Rainy day blues

It’s a rainy day.

Last night there were a couple of warnings about mud slides and potential evacuation orders due to the Bridge fire back in September. 

On this side of the mountains I was far less concerned. As things are turning out, we’re not getting a ton of heavy rain, it has been more moderate, just continuous.

The dog has refused to go out.

I think that’s funny as heck because he loves the snow but a little rain is beyond the pale for him to deal with. 

Every single time I’ve asked if he wanted to go out he’s just laid down and looked at me like I was insane then gone back to sleep.

I suspect that he’s going to demand that we both go out for our usual walk. His thinking is probably, “If I have to get wet, the so do you!”

It wouldn’t be the first time he’s played that card.

I am happy that it is not freezing. If this storm lasts as long as it’s expected to there would be a ton of snow.

I’m sure that Mother Nature is saving the big snowfall for the end of February so we can have another frozen March & April. That happens every other year or so.

The solar panels should be nice and clean tomorrow when the sun comes out. I was about to hose them off this saves me the water. I’m calling it a win.


Ahhh That was so nice…

Thunder over the mountains and then the sky opened up for a little while.

We needed rain. The unrelenting heat and nasty air quality have been brutal.

For just an hour or so the air was cleansed of dust and little super annoying clouds of gnats that insist on flying in eyes and up noses.

Jesse and I both face the clouds of annoying bugs on our morning walks.

But best of all, the stench of whatever the fuck kind of pot one or two of my neighbors are smoking was washed from the air and the coolish breezes removed it from my house.

This stuff, whatever it is, smells like the dirty gym sock you blew a couple of loads into, then forgot behind your bed for 2 months, where the cat pissed on it repeatedly.

It’s pretty damn revolting! Give me cigarette, or cigar smoke any fucking day. If I thought I was going to have to deal with this for the rest of my life, I’d start smoking Marlboro Reds again, at least then I’d be smelling something not entirely unpleasant.

A comedian described New York City as a horrific stench of body odor, weed, and piss. At least all I smell is the rancid stench of weed.

It was nice to have the rain falling and just the sound of rain for an hour or so. It was calming, although Jesse didn’t care much for the thunder, he also wasn’t panicked by it. I take that as a good sign because if we move East of the Mississippi, thunder storms are a way of life.

Neither Jesse or I have been sleeping well. The crazy lady neighbor has taken to wailing, screaming, & cussing between 2 and 5 AM. 

Sometimes she goes from dead silence to full insanity in an instant. It’s like she wakes up screaming. Other times, she’ll work herself slowly into whatever froth she’s aiming for.

If she works herself slowly into a rage, Neither Jesse, or I pay much attention until she’s bellowing so loud her voice is echoing off the canyon walls. When she goes zero to 1000% in a second Jesse and I are startled awake and both of us have a hard time getting back to sleep.

It’s funny, because he’ll have his nose against mine, when I open my eyes he’s looking at me very intently as if to say, “What the hell is that about?”

Much as I like having the widows open. I’m looking forward to it being cool enough during the night to close the house. That would stop the disturbances. The random screaming and the clouds of pot or whatever.

The smoke locks my sinuses up within a couple of minutes and my throat starts to swell like when I have a cold. As luck would have it the one neighbor is an insomniac. So he’ll be powering through his pound of shit at all hours of the day & night.

I can literally go to sleep fine, then the wind will change & I’ll wake up choking because my sinuses and throat are obstructed. I’ve gotten up at 3am to hit the Flonase then waited for it to kick in before going back to bed.

The past few weeks I’ve gotten the double whammy. One of their habits will wake me up and just as I head back to bed and start to drift off,  the other one will start up so I’ve just started staying up.

This means that I’m getting maybe 4 hours of sleep a night and I really need at least 6. It’s making me cranky, impatient, & dopey as hell.

We might get some more rain tonight and into tomorrow morning. That would be nice. Who knows, Maybe for once I’ll wake those idiots up because I’m dancing naked in the rain at 3 am.

Even the dog is over it

Climate change my ass!

We’ve had weeks of spring, the dog is fully into the quarter’s shedding so his coat is thinning. He looked at the wet snow shifting between rain, hail, sleet, then back to snow.

He looked outside this morning at the accumulated snow then turned around & went back to bed.

This is super annoying! The snow is that wet heavy stuff that’s a pain to clear.

The back deck says it’s 35°F but still it’s snowing & sticking.

On the plus side, thus far it’s not the predicted 18”

On the down side it’s more than the revised prediction of 1”

Now, we’re just waiting for the snow to stop. I’m pretty sure that it’s only going to be myself and the young neighbor at the end of the street doing snow clearing. Everyone else had the good sense to get the hell out of Dodge.

We finally got breaks in snowfall around noon and spent the next 3 hours clearing. I think we got 7-9 inches of snow, which was more than enough. As I mentioned it was the wet heavy snow that is a pain to remove, but which must be removed before it freezes to the pavement.

When I say breaks, it was interesting, There were bands of snow, then periods of sunlight. The temp also started rising so working outside wasn’t to bad either.

Tomorrow there’s supposed to be more snow but the temperatures are supposed to be lower during the night, I’m hoping that means the snow will be light and fluffy.

Later in the week it’s going to be sunny and in the 60s. That’s going to make a really big mess. 

There’s one good thing about this. 

We haven’t had any idiot snow players.

Jesse being outside running around in the snow while I was out clearing the street tired him out he’s snoring on the couch right now while I negotiate with my my aching back about the next move I’m going to make. 

25°F and Clear for the time being

It’s been essentially 3 days of rain/snow/slush you name it. It’s nice to see the sun. Aside from being tired of shoveling, a  good thing is that I haven’t seen or heard the news.

Jesse is going nuts because I’ve been clearing snow and he hasn’t gotten a walk for a couple of days. When it was raining it was his choice not to go walking. 

He has no interesting in being outside in the rain.

Today is a pretty day. The sun is out and seeing it reflected off the peak is spectacular. 

While we’re taking our walk, I’m going to try to take a couple of unobstructed photos of the peaks around the area and hopefully a few pictures of Jesse playing in the snow.

The snow that fell last night was a fine powder and fortunately is nothing to clear. I used my leaf blower to clear the front stairs and deck.

That was a nice change from the heavy wet stuff and breaking shovels.

Harvard isn’t what it once was

And now I have a partial explanation for how COVID-19 became what it was and how vaccines that don’t work came to be foisted on the world as “Safe and Effective” when apparently they are neither.

An ars Technica article is reporting 37 questionable studies at a Harvard affiliated cancer research center.

For goodness sake. 

What the hell happened to data integrity? 

Anyone incorporating these research papers into their own research might be led down a research dead end not because their original theory was incorrect but because they used “facts/proofs” from these papers. 

That wastes time, money (in research grants) and potentially, lives of desperate people participating in clinical trials.

I suppose this is how we end up with snake oil being sold by “real” Doctors. I suppose it’s also how “real” Doctors can stand by, knowing that the “approved” treatment protocol for a disease, (For example COVID,) was doing more harm than good.

It’s how we get scientific “Consensus” that is almost entirely incorrect about a wide variety of things. Obviously, it’s not just medicine. The spooky thing is, if this is happening in medical research, where the highest level of diligence next to nuclear bomb research is supposed to be in place, then it’s probably everywhere.

Is current geologic research just slap dash and missing the signs of a 9.0 earthquake in Northern California where Mt St Helens, and the Yellowstone super volcano all blow at the same time? Are those signs being missed because the actual observation data doesn’t fit a shitty research paper, or papers and is being thrown out?

Have we missed new energy sources, or warp drive, because of some copy / pasted incorrect data dampening a brilliant mind that perceived an anomaly but decided not to research that anomaly because the literature said it’s an instrumentation or computational error?

SCIENCE is about truth! Above all else. 

Science is observing and recording what is. Science is using those observations to predict behavior of the natural world and once that behavior is understood, science can tweak the input variables to change the outcome.

Science is also about understanding and accepting that when we’re on the boundary of the “known” sometimes science can go no further. That road block is not failure, it’s a sign that either we missed something fundamental, or our tools aren’t sophisticated enough to proceed. While the initial data is checked, the sophistication of the tools increases and the road block turns out to be only temporary.

If so called scientists and researchers are willfully fucking over the integrity of data and disseminating false results, then the basic underpinnings of science and scientific process are contaminated and at risk. 

It is possible that Academia has sunk this low, and failed humanity in selfish pursuit of money over knowledge?

A reasonable question to ask at this point is:

Is the lack of integrity and principals confined to Harvard?

I strongly suspect that it’s not due to the competitive nature of grants and donors.

Can anything MIT, Yale, the entire UC system, Stanford, or in fact any “Top” research center or college publishes, actually be trusted?

Sadly, I think not. I say this with a heavy heart and ask you to consider the following.

Can we trust the climate change folks, or the climate deniers? We know that a large percentage of the “Climate Change Data” was falsified. The simulation used to claim the planet had 12 years left was rife with errors and inconsistencies where the data was manipulated to produce a dire outcome.

The reason for this appears to have been more research money, fame, & fortune! But it spawned the “Consensus” bullshit on the one side and the “Climate Change deniers” on the other. 

The impact is that instead of having real data that was as good as it could be, presenting that data to the people of the world and using it to become better stewards of our beautiful planet. Really good and accurate research was thrown out with the contaminated data by 1/2 the planet.

There are a few people like myself who think we each should do our best to limit our long term effect on the planet. At the same time, we must intelligently assess and balance human needs versus planetary ecology. We should also be able to place our faith in our advancing technological capabilities, because if we’re all thinking about using our resources wisely then our “mistakes of necessity” today can and will probably be mitigated by technology of tomorrow.

That only works IF SCIENCE is indeed TRUTH.

There’s danger in bad or politicized research too. Look at COVID. We were actively shutting down scientists, real scientists who had actual data describing the dangers of mRNA. They weren’t blue skying or theorizing. These scientists had actually used and in some cases abandoned mRNA because of its inherent instability.

Instability mind you, that made mRNA unsuitable for their research on rats.

The world censored them, and ignored their real world experience in the matter. That’s like ignoring the man with the charred hand telling you that fire is hot.

Our society did exactly that. This is not to say that at some point in the future mRNA therapies won’t be safe, stable, and effective. However, right now we just don’t know enough to call mRNA therapy Safe. The scientists warning against the use of mRNA weren’t saying it should never be used, they were saying that it wasn’t ready to be used, YET.

What about CERN? Those folks are playing with stuff that could really go awry, can we trust that they’re not faking data, or worse yet unknowingly using falsified data in their experiments? If they are using bad data, where might that lead given the nature of their investigations and experiments? I’m not in the “CERN will create a black hole that destroys the world camp.” But there’s a whole lot of energy CERN uses, and directs, I’d hate to think their math is wrong. 

I think that no scientist should be censored, and the politics has no place in scientific endeavor. I also think it’s time for cut / paste researchers or Phds to pay a price for their deceit. I believe they should be tossed out of their field and never allowed to work or teach their subject of study again. 

I know that’s super harsh, but the consequence should be so terrible that no-one would risk it. Mistakes are one thing, actual deceit for a grant is criminal.

It’s the only way I can see to restore the integrity of science.