Resume Rewrite…

I paid a resume service to rewrite my resume…

I was looking for something that would make it through all the HR filters and get me actually in front of a hiring manager so that the real discussion could begin.

The rewrite is a more standard (Un-Unique) resume. Not that my previous resume was all that flashy but it did have some elements designed to catch the eye and hopefully stand out a little. In retrospect those element were probably being lost anyway since the HR systems pretty much strip any non-standard elements making all resumes homogenous when they’re printed anyway.

The rewording of my experience and abilities is not comfortable for me. There are lots of words that are somewhat ambiguous and kind of “over the top”.  I realize that a resume is like a sales brochure but some of this is like the old days when software companies sold nothing but “vaporware”. 

This new version of our software with its muffler bearing algorithm will increase your accounting efficiency by 1000% when properly implemented*. (Implementation is dependent on your server being more advanced than the NSA) 

Why do we do this? Why not simply tell the truth?

I’ve got a ton of experience across a wide range of systems and topics. Obviously I’ve been around the block a few times and Generally speaking, as an older worker what I don’t know, or remember, I do know how to find or figure out.

I sent the initial copy back dripping in red-line. I paid for someone whose command of English was better than mine, so why did the initial draft need me to edit it for continuity, grammar, and word usage?

This whole resume thing is a mess anyway. We’re now writing our resumes to get past computerized filters, so that HR people can find the keywords the Hiring manager mentioned, and pass the document on to a hiring manager who is probably asking for something the HR people don’t understand in the first place.

What’s the likelihood, in this system,  that the interviewee is exactly what the interviewer is looking for? Yet HR is trying to apply exacting standards to the variability of human beings.

And as usual, the HR people really like to find your social media so they can figure out if you’re popular enough to join their team. After all we only want to hang with, or hire the cool kids right?

I’ve often thought  about creating a completely fictitious social media profile just so the HR people would have something to look at. I could do it, I’m a fiction writer after all. I haven’t because I don’t want to create and maintain a character.

In the wee hours of the night though, I’ve put the character together as a sketch that looks something like this;

  • Democrat or Bernie Sanders supporter 
  • Pro Gun control
  • Shocked and outraged that machine guns are freely available
  • Rabidly Anti Trump
  • Habitual commenter on Twitter, Facebook, and instagram. Follows the mainstream opinion, sharing outrage over the cause of the day and remarkably silent when any one of those causes happens to be disproven.
  • Social Justice warrior
  • Likes puppies and kittens, sends cutesy video clips frequently.
  • Live in a Hipster area
  • Complains bitterly about their name being misspelled on their Starbucks order. It’s Raven with a “Y” for goodness sake.

That’s just the beginning of the character, it still needs to be fleshed out.

I’ve thought that it might form a basis for an experiment. 

What would happen if you created three characters with equal qualifications and ages and the only difference between them was their social media feeds? Two characters interests overlap, differing in only, say their opinions about Trump. One is Rabid and the other isn’t actually a supporter but isn’t as much of a hater. One mentions how much they don’t like Antifa rallies and the other attends. The third character has no social media presence at all.

Would there be a measurable difference in their rate of interviews? 

If a demonstrable bias could be seen, could that bias be used to get back to a real hiring process instead of something akin to prom queen voting?

I doubt it.

Which is why I normally think about stuff like this in the wee hours of the night when I’m trying to bore myself back to sleep.

I’m thinking I’m going to tell the resume people that I’m not pleased. I don’t think I got equivalent value for the money. The more I look at this, the more it fills me with revulsion.

… improve organizational resilience, posture, and management …


However, I have gained a greater insight into why so many of the memos and “important notifications” at my previous company read like a poorly abridged thesaurus vomited on the page.

I am in shock that PC bullshit has gone this far.

Laura.jpgThe American Association for Library Service to Children has removed Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name from one of its awards. They’re changing the name to Children’s Literature Legacy award. Read the article Here

For those who may not know that name, this is the Author of The Little House on the Prairie series of books. You know, an American Classic. The books are considered semi-autobiographical. 

This is being done because in the books she implies Native Americans were not people, and later describes African American people as “Darkies”. 

Laura Ingalls Wider was born in 1867. The books were published between 1932 and 1943. 

Since the books are semi-autobiographical in nature, it is not surprising that they might contain some racist stereotypes. From the perspective of the author, these stereotypes would have been a normal part of her lexicon and she wouldn’t have seen anything wrong with using them.

Once again the PC police are subjecting classical literature to the standards of today. Who’s next? Mark Twain? After all, his writings speak of a black man who was a slave.

I honestly don’t see the point. Why waste the energy to rename awards? In the words of a famous politician, “What does it matter at this point anyway,”

Fahrenheit 451 6I read about stuff like this and think Fahrenheit 451,  or the book burnings of Nazi Germany.

Authors create snapshots  of their times and environment. Without those perspectives from more or less “average people” I feel we risk losing something of ourselves. This is especially concerning if we continue moving toward editing our past just because our current standards are rightfully different from those of our past.

Maybe I’m worried over nothing, in fact, were I in my twenties reading this, I’d probably give it no thought. But one benefit of age is perspective.

It’s not about looking back fondly on older times. It’s the realization that one of the best ways to mark progress is to look at where we’ve been. In that, literature gives us a view that we might otherwise not have. A first person narrative while biased, allows us to see what was normal and contrast that with what is normal, for better or worse.

NevilleC_Hitler.jpgAppeasements typically don’t work, ask Neville Chamberlain. If you don’t know who that is, look him up. He & Hitler had an interesting relationship.

This kind of renaming and whitewashing of history is nothing more than appeasement. In the long run, one incident isn’t significant, but when the appeasements add up well, Poland gets annexed.

Even if you don’t agree, give it some thought and figure out where you personally would draw the line. 

Saints or Sinners

brett-kavanaugh-frown-ap-img.jpgKavanaugh is a sitting Supreme Court Justice!

The fact that as a 20 something he had his pants down at a party, was drunk, and a sophomore or freshman in college is absolutely nothing, nada, zilch, zero. Big Deal, So What?

That he was shoved, pushed, or whatever penis first into another drunk person at the same party regardless of their gender is also nothing.

I’d love for the same diligence applied to fucking Kavanaugh over to be applied to any or all of congress, Republicans & Democrats alike.

Let’s just see what kind of skeletons shake out of those investigations. Given the age of most of Congress, I’d be willing to bet that there are situations that by today’s standards would be full on rape. 

What 20 something doesn’t have some questionable activities? Remember Bill Clinton? OMG he smoked pot when he was 18 it was against the law and he supported a criminal element by doing it. How about Obama? Uh yeah… I thought so.

puritans.jpgWe used to call that kind of stuff “Youthful Hijinks” and the society would politely look the other way as long as no-one was in fact raped or hurt, and those activities didn’t become habitual. How many in congress today weren’t bathing and engaging in free love in the 60’s? How many of those people were burning flags and protesting the Vietnam war? How many were on the FBI watch lists for their affiliation with “Subversive” elements?

Uh huh, I’ll just bet our Congressional leaders would shit themselves if we all started scrutinizing their college pasts. 

is Kavanaugh hung?

I ask because a buddy of mine, (God rest his soul) was built for large women and small cattle. Get a drink or two in him and dare him to drop his pants and you’d get a show. He’d bet people that didn’t know him his was the biggest they’d ever seen then he’d prove it, and walk out of a party with a hundred bucks profit and that was a hundred bucks in 1980s money.

The poor man didn’t get laid a lot because of his size, but he was good natured about it. Before you think something gross or that he was deformed is some way, he wasn’t. He looked perfectly normal, just extra large and that was soft, he got much bigger when erect. 

So before we string Kavanaugh up lets take a step back.

Let’s not frame the man’s past indiscretions by today’s freakishly puritanical standards. Let’s stop a damn minute and look at Kavanaugh’s actions through the lens of the time.

What college sophomore then or now hasn’t done some questionable things?

iu.jpegRemember streaking? Maybe you don’t it would depend on how old you are. I remember police chasing a streaker across a football field mid-game and everyone in the stands laughing their asses off. It was in good fun and whoever the streaker was he was obviously on a track & field team. The police were out matched and that was why it was so damn funny. That game had absolutely the best half time show I’ve ever seen. The brass section of the band started playing the theme from The Benny Hill show which made it even funnier!

Even if the police had caught the guy, it wouldn’t have amounted to anything more than a small fine.

I hate to think what would happen today. Probably a full on Fucking SWAT team response!

Soft uncut cock 17When did we become so humorless?

When did a man’s penis become so offensive?

Arguably the nation was founded by puritans but in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s we were breaking free of that kind of stupidity and moving toward a more well balanced view of genders. I’ve got external plumbing and women have internal plumbing and that’s just fine. There’s nothing offensive about either.

I personally have been at parties where all the participants ended up naked. Not necessarily having sex but one person dared someone else and the next thing we knew everyone was naked and just enjoying the view. There was the occasional joking push where someone’s privates ended up in someone’s face to the amusement of everyone.

Hippiesfree loveIt was nothing then, and regardless of today’s standards it should remain exactly what it was, nothing chalk it up to youthful goofing off, or silliness.

The thing the really kills me about this latest Kavanaugh accusation is that the woman in question apparently doesn’t remember the event. So if she, as the supposed “Injured” party doesn’t remember it why should any of the rest of this nation give a damn?

One thought comes to mind…

It’s that the people pushing this, have an agenda. That agenda is apparently to do anything and everything in their power to discredit the President. I’m not particularly fond of the President but enough is enough The President has been President for 3 years, isn’t it time that we just move the hell on? 

If the political parties are so upset with President Trump, then those political parties need to present the American people with some reasonable alternatives.

Stop wasting our time and money. Stop creating divisions.

It’s official my BMW brothers…

We are no longer the most aggressive assholes on the road.

We’ve long been maligned for driving fast and aggressively. Those days are over my friends.

The new titleholders are Tesla drivers.

IMG 1009I apologize for the poor photo quality, I was trying to catch a shot of this particular asshole as he ran away, like a little pussy!

His license plate is CAPMGMT he’s an older white guy and this little financial  parasite almost got an asswhuppin.

Getting on the freeway in rush hour traffic. I’ve just picked up my car from the dealership. The entrance ramp has one of those “2 car per light” stop ‘em ups.

I’m car 1, he’s car 2. the light turns green and I open it up to get up to speed, My left  proximity alert flashes. This little prick has changed into the partial left lane that is narrowing to 1 lane… MY LANE and is passing me on the shoulder.

I flip him off, then he darts in front of me and does a brake check. Little fucker! I stop, but my car is not happy about dropping from 60 to ZERO in 1 second. 

Perhaps it’s that I’m seriously stressed. Perhaps It’s that I’m tired as fuck. Perhaps I’m just sick and fucking tired of the shitty San Diego drivers. But now we’re stopped. I dump the seatbelt, flip on the hazards, take off my glasses and I’m stepping out of the car on the thankfully empty entrance ramp in basically one move.

I’m gonna have me some Ass!

Pussyboy sees my door open and guns it. He’s driving one of those pig nosed Teslas (not even the expensive one) they’re wicked fast off the line, I’ll give ‘em that.

I get back in the car shut the door buckle up and gun it. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th  flash by and I’m on the freeway, I’m not endangering anyone, pussyboy is weaving all over the place I’m continuing in a lane, making reasoned maneuvers and signaling to change lanes. I’m closing on him and he hits a clear space just as I do. He’s accelerating away like a scared rabbit. 

Damn! That Tesla is impressive.

I’ve got a 350 mile range even at these speeds. I’m wondering if his rate of energy burn is messing with his driving range. I’m still in “Comfort” mode on the car… Fuck it! Lets play! I press the “Sport” selector and it’s like afterburners kick in. I’m closing rapidly on this little piece of filth.

He sees me coming and accelerates, I’m seriously considering just pacing his sorry ass, forcing him to deplete his charge. Run him to ground and then ahem… “help” him.

We top excessive speed and are heading to ludicrous speed, (Thank you Mel Brooks!) then he backs off. There’s traffic congestion ahead and he’s telegraphing his uncertainty about which lane to choose.

He can’t decide where to go. (So much for decisive Capital Management.) His Tesla is bouncing off the lane markers as his indecision slows him down. I’m even with him, I can see he’s freaking out. I just smile in as evil a way as I know how.

I mouth, “You’re MINE!”

He’s looking at me and I see fear. Ahhhhh Balm to my tortured soul.

He sees me raise the phone to take his picture, suddenly he skitters off the right and makes for the exit to another freeway. 

For a second, I think about following him just to work his nerves some more. 


Black Sapphire MetallicI take my foot off the gas, nice predictable deceleration begins I switch back to “Comfort” mode and my 440 glides to ambient traffic speeds.

His little pig nosed Tesla is definitely faster. But I’ve got better tactics, a hell of a fuel reserve, and bigger balls!

So BMW brothers, we’re not the top agro assholes on the road anymore. But don’t fear, we’ve still got tricks up our sleeves from years of avoiding the morons out to take a piece of us.

I’ll be happy to get out of this shit hole. To do that required that I come home tonight and book a truck to move my shit.

For tonight though, our honor has been defended.

Drive safe.

And yet ANOTHER example of inconsiderate behavior

IMG 0996So I get into the shower, preparing to load up my car on Saturday to leave. 

I come out of the shower at 7:40 to find that I have no hope of getting where I need to go. 

Yes that’s my car on the right side of the photo with no hope of getting out and no reason to believe these guys would be doing this on a Saturday. 

in just 10 minutes they’d deployed a cherry picker and had men hanging from ropes in the tree they were cutting down. They kept saying just a few minutes. I went back inside to wait.

Come ON! A little notice? How about a little consideration? Common Sense? Maybe a little thought that there are people who MIGHT have plans on a Saturday morning?

Oh and NEVER mind the sappy sawdust raining down all over the place, especially considering that the car was washed and waxed yesterday. If I’d had any clue whatsoever I’d have parked elsewhere.

We can’t do our laundry before 8 am what makes it okay to fire up heavy equipment and chainsaws at 7:30 in the morning?This is just another example of why I’m so damn tired of humanity in general and being in high density population areas in particular.

Well soon I’ll be moving back to the mountain, for a time at least. Then it’s up to me to figure out where the hell I want to go.

It’s not about this one instance. California in general is turning into a real shit hole.

Lets make a list shall we?

1 No plastic or paper bags anymore. Oh you can buy them, but it’s for the environment. (Mandated by law!) You know… paper bags are a biodegradable, renewable resource…

2 No smoking, and you better believe that the anti-smoking patrols will hunt you down. (Not even going to debate the pros or cons of smoking. It’s about freedom of choice to live your life as you see fit.)

3 No vaping (In San Francisco, give it time… pretty soon the whole state will adopt that rule. It’s about the Children don’t ya know.)

4 No junipers (the plant) in your yard this year in mountain communities. Yep, apparently a single 2×3 foot plant on the perimeter of your property is an unacceptable fire hazard. Of course it doesn’t matter that the plant has been in the same position for more than a decade, and has survived multiple fires including the house itself and subsequent reconstruction.

5 Excessive, convoluted, and confusing laws about the ownership of firearms. A gun you purchase legally this year may be illegal next year.

6 Ammunition registration (and taxation). Now you have to pay an additional fee on ammunition. It’s one rate if you purchase it by registering your address and that address is the address you previously registered 3 years ago. It’s an entirely different and excessive fee if you happened to have moved within the last 3 years. (It doesn’t matter that pretty much only law abiding citizens will be the ones paying the fees. Criminal elements of course don’t) It’s for your protection! Uh no, the ammunition is for my protection and perfectly legal target practice at approved gun ranges.

7 An additional fee for fire suppression in mountain communities. Yep, this on top of your property, state income, school, and sales tax. This one is being challenged in court but you pay the fee until the case is decided. (This fee, by the way, is used to fund the people who drive by your property and send out citations if they don’t like the plants in your yard. However very little of the money is used to remove dead pine trees from the California national forests, you know… where the real danger is.

Every year you have to spend your time fighting for the right to landscape your yard the way you choose. My yard is landscaped with California Native plants for water conservation and those plants are trimmed down when they finish their blooming cycles. Many of these plants are taller than 6 inches at maturity. Anything taller than 6 inches above the ground results in a citation.) This is for your safety.

8 Mandated compact fluorescent bulbs in your home. It’s getting tough to find a nice old fashioned incandescent light. So California wants you to have Mercury vapor and a bulb that as it ages can produce unhealthy levels of UV. Uh GREAT! You want to save energy don’t you? It’s for the environment.

9 Poor and congested roads, littered with potholes and trash of all kinds. But the worst of this is the gravel and rocks left behind by trucks driving four abreast on the freeways. All with signs that say, “Keep back 300 feet. Not responsible for broken windshields” At 70 miles an hour being 2000 feet behind the morons driving their uncovered, overloaded trucks, isn’t going to prevent your car from being sandblasted. But it will prevent you from being able to identify the trucker or trucking company. Well, the police force is stretched too thin to enforce the laws about obstruction of traffic, littering, or driving on the freeways with an uncovered load. Besides, these drivers are on the lower end of the economic scale and they have to drive as many loads in a day as they can. They don’t have the time to cover each and every load. But what about the time and expense of windshield replacement? Well you’ve got insurance right?

10 A legislative body which is, at best incompetent, and more often than not simply corrupt. This body thinks nothing of consequences of their actions assuming that whatever problem they create can be solved by raising taxes so they have more money to piss away.

11 You can’t use oil based paints in California. That includes car paint, house paint, or deck paint. Oh, we don’t want VOC’s [Volatile, Organic, Chemicals] in the air it causes air pollution. You should use water based paints they’re environmentally friendly. But they’re not as durable and require very specific preparation and temperature conditions to apply. Oh and as an added bonus… to make a minor repair requiring paint on your car you have to remove all the factory paint down to the metal. Increasing the cost of the repair and subsequently the cost of insurance. That’s ok… Don’t you want to paint your house every other year? You’re not going to keep your car for more than 3 years are you?

One or two of these issues wouldn’t be so annoying. I know that I’ve not enumerated all of the ills of California. However, in just this short list the conclusion is that Freedom of choice is being usurped one item at a time and there is no sign of end. The feeling is that “Our Betters” will continue to decide how we live and act because they know best.

I’m not built to have anyone tell me how to live my life. I don’t accept this from Religion, or Physicians, and certainly not Politicians.

I was raised to believe that I lived in a free country. But increasingly I question that assertion. The more rules and regulations, the more likely you are to be in violation of one or more of them.

I’m reminded of a colleague who was from Russia. She once casually told me that everyone was criminal in the town she grew up in.

When I asked how that was possible, she replied, “Politicians were elected by the Russian Mafia. They were called ‘ New Russians’, they were all Mafia and they made so many laws that we could not live, or go to work, or to school without breaking some law or another. The politicians and their friends were immune to the laws they made. But we were not, so eventually the common people were all arrested and jailed at various times,  for various infractions, then released when their punishment was through Now they had records. This made it easier for the criminals to continue committing crimes and through intimidation, the common people who just wanted to live their lives were silenced. The government was all Mafia and were very rich and getting richer all the time. Eventually, we couldn’t make a living without working for the Mafia so most of my family left and came to America. Those that stayed are now big criminals but have no freedom outside Russia. Those that left for other countries made new lives, and walk in the sunlight. But I and my husband are leaving America. We are trying to go to New Zealand. America has changed and it is not as free as it was. It seems as though Politicians here are more like ‘New Russians’. They are driven by greed and wealth. So we leave, and hope to live our lives in freedom and peace without government telling us how to be.”

That was the last time I saw her. At the time I thought she was wrong. That was 15 years ago, now… I’m not so sure.

I can say, over the past 15 years I’ve found California to be more oppressive, and dread each and every election, because I know yet one more onerous law or regulation will be passed. With each new rule, my personal freedom is eroded and I’ve reached a point where I no longer wish to participate in a system that seeks to control so many aspects of my life.

Perhaps I’m too sensitive to it. Perhaps it’s my Rebel upbringing. Perhaps it’s just my personal refusal to submit to domination. Perhaps it’s simply that I’ve always had a problem with authority.

I realize that people are inconsiderate everywhere in this country. It’s the “ME” syndrome. The best I can hope for now is to find a place where I can keep space between myself and the next person. The chronic inconsideration may just be a function of dense living, I’m not sure.

All I know is that I no longer like being in California. I also know that I do not want to live my final years in this place.

Well, it looks like the tree trimmers are still going at it. Thus far this has put a two and an half hour delay into my day. I’ll also have to wash the car AGAIN, that’s twice in two days. It’s 86 degrees and the sappy sawdust is baking on my car which means I’ll probably have to wax it again. At this temp I don’t really feel like humping shit down to the car only to drive another 2 hours up to the mountains and unload it. I’d planned to load everything in the cooler portion of the morning and be gone by 8. I’d planned to be on the mountain by 10. Obviously that isn’t going to happen.

10:35 AM 7/27/2019 So I’ve now cancelled my weekend plans. Gee thanks ASSHOLES! This will mark the 5th week in a row that I’ve not been able to get to the mountains for a little peace & quiet. Oh well only one more week at the job, then I pack this place up and move back home.

I can take it… after all I haven’t any fucking choice now do I?