Today is the day!

Just a couple more hours, and as of Noon Eastern time the Biden era will end. The mess the Biden Administration leaves behind will take years to clean up.

I’m not sure if I’ll watch the inauguration. I might, just to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the leftist fucks. They’re all sure that their world will end, and Hell will be unleashed upon the Earth. 

I’d say it’s unlikely but realistically there is a nonzero chance of that happening, however on any given day there is a nonzero chance of an apocalypse. So whatever.

I’m looking forward to the leftist pukes crawling back into their holes, and taking all their insane bullshit with them. They had their shot, and damn near reduced our country to that CHAZ obscenity they tried in Seattle.

Trump inaugural protest 1.I understand they were protesting Trump’s inauguration from the site of CHAZ this weekend. There’s an agreeable symmetry to that. Hopefully it’s the last we’ll see of blue haired, pussy hat wearing, shrill leftist white women, screaming in the streets en mass. They are truly some of the most tiresome people.

If we’re lucky Trump will cancel the latest billions of dollars earmarked for Ukraine and reallocate that money to building insane asylums so we can enjoy seeing crazy people captured with nets and hauled away.

I don’t know about the rest of the country, but I am sick to death of them.

I am not expecting a lot out of Trump. I’m just looking for a little less of the absolutely stupid shit we’ve seen over the past four years. I don’t know how much of the toothpaste we can shove back in the tube.

Okay, I’ll grant Biden a little grace with the COVID stuff at the beginning of his term.

But when he kept doubling down on it, while his administration was violating the first amendment, censoring us on social media, and destroying careers of reputable physicians and researchers?

That is when I decided that Biden and his administration were at least as bad as the left claimed Trumps administration was. It’s also the time that I fully understood the concept of accusing your enemies of what you are actually doing. The Democrats somehow have become masters of that tactic.

After Biden was installed, we’d swapped the fantasy of an administration out of control for the actuality of an administration out of control, and guess what? We were just as fucked!

Except that the Trump administration wasn’t completely evil. Oh to be sure it had some very evil people in it that Trump either didn’t see or who he couldn’t get rid of.

This time around, I think Trump will be much quicker to fire anybody who engages in that two faced lying shit we saw the last time around.

I don’t know if that will be better or worse, it might simply fuel chaos. On the other hand it might clearly and resoundingly communicate to everyone that Trump isn’t going to take any more shit!

Why should he? He’s been through the wringer with everything but the kitchen sink thrown at him and hey, he’s still standing. I’m hoping that strength of will, gives our enemies pause and our people and allies hope.

I’m curious to see which of his campaign promises he keeps. I’m also really looking forward to DOGE fumigating the federal government and destroying all the cockroaches within.

Honestly, it would be nice to feel like the federal government wasn’t a corrupt 3rd world mess for at least a little while in my life.

Who knows? I might even engage in a little day drinking while I watch the leftists melt down.

Although drinking at 9am local time might be excessive. I’m not giddy, like the left was when they put Biden in office. But I might crack a smile or two.

What remains to be seen is, did the left shoot their wad so to speak? They had control of everything and pissed so much of the country off, so very deeply that it may be years before they get another chance at having power. Possibly decades.

I hope it’s the latter. I’m too cynical to belief the Democrat party will die. I’ll be content with them being very sickly for 50 years or so.

The saddest part of all of this is that if Trump were to come in and do every thing the leftists demanded, Trans EVERYBODY!!! Force COVID / AVIAN Flu vaccines, start immediate censorship of anything negative (from the lefts) point of view, make reparations to be paid by every white man to every black person they encounter on the street. Import the entirety of South America, and the rest of the world, abandon Israel and send our military to fight for Palestine, impose carbon taxes, ban internal combustion engines on day one, and whatever other harebrained schemes the left think is a good idea. Then finally go full communist by removing our Constitutional Republic and enshrining “Democracy” as the singular law of the land. (There’s a difference between the two, the latter isn’t pretty when it gets out of hand.)

Absolutely nothing he did, no matter how far left would ever be enough.

That’s how you know it’s not about the policies, it’s about the man.

Here’s a little secret. When someone is hated that much, they’re free. They don’t care about pleasing every idiotic fringe group. They’re beyond the desire to be liked, their purpose is to do what they think is best, popular opinion be damned.

That’s where we are folks. The left and the Democrats aren’t going to be at all happy.

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