Ohhh if the county could be bothered to come up, they’d have a field day.

That’s a big IF.

Crazy Pants has a habit of going to the Young Couple’s fence and just standing there staring at the house. I’m sure that must be un-nerving…

The young couple is asking a lot of money for their house. I hope they get it.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a place where you weren’t held hostage? The county’s inaction with Crazy Pants has led to a situation where effectively the neighborhood is held hostage.

I suppose the rot will spread. It already has in a way.

The cabin next to Crazy Pants is a nice place, but it’s never occupied because the owner can’t get any rest if he’s up. Crazy Pants is shouting and screaming like she’s being murdered the whole time he’s there.

A neighbor adjacent to Crazy Pants hides in his house all the time. The “A-frame” across the street was converted to an Air B&B when the former owner died. Other houses around Crazy Pants seem to change hands about every 2 to 4 years.

In short, the neighborhood is getting more transient. The faster the turnover, the more likely there’ll be trashy people occupying the homes and then the spiral down begins in earnest.

The cops and the county talk about Crazy Pants “rights” as a homeowner. The unspoken part of that is; what about everyone else’s rights as homeowners?

The pack of Chihuahuas gets stirred up at almost anything. Once the barking begins it’s like one of them has to have the last word so they don’t stop.

Their yapping is punctuated by the boyfriend yelling, “SHUT UP” all the time. You’d think that at minimum a noise complaint would be possible. It’s not, the boyfriend is constantly running power tools over there at all hours of the day and night. The cops and county don’t care.

Compared to the power tools, the Chihuahuas barking is almost preferable. I said almost.

In a strange way I’m grateful the trash is over there. Every single “shutup,” power tool noise at 11:00pm, or screaming obscene rant from Crazy Pants, reenforces to me that I need to get out of here.

I love my view, I even like my house and neighbors on my street. But after 20 years of this bullshit, I guess it’s time to go.

The stupid, the trashy, the shitty, always win. They always attract more of their kind and where 2 or more of their kind gather, drama ensues.

There’s another man down the road a bit. He’s trashy like Crazy Pants and her fella.

He actually walked up the hill several times this last weekend to yell about something Crazy Couple did or didn’t do. (I was sorta hoping for him to have a heart attack but alas…) He’d get almost to Crazy Couple’s street and sit and rest on the stairs of an unoccupied cabin. He’d be huffing and puffing like mad for a good 5 to 10 minutes. (Now you know why I was expecting a heart attack,) Then he’d make his way to Crazy Couple’s house and start yelling. He usually drives his truck with no mufflers, then starts screaming at them. I guess he didn’t want Crazy Couple to know he was coming, or he was out of gas.

Ah well, Back to sorting and tossing!