Mayorkas reminds me of Baghdad Bob

Aside for this guy’s general scumminess, he really is like Baghdad Bob.


Remember that guy? There were American tanks rolling in the background as he was telling people in Baghdad, “The American Pigs are nowhere near the city!”

Yeah, uh huh.

There are some things that really piss me off. Number one is someone taking me for a fool and lying to me about it. I guess they call that “Gaslighting” these days.

We all know that there are a lot more illegal immigrants coming into the country than lying Joe or this Mayorkas asshole are telling us about.

We know that this is a crisis that would have destroyed Trump and yet we’re supposed to believe that Trump’s border policies were ineffective.

Our government is not to be trusted. In fact I don’t think they should be given any money until they have a functional budget that includes paying down the national debt.

Allowing millions of people to come into the country with few skills, no ability to speak English, and no work permits is not only foolish, it is cruel. 

These people have the potential to  become an underclass, the poor, of the poor class and if they do they’ll become a burden that the country is ill equipped to afford. 

This means that the country will probably struggle to pay for them, won’t send them home, and will ignore the increased homelessness and civil unrest or disobedience.

These people came here effectively at the invitation of Joe Biden with dreams of a better life. How do you think they’ll react when they can’t find work, to repay their debt to the smugglers and realize that their dreams have all become nightmares?

Do you think they’re gonna start taking shit that isn’t theirs? And even if the older people do maintain a sense of honor and desire to obey the law, (except the immigration law they broke, what of their children?

Since many of them have court dates years in the future, what is going to happen when they start reproducing? Every single baby these people have is an anchor baby and how will our court system handle that?

This isn’t just a temporary problem on the border right now. This is a problem. That will have ramifications many years into the future.

That after all is the point isn’t it? How better to maintain power than to import a compliant voting block of people who are already predisposed to communism and socialism? Yes these people will claim they were escaping communism in their homeland but we’re not fully communist, socialist authoritarian yet.

By the time our leaders make it to the authoritarian stage, it will seem normal and not too different from what their immigrants are already used to.

What did they think was going to happen?

Now that Title 42 is expired, how is anyone shocked?

How is it that “Poor” or “Lower Income middle class” folks are surprised that their wealthy sanctuary city fathers are sending the flood of migrants into their communities?

Did they actually think that the migrants would be settled in the wealthy areas of the city? Come on, everyone with a brain knows that the wealthy folks sitting in their gated communities aren’t going to put themselves or their families at risk.

The hypocrisy of all these middle class or lower middle class folks who’ve been talking about being sanctuary communities or cities is unbelievable.

Of course resources are going to be drained, of course budgets will be strained, of course hospitals and clinics will be overwhelmed. It’s not like there wasn’t an example. Look at any border town!

These are the same things that the border towns have been screaming about for literally years.

But those troubles were far from Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle, and Martha’s Vineyard. The people living in the hell created by the elites were obviously liars and racists and therefore could and should be ignored.

It was easy for elites and media to call people from those towns, racists, xenophobes, and whatever other offensive name, then go have cocktails with their friends. All of them congratulating each other on their progressive values and how they put down those filthy rednecks.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot… Well somehow it’s different.

Predictably the elites are still trying to engage in “NIMBY” just like they always have.

These people don’t want oil drilling in the US, but have no problem using oil from other countries, often produced without regard for the environment. These people refuse to have mining of minerals in our country, but have no problem with mining using child labor, or strip mining, happening in other countries. These people are happy to derive benefit from illegal immigration but don’t want to live near illegal immigrants.

These are the people who’ll complain about crime and prison overcrowding, but will refuse to have a new prison built near them.

“Not In My Back Yard!”

Remember these are the people that say the police are too mean, then say defund the police. Then they wonder why they don’t feel safe, why the police aren’t at their home instantly,

I really want to know…

It figures!

I decide that I need to retire because what’s the point of continuing to bang my head against the impenetrable wall of automated HR practices and hey, I can actually collect social security.

It  isn’t going to be enough for me to keep my house and pay my credit card bills but it will allow mw to have some time to deal with settling my other half’s affairs.

Turns out that I can still take a part time job (if I can get hired) and as long as I don’t make more than 17K It won’t affect my social security check.

All is well… or so I think!

I just got my first regular SS check. “Cool,” I think, “At least something is working.”

But then I start hearing about the debt ceiling. Yeah we’ve all heard about this before… The government is spending more money than they’re taking in and one party or the other party is bitching and whining about money being spent or money not being spent and the national debt.

I swear to God. I’d really LOVE seeing all those assholes in congress cut off from their wealth for a year. I’d love to see them have to actually live within a real budget, pay their bills like average Americans, and I’d like to see their income for that year be adjusted to the median income that the rest of America has to live within. Oh, and tank their credit ratings and reduce their credit limits.

I can tell you this, none of them would be living in their fancy Georgetown Apartments or Condos.

Suddenly, although I guess it’s not so sudden and certainly isn’t surprising given the way this administration has been spending,  there is the possibility that the government will default on their payments.

That also means they could decide to default on Social Security checks. I’m thinking if they do, then all bets are off!

I don’t feel that I have to pay taxes, I don’t feel that I have to answer to those assholes about anything. I’d bet that there’s a lot of other Americans who feel exactly the same way.  If we’ve learned anything over the past few years it’s that Feelings supplant actual reality and I wonder if the courts would come down on my side or the IRS. Okay I wondered for 1/2 of a second.

If I sell this house, I want to fucking REFUSE to pay capital gains. The IRS and the federal government can suck my dick!

You see if it comes to me eating, or paying taxes… I’ll  eat.

I thought Social Security was our government sponsored and secured retirement savings program. We’ve been forced to pay into it our whole damn working lives. So I think a legitimate question for our lawmakers will be…


Amplified by millions and millions of angry citizens.JoeBidenDuh

I suppose now we know why the Biden Administration wanted 87,000 armed IRS agents. They plan to rob us at gunpoint.

The other question I have to ask is this.

If the US can’t fucking pay their bills or pay the citizens they promised to pay via social security, then how the hell are they expecting to pay for all the folks preparing to cross the border when Title 42 ends?

It’s a legitimate question isn’t it?

Somebody is gonna foot the bill.

I’ll tell you what, if the folks swarming the border get food. clothing, medical, and all kinds of services while American retirees are going hungry or without their medications, then I think the government should be called to account.

If that means dragging Joe Biden’s raggedy ass in front of the Justice Department along with his staff that has led us to this particular disaster then so be it.

I highly doubt the Justice department will be involved because;

When Grandma loses her house and dies because she couldn’t afford cat food, her rent, and her medications. When welfare is cut off and folks dependent on those funds to feed their families go hungry… That’s the day when you’ll see a real insurrection, and this time it will be with guns, rocks, bricks, pitchforks, firebombs, and anything else people can get their hands on.

I strongly suspect that the police, and the military will do nothing to stop it. After all, at that point they’re not being paid either!

Simply put, on that day the abject failure of our leadership for decades will be laid bare and the American people will not be looking for excuses or platitudes they’re going to be looking for asses to hang on the wall.