As we head into 2012…

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First there are the doomsday cults expecting the world to end 12/22/2012. If the Mayans got it right…

Personally I’m curious to see how these cults deal with the end… or the lack thereof.

I remember a young man, his wife, and their children who had quit work and spent their savings expecting the rapture some pastor had predicted. They had no fall back plan if in fact the pastor was wrong and I re-member wondering what on Earth they were going to do if they weren’t “Raptured”.

I guess we’ll find out what happens on 12/23/2012.

Then there is continuing unrest in the middle east. (Humm maybe the Mayans did get it right)

We’re coming up on a presidential election year. That means that we’re going to have to endure the mud slinging and stupidity of a bunch of politicians that really don’t deserve the nomination of their parties.

But again if the Mayans are right… well, whoever we elect wont take office because the world is going to end. Perhaps that’s a mercy.

As I’ve stated earlier, I’m not at all impressed with the Republican Candidates. I’m hoping that a decent shake-out will improve the pool but I’m not holding my breath. I’m confused as hell as to why these nut-jobs are campaigning so hard against gay anything.

Gay marriage is the least of their worries, if elected they’re going to inherit an almost completely dysfunctional government and as President, frankly they’ll have little they can do to fix it. The key isn’t so much the President… It’s the House and Senate, There’s where the real power lies.

A small lesson President Obama has learned the hard way, much to his dismay.

Forget about the President folks… Keep your eye on any senate or house elections that’s what will make or break us.

I had to laugh this morning at Newt Gingrich saying that as President he’d ignore Supreme Court decisions that he didn’t agree with. WTF???? That’s how you create a regime like Saddam Hussein’s.

Oh and Newt… FYI this uneducated backwoods HICK from one of those red states KNOWS that you can’t do what you’re suggesting without dismantling the constitution.

I suspect that the folks in this country would have a serious problem with a President that attacked constitutional protections or sought to simply toss the constitution out the window.

Of course my fellow citizens said nothing when the patriot act was passed and even less when President Obama extended it another four years. So I could be wrong… perhaps the American People are ready to be subjugated under the rule of a despot. Maybe Gingrich has a point.

I’d like to think that my fellow citizens would be marching in the streets if a President tried to disband the constitution. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep that fantasy in the upcoming election year.

I’ve been working on my New Years Resolutions.

Get Stronger

Get Healthier

Become a little more social

Have a LOT MORE SEX! (I can make this doomsday stuff work for me… “Hey Baby, the worlds gonna end soon so lets just fuck.“)

Oh and Get a JOB! Then use the money from the job to build a survival strategy and lay in supplies… Hey nothing wrong with a little planning πŸ˜‰

Stay tuned, I may be adding to this list.

Welcome Back

As folks go back to work for the few days until New Years we begin the come down from the capitalist carnage “high”.

This year I baked cookies and tried to give of myself instead of running up the credit cards. I bought few gifts, I made the Christmas card and in general I enjoyed this Christmas as much as any other.
I got some nice material gifts but they weren’t excessive. 
I got the strongest reminder about the importance of giving of yourself when I dropped some cookies and a card off to a gentleman here in town. He was at his shop wrapping packages for his kids and appeared a bit frazzled. We’ve done business a couple of times and he impressed me as a man of honor and decency.
This guy was a Rodeo Rider until the past few years. 
He took a look at the cookies, so obviously homemade and in just a couple of steps was around the counter hugging me. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart”, he said and he meant it. The look on his face was a gift to me. 
Hell I’d even miscounted on the cookie tins so I was handing him a big ‘ol ziplock of cookies and a card nothing more. It didn’t matter to him, he appreciated the time, and that I’d made time to drop a small token off and wish him a Merry Christmas.
It was the look on his face that took me right back to Kentucky and Tennessee. 
While I’d spent time growing up in those places, I discovered a kind of people who valued your actions more than the material goods. 
Whether it was me as a scrawny 12 year old responding to a call of help from a complete strangers barn, or 14 year old me telling my best friend that he was joining my family on a sumer vacation to Florida. 
The “Worth” was in deeds not in trinkets from the store.
What a lot of folks seem to have forgotten is that when you give a gift of yourself it’s almost immediately rewarded by the look of appreciation on peoples faces. 
Jack, here in town reminded me of my roots this Christmas. Unknowingly he took me to a place in my heart and head where I got to appreciate the season again. Jacks gift was among several that I got this season that I’ll treasure. 
The gifts of time, company, companionship, and friendship as it turns out are worth more to me than  the “Made In China” stuff you can buy in the mall.

Merry Christmas

As I am writing this on Christmas Day I think I can get aways with actually using the “C” word.

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day with their families and friends.

Peace and Joy to all.