I hope eveyone had a nice Fourth of July

Fourth, fireworks.I turned the A/C on early in the day yesterday and probably will do the same today.

Much as I hate to run the system. When it hits 90+ up here and one or two neighbors are screaming & hollering, having the drone of a compressor drowning out their BS is nice, albeit expensive.

In fact, being isolated from all their noise yesterday did a lot to enhance my calm. Not surprisingly my blood pressure this morning is lower than in past weeks too.

It’s supposed to be really warm here for the next few days so the A/C will be getting a workout, but I’m going to delay turning it on as long as possible.

The pup & I will go on an early morning walk right after I finish a cup of coffee. If we’re out and back before 9 it’s not too bad. I suspect that the pup even enjoys coming home to a cool house despite his annoyance when the blower comes on.

Beach flags fourth of july.I made progress cleaning out the dang closet of the past couple of days.

The other half had paperwork, invoices, and receipts from 2008 in boxes at the back of the “office” closet. I’ve made it through about 2/3 of that stuff and in the process found gift cards for Barnes & Noble, Arco, Panera, and several other businesses that I’m not sure are still “In Business”. Over the past couple of days I’m up about $150. $100 of that is in gas. I suppose I can fill my tank now. Yippee!

Yesterday, I also watched the traditional Independence Day and the follow on Independence Day Resurgence. Today, I’m thinking I’ll have a Twilight Zone marathon. One of the TV stations used to run the Twilight Zone either on the 4th or the day after the 4th every year. I don’t know if they still do since I’ve not had cable for years. I remember it being a nice tradition on 4th of July weekends.

Mission beach fourth of july.I happened to catch the entire original Twilight Zone boxed set on sale a couple years ago so even with me working in the office, I can have it playing on the computer monitor through the HomePod mini speakers.

That should keep me entertained while I’m sorting through ancient paperwork. I don’t know if I’m going to keep all the Tax data if cut it off at 10 years. Perhaps I’ll say I’m going to cut it off at 10 years then when one of the 87,000 new IRS pricks reads this & audits me for records I don’t have I can produce them causing major disappointment for the poor agent I’ll have to think about that one, and make a decision based on the volume of those records. I don’t want to be dragging a bunch of crap paperwork around with me for the rest of my life.

Happily I’ve also found a home for the two filing cabinets in the garage. Now it’s just about getting them from here to there. Obviously I’m doing something wrong in this. I’m giving this stuff away and I’m delivering it too?

Hmmm something is wrong, but I can’t quite figure it out…

It’s going to be a hot few weeks. Everyone stay hydrated and as cool as possible.

I hope everyone has a great Fourth of July Weekend.

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