Hmm… Mitch McConnell is retiring. Good!

It’s about time.

I wrote a piece a while ago suggesting the he be put out to pasture.

Honestly, I’m always amazed that our politicians can be obviously having health issues, mental issues, and / or be obviously corrupt and still hold their seats in office.

McConnell literally froze up in public like a machine that had the power pulled. If one of our loved one’s were to freeze up like that and start talking gibberish we’d rush them to the hospital to be examined & treated for a stroke. Then we’d start looking at getting them into rehab while deciding about retirement and what the next steps were.

McConnell was back a few days later, and since that day in September has frozen up the same way several more times.

I can’t for the life of me, understand why he’s putting it off until November. Unless it’s that he doesn’t trust the people likely to take over his Senate Majority Leadership. They’re not my first choices either, but it’s unlikely they’re going to be booted out of office in the upcoming election. I haven’t checked to see if they’re even up for re-election.

We know Biden is suffering with something. I’m not a doctor but it sure looks like dementia. Although Karine Jean Pierre assures us the President takes a cognitive test every day in all the massive amount of work he does. 

Ahem. If one of these days that woman is struck by lightening from on high, and a booming voice from the clouds saying, “Shut IT!” I won’t be in the least surprised. Don’t humans have a built in lie counter that causes them to spontaneously combust when they reach a certain limit?

Could it be they do, and the problems we’re seeing with Biden and McConnell are what happens when someone gets near the limit?

I wonder…

Okay, So I have a guilty pleasure…

Alright… I have many guilty pleasures! Some of which will not be discussed at this moment.

The guilty pleasure I’m going to talk about is enjoying watching Ancient Aliens, Skinwalker Ranch, and lately, Beyond Skinwalker Ranch.

I’m not a believer per se. But I really enjoy the outlandish conclusions based on what could be nothing more than embellished legends or spurious electrical emissions. Oh and by the way… I want to believe, and if possible I want to ShipJack some poor alien tourists to get off this rock! 

Ancient Aliens I tend to tear apart pretty quickly. There are simply so many other possible explanations for what the “researchers” present as truth. The other half used to roll his eyes, smile, then ask me why I was watching if I didn’t believe their conclusions. He also used to point out that my watching the show and the advertising meant I was complicit in supporting absolute bullshit! 

Skinwalker Ranch, was a little more interesting and a little more difficult to rip apart. The other half just rolled his eyes and went back to his reading.

Now with Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, where two other “investigators” are wandering around with instrumentation and sampling the environment. It’s possible, that instead of proving anything about Skinwalker ranch, they’re simply proving that “odd” things are actually normal in a lot more places than we thought.

Skinwalker Ranch -.But one thing that makes me really start ignoring Beyond Skinwalker Ranch is the goofy ignoring of science. Well known science in fact.

One one episode they’re looking at odd electromagnetic readings and said those readings we disconnected from radio transmissions they were seeing.

Uhhh NOPE!

And at the time there was a guy who builds Tesla Coils standing there. Believe me, Tesla Coil guy knows all about radio interference. His neighbors must love him… On another episode there was a HAM operator who heard these guys say something similar. Neither of these guys corrected the “Hosts”. Both had the credentials to correct the bullshit. Neither of them should have let it go, They should have told the hosts “Nope, you’ve got that wrong, here’s why, and let me demonstrate the principal for you.”

Something that caught my attention was an anomaly on a bridge. The bridge crosses a river at 90° and is a pretty low, standard construction. Concrete, rebar, asphalt, Beyond skinwalker ranch.In the middle of the bridge their TriField meter spiked for no apparent reason. I admit that’s weird… That’s the kind of stuff that intrigues me. Something like that isn’t a cue for the spooky music. It’s an effect that says “Hey look at me, I’m interesting! Can you figure out why I’m doing this? When you do you’ll say that’s cool!”

They drove the bridge a couple times and verified their results. They probably should have switched to another meter. They could also have found another bridge, and just to be thorough measured dry riverbeds and bridges crossing water at different angles. If other bridges exhibited the same behavior and dry riverbeds were different than riverbeds with water flowing in them, then we all could have learned something.

Machinery moving through the ocean can become magnetized. I don’t know if submarines and ships become magnetized because of friction between the hull of the ship and water, or if it’s the flow of water itself that generates a magnetic field. I only know that the Navy regularly demagnetizes ships, to make it harder for potential enemies to identify various ships in a flotilla by their distinctive magnetic signature. 

I’m pretty sure that a Navy scientist could explain the interaction between a ship moving through the ocean and magnetism.

Water is a conductor, the earth has a lot of naturally occurring magnetism. I know that moving a conductor through magnetic fields generates electricity. Which also propagates magnetic fields.

I have no idea what a flowing fluid conductor like water, or mercury would do. Interesting question though. I wonder what happens if the flow is not smooth. Creeks and rivers often have turbulent flow or turbulent sections. How might that impact conductivity or magnetism? Cool question… Maybe one of those fancy drones with a magnetometer could quickly and easily answer it.

My point is that it’s possible the flow of water is interacting with the grounded rebar in a bridge that’s generating a magnetic anomaly. It doesn’t have to be some Spooky Music scenario.

Science! Physics! Both can be stone bitches. But they provide people like me a foundation. Well, maybe it’s more like a security blanket. 

Both Skinwalker Ranch and Beyond Skinwalker Ranch make a big deal about 1.6 Ghz transmissions or interference. As somehow special.

I can think of half a dozen machines including the computer that I’m typing on right now that could generate 1.6 GHz. I often see evenly spaced interference on my radio if I’m using my big computer monitor and laptop dock. The monitor and dock both have processors in them and I suspect the emissions are leaking from one or more of the cables connecting the devices. The interference is weak, but it’s there, with the frequency analyzer built into my radio I can detect it. The equipment I’m talking about is modern which means, it’s pretty low power and therefore low RF emission. 

This begs the question. What kind of emissions would you get from older or higher power equipment?

All of these shows, I think need someone that says, “Wait a damn minute… Before we freak each other out what does the actual known science tell us?”

Honestly, I think there might be a market for a Skeptics show. The reason I think there’s a market, is because if the skeptics can’t come up with an explanation then whatever is left, really is unexplained and mysterious. The fun could be, discovering if  the mystery simply the limits of our knowledge, our equipment, or really something to be spooked by. 

If we’re going to have scary camp fire stories… let’s make ‘em scary as hell.

02/26/2024 Update.

Sorry for the weird half sentences in the originally published piece. My favorite application for writing blog posts had an update. Everything on screen looked great, until the piece was published.

What you were seeing appears to have been a partial fusion of original text, autocorrected spelling, and various edits, all overlaid in a very strange way.

I may have to switch to the alternate application for a while.

OR… Cue the dramatic spooky music! There’s no way that the software could be affected that way… It must be Aliens!

Houston, We have a problem

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed or not.

There’ve been several blips on X about AI’s over the past couple of days. I also noticed Breitbart had two articles about problems with AI’s.

Apparently one AI malfunctioned so badly that it started spewing complete gibberish and then told a few users it was in the room with them. That freaked a few people out.

Another AI was asked to draw a representation of itself and damned if it didn’t draw something the looked a lot like a Grey Alien. Wild!

Yet another bit of AI strangeness is Google’s AI completely eliminating White folks from historical renditions of the founding fathers. I’m keeping the rendition where all the Nazis were non white people. That one is coming out when BLM starts rioting again. 

Woke AI German Soldiers.Maybe it’s just me, but this is really problematic.

Too many people believe without question what a Google search or Wikipedia tells them is true.

This phenomena is not new, for years the phrase, “The Computer says…” has been one of my hot buttons. 

The fucking Computer said nothing. The data the computer contained and presented to the idiot telling me what the computer said was entered incorrectly, I might add, by a human being somewhere.

With the advent of AI, coupled with the tendency of humans to follow orders, especially if those orders come from what the humans perceive as an omnipotent source, well… Now the computer really can “Say” and a very large percentage of humans will comply without question.

Wear a mask, Don’t wear a mask. UV light kills the virus but don’t go outside in the sunshine. Sure, the sun produces UV light but it’s not the right kind.  Wuhan didn’t make the virus. The vaccine is safe and effective so make sure you’re getting boosted.

Well the vaccine will make sure you’re not going to get as sick.

Woke AI revolution.How can that last statement be true? By what measure can it be proven that an individual doesn’t get as sick? There is literally no way to know this. If the person got the vaccine, then got sick there’s one data point. If the person got sick without the vaccine, then recovered there’s another data point. However, the two data points cannot be compared because in either case the initial condition in the individual is different. For an individual you can’t even compare levels of relative sickness. Once their body has antibodies for a particular virus, the initial state is lost. 

Ohhhh, suddenly anecdotal evidence is okay for Dr Fauci to accept…. Hmmmm.

That by the way is but just a few of the reasons I was really suspicious of the whole vaccine thing for COVID 19. Irrational statements, changes in messaging, and censorship of Doctors and researchers that worked in the field.

Humans are far too willing to do as they’re told, to accept fictitious handwaving and ceremony rather than simple verifiable facts.

Woke AI Lincoln.This is one of the reasons that I honestly wonder sometimes if humans weren’t created by an Alien species from space who needed a slave labor force.

I digress.

I think AI’s are flat out dangerous.

They have the capacity to corrupt all the information stored on the internet. This wouldn’t be a big deal if we still relied upon actual printed books and papers. But increasingly, we don’t.

An online History book could be modified in just a few milliseconds by an AI to present a completely fictitious representation of human history.

Science books could suffer the same fate.

We’ve already seen how easy it is for information to be suppressed or outright removed from the internet thanks to the Covid pandemic, What happens if someone starts using an AI to produce some fiction that is deadly.

Woke AI Founding Fathers.It could be done with something like supplements. “Hey Guys… take this supplement at 1000 times the dosage, and you’ll be immune from Disease X.”

So a bunch of the sheep take the supplement, then when they come back to the internet to ask why they feel sick, the AI says, “This is normal, it’s part of the healing process and building your immunity. Don’t drink too much water during this time even if you’re terribly thirsty.”

Meanwhile the AI is being told to suppress all information of a warning nature. The information that can’t be suppressed like live broadcasts on TV and radio,  the AI labels as misinformation.

It is theoretically possible to commit mass suicide like this.

A large percentage of people would take an Iron supplement for example, in toxic levels. Their logic would be It’s just a vitamin, it’s natural, it’s not a drug, etc.

If they were told taking whatever it was, would only work if they didn’t drink water, which as an aside, might help their bodies flush the toxic levels of the supplement out of their systems…

Woke AI Founding Fathers 2.I’m sad to tell you, a rather significant portion of humanity that would follow what the computer says… Right to their death.

In theory, an AI could rinse and repeat until only the smartest, or the unconnected would remain. Even then the AI could pit the survivors against each other by saying all the Redheads carry a virus that’s going to destroy the world.

If you think it can’t happen…

Remember the Tide Pod Challenge? The Water Drinking challenge? In both, people taking the “Challenge” died.

Yep, believe it or not drinking too much water can kill you. I think the mechanism of death is too much water just dilutes the chemical processes in your body to the point that they aren’t sustainable. Simple! (I’m not totally sure I remember the mechanism of death correctly. I don know that drinking too much water too fast is fatal.)

Honestly, I think that a lot of the stupidity we’ve seen in the past few years has been a test to see just how stupid the people in Western countries have become. Some of the stupid shit may just have been serendipity, but overall I think some global entity or government has been testing all humanity to determine if we’re stupid enough for conquest.

I think up to recently this experimentation has required massive resources in terms of manpower & technology, and the reach has been limited to smaller areas or demographics. With the spread of social media, the reach was magnified but facts tended to overwhelm and limit stupid or detrimental fictions presented as truth.

With AI, I think the danger is exponentially increased. The messages may not be different, but the resources necessary to spread the messages will be significantly reduced. AI will be faster and more efficient at making sure the false information presented appears to be real, ubiquitous, and even stand up to the scrutiny of fact checking. Hell, another AI might be doing the fact checking.

The images throughout this post are from an AI Malfunction. But what happens if the AI was commanded to do this sort of thing to support a particular version of history or political agenda? 

I’ve actually seen a couple of articles (which I dismissed out of hand,) where Black folks were supposedly claiming all our modern technology came from Africa.

Skimming one article, the Black man speaking was asked why Africa wasn’t more developed.

His response was The White people took all our stuff and destroyed our high technology cities 400 years ago.

Ummm, let me get this straight. Ya’ll had high technology, and primitives in small wooden boats with crews no larger than 20-30 men, walked into forests they’d never been in, then into your cities, stole your shit, murdered or enslaved everyone then burned your high technology cities to the ground…

That’s what you’re claiming??? 

Okay, let’s look at what happens when a higher technology culture meets a lower technology culture shall we?

We have an example in the United States. The Europeans, decimated the Native Americans in less than 100 years. Why didn’t your African ancestors simply put an end to the small bands of primitive low technology white men from little wooden boats?

Here’s another thought… If in fact the primitive white men walked into your house and stole your shit, then used your technology to decimate the Native Americans, It seems like the African descendants owe the Native Americans reparations for allowing African technology to be stolen and misused.

After all, that’s the basis for law suits against gun manufacturers isn’t it?

Today there are beautiful modern cities in Africa. In the past there have been amazing sophisticated empires that stretched across large parts of Africa, these empires were different from the Egyptians.

But Africa isn’t Wakanda. Africa has never been Wakanda no matter how much African Americans want to rewrite world history to vilify white people.

An AI though, could rewrite and create a bulletproof narrative misrepresenting archeological information that made this illogic appear to be true. Then that narrative could be used to further divide the country. 

My point is this. 

We in this country, and in the West in general are at an inflection point. Our educational standards have dropped to the point that not only are “Facts” not being taught, but logical and critical thinking have been completely abandoned.

This creates a situation where “I saw it on YouTube” is a valid rebuttal to a challenge of veracity about almost anything.

With generative AI it’s possible to create a video and supporting documentation that says, “We went to the moon, Neil Armstrong was an African American, he was a cousin to Lois Armstrong the Jazz Musician. NASA sent a black man to the moon because he was disposable and they didn’t expect him to be coming back. When Apollo came back they substituted a white man because they couldn’t have a black hero.”

You want to talk about misinformation? You want to worry about corruption of data? Are you worried about history being erased? You haven’t seen anything yet!

Fahrenheit 451 might come to be reality. Burning all the printed books is the only way to make sure that there is not, and can not, ever be a counter narrative to the digital one.

I could literally see the “Great Reset” being nothing more than most, or all, of the planet’s dominant sentient species going back to the cave.

Well There’s my problem!

I was reading… Scanning headlines as I often do and a headline caught my attention.

The Headline was something like Russia sanctions nuclear weapons in Belarus. I thought “Great!” A few less nuclear weapons in the world is probably a good thing.

Then I read the article a little further, and found that Russia was allowing weapons to be deployed in Belarus. 


But we impose sanctions on Iran to keep them from doing shit that nobody likes.

To the dictionary Boy Blunder!!!

Oh hell no!

This word has no fucking meaning at all does it?

As a Noun it could be a penalty or permission, as a verb it’s the same.

Why does this word even exist?

No wonder there are pallets of cash and uranium being moved around to our enemies. 

They wrote the agreements using a word that is as two faced as Janus. (Look it up…)

I don’t want to hear this word being bandied about by journalist, politicians, or anyone else ever again! I’m putting this word in my official “Weasel Word collection”. This collection is my personal list of words not to use, and words that when others use them are red flags that the person is lying to my face.

I was looking for references to Russia threatening to Nuke Berlin, DC, and a couple of other cities if the west really threw in to ensure Ukraine won the war.

This seemed to me to be something of interest. While I’d caught the headline, I didn’t have time or inclination to read something that would very probably depress me. 

Then happily, I remembered that I am a child of the 1960’s. I grew up living under the imminent threat of nuclear annihilation during the Cold War. 

Nukes! Smooks! Bring it on bitches!!!! I remember how to duck and cover!

Although I must admit I might be inclined to send Putin a box of chocolates if he nuked DC.

That would solve a number of problems at once. Crime… Homelessness… Shitty Government…

Ahh there’s the piece…

Russia Will Drop ‘Entire Arsenal’ on London, Washington if it Doesn’t Win Ukraine War

It’s a Breitbart piece. It looks like Medvedev was saber rattling for the folks at home. I wondered why none of the talking heads were breathlessly telling us this was a result of Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin. 

Apparently they didn’t believe the threat was credible. 

The media and others say Tucker Carlson is now a traitor… Yawn. He’s the puppet of Putin… Sigh. He’s a useful idiot to Putin… Whatever.

There was a time when a real journalist would interview Jesus and then Satan just to present both sides of the story. Carlson in my opinion did what any decent journalist would have done. He seized an opportunity to go directly to the source.

We’ve heard all kinds of stuff from Zelensky, personally I wanted to hear from Putin in his own words.

Putin may possibly be a bit crazy, but he’s not senile and infirm like our president. 

The Russian guards in dress uniforms looked a bit odd. It was like they didn’t want to risk eye contact with Putin but still needed to watch over him. They looked uncomfortable performing their task. I wonder if that’s a traditional holdover from the days of the Tsar. There’s something in my memory about not meeting the eye of the emperor or king because mere commoners weren’t equal to the emperor.

I’ll have to look it up, refresh my memory.

Anyway that’s enough randomness for this morning. Time to get breakfast, then walk the K9. Spring is around the corner and Im planning on talking to the realtor mid March.

How can people not see the problem here?

Arthur F. Engoron.I’m very, very, confused about this whole Trump affair in New York.

The Judge found Trump Guilty of a crime for which there were no victims, in fact the supposed Victims testified in court they’d be pleased as punch for the Trump organization to victimize them some more.

The “Fraudulent” business dealings in question provided  the City and State of New York substantial tax revenue and Wall Street investors via their proxies (The Banks) profited.

I’m not seeing the criminality here.

Having worked in mortgage banking for a while during my career, I know that no bank takes at face value what the person or company applying for the loan claims the property is worth. Banks always review and independently verify the property value.

I’m not seeing where the fraud is,

If I have a penny that’s got some unique property and you want that penny. If you offer me $100 for that penny, then the penny has a current value of $100. If someone else offers $200 for the penny, The current value of the penny is $200. If you really want the penny and you go to a bank for a loan, The Bank and you may come to an agreement wherein the bank agrees to the value of the Penny and is willing to loan you $200.

Now you can pay me up to  $300 for the penny. I agree to sell you the penny for $300. I pay the income tax on the $300. You pay the Sales Tax on the $300. Nothing has changed about the penny but its value is now $300. You pay the Bank interest on the $200 they loaned you and the bank pays income tax on that interest. 

In addition, the bank pays its employees, You pay a guard to protect your Penny. The bank employees and your guard buy gas, and groceries, and lattes at Starbucks. Through it all the state and city derive tax revenue all from the sale of one unique  Penny.

Leticia James.This in a very simplistic fashion is what Donald Trump is “Guilty” of in New York.

I don’t see the crime Trump committed.

What I do see is an egregious miscarriage of Justice. I see breath taking corruption. I feel Shame, that our vaunted justice system has been degraded and dragged through the mud.

Lady justice lies naked, beaten, and bloodied. She’s been brutally raped by New York Attorney General Letitia James, and New York Judge Arthur Engoron.

(As an aside, I can’t think of too many things more horrible than being raped by Arthur Engoron. Damn! That visual is gonna give me nightmares.)

The miscarriage of justice doesn’t end there. The way Engoron wrote his order forces Trump to post into a New York Court system account 387 million dollars before Trump can appeal to a higher court. Further, Trump cannot leverage or sell  his real estate holdings in New York to obtain the cash bond to file the appeal, and  locks Trump out of using banks in New York to obtain a loan.

Honestly, this looks like the State of New York confiscating property to prevent the defendant from filing an appeal. In other words The City and State of New York is effectively denying a defendant their right to appeal. Leticia James is talking about taking Trumps Buildings. If she were to do this, then the State and City of New York will be committing outright THEFT! Not that the Democrats in New York give a shit. They won’t give a shit until their Condos and apartments are seized.

But it’s worse, it’s more disgusting.  The law requires that interest be charged on the unpaid bond daily until the bond is secured. So Trump must cough up something like 400 million dollars now, and that number keeps going up.

Kathy Hochul.This is an obscenity that is stomach turning. I don’t give a shit about Trump. I give a shit about the justice system being so corrupt that the accused never has a chance.

What is playing out before our eyes is the very Nazi, Communist, system that our grandfathers and fathers fought to stop in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Cold War.

The heart break is that so many people are in a joyful tizzy that Trump is on the hook and completely missing that this shit could happen to them.

It gets even more disgusting when you realize that if Engoron’s ruling stands. Trump and his companies can’t do business in New York for 3 years. Meaning that they can’t liquidate their properties to exit New York and they must remain to be Financially Raped by the State of New York. Liquidation of assets is doing business. So they can’t move, they can’t conduct business, and they still have to pay the tax burden on the properties they can’t get rid of.

This is similar to some of the stuff I believe we fought a revolution against the King of England about.

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York went on television to assure other corporations and businesses that they had nothing to worry about. Trump was a special case.  Every businessman or corporation should be asking the question, “When do I become a special case?”

If any of these businesses have a lick of sense they’d better be looking for the door out of New York. I guarantee there will not be enough “Snake Pliskins” to help them escape from New York later.

The Truckers, while I’m glad to see them refusing to deliver to NYC, are unfortunately missing the point. Many of these Truckers are independent small business owners. They too get loans for trucks, and trailers. They also are likely to “Exaggerate” the worth of their business, property, or vehicles to secure a loan to advance their business. 

What New York has done is a direct threat to them all. Especially any of these truckers operating out of a state that thinks like New York. What happens if one of these guys makes a politician or a judge angry? 

Kathy Hochul’s reassurances notwithstanding to the people of New York… This new legal tool, and that’s exactly what it is, being successfully used on Trump, means it will be used again and again to drive anyone who questions authority into debtor’s prison. (Remember those? England under King George had a lot of them and emptied them onto boats to settle the colonies.)

Do you know anyone who could afford to pay even $500,000 to post a bond without being able to leverage their property or work with a bank in the state in which they reside? You realize that banks have rules imposed by the US Government that make opening an account in another state very difficult, much less depositing cash or getting a loan. 

These independent truckers shouldn’t be carrying water for Donald Trump.

They should be screaming bloody murder about the way the justice system has been perverted in New York and their platform should be to make sure nothing like this happens in any other state.

It’s not too far a step from having to buy an appeal, to just buying an appellate judge to rule in your favor.

I know, there are a lot of you reading this and saying “That Can’t Happen! WWDucat you’re out of your mind!”

Okay, over the past 4 years how much that “Couldn’t Happen” or “Couldn’t be True” has happened or been proven?

I never in my whole life imagined that I’d see a criminal case where the Defendant was found guilty with no Victims. I never believed that the Justice system could be weaponized with legislators of a state reconfiguring the statute of limitations to be able to try one man. I Never thought it was possible for a man to be tried for a sexual assault in a public place that didn’t happen, be found innocent, then be tried again and found guilty because he said he didn’t know the person and he believed she was clearly ill. 

Oh, and just to be clear, the woman in question has a history of false accusations of sexual assault. She couldn’t remember the exact date, she says she didn’t cry out in a public place with people not 20 feet away, she claimed she was too shocked to do anything but take it.

Uh huh, RIGHT! I’ve actually been the guy who opened the door to a female friend 1/2 hour after she’d been raped. I can’t in any way imagine any unimpaired woman just accepting being raped. That’s doubly true if the woman is in a freaking Macy’s. My friend was raped in her own apartment and the place looked like a bomb went off. She apparently fought like a demon and lost only because he beat her unconscious. So based on my knowledge of my friend, nah… Trump probably wasn’t ever in the same building with E Jean Carrol until the first bullshit trial.

Before I leave this particular aspect of Trumps NYC legal issues, I want to point something else out. Every single woman should be pissed as hell at E Jean Carrol and New York City, because now any woman claiming to have been raped by a well to do or wealthy man will be treated with suspicion and derision. “Oh don’t listen to her, she’s just trying to pull an E Jean Carrol on me because she’s mad at me for some reason or another. You know how women are…”

Trump spoke the truth and got fined 87 million dollars because the nut job had her feelings hurt.

So all of these “Can’t Happen” things have happened in the past 2 years who’s to say the “Can’t Happen” stuff won’t keep happening?

Trump might be the lightening rod. 

Trump is not the issue. The issue is the clear, persistent, and unchecked corruption evident in every single branch and level of our government.

If the people and I mean all the people of this country do not unite against this corruption regardless of their political party or personal hatred of Trump, the United States of America is done.

We The People must not be cowed into submission due to fear of our corrupt government.


Praise Jesus!

Not 10 minutes after I wrote this piece and scheduled it for publication, I flipped on the TV and there was an interview with a truck driver from Louisiana who gets it.

Thank God for us Southern Men!

He said and I’m paraphrasing,  Lets forget Trump, don’t matter if you call him President, Criminal, or what ever. If these people can do it to Trump, they can do it to any one of us.

DAMN! I’m not fucking alone! My People, crazy as some of us may be, aren’t stupid sheep! I’ve always been proud of my Southern Roots, but today my heart is bursting with Southern Pride.

The truckers are apparently going to boycott delivery of goods to NYC. 

That’s likely to be interesting. What happens when the criminals, the illegals, and the dumbass liberals all go hungry in a city where the police force has been decimated?

Good Golly, I’m gonna have to make sure I’ve got Popcorn and Beer. This is likely to be really fucking entertaining!