America’s Fascism at its finest… In Texas? In Freakin Texas?

The San Marcos Daily Record published a very troubling article on Sunday July 17th.

The headline read, FBI Raids Retired San Marcos Couple’s Home

At first you might miss the significance. I thought to myself, “What could a retired couple possibly have done to warrant the FBI raiding their home.

The thoughts that went through my mind were, Human Trafficking, Drug manufacturing or sales? Were these folks involved in organized crime? Had the FBI found some fugitive who had escaped and managed to live quietly for years in an average community?

All of which would be good reason for the FBI to raid a place.

I was completely wrong.

The article is linked to the headline above. Click on it, I dare you!

This couple was raided for nothing other than having been part of a peaceful protest in Washington D.C. on Jan 6th 2020. They were not inside the capital, they were on the other side of the Capital from where the crowd, (was Invited in, Stormed the Capital Police, Broke into the Capitol Building,) that seems to depend on whose narrative you’re reading.

For my part, I tend to believe the eyewitness accounts of many of the protesters themselves. They all describe a very chaotic confusing scene. Each of them saw things slightly differently. But there are commonalities in their narratives. The doors were open, many saw people walking through the building, many thought it was okay. The Capital Police were talking with protestors on the steps. Then everything went to shit. (I suspect the trigger was the gunshot from the Capital Police Officer who killed Ashli Babbitt. I could be wrong…)

I believe the vast majority of the protestors really had no idea that they were doing anything “wrong” and that would be somewhat supported by the remarkable lack of destruction in the building. Compare Kenosha with The Capital Building.

Burning cars? Nope! Fires inside the building? Nope! There are pictures of people inside the building next to vases, portraits, and fabrics, mind you, all intact.

Pictures of protestors inside The House Chamber, and Nancy Pelosi’s office show that the room and indeed most of the furnishings were remarkably untouched. For there to have been such horrific violence you’d expect there to be a lot more damage. I’ve seen barroom brawls that did more damage than the so called Inserrection.

This is counter to what The Jan 6th Committee would have us believe.

Reviewing photographic evidence of the, “Mostly Peaceful Protests,” in cities across the nation reveals a rather stark difference.

Billions in damage, whole neighborhoods razed and yet we’re to believe that somehow The Capital riot was worse?

We’re to believe that The Capital riot was on par with Pearl Harbor, or 9/11?

I’ll quote Ilhan Omar, “Some people did some things…”

The troubling aspects of this FBI raid in Texas are many.

Unmarked cars?
No sirens, or lights?
The homeowner directly requesting to see a warrant in accordance with his Fourth Amendment right being responded to with flashbang grenades?
Drones & Planes circling overhead?
Excessive force, 20 to 30 vehicles, perhaps 100 agents, and an armored vehicle?

What precisely did the FBI think was going on? All this to not arrest two retired law abiding citizens?

All of this to confiscate a couple of cell phones, and Trump memorabilia?

You’re probably thinking, “But the man was on his front porch with gasp an Assault Rifle!”

First, it’s Texas! Second, since the Biden Administration has opened the border. People rolling up on your home in Texas, unannounced and unmarked could just as easily be a bunch of Cartel Thugs looking to take your place over as a base of operation. Third, Texas has a stand your ground law that includes your property, (in this case all 7 acres). Fourth, an older man in his underwear greeting intruders on his property before dawn with a rifle isn’t at all surprising.

I’ve greeted police at my door late at night with a baseball bat. I’ve also greeted police banging on my door at 3 a.m. with a gun in my hand. Both times, there was a moment of tension.

With the baseball bat, I apologized and set the bat to the side of the door, then stepped back.

With the gun, (Not aimed at the officers,) I asked how we could extricate ourselves from this awkward situation. They were very polite and simply asked if I would place the gun on the table and step away. I did, and invited them in.

They legitimately were doing their duty, asking that we evacuate due to a fire. They didn’t ask for me to unload the weapon, nor did they touch it. One officer did discreetly place himself between me and the gun. I acknowledged his discretion with nothing more than a smile, he smiled back and nodded.

It’s amazing what a little civility and common sense can accomplish!

In either case, had an officer presented me with a Warrant, I’d have stood down in the same fashion. That’s called being a law abiding citizen.

What troubles me so much about this article is that it comes on the heels of high profile arrests such as James O’keefe with the FBI supposedly in search of Biden’s daughter’s diary.

O’keefe didn’t have Biden’s daughter’s diary. He’d said so publicly prior to his arrest and raid. Even if he did have it, he hadn’t stolen it. The diary was offered to, and reviewed by O’Keefe. But he chose to pass on it.

Jeffery Clark’s home was raided where the FBI seized electronics and held him outside in his pajamas until they’d finished tossing the place. Thus far, the only crime(s) Clark appears to have committed were questioning the election and working for former President Trump.

The tactics increasingly displayed by the FBI and the DOJ are nothing less than those of the KGB or Stassi.

My concern, beyond the obvious issues with our government stomping all over The Constitution, is that someone is going to get hurt. I’ll guarantee you that it’s not going to be an FBI agent. It’s going to be some local officer doing what he or she has been told to do by the FBI. Or it’ll be a innocent person or bystander

The FBI, ATF, or DOJ will call it collateral damage and use the situation as an excuse to execute someone.

These raids can only be seen as nothing other than intimidation.

I ask you. If these raids were happening at The Clinton Foundation, or Hunter Biden’s home, or Jim Biden’s home, or McCabe’s, Strozk’s, Page’s, Clinesmith’s, Sussmann’s, Elias’s, Omar, or Comey’s homes, what would you call it?

Would you say it was justice, or would you call it the weaponization of the DOJ against the players in the Democratic party?

Believe what you want. Just remember that once we’ve allowed this sort of behavior to become normal, once we’ve allowed the ruling party to forge this kind of weapon, then any ruling party can use it.

If the GOP seizes power and decides to pick up this weapon, using it against Democrats and their allies, don’t be surprised and don’t come whining to me about it.

What’s been allowed to happen at the DOJ is not much shy of a nuclear bomb dropped on The Constitution. It took a long time for us to crawl back from McCarthyism, this is far worse.

Whew, I tried to take a break

There is just no getting away from the insanity.

My 4th of July peace & quiet was shattered, as was the nation’s by the Highland shooting. The other half got a BBC notification on their phone.

WTF? Of course the media jumped on it, gleefully rubbing their hands, “If it Bleeds it Leads,” and they were all practically salivating that the shooter was white and used a rifle.

I imagine the newsrooms all over the country were spinning up their white supremacist tropes. That fell apart pretty fast as more came out about the shooter. But the media still got their licks in about guns being a problem in this country.

Then someone remembered that Illinois has very restrictive gun laws. RED Flag Laws, State issued licensing to purchase a gun, certain weapons banned, etc. You know, kind of like the law Biden just signed…

As more information poured in, it turns out that the shooter wasn’t listed as a RED FLAG, even though he should have been. The shooter had threatened to kill his family and the police had removed his collection of knives from his home.

That didn’t stop him from getting his Illinois issued FOID permit which allowed him to purchase guns legally. It appears that he’d even purchased his guns in the state of Illinois. OOOPs there goes the gun show, and the out of state or straw purchase narrative.

As the week progressed, we heard that his mental health was questionable. That was kinda of a “Duh,” right from the start. Now folks are asking some of the right questions. “Why wasn’t he RED FLAGGED?”, “Why wasn’t he getting some kind of help?”, “What made his so very angry?”

These are all good questions and there are no easy answers. But it’s good that the questions are being asked.

President Doofus wasted no time telling America that this is the reason that we need stricter gun control. Again he shot his mouth off without having all the information. If I’m recalling it correctly he opened his pie hole before the police had even brought Robert E. Crimo III, age 21 to heel.

But this is what we’ve come to expect from this President.

Remember the Border patrol officers accused of whipping Haitian migrants illegally crossing the border?

U.S. Customs and Border Protection mounted officers attempt to contain migrants as they cross the Rio Grande from Ciudad Acuña, Mexico, into Del Rio, Texas, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. (AP Photo/Felix Marquez)

Biden said, “To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped — it’s outrageous,” Biden told reporters, making a whipping motion with his hand. “I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.

At the time I wrote a blog post saying what the CBP jackasses have now also said in their copious report about the incident. The Head of CBP has said, “no evidence” that Border Patrol struck Haitian migrants with their reins or used whips in Del Rio, Texas, last year”

I’m not much of a horseman, I’ve been astride horses many times in my life, I like horses and would enjoy having enough space and money to own one, implicit in that would be getting to be a better horseman.

I’ve enjoyed rodeos, and seen a variety of reins and saddles. Mostly, I have experience with mucking out stalls that horses occupy when they’re not being ridden or wandering around a corral.

That being said, as inexperienced as I am, I knew looking at the pictures that CBP agents weren’t whipping migrants.

The thing is, CBP is still going to punish the officers, for other infractions. One of which is using harsh language. Harsh Language? Get the fuck out of town!

The entire article is here. It’s from Fox News it popped up in my Apple News Feed.

One thing that struck me as I read the article was that the agents appear to be at fault for having insufficient training for the situation. To which I say, “WHAT THE FUCK?

Our government placed these agents in the situation. Then is holding them responsible because they didn’t have the right training to deal with the untenable situation the government placed them in?

The agents wouldn’t have been in the situation if President dipshit hadn’t opened the damn border in the first place.

Talk about a no win situation. That kind of thinking isn’t going to have the Border patrol’s recruiting office overflowing now is it?

Sure you’re going to have this job but you’ll be constantly under scrutiny from assholes who have no idea what the job entails and they’ll throw you under the bus at a moment’s notice for their own political gain. Oh, and by the way, if one of these politicians demands punishment you’re totally fucked. Even if you did everything by the book.

Welcome to CBP. Have a great career.

People wonder why we’re losing Law Enforcement personnel at unheard of rates? Why the military isn’t going to meet its recruitment goals? Why Border patrol is woefully understaffed?

None of these factors are making any of us more safe. Our politicians don’t see the problems they’re causing…

But it is driving record gun sales.

Long ago folks realized that if they could rely upon police to be present, to arrive in a timely fashion, and take care of crime, that it was better to allow the police to deal with problems.

It was easier that having to explain, and dispose of, the body of a criminal from your living room, or on your lawn, or why you dropped a piece of shit in the middle of town.

Now, with the police stretched so thin, and neutered by conflicting laws, people are coming to the conclusion that their only option is to be armed. Where I live, the sheriffs are 30 minutes away on a good day.

That’s provided they don’t have some jurisdictional conflict about whether the sheriff, or the Highway patrol is supposed to deal with an issue. For that layer of confusion I thank politicians, and lawyers. The officers, even though they want to help, are constrained by those jackasses.

Why does it take years to deal with a drug house, or a house of prostitution operating in a neighborhood? What about a person that routinely assaults their neighbors for no apparent reason?

The reason is that average “normal” folks are expected to put up with the shit. Not just expected, but constrained by rules, regulations, jurisdictional rivalries, lawyers, politicians, boards of supervisors, interpretations, and all the bullshit that gets in the way of a simple question.

Was a crime committed?

If the answer is “Yes”, then the perpetrator is hauled off.

If the answer is “No” then folks will have to deal with it.

Then there were the shrieking harridan protesters who thought it was their right to make everyone uncomfortable at a Mortons Steakhouse because Justice Kavanaugh decided to have a meal there.

This was another What the Fuck moment for me.

I walked out of a StarBucks once when some protestors walked in raising hell. (I forget what the hell nonsense they were protesting about,) all I remember is that one of two things was going to happen. Either I left without my damn coffee, or I was going to incite a riot by saying something.

I also knew that none of the morons in the Starbucks were going to have my back but they’d film me getting my ass kicked.

I haven’t been to that Starbucks since. It was near a college. We all know how the college crowd is about whatever the liberal bullshit of the day is.

Shortly after, Starbucks in California started saying cops couldn’t come in if they had their guns. That was the beginning of the end of my relationship with Starbucks.

Anyhow, Mortons released a statement that made me want to go spend money with them.

They said, “Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protesters while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant,”

I get that the protesters were outside, on the sidewalk. The police couldn’t do anything about it since they weren’t trespassing. Okay. They’re exercising their first amendment right.

But, in these situations I always ask what about all the other people’s rights that these protestors trample on? The right to peace and quiet? The right to a nice dinner with family or friends?

There are reports that the protestors were calling the restaurant demanding that Justice Kavanaugh not be served.

What about the months of protests outside Kavanaugh’s home? The protestors are raising a ruckus in front of his house, but the whole fucking neighborhood has to suffer, what about their rights to privacy, to peace & quiet, to live their lives without fear or inability to get into or out of their homes?

The White House was taken to task by Peter Doocy and got a completely bullshit answer from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. The article is linked here.

There was another article that mentioned a twitter account offering to pay cash for information about the conservative Justices movements within D.C.

Rebooted my brain…

That’s beyond the definition of stalking. The Folks in D.C. don’t seem to have a problem with it. BUT THEY WOULD, if a similar account was set up. That followed Pelosi, or AOC, or Harris, or Schiff. Then it would be 24/7 OMG how is this allowed?

Imagine what the response would be if any of the people I mentioned above couldn’t go into a restaurant without being hounded by angry conservatives standing outside on a sidewalk screaming at them for running the country into the ground.

What if their neighborhoods were turned into protest zones 24/7?

We’d never hear the end of it.

The LA Times reported that the LA County Supervisors want the ability to remove the LA County Sheriff (In case Villaragosa wins his election). They’re not interested in any of the other eight elected positions, only the Sheriff.

Hmmm that sounds vaguely familiar. Wasn’t there something similar in Washington D.C. on January 6th 2021? I can’t quite recall…

The thing is, if the erosion of law, and indeed human decency and respect continues we’ll have anarchy.

I’ve thought for years that our country is a powder keg and the polarization,” us against them” mentality espoused from the highest levels in our government isn’t helping.

What happens when average, “normal” people decide they’ve had enough and decide to take matters into their own hands?

What happens when the people say they no longer agree with the first paragraphs of The Declaration of Independence, saying, “NO! We The People withdraw our consent to be governed.”

Where will we be then?

Starts to look a lot like Mad Max, doesn’t it?

They Said this would never happen.

The SAID it couldn’t happen.

They said that they weren’t making a database. They said the information was safe. They said anyone who questioned them was a child hating, war mongering, insanely violent, racist, monster.

Yet here we are.

The Los Angeles Times is reporting a California DOJ breach of every single Concealed Carry permit holder in the state. Initial reports said the breach was limited, but subsequent reports now state the breach was all the records.

Other news outlets report that the data exposed not only those who had concealed carry permits, but all those who applied for permits, granted or not.

Breaking news… It appears now that even the information about people who’d obtained a California Gun Safety Certificate had their data exposed. FYI a California Gun Safety Certificate does not mean you own a gun, it only provides proof that you’re aware of pretty basic gun safety rules and some of the California laws surrounding gun ownership.

The California Gun Safety Certificate is a quick and easy way for California to collect $20 every 4 or 5 years and have you pay the California DOJ for the privilege of having your name, address, and other personal information put into their database. The safety certificate is a big nothing burger, but it’s required before you can purchase a gun.

All the better to identify law abiding citizens who may, possibly, need to have their homes raided by a SWAT team at 2AM, if California decides that person might, possibly, just maybe, need to have red flag search and seizure of property contained in their home.

Back in Oct of 2016, The California DOJ had another “oopsie” and released the names and addresses of 3500 firearms instructors.

I haven’t checked, but I seem to recall there was some kind of gun control law moving through the California Legislature which was encountering a lot of opposition. I don’t remember if the firearms instructors were being vocal about opposing the legislation at the time. It would be an interesting coincidence if they were.

California wants a complete gun registry. The California DOJ wants to know about every single gun in the state. Even if those guns were legally owned by a citizen prior to them moving into the state.

California lawmakers claim this is to provide better safety to the people of California. They often use the safety of California children as their justification.

Really? Using Children? How about lawmakers actually address the problem of crime in the state? That would be a refreshing change.

Lest I forget… the California DOJ approves of guns via a very expensive testing procedure that gun manufacturers must pay for, and must also provide every variation (even if the variation is color,) of gun for testing.

If a manufacturer chooses not to provide a weapon and pay a fee, then the California DOJ will say that gun can’t be sold in California. The funny thing is that the California DOJ will drop guns from the approved list after that gun may have been approved for several years. Does that mean anyone owning such a gun is now in possession of an illegal firearm? Is that otherwise law abiding citizen committing a felony?

The fact is, there are some guns which are family heirlooms (think grandpa’s gun). Others that were gifts. All legally owned, and handed down father to son, or brother to brother. California, wants all of these guns to be subject to registration and investigation. How does California deal with these guns, many of which were likely never approved for sale by the California DOJ ?

While California dilly dallies around investigating, those weapons are supposed to be handed to a licensed gun dealer for a fee until California “approves”. Which means, that those guns are now not under the physical control of the owners. Should the gun go missing, and be used in a crime… The owner of record is still responsible even though the gun in question, wasn’t in their possession due to California’s regulations.

It doesn’t matter to the California legislature, that the guns may have been sitting in a law abiding citizen’s safe for a decade or more and haven’t been used in some horrendous mass shooting.

Various gun owners associations have repeatedly pointed out that such a gun registry doesn’t help Law Enforcement, nor does it make law abiding citizens safer. Law abiding citizens aren’t the folks engaging in the rampant gun violence plaguing California. Criminals are responsible for the gun violence. Guess what? They’re probably not buying their guns legally!

What such a registry does, is allow weaponization of various police agencies. It provides unscrupulous politicians an avenue of retaliation against those who might speak in opposition to them.

Or, as in this latest data breach…

The California DOJ has exposed the names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, home phone, and other personal data to anyone who might wish to engage in identity theft, target certain judges, citizens, or law enforcement personnel, or who might be looking for a target of opportunity to steal guns.

Great job California DOJ! Well Done! Instead of insuring the safety of law abiding citizens… You’ve painted a target on their backs!

On the plus side… You’ve destroyed any credibility of a gun registry!

Good God! Please make them shut up!

I’m totally sick of the Abortion shit!

Although there have been some headlines that have made me laugh.

Sex Strike! Abstinence trends on Twitter in wake of Roe v. Wade ruling

As if a man would want to have sex with this one…

She looks like she stepped off the set of John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars

Then there’s this one.

Not at all a flattering angle.

The general consensus among lots of Men seems to be; “Your Terms are acceptable

Women, really need to realize, Men don’t need them to pleasure ourselves. We might prefer to have a woman in our beds. But if the pain in the ass level is too high, we’ll find alternatives.

One need only look at the sex toy industry, or even a single online catalog and you’ll find there are a multitude of very pleasurable substitutes that cost less than Dinner and Drinks on one date.

All of the above are reviewed at GQ The Best Sex Toys for Men

The beauty of some of these toys is that they’re easily cleanable, or in some cases entirely disposable. Oh… Don’t forget a decent lubricant!

Then there’s Pink.

Who is she? Why Should I care? I don’t think I’ve ever heard any of her music, and see zero need to do so now.

Then there’s this one from Elizabeth Warren…

Biden Needs to Make ‘Federal Lands in Place Where Abortions Can Occur’

When I read this one, I pictured this

We know how the US Government is about reservations…

Then there’s this from AOC

AOC: Arkansas abortion ban ‘will kill people’

That title was provocative enough that I pulled up the video. She does justify her statement somewhat.

All that being said…

Nowhere in the constitution does it say, “Sure, hack up that baby growing inside you, then scoop the pieces out of your womb.”

Abortion is not birth control it’s fucking murder. I don’t give a runny shit how you try to sanitize it.

I’m in favor of abortion in the case of rape. No question about it. A man who rapes a woman doesn’t deserve to reproduce, ever! Further I’d say castrate the fucker, cut ‘em off sack and all, when he’s caught.

Don’t bother with a nice clean surgery center, a decent knife, and four stout men. (Two to hold his legs open, one to pin him down, and one to wield the knife! As you can tell, I don’t have any mercy for rape.) That alone would have a chilling effect on rapists across the country.

I’m in favor of abortions in the case of incest. Our species shouldn’t be weakening itself by narrowing genetic diversity. Just look at the Royals of Europe.

I’m in favor of abortions in the case of mother’s life versus continuing the pregnancy.

What I’m not in favor of is abortion just because the couple, (Yes, the Man and the Woman) were too stupid, or too lazy, to avail themselves of the myriad options available to prevent the pregnancy in the first place.

Abortion, generally speaking is not about women’s health it’s about covering up that the couple was irresponsible.

It’s about a woman taking the rights of a man too. There are some men, who want children, and who may only have one time in their lives when they can father them.

The implied message of Abortion is that men can always father children. Who cares if half a dozen of their potential offspring are murdered before they have a child?

That’s not always the case. Lower male fertility rate statistics show it clearly.

How many men find out too late that they’re functionally sterile because of pollution, hormones or chemicals, in the water, or other factors?

How many men look back on their girlfriends or fiancé’s who got abortions and wish they’d had the joy of holding their child in their arms?

I’ll grant you there may not be a huge preponderance. I’m willing to bet there are men jerking off into cups at fertility clinics for sperm counts, while their wife waits in the lounge, who wish they’d had a say when their ex-girlfriend took off to an abortion clinic.

My view will not be popular. Fine. It’s the way I see it. You don’t have to agree, just as I don’t have to agree that rampant abortion is just hunky dory, or empowering.

This SCOTUS ruling doesn’t ban abortion. All it does, is say that abortion is not enshrined in the Constitution. It kicks the issue back to the states for their legislatures to decide.

The SCOTUS is supposed to rule on the constitutionality of laws. That’s it, they’re not supposed to legislate from the bench. Congress makes the Laws.

And yes, theoretically this could reverse Gay marriage. It could also theoretically reverse rulings on inter-racial marriage.

I don’t think it will.

There’s a difference between marriage and abortion.

Marriage is about pursuing individual happiness, and living the life you choose to live, with the partner of your choice. Both parties enter into a marriage with open eyes and are presumably adults exercising their rights to live in freedom.

I hold that neither the State or Federal government has any say in the matter. Marriage is essentially a contract.

That laws and rulings had to be made to limit State and Federal interference in the lives of citizens regarding who they could marry, speaks volumes about the level of control the State and Federal governments unconstitutionally exercised.

Abortion fundamentally denies the right of an unborn child to life. This violates one of the first principals enumerated in The Declaration of Independence.

Looking at it this way, by extension, the unborn child could be protected by The Constitution. A case could be made, that the SCOTUS should stand to give voice to citizens who cannot yet speak for themselves.

The SCOTUS didn’t go that far. I think it would have make an interesting and compelling case…

If they had, then abortions in cases of rape, or incest would have to be denied too.

Reading through The Constitution, there are references to being “Born”. This implies a live birth, and could be construed to mean that an unborn child is not yet protected by The Constitution.

I could see this view too, and wouldn’t be surprised to find this was the reason SCOTUS enabled abortion in 1973. Using this line of reasoning, the woman’s rights would in fact supersede the rights of the unborn child.

This brings the whole issue to the question of, “When does life begin?”

For the founders, life began at birth. The squalling child drinking in those first deep breaths. They knew that a life was growing inside a pregnant woman. But for them the fruition of that growing life was birth.

Our technology has given us deeper insight.

If we could show The Founding Fathers images from inside the womb, if we could show them that still growing babies look human and react if they feel threatened or pain. I’m confident that they’d go back and revise The Constitution to include unborn children.

Some politicians say, “It’s just a clump of cells…” That is true at first. But once those clumps of cells differentiate into brain, heart, eyes, and take on a human appearance. It’s a human being in my book.

I’m confident that The Founding Fathers would be horrified by what the abortion industry has done.

I sure as hell am.

To all those politicians from other countries voicing their opinions about the SCOTUS decision…

Shut the Hell up!

This is our country. Our Constitution.

You have Zero say in how we govern ourselves.

Your input is neither requested or desired.

How many hits does it take for a ship of fools to sink?

Jerome Powell testified before Congress that the Ukrainian war is not responsible for inflation.

Linked Video here

Sen Bill Hagerty (R-TN) pointed out during the hearing that inflation rose from 1.4 percent in January 2021 to 7 percent by the end of the year.

Russia had not yet invaded Ukraine and would not do so for several months.

Since the Ukrainian invasion, inflation has risen another 1.6 percent.

Hagerty asked Powell directly if he thought the war in Ukraine was the primary inflation driver.

Powell replied that inflation was high prior to the war breaking out. Concluding that the war was not the primary driver of our current inflation.

So yet again, we have President Biden saying something that is demonstrably untrue.

Either the President is trying to mislead the American People, or the President is so out of touch with reality that perhaps his whole presidency should be called into question.

Even if Biden himself is incapable of executing the duties required of his office, if his staff was competent, they could at least run the country. It’s been rumored for years, that Eleanor Roosevelt did just that while FDR was lying gravely ill in his bed.

Any one of Biden’s staff could have called Federal Reserve Chairman Powell and asked if the words they were putting in Biden’s mouth were remotely true.

Worse still, the highly over staffed White House Media corps published this on Twitter.

How many hits does this administration have to take before they’re out the door?

For Christ’s sake, Trump was impeached TWICE on far less demonstrable “evidence”.

In Biden’s case, we have President Biden repeately lying to the American People. We have his Son, Hunter apparently selling access to then Vice President Biden. We have Hunter claiming that his father does whatever Hunter tells him to. We have emails from Hunter Biden’s (Now Confirmed) laptop that at the least, suggest that Hunter was paying cash to his father related to VP Access to close foreign business deals. We have Biden himself on video bragging about pressuring a foreign government to fire a prosecutor who was looking into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. (That one only cost the taxpayers a Billion in foreign aid.)

Trump was called upon to take cognitive assessments without demonstrating any of the symptoms that Biden shows at virtually every public appearance.

If you were at all curious about the claims that there are two rules of law in this country. Look no further than the disparity above. Had Trump been accused of any single one of the things Biden appears to have been touched by…

Donald Trump would be in prison doing hard labor. His entire family would be in prison, right down to Barron.

When does this insanity end?