Merry Christmas

It’s supposed to be a beautiful sunny day.

I don’t know yet because the sun hasn’t topped the mountain to the east yet. I’m guessing that it will be pretty.

I was planning on sleeping late, but forgot to turn off the alarm. Maybe I’ll go back to bed.

Jesse hasn’t seemed interested in leaving his spot so the bed will still be warm. The question is, can get him to move enough that I can get back under the covers? It may require bribery!

Yes, his head is on my pillow!

I may just get in on the other side of the bed. If I’m quick enough, he won’t have time to move where I’m trying to lay down.

Oh, did I not mention it? He likes to play “King of the bed”. He thinks it’s funny as hell, I on the other hand don’t when I’m freezing my naked butt off trying to get back under the covers.

I can hope against hope that he’ll give me a Christmas present of letting me back in the bed before anything important freezes solid and falls off.

In any case, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Day.

Happy Thoughts, no politics on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve!

Seems like just last year we had one of these…

My year has staggered by. Some months and weeks have flown by, others dragged by like a slow scrape on your knee.

Remember those? You fell off your bicycle just slow enough that you knew you were going to scrape your knees and feel every rock or sharp bit of asphalt cutting into you until you came to a bloody stop. Somehow after you stopped the pain increased 10X. So your child mind was faced with the horns of a dilemma, you weren’t sure you wanted to stop, because the scraping wasn’t as painful as stopping.

Here we are again. Almost finished with another spin around the sun. I know it’s supposed to be a happy time. I’m not unhappy. I’m having a bit of a time holding onto the “Joy of the Season”.

It’s possible that it’s my age, the commercialization, that it’s the first Christmas without Jerry, that I’m just exhausted, or that I’ve paid a little too much attention to politics this last year. Any or all of the above may have dampened my holiday spirit. 

Face it, ain’t shit we can do about most of the things going on, so why focus on it?

That’s my major… perhaps my only resolution. I’m going to ignore as much as possible, and what I can’t ignore I’m going to try very hard to not get pissed about it.

One or more of my friends will probably be struggling with the same resolution. Maybe we’ll have to start a support group like AA.

Should we call it News Anonymous? Could work… as long as there’s bourbon.

The only things I want for Christmas are a little more strength and patience. Those gifts don’t have to be purchased or wrapped. They come from the big guy upstairs, and I’m hoping that I’ll wake to those gifts in my heart tomorrow morning.

My plan is to have a “Normal” Christmas Eve.

In years past, Jerry & I would make a light dinner, then we’d pour a glass of wine for him, bourbon for me, make popcorn or other snacks, and sit on the couch together watching Classic old Christmas themed movies.

The Bishops Wife springs to mind. A Christmas Story, National Lampoons’ Christmas Vacation, Donovans Reef, Operation Petticoat, Die Hard (sorry Mr. Willis.)

We’d just pick one at random and enjoy being together.

In recent years, neither of us wanted to be out on Christmas or New Years Eve.

If for some reason, we were out, I was the one doing the driving. That was okay with me. Jerry could imbibe and not worry about falling asleep on the ride home. He used the benefit of marrying a night owl only once or twice a year. It was always a pleasure to see him soundly sleeping leaned against the car window. Without saying it, he told me he felt safe and protected. I took pride in his feeling secure.

While I thank everyone for their kind invitations. This year I feel like I need to be here in the home we built and shared. I feel like I want to have that light meal, some popcorn, a bourbon, and watch a movie.

I need to close the chapter on our lives together. I need to do it with intention and purpose.

I set up a little tree in a call-back to his gift of a little tree in a bucket our first Christmas. The tin foil star from that first tree is proudly on top of this tree. There’s a symmetry that is comfortable and right.

Call it facing reality head on and that’s healthy.

I’m happy and sad at the same time.

I miss him terribly, that makes me sad.

Yesterday, I was playing music and found myself crying several times, it was like waves crashing on me. After each wave, I felt a bit better.  

I accidentally found the original, (and unlabeled,) tracks of a Christmas CD we’d put together years ago. Hearing him playing the harp really wrecked me, but again, I felt better afterwards.

I’m happy mostly for the season, and that I have several really supportive friends, and have had the time to work through the loss on my schedule, unhurried. I’ve been very fortunate.

Perhaps on some level I’ve received a gift of distance and understanding. 

From the moment he died, I’ve always known I had to carve a future. An early Christmas gift I’ve received is that now for the first time, I’m beginning to see a future having brightness and light. I’ll still miss him, I’m sure of that, but I’m starting to believe I’ll be okay.

That’s the best gift of all.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone.



Ahhh… The Double Standard rears it’s ugly head AGAIN!

John Schneider apparently has The US Secret Service up his ass because he expressed an opinion yesterday on X (AKA Twitter)

Mr Schneider said in response to some drivel from Joe Biden’s X account.

“Mr. President,

I believe you are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung.

Your son too.

Your response is.?


John Schneider”

Predictably, the Biden DOJ lost their shit.

Mr. Schneider made no threat. He exercised his first amendment right of free speech and expressed an opinion. Traditionally, the penalty for treason was death, and often that sentence was carried out at the end of a rope. It’s really ashamed that so few people in this country read and actually comprehend English.

Mr. Schneider got his answer. Biden’s Response was to use his weaponized government against someone expressing an opinion Biden didn’t like. Actually it’s more likely Biden’s puppet masters called out the gestapo. Biden doesn’t know what fucking planet he’s on or which communist or hate organization to pander to.

I’m sure in the days and months to follow, Mr. Schneider will be audited, censored, blocked from conducting business, and audited again.

I’m sure it will be very public, and very nasty. Because that is quintessentially The Biden Administration, just as it was the Obama administration.

When Kathy Griffin did her infamous Taliban imitation holding a replica of Trumps head, all we heard was crickets. Well crickets until the public expressed their displeasure with Griffin’s shitty humor and decided that her Taliban imitation was a step too far. I honestly haven’t missed her.

What about the harpies on The View calling for Biden to kick Trump in the nuts during a debate. What about actors and actresses openly calling for Trump to be assassinated or physically removed from office because Hillary had the election stolen from her?

Yeah the “fiction” of a stolen election, is not solely the domain of Donald Trump.

I don’t recall any of those folks having the Secret Service up their asses in less than 24 hours…

Oh right!

John Schneider who is an actor, and a conservative, doesn’t hang out in Hollywood anymore.

He also publicly told Biden not to come to Louisiana after hurricane Ida. At the time I think Biden was jerking off in Delaware on vacation and ignoring folks on the southern gulf coast dealing with a disaster. By the time Biden got back from vacation. The people of Louisiana and Mississippi had things well in hand and didn’t need a doddering fool wandering around.

Come to think of it, has Biden even set foot in any Southern State? I honestly don’t recall. Maybe he was in Florida after the last big hurricane, but only well after DeSantis had things well in hand.

Is it any wonder at all that people generally loathe and mistrust Biden, his administration, the DOJ, IRS, FBI, Secret Service, and any of the innumerable agencies that are clearly not about protecting the people?

It’s become clear that these agencies exist to CONTROL the people through fear, and intimidation. They only protect the elites.

Mr Schneider, only said out loud what at least half of the United States thinks about Biden.

It’s time for all of us who identify as Americans… Fuck race, Fuck Party, Fuck everything except being an American AND STAND UP to this Biden Administration bullshit.

Otherwise, The nightmare destruction to our country, I think may already have happened, (but pray that I’m wrong about,) and wrote about here will certainly come true.

Well I won’t go to work for Red Hat or IBM!

Caught this and pretty much lost my shit.

What hacked me off was this section


  1. Openly acknowledges PRIVILEGE and SYSTEMIC racism exist in trauma
  2. Never questions the REALITY of our BLACK friends and colleagues
  3. Rejects the idea that race is political
  4. Accepts that WHITE people are responsible for dismantling racism
  5. Only WHITE people are racist
  6. Knows the BLACK community owes us nothing in this work
  7. Requires acknowledgment and repair of inevitable MISTAKES
  8. Is never rooted in WHITE SAVIORISM
  9. Sees the black community as a group of individuals and not a MONOLITH
  10. Does NOT seek recognition or praise for a job well done

What the ever living fuck is this shit?

Item “5. Only WHITE people are racist” Uh nope! Some of the most racist folks I’ve ever worked with were Asian folks. Japanese, Korean, Chinese, folks literally hate each other in a professional way. A Japanese engineer will take any and every opportunity to embarrass a Chinese engineer and vice versa. Korean engineers will do the same to either Japanese or Chinese folks with equal venom!

Have the morons writing this list of commandments taken a look at South Africa lately? Uh dumbshits… It’s not white farmers shooting each other, burning fields, and raping women.

Item 10 is also a real winner. That just does alway with meritocracy.

You never get a raise unless you generate some buzz about yourself. Believe me, just doing your job, being there every day, and going home will absolutely not get you a raise or promotion. Raises and Promotions only come to those who publicize themselves or plant their lips on their bosses asses. Item 10 is nothing more than a method to prevent White people from getting raises or promotions.

I won’t be applying for any position with IBM or Red Hat. The good thing is that my job search in the morning will be shorter.

The bad thing is that my job search has been getting shorter daily over the past year. As more and more companies go “Woke” or start with this DEI shit, I know without question that I’m going to be ignored. Even if I were to get hired, it’s unlikely that I’d make it through orientation.

I’m not going to sign a document or declaration that espouses beliefs that I do not agree with, or believe.

Wheee! Here we go!

California has jumped into the fray trying to remove Donald Trump from the ballot.

The Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis has written a letter to the Secretary of State asking that every legal option be explored to remove Donald Trump from the ballot.

Totally expected!

What caught my attention was this;

“The constitution is clear: you must be 40 years old and not be an insurrectionist,” Kounalakis wrote in the letter.

The problem with that statement leapt out at me from my memory of my High School American history class.

The Constitution is indeed very clear.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

It took me less than a minute to pull up the passage. Turns out I was wrong. I thought the minimum age was Thirty Six, not Thirty Five. I throw myself on my readers mercy for being a year off. It’s been 45 years since I was in school. Some data degradation in subjects not commonly used may have occurred.

That being said, I’m also not a politician, lawyer, or Lieutenant Governor of California. It concerns me when someone who is a career politician makes fundamental mistakes that I, with my High School history education from a flyover state, say, What????

I know, I know, people make mistakes. Jamal Bowman made a mistake pulling the fire alarm in the capital. Uh huh, right…

More concerning is that these supposedly well educated, politicians who misquote The Constitution. apparently have never actually read The Constitution or understood what they read.

Far be it for a hayseed redneck like myself to teach them anything. But here’s a hint. Get a real dictionary. You know, one of those big assed unabridged heavy books. Then get yourself a printed copy of The Constitution and the amendments. Not a summary, not a cliff notes version, you’ll need the whole thing.

Now, open the dictionary and look up every single word of The Constitution. Using the dictionary skills you were supposed to have obtained in Elementary School, Junior High School, High School, or College, read the definition for each word, including the older definitions of the word. Then you’ll have a shot at understanding The Constitution.

If your unabridged dictionary has dated definitions, then you can use the definitions that were contemporaneous with common speech at the time The Constitution was written.

The reason it’s important to read The Constitution being mindful of the meanings of the words in their temporal context is easily illustrated thus.

Faggots shall be allowed in small numbers within domiciles and public spaces but shall not be congregated in great numbers near fireplaces, or forges.

That sentence isn’t talking about homosexual men being allowed in homes in small numbers. The sentence is talking about bundles of sticks being stored so as not to be a fire hazard.

A hayseed like me shouldn’t have to tell you educated elites this. But you’ve demonstrated time and again that you apparently missed something in school.

Almost daily, I am thankful for my flyover state education.