Another one of those days

I keep trying to write, but the threads I weave together turn into a tangled mess.

I’m giving up on any intelligent or thoughtful post for the day.

I even scanned the news. That might have been a mistake!

The cacophony of stupid becomes more overwhelming each day. I personally find it supremely irritating and it feeds an anger that I can’t really describe.

I suppose I need to lower my standards on human behavior.

I worry that if I lower standards too much more then I’ll see humanity in general as nothing more than vermin infesting an otherwise beautiful world.

If I go too far down that particular path, I’ll be joining Thanos in the belief that losing 50% of the population (or more) would be a good thing. That kinda puts me in the WEF / Bill Gates / Soros / camp. If you believe in conspiracy theories that suggests those guys are actively trying to kill off a large chunk of humanity.

I find myself wondering often, if humanity is in fact devolving. I’ve run into a few men who paid for abortions, not because they didn’t want children or that the child was conceived at an inconvenient time. They paid for the abortion because they realized having a child with that particular woman would weaken their family line genetically.

So yeah, they were screwing the wrong woman, for the fun of it but not to have children with. Once they made that connection, they were a lot more careful about the women they slept with and birth control.

They started looking for a woman whose genetics would compliment and enhance their lineage. They sought to sire prettier, smarter, stronger, children.

One guy said, “Anybody can sire a moron. Men should be a lot more choosy about who we dump a load in. Men need to stop feeling like the woman is doing them a favor by sleeping with them. We need to recognize that our seed, physicality, personality, and earning potential, are much more valuable than we’ve been taught. Men need to realize that our sleeping with a particular woman is just as much a favor to them.

It’s interesting that the men who think like this have beautiful, smart children and their marriages appear to be very happy.

Perhaps more men should’ve chosen wisely before siring children who are clearly defective.

Just a thought…

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