Guess I’m getting a tad old

My brother took an extended lay-over on his way to Mexico.
It was good seeing him and as always I count myself lucky to have someone like him in my life.
I picked him up from the airport on Wednesday in the rain.
The only crappy thing was a guy who was 1) an asshole 2) obviously having a bad day. I was making the approach to the terminal doing about 10 miles an hour and looking at the terminal curbside for a place to park.
Yeah I was a bit distracted and in the rain my visibility was reduced. Not meant as excuses just statement of facts.
I was, as I said driving pretty slowly (Actually the posted speed limit for once!) I’d looked ahead of me saw nothing and then out of the corner of my eye I see movement. Fuck! I think. Where did he come from? This guy was in the crosswalk and I’d have sworn that there hadn’t been anybody in that crosswalk just a second before. I must have missed him, before I can apologize… He’s hitting the side of my car with his bag.
Ya know, I made a mistake. But that is no reason to fucking damage the car.
I’ve never understood that attitude.
Yes, pedestrians have the right of way in California. But pedestrians can see something as large as a car far more easily than a driver in a car can see them. I’ve been on the other side. I’ve had close calls in crosswalks. On a bright sunny day when I make eye contact with a driver there is no excuse, on a foggy, rainy day or at twilight, you know it’s easy for me to stop and chalk it up to the driver not seeing me.
But I wouldn’t hit someones car, especially on rain slicked roads where if the driver panics and slams on their brakes there is a potential for the car to fishtale, spin, or slide dangerously.
All I can say is, dude… I hope you weren’t going to New York. That attitude of yours will get you hit by a car or get your knees broken by someone with a worse attitude than yours and a lot of pride in their car.
I’ve often thought that California should change it’s pedestrian laws to be consistent with the rest of the country.
Since we have so many foreign drivers and transplants from other states. You really can’t count on anyone to stop anymore. I guess the only advantage is that if you’re hit in a crosswalk the law and insurance is on your side, that would probably be true anyway. Of course that’s predicated on the person that hit you actually stopping. All too often now the driver splits.
On the next circuit around the airport I see my Brother at the curb. It was perfect timing. I pop the trunk, he drops his bag in and we’re on the way out to the freeway.
We had a great visit.
He’s so much like me in many ways and at the same time he’s very different. I enjoy spending time with him.
He pointed out that it’s my turn to come visit him and he’s right. I’ve never been to Minnesota, of course I question if this is the time of year to be visiting Minnesota the fall has got to be pretty on the other hand I can’t afford to get snowed in.
My brother was here for a day and a half.
The day we spent together was fun we took the day slow and checked out the Air Museum in Chino. I’d never been there and I’ll definitely go back. They’ve got a nice operation there.
I was impressed that my brother knew the model of dang near every plane in the collection on sight.
It was also surprising to me how the physical sizes of the planes was not what I expected. I’ve been around Cessnas, and private business jets but had only seen pictures of a lot of the planes in this collection.
Most of the pictures I’m familiar with give no sense of scale.

The WWII fighters were larger than I expected and that some bombers were smaller than I expected. There was a V1 Buzz Bomb on display. It was surprisingly small. At first I thought it was a mockup but it wasn’t, it had been lovingly restored just like all the other Aircraft in the collection.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have a lot of time but it was worth the visit even with a limited time. We got there later than we intended… My fault! Got a little lost, in part because the GPS in the car had no idea the street the museum is on existed. My phone on the other hand took us right to the front door… I paid $200 for a software update in the car, why????

After we left the Museum we went to a winery. He’d never done wine tasting and even though we were a bit rushed there we had some fun.
The wine tasting started a night of drinking.
My Brother will tell you that I was the instigator… Not true!
We started at the Wrightwood Inn, one of my preferred places to sit and have a drink.
Then we went to The Yodeler and had a couple of burgers. I’d had enough JD that I decided to have coke with my meal. He had a big bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale. Then we went back to the Inn and had a few more drinks.
The thing I like about drinking in town is that I can walk home if I have too much. Thankfully, that wasn’t necessary.
5AM comes quick the morning after…
He had a 10AM flight out of LAX. add a two hour drive from here to get him to the airport. Since he’s on an international flight they recommend that the traveler arrive at the airport 2 hours prior to departure which means that he needed to be at LAX by about 8AM. We left the house slightly after 6AM. My Bro was trashed….
I’m not sure if he was hung over but he was definitely hurting…
Hey, what are big brothers supposed to do? Isn’t this a normal thing? Aren’t you supposed to put your brother on a plane to Mexico with a strong desire to yak all over the place?
He slept off & on while I dealt with traffic, and was feeling better by the time we actually got to the airport.
Now I have to figure out how I’m going to mess him up when I put him on the plane for home in a month.
I didn’t want to let him know that I was hurting too. I did alright getting to and from the airport, but when I got home I crashed. It felt like I’d been hit by a truck.
I’m doing better this morning, but I have no desire to do anything except maybe go for a bicycle ride.
Even that is questionable…
I guess I’m getting too old for long nights of hard drinking.

I’m not quite as antique as this plane. 

Mergerus Interruptus

I was reading this article about the AT&T, T-Mobile mess.

It turns out the T-Mobile is shedding customers on worries ABOUT the merger!

I can’t blame the customers.

If you’re trying to escape the tyranny of AT&T you’re not likely to sign a contract with T-Mobile until you know the outcome of the merger hearings. That leaves you as a customer heading to Sprint or Verizon.

Of course this means that all AT&T has to do to eliminate their competitors is threaten to merge with them.

This does not set a good precedent, there has to be a better system. Rampant mergers and acquisitions have demonstrated time and time again that the customers interests are a very very distant concern.

It’s exactly this kind of think that has sparked the Protests on Wall Street and in cities across the nation.

I’m all for capitalism. However, I’m beginning to wonder if we’ve slipped too far for simple legislation. The corruption goes too deep and reaches from the lowest echelons to the highest offices in the land.  So much is about greed, power, and “I’m going to get mine regardless of who it screws.”

The question is… is there any way to prevent monopolies without destroying capitalism and entrepreneurial spirit?  What’s it going to take for the American People to say stop?

A more interesting question is after we say stop!  How far are we as a people willing to go to enforce our will?

If you’ve been wrestling with these questions, you’re not alone.

Wow! Time Flies

A friend pointed out that I written anything for a week.

I honestly don’t know where the time went.

I was doing things,  working out, reading, searching for a job, etc. The days have kind of run together, this may be a bad sign.

Monday of this week all the phones and internet into town were taken offline by some Edison workers who forgot to check where they were planning to do some digging. They took out 20 T-1 and 5 T-3 lines as well as the phones and cell service when they cut through a fiber optic cable.

I was curious about what was going on. I still had cell service but then I have an unobstructed view of the desert so I think I was hitting a cell tower out there. I’d reported a problem to Verizon, then turned on the ham radio.

Interesting to follow the local Citizen Emergency Response Team. I really hadn’t thought of the situation as an emergency but as I listened to the CERT Folks I realized that 911 was also down and that there are a lot of shut-ins here in town. Without Phones, and 911 they could easily have a problem and not be able to reach anyone. The CERT folks have a plan. As I listened it sounded like there were a few bumps in the road but they all handled the situation really well. Depending on the job front and the time constraints imposed by the inevitable commute I may get involved with these folks.

Of course if my job path takes me out of the state I can always join a similar group where I end up.

My Brother is arriving today. I’m looking forward to spending some time with him. I have no great plans but perhaps we’ll head out randomly and see what trouble we can get into.