I’ve been watching VAERS for a while. Not just over COVID but I’ve been curious for a long time if the Anti-Vax movement had a leg to stand on.
I’m still undecided about the Anti-Vaxxers in general.
I noticed something interesting in the charts located here.
In the conservative media there’s been a lot of talk about adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine and the VAERS database does tend to back up their allegations. Bear in mind this is only one data source and there may be contributing factors such as other comorbidities.
It is, and always has been that the sudden rise in death wasn’t necessarily only the COVID vaccine. It’s possible that the deaths might be associated with the vaccine triggering a cascade of issues that resulted in the patient’s death. This is very much in the vein of the CDC and others revising their COVID cause of death statistics.
In both situations, if the patient had diabetes and perhaps pneumonia then it’s possible that having COVID contributed to the patient’s death but was not the sole reason they died. Likewise a patient getting the vaccine may have died after getting it, but the vaccine is not necessarily the sole reason they died.
It pays to keep that in mind when looking at the data.
To get a clear cause / effect relationship you need to exclude everyone who had comorbidities or some other pre-existing condition. Only then, can you reasonably draw some conclusion as to whether the vaccine is dangerous. If the preponderance of deaths due to adverse reactions were in an otherwise healthy population, that should raise a red flag.
The overall numbers of deaths isn’t my point. What caught my attention was that the number of “Vaccine Related” deaths is dropping.
If, as the Anti-Vaxers say, the COVID vaccine is universally bad and dangerous, I wouldn’t expect to see the numbers dropping off.
Thinking about it. I came up with three hypotheses.
1 The really vulnerable population has died off. That’s gruesome to think about, but doesn’t exclude it from the realm of possibility.
2 Fewer people are taking the COVID vaccines. If those people who were never going to take the vaccine in the first place are still not taking it, and the population that ran to get the vaccine have already had it, then the numbers wold start to fall pretty much due to reason #1.
3 People are giving up on reporting adverse reactions because they’ve come to the belief that the government won’t listen anyway and therefore it’s pointless to report anything.
As I said, these are only hypotheses. Like all hypotheses they can only be proven or disproven. The science, (A.K.A. Truth,) of the situation doesn’t care if it hurts my feelings. Since I’m not a “Scientist” my hypotheses are pretty much not going to matter in the least.
However, this little exercise might give some of you insight into the workings of my mind. I’m dogmatic to be sure, but there’s a part of me that’s always asking, “Are you sure?”
It’s the “Are you sure?” That makes me go back and reevaluate.
While I may think the traditional Anti-Vaxxers are incorrect in their declaration that all vaccines are bad, I keep looking at their data and determine for myself if I agree.
I suppose it’s along the same lines as watching Ancient Aliens. I find that sometimes there are points they make, that clearly can’t be explained away with our current knowledge of ancient civilizations. There are items, stories or customs that don’t seem to make sense.
In those situations in my mind I relegate the Ancient Aliens “proof” to anomalous items. A kind of a TBD pending further research. I don’t believe that every odd shaped stone, pot, or weird custom is proof of alien contact.
For all we know, 4000 years ago an apprentice craftsman did something weird and the Master craftsman said, “Run with that, you’ll find out why it won’t work for yourself,” The apprentice may have put the item on their workbench as a reminder not to get too wild with innovation.
I myself have done this. I’d hate to think that 4000 years hence, a cult of some sort rose up around one of my failures.
Anecdotal evidence in my mind isn’t evidence. It’s an observed situation that deserves further inquiry. That’s why I reevaluate the Anti-Vaxxers data from time to time. That’s why I’ve been interested in all the COVID issues. That’s why I have always liked science in general. I like testing the anecdotal against the provable.
I like being able to convert anecdotes into demonstrated facts, or disprove anecdotal evidence as an odd coincidence.
The latter is more interesting. You can have a repeatable event, that anecdotally looks like proof but when you really look at it, you discover that what appeared to be a clear cause / effect relationship was dependent on a bunch of conditions that weren’t obviously related.
The puzzling part of that kind of discovery is the most fun to figure out. Then again, I like puzzles so it’s probably just me.
I look up Dr. Robert Malone’s writings and video interviews with him pretty frequently.
Dr. Malone is one of the creators, if not The Creator of the mRNA technology that was used to create several of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Dr. Malone has been smeared by Fauci and others in the government medical industrial complex because he disagreed with their methodology and his work with mRNA lead him to believe that using the technology to create vaccines wasn’t a good idea.
Dr. Malone has been banned from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and searches for him on Google are limited. But apparently his research was good enough that it formed the foundation for certain highly profitable vaccines.
He’s plain spoken and direct in interviews. There’s no hemming and hawing unlike with Fauci. Dr Malone’s answers to even complex questions are generally comprehensible even to the layman. Honestly, I am biased toward Doctors like him. My Dr. of 20 years was very similar and my current Dr. is as well.
There’s something that resonates with me when a Doctor is straight forward and pragmatic. I’ve also found that generally speaking, such Doctors create a teamwork approach with me as an active partner in my healthcare.
They welcome questions to clarify their instructions and usually appreciate my last request before the appointment is completed. My last question is, “Give me a list of rules under which I should contact you as I take this medication. What anomalies should I watch out for?”
That’s me taking responsibility but not wanting to send up a panic alert without cause. That’s also why my trusted doctors have always responded to my calling them, even if they returned my call at 9 o’clock at night. They know I’m not concerned needlessly and that something has happened that was outside the rules they gave me.
All of which is to say that I’m biased toward taking what Dr Malone says seriously.
I found an interview dated Jan 11, 2022 where Dr. Malone was asked about the recent Chinese lockdowns around Beijing.
I about fell off my chair when Dr Malone said that Information coming out of Beijing is very sparse, but that there have been numerous reports speaking of some kind of hemorrhagic fever.
For me that was an OH SHIT! moment.
Dr. Malone goes on to say that hemorrhagic fevers are not typically associated with Coronavirus but are instead usually a different variety of viruses associated with Ebola. He does note that it is remotely possible due to China’s mass vaccination efforts with their vaccine, a variant of COVID-19 may have arisen that has developed hemorrhagic symptoms. It’s unlikely, but he went on to explain viruses sometimes do the most unexpected things.
Dr. Malone also said that continuing with the Winter Olympics in Beijing was beyond stupid. ( His actual language was more colorful) I do like a doctor that uses “Fuck”.
Yes, I want a Dr. that is professional but I love a Dr. that isn’t embarrassed to ask, “When was the last time you fucked? I need to know so that the PSA test isn’t skewed.” I really miss my old Doctor a lot!
To be clear, a hemorrhagic fever that is as communicable as COVID would be a nightmare of epic proportions. I’ll go out on a limb here and suggest that such a thing could be an extinction level event depending on its fatality rate.
This again is why most civilized countries, even tyrannical despotic regimes, have forbidden bioweapons research.
Anyone with a basic understanding of Biology knows there is a line that must never be crossed.
Dr. Malone mentioned that he and several other epidemiology specialists were meeting to collect any further information and that as they got more data he’d be making the information available.
This makes me think, as tired as the general public is of COVID terror and as much faith as has been lost in the FDA, CDC, WHO, due to the incessant “Bring out your dead” messaging, have we been set up to ignore warnings?
If the governments of the world actually do start warning us of something really deadly, will we listen?
There’s a reason “The Little Boy who cried Wolf” was a teaching story for generations.
Last Thursday the other half went to the drug store and dutifully got their COVID booster shot.
The day started out normally. The other half was feeling fine and went to work as normal. After work the other half dropped by the drug store and got the booster. Within four hours of having the booster, the other half was trying to cough up a lung. This was far worse than when they’d gotten the first vaccination.
I was worried because their coughing was so intense and rattling. I tried my best to be supportive asking if there was anything I could get for them and offering to make dinner. You know, the usual stuff you do when someone you care about is feeling under the weather.
Then the next day, I was coughing and running a low grade fever. This was a, “what the heck moment for me,” I hadn’t been around anyone that was ill except the other half who’d left the house perfectly fine Thursday morning.
I haven’t left the house for about 4 weeks, For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been nursing a bum knee and between the snow and ice, haven’t wanted to take the chance that I’d slip and make the knee worse. It’s been all I could do to navigate the level areas inside the house with a cane. This pretty much means that whatever I caught, I got it from the other half.
As we headed into the weekend both of us sounded like a tuberculosis ward.
Saturday neither of us did much of anything but sleep. My fever was running about 102F and seemed to remain fairly constant.
Sunday was much of the same although my fever was dropping off to just a degree or two above normal.
Both of us did a lot of sleeping on Sunday too. The whole weekend got away from us.
That’s not that big a deal, we both needed some down time.
The timing is just strange. I haven’t been sick since April of 2020 mainly because I haven’t been interacting with anyone. I’m unemployed and there’s simply not much reason for me to leave the house.
I think this is just an odd coincidence that the other half got the booster and then was actually sick and that I got sick too.
In the back of your mind though, when is events are apparently so closely related, you have to wonder if there’s not something else going on.
Honestly, if this was Omicron I’m fine with it.
Today I woke up feeling pretty good. I’m still a little feverish but it’s minor. Oddly, the knee that had been so swollen it hurt to bend is miraculously 90% better. Right now I’m feeling just like I do on the tail end of any standard cold.
Another day & I’m going to be back to my normal self. I’m likely going to nap a bit today between doing chores. Laundry for example works great with short naps.
The other half is doing much better today as well. Although anything respiratory takes a long time to clear for them. Which is why they decided to get the vaccination in the first place.
Being somewhat conspiracy “Curious” I can see a situation where if I was a full on conspiracy believer I’d conflate the onset of illness after a booster as proof that the vaccines are bad.
If you believed in an evil cabal of pharmaceutical companies, world governments, and the whole depopulate the planet thing… Something coincidental like this could feed right into your paranoia.
I choose to believe that it was just odd timing and bad luck.
If it wasn’t just odd timing and bad luck… Then the evil cabal took their shot at me and missed. I’m on the mend, and have survived. It’s gonna take a lot more than that to kill off this old buzzard!
I noticed a couple of things this week that were interesting to me.
One was the publication of Dr. Scott Atlas M.D. book A Plague Upon Our House. In the portion that I’ve read Dr. Atlas appears to be detailing the beginnings of the Covid response in the waning days of the Trump Administration.
Dr. Atlas was there, and is not complementary of Drs. Fauci, Collins, or Brix. It might be easy to dismiss the book as sour grapes. I’d almost done just that…
Then I saw this article from The Citizens Journal in Ventura, CA. I’m not going to discuss the pedigree of The Citizens Journal. What caught my attention was the emails received under The freedom of Information act.
There was an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal this morning about these same emails.
In the referenced emails, Collins makes reference to Atlas and something called The Great Barrington Declaration. I’d never heard of this declaration and had to go look it up. It’s linked below.
The Great Barrington Declaration looks like a well thought out alternative to shutting the entire country down. Some in the media have referred to this as a “Let ‘er rip” approach but that is not entirely accurate.
The Barrington Declaration says focus on the vulnerable, target our resources towards those most at risk and when a vaccine is developed then we’ll address the larger population who are less likely to develop severe symptoms.
This is sort of the way basic triage works and triage methods have been in use for at least 100 years.
So we have two differing medical opinions.
Usually, in science that would cause a debate between the scientists. The ensuing discussion is supposed to lead to a plan that while not perfect (because perfect is an illusion), skews toward the best outcome. Implicit in this discussion is the ability to detect what is not working as well as hoped and seek a better answer.
Why is it then, that Collins, and Fauci, appear to be trying to shut down the discussion and moreover why are they seeking to discredit the Doctors who have differing opinions?
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, would appear to have the kinds of expertise and reputations that would be exactly what you’d want during a viral pandemic. Yet Drs. Fauci and Collins attempt to smear these people as “fringe” scientists.
The list of Barrington cosigners is impressive and appear to be composed of other working scientists in the fields of genetics, immunology, infection disease, and all the rest of biomedical science, are they too “Fringe” scientists?
Or are they the kind of people that would have demanded access to the research going on in the Wuhan lab to determine what they were dealing with? I personally think these folks would have been the people that could say with authority that COVID originated naturally or artificially, and then with that knowledge, been able to come up with solutions.
It would seem to me that since the pandemic is by definition, a world wide event. You’d have welcomed every single medical professional with relevant knowledge into the battle against the disease. What strikes me is that Collins and Fauci not only didn’t do that, but they appear to have tried to smear these people and discredit their research and opinions.
The other oddity is that most all of these so called “Fringe” scientists are actually working Doctors, with labs and resources. Whereas Collins and Fauci are bureaucrats that haven’t seen a patient or darkened a laboratory door in 20 years.
Then you add to it that Gov. Ron DeSantis of FL appears to have followed the Great Barrington Declaration in his state, and FL appears to have had a better outcome. Gov. DeSantis’s video roundtable discussing Barrington was removed in April of 2021 by YouTube as misinformation, in another blatant example of censorship.
Even if Collins and Fauci were simply caught up in their dogma, they had at least one example demonstrating that Barrington was viable. Yet they persisted in their approach refusing to incorporate what was being learned from Florida’s example.
I’m sorry Dr. Fauci, that’s not how science works and by extension you are not The Science.
Thinking along these lines with the recent disclosures that Fauci’s organization may in fact have funded gain of function research in Wuhan it begs the question:
Were Dr. Collins and Dr. Fauci trying to hide their gain of function grants at the cost of millions of lives around the world?
The last thing you’d want if you were trying to hide your involvement in such a thing, is every single researcher on the planet looking through documentation that could point the finger at you.
In that light, the denials and absolute declaration that COVID-19 originated naturally therefore discrediting the lab leak theory (at least temporarily) makes perfect sense. Especially since those declarations were made within a month or two of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic.
In research, a month or two is blindingly fast. At the time, even as Fauci was telling the world a lab leak was an impossibility I was asking, “How can you know that, this soon?”
Much as I am loath to spend more time and money in congressional hearings. Here again I find myself thinking that there are certainly enough questions that should be answered by Fauci and Collins to justify hearings.
If those hearings were to uncover a preponderance of evidence that Collins and Fauci were at or near the heart of this worldwide event, I’m for both of them to be remanded to an international court to stand trial for crimes against humanity.
I have some good news though. There may be some actionable data that will reduce my hesitancy and perhaps yours.
(Okay, this is a really long post. I’m sorry but there’s a lot of it that I felt I needed to explain.)
I know we’re all sick and tired of the COVID doom articles and talking heads. After two solid years of DOOM, and “bring out your dead.” It’s understandable that we’re all shoving this to the back our minds as just another bunch of pointless noise.
As I wrote a while ago it’s becoming the same noise as The Russians are gonna nuke us at any moment. After a point you just want to get on with your life and take a Devil may care attitude.
That’s the risk the climate change activists have been running into for years. BLM has encountered it as well.
When a problem is too big, or so far out of individuals control, they ignore it in favor of living in the “now”.
I personally have always tried to dial my wastefulness down to a close to zero as I personally could. While I like driving, I try to drive as little as possible. I combine stops and save gas at the same time.
I recycle anything and everything that can be recycled. I prefer scooping nuts and dried fruits out of barrels rather than buying stuff like that pre-packaged. I try like heck to capture rainwater or snow in places in my yard so that it goes into the ground instead of running down the street into a culvert. I’ve replaced every light in my house with LED or (much as I hate them,) CF bulbs. I pick up other people’s trash on hikes and do my personal best to leave a place as clean or cleaner than when I arrived.
I’m not rabid about it. For me, this is a personal choice that helps a little, and represents a philosophy of being ecologically responsible. It’s my choice, I’m not going to force my beliefs on you.
The thing is, I’m doing all I can within the limits of my reach. Hopefully, I’m showing by example how being a caretaker of the environment isn’t a burden. Being an example, I hope that others will follow my lead and join me, but I don’t demand it.
All that being said, I’m not willing to pay some group (over which I have no control) an arbitrary carbon tax. I’m not willing to sit in the cold and dark because some jackass in a mansion thinks I should be reminded that manmade climate change is real.
Our planetary climate is changing. It has for 4.5 billion years and will likely continue to change for another couple of billion years. When the sun of our solar system begins to expand the planet’s climate will change a lot. This is well beyond my lifetime and ability to stop. It’s just physics!
So for me, climate change doomsayers became background noise. I’ve lived long enough that I remember when these same people said we were going to be in an ice age in 20 years. They were wrong.
The planetary ecology is far too complex for humanity to predict. We can model it, but our models cannot account for all the variables, because we don’t know all the variables to put into the model.
Let’s just agree that climate changes. Let’s do what each of us can to be responsible and clean up our messes. That’s it, that’s the best we can do, and as we develop new technologies, let’s use them to make things better.
BLM is the same thing. Yes, racism exists. Yes, we need to do better. Burning down city blocks doesn’t address racism. It does however contribute to man made climate change.
I personally don’t like racism of any kind. If you’re making value judgements about people based on the color of their skin, you’re being racist. It’s that simple, and in my thoughts it’s cut and dried. No one gets a pass for singling someone out based on the color of their skin.
I’m a moron, I don’t have the brain power to deal with nuances of skin tone. I also don’t have the time.
BLM, made their statement. They brought an issue to everyone’s attention and now they’re done. Message received. Time to move on.
BLM doesn’t see it that way, they keep hammering and so in my world they become background noise.
I’ve explained the above as a rather long preamble because it will help you understand a little about how my personal thought processes run. Now, to the point I was going to make in the first place.
For two solid years we’ve all been inundated with COVID doom. This has been a planet wide phenomena.
The virus is still 99% survivable without any medical intervention. That’s a fact. Cold & Flu are also 99% survivable without medical intervention. This too is a fact. I’m not going to quibble about the fractional percentages because it’s pointless.
Any of the aforementioned conditions are much worse if you have comorbidities. If you’re fat, if you have diabetes, if you suffer from breathing issues, if you’ve got, or recovered from cancer, if you’re very old, or very young, or are in any way immune-compromised. This too is a demonstrable fact.
The greater number of comorbidities you personally have, the greater the percentage that COVID, the Flu or a Cold will kill you. This too is a fact.
They used to call this having one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel. (That’s probably not politically correct anymore in this humorless world we occupy.)
At one time the statement was a common truism, and widely accepted is an acknowledgement that Life is fleeting. Death comes to us all, sometimes sooner and sometimes later but Death will visit all of our homes many times in our lives, and eventually each of us one final time.
This is living in the natural world. It’s normal.
As humans, we always attempt to control the natural world because it’s our nature to do so.
We make drugs, and figure out what’s ailing us, then search for solutions. We’ve created vaccines to protect us from a wide variety of illnesses and generally speaking, we’ve gotten pretty good at it. Many of us take the yearly Flu vaccine and think nothing of it.
So why have I been personally slow to get the COVID vaccine? What is the source of my hesitancy?
It’s that simple. When J&J came out with their COVID vaccine I was going to take it. Why? Because it was made using the tried and true methods that the annual Flu vaccine is made with. That in my opinion added a level of safety.
But… then there were reports of reactions to the J&J vaccine. So I decided to hold up a bit. I expected for there to be logical analytical reports and explanations about the reactions, and some reporting about who was most likely to have those reactions and why.
But there wasn’t as much information as you’d expect. Instead, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were pushed with a lot more force.
These vaccines, while apparently effective were made with new technology. This technology hadn’t been widely used in the past and since I know new medical techniques and vaccines are often tested for a decade or more before they’re approved for use in humans, I personally thought they exposed me to an unacceptable level of risk. I felt and still feel that neither of the vaccines or the way they work has been properly tested in humans.
At the same time, the media and even government agencies were only talking about the number of infections that had been detected. Number of infections is not the same as number of hospitalizations or number of deaths.
But in many of the media reports the three numbers were conflated and it truly sounded like COVID was akin to the Black Plague which had a death rate of between 30% – 50 %.
Yet, government agencies like the CDC were reporting less than 1% death rates for COVID.
So that started making me ask questions. I wasn’t alone in asking questions. Lots of people were asking questions and some of those asking questions were eminently qualified to do so.
Then censorship of COVID information and even reputable Doctors became rampant. You could find any number of articles speaking about doom and gloom, but Doctors and scientists presenting alternative research were silenced? Something was seriously askew, this is not the way information flows in this country.
I was willing to suspend my skepticism over the mask / no mask flip flopping from Anthony Fauci. I could chalk that up to new research results causing the change in direction. That’s what happens in science. What I couldn’t abide was that skeptics were shouted down in the public square and their valid research was painted as some kind of heresy.
We’ve seen similar behavior in the area of climate change and the theory of evolution. A theory accepted as truth, and woe be unto anyone skeptical of that theory.
(Full disclosure: I tend to think the theory of evolution is probably correct. However, it is still a theory, as yet unproven.)
That is not the way science is supposed to work. Scientists are supposed to read the research, poke holes in it, try to reproduce the results and either confirm or disprove the research.
Anyone remember Cold Fusion??? Some labs could reproduce the effect, and others could not. The general consensus was that there was some other reaction taking place that we didn’t understand, and couldn’t account for. Additional research was needed.
That’s how Science works. Science is not a religion, science is looking truth in the face and accepting what you see. Science is not faith based, we learned the folly of that path with the inquisition trial of Galileo Galilei. BTW Galileo was right, and the faith of the church was wrong.
Suddenly, it was as if facts and reason didn’t matter. We had scientists actually dismissing our evolutionary heritage that granted acquired immunity, in favor of induced immunity.
Honestly, I tend to trust 5 million years or so of biological adaptation a bit more than a vaccine in a bottle. That being said, I don’t have much of a problem giving my body a leg up on creating immunity by allowing it to sniff a germ in small quantities and saying “Hell No!” Then running off to build antibodies against it. Which led me back to the J&J vaccine.
But nagging in the back of my mind was how much about the virus was unknown. I’d read that the virus was unstable and mutating at a rather alarming rate. Viruses tend to do that, but they almost always mutate to more infectious, less lethal versions of themselves.
Viruses that kill the host organism are biological dead ends. Without a host, a virus has no choice but to be inert. So a fatal virus essentially kills itself off or mutates to something that serves the biological need to reproduce, leaving the host alive. Even Ebola, isn’t 100% fatal.
The problem with any biological system is that it’s always in a state of change. That’s the advantage too.
We’ve known for years that the over use of antibiotics can give rise to stronger more pernicious bacteria. Turns out that the same is true of vaccines that only address one particular aspect of a virus.
In both cases, there will be bugs that somehow survive. When those bugs reproduce, their children carry resistance to the antibiotic or vaccine. Continue that cycle enough times and you end up with so called “Superbugs”. These bugs may mutate to inhabit another biome or they may simply get tougher to kill.
See, inadvertently humans have been doing gain of function research for decades.
We just didn’t realize until recently that it could be really dangerous. Penicillin, sure… Now we have Penicillin resistant bacteria. Ampicillin gives rise to Ampicillin resistant bacteria, and so on & so on because we’re actively engaging in a biological war that’s been going on for millions of years. Get the picture?
Apparently, the same process is true of viruses.
With the rise of the COVID variants, I decided once again to hold off getting a vaccine.
My hope was that more research would lead to a better vaccine that stopped COVID cold, and prevented the escalation of variants. I’d prefer a one shot and done approach, instead of endless boosters every six months.
Think about Tetanus. It can be deadly and there is a vaccine. Generally speaking, you get a booster every ten years. But there are people who, because of their work, are exposed to Tetanus all the time. In their case, a booster isn’t technically required because their bodies see Tetanus so regularly their immune system has the antibodies on hot standby forever.
This speaks to the one size doesn’t fit all theory.
If your body has a continuously replenished supply of antibodies to something due to repeated exposure why do you need a vaccine? Your body sees each variation of the invader and creates a counter to it automatically. Therefore, anyone whose had COVID probably will be able to fend off all but the most radically changed variants. That’s the logic of the situation.
But try to find a discussion that addresses why or why not that logic works and you run into nothing but, “Get the damn vaccine, you fucking idiot!”
That worried me because it ignores the issue of acquired immunity altogether. That answer is not an answer. It’s akin to your mother telling you, “because I said so.”
So I held off a while longer. I was still hoping for enough research to be completed so that I could make an informed choice. I was hoping that there’d be an investigation into the Wuhan lab and that we’d know what exactly happened.
Was the virus naturally occurring or was the virus a chimera. I still believe that if the virus was created in a lab using gain of function technology then if we see the constituent parts we can build a vaccine that shuts it down.
If the virus is something totally natural, then at least we know and can concentrate on dealing with all the mutations. Either way, more knowledge is power. Except, every time someone asked that question… It was shot down as if asking the question was a conspiracy theory. Don’t we want to know?
At least we still had / have freedom of choice about getting the vaccine even if we’re not able to make a fully informed decision about getting it.
Then President Biden tried to mandate vaccines. But he didn’t do it above board. Oh no, he tried to do it in a fucking underhanded way that made me suspicious all over again.
Why is it so important to get a vaccine that The President would try to mandate it? Our government (Democrat & Republican) has shown over decades a rather pointed disregard for the people, except as chattel who provide fabulous sums of tax money that can be spent frivolously. Why the sudden about face? What is it that makes this vaccine so fucking important?
Could it be that the pharmaceutical companies are making a fortune? Could those fortunes result in kickbacks to certain politicians? Could it be that because the pharmaceutical companies bear no liability for harm caused by their vaccine, the payout is better than usual? I know this sounds like conspiracy stuff but “come on man…”
So I wait a bit longer. I watch friend after friend go get vaccinated even though they don’t want to. Why? Because their companies are anticipating Biden’s mandate will be upheld in the courts, and therefore are being good little sheep, obeying The President, forcing their employees to get the vaccine and then provide that medical information to their HR dept.
Several of these friends have had the light go out in their eyes a bit. They have now had their noses rubbed in the undeniable fact that they are slaves.
I’m hoping they get over it. Most of them state without question that they hate their companies, their executive officers, their management, and don’t give the least shit about doing their best work anymore. Their employers told them, “You’re easily replaced so you better obey us.”
It’s technically not about the fucking vaccine, it’s about the realization that they felt they had to choose to violate their caution and/or their beliefs in order to have a paycheck.
This broke their spirit. Time will tell if they’ll heal, or if as one friend said, “I don’t care about anything anymore. I don’t want to live like this, or ever have to compromise like this again. I felt I had no choice given that the holidays were upon us and the kids needed to have something normal.” He added, “I will never vote for a Democrat again, and I may just not vote again, because it’s pointless.”
He’s talking about putting his house on the market in June. He said that even if they don’t move out of state, they’re going to just rent. His plan is to get a small as possible, pay off debt, and not buy anything that isn’t absolutely necessary. No new phones, new cars, new TVs, washers or dryers, nothing in the durable goods category at all. He’s dropping cable after the first of the year and says everyone will just have to get used to watching what stations they can get with an antenna or what can be streamed over the internet. He’s not angry per se. He’s just wounded in spirit and has no knowledge or support to help him treat those wounds.
Thankfully none of my friends have reported ill effects from the vaccine itself. But it raised the question. If they had, would they have been able to sue their employers for enforcing a mandate that is not law, has been suspended, and may be rescinded by court action? I’m guessing not. I’d bet that the company would say, “We were only following The President’s order,” and the Government would say, “It wasn’t law so we have no responsibility.”
How many other workers have been so wounded? Could this be a part of why US productivity has taken a hit?
On the other side of the coin, there are friends who have drunken deep from the draught of fear porn. Their lives too have been irrevocably changed. Their Christmas cards or letters denote what they’ve not done, the trips or visits they cancelled. They speak with almost loving tones of their masking and not allowing people into their homes. They talk of their vaccinations, boosters, and socially distancing, as virtuous.
These are people who were active, and vibrant. They were healthy with so little risk as to be considered zero. Yet they are talking in their holiday letters are if they’re in their homes making signs to ward off evil.
None of this makes me want run out and get the vaccine. I don’t go to LA or Portland, or San Francisco, or New York, so I don’t want or need to comply with their NAZI vaccine papers or proof of negative infection.
To my friends in LA County, you’ll not have to worry about me darkening your doorsteps. I have no desire to deal with not being able to go into a bar or restaurant with you.
All I want is the facts. Give me hard data from which to make a decision!
Fortunately, someone has provided that very information.
The person producing the article went at it from a partisan position. While I wouldn’t think this is partisan, this view provides some interesting data. It turns out that heavily Republican districts have a higher incidence of deaths from COVID. Not just cases.
The raw data further down in the article shows a higher death rate among unvaccinated people as well. The correlation tends to suggest that Republicans are more vaccine resistant than Democrats. That might make a lot of sense, given that most Republicans I’ve known over the years really hate the government telling them what to do.
In the highest Republican counties or states the COVID death rate is as high as 100 persons per 100000 versus 18 persons per 100000 dying in the bluest of the blue counties or states.
Okay, I can get my teeth into that data. The numbers still support that less than 1% of folks die from COVID. But it speaks to the efficacy of the vaccines themselves. When you pull the partisan evaluation out of the equation, and look only at deaths Unvaccinated versus vaccinated you get a little over a 4X decrease in death for those folks that are vaccinated.
That makes sense. It is data that allows an honest evaluation of COVID risk to Vaccine risk. Someone like me can look at this and say, “The odds of my dying from COVID are less than 1% and with the vaccine I can reduce those odds by approximately 75% which makes the vaccine worthwhile.
Then I can look at the odds of an adverse reaction to the vaccine based on the number of persons who have taken the same vaccine I’m considering, and determine if I’m comfortable with the odds.
From there I can weigh out both scenarios and make an informed risk assessment. That’s an assessment where my decision is mine and come hell or high water, I can defend my decision sleeping secure in the knowledge that I did the best research I could. I can own it and be proud that I did what I thought was in my best interest.
That’s all I’m asking for, and I’d bet that’s all the other vaccine hesitant are asking for as well.
This is why censorship is evil. If there had been open honest debate instead of censorship I’d bet that a lot of the vaccine hesitancy wouldn’t have been an issue.
Of course looking at one set of data doesn’t mean I’m running right out to get a vaccine. I’ll still go find additional confirming sources.