Stumbled on embedded video problems

Seems that there are some issues around embedding certain video clips in this blog…

Live & Learn!

I’ll figure it out eventually, but for the time being I’ll just put the links to the videos in the blog, instead of the nicely convenient video clip actually being playable here.

I’ve tried several options over the past 3 hours and absolutely NONE of them worked.

Theoretically it’s supposed to be easy… except due to some kind of security reason (I know I don’t have the patience to read the diatribe about copyright infringement and internet security right now.) Only some kinds of videos are permitted.

The thing that I find amusing is that sites like CNN invite you to share their videos. They make it easy with a Share button.

WordPress strips out the nice <embed> tags effectively deleting the video without any warning.

As one poster said… WordPress is free so we really can’t complain. This does of course lead me to wonder about the unfree options and if I can load them in place of WordPress on my host providers servers.

That is an exploration for another time.

In yet another spectacular failure of the American Education System…

Anderson Cooper interviews a supporter of Pastor Charles Worley.

Pastor Worley has recently come to national attention because of a sermon he delivered, in which he suggested that the Gays should be put in concentration camps to die off.

The good pastor and his church have taken a lot of heat for his sermon.

This young lady, I respect because she at least had the gumption to stand up for her pastor, her church, and her beliefs.

Sadly it appears that she hadn’t really thought out her game plan and she was obviously no match for Anderson.

A friend sent me this link

After watching the video I almost felt sorry for her.

However, my brain was hurting so badly by that point all I could think is, “She’s obviously a poster child for the failure of the American education system.

Then I thought, “This is why we must teach human reproduction in school, cause this lady obviously doesn’t understand how babies are made.

In fairness she does apparently come from an area of our country where fundamentalist Christians manage to block almost any social or scientific progress. Unless of course the scientific progress is in proving that God exists, or improved lung cancer treatments. I do hope she knows you can’t get pregnant from a toilet seat.

Anderson was nice to her too. He really didn’t rip her up as much as he could have. I guess thats one of the things I like most about Mr. Cooper, he adjusts his style to the intellect level of the interviewee.

Unfortunately… for Anderson to have reduced himself to her level would have required a Doctor and a Lobotomy.

Lets review;

1) Gay People are usually born to straight parents…

2) Putting all the gay men in one camp and all the lesbians in another camp would simply create one hell of a party! All these people wouldn’t have to work anymore and they could devote all that free time to working on their tans, literature, science, architecture, and of course… the next haute couture and hairstyling products for the straight people.

Mr Cooper did make one minor tactical error. It’s not his fault.

How could he have known about the time warp that exists in the Carolinas?

The folks living  there are still trying to get over the North having won the Civil War. They’ve only just begun to work through the complexities of World Wars 1 & 2. This poor lady probably didn’t realize that gay people were exterminated right along with Jewish people. That’s IF she even knew what a concentration camp was…

I’m sure that she’s never met a gay person. <wink, wink, nudge, nudge> At the risk of invoking a stereotype… I KNOW she’s never met a gay person! Clearly her hair dresser is straight!

The friend who sent me the clip said “You can’t fix stupid”

My response was “Sure you can… You give everyone IQ tests and the really dumb ones you put into two camps, all the men in one camp and all the women in another.  Then you make sure the fences are electrified and wait for the stupid people to die off. OH Wait!!! I’ve heard this plan before somewhere!

A Minor Oops

Just noticed that all comments had been wiped out. 

I’ve finished replacing the missing comments.

Sorry to any of you who thought I was being a prick.