Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Claudine Gay played the race card!

We all knew she would.

I’m surprised she didn’t start her editorial with “I was raised a poor black child…” From The Jerk – 1979 Steve Martin

No Claudine! You’ve missed the point and all the other so called journalists and pundits have missed the point too.

No one gives a rancid fuck about your race.

Folks are PISSED OFF that you got a free fucking ride, you stole other people’s material and ideas, oh, and you’re in violation of Harvards policies regarding plagiarism.

In other words dipshit, you’re incapable of being an example to the students of Harvard because you failed to live by the policies you’re enforcing. You know… like the rest of the elites that many Americans are coming to loathe.

So I’m going to borrow from Elon Musk, “GO FUCK YOURSELF!” Se how that works Claudine? That’s called attribution. In this case I didn’t really have to reference Elon Musk because he didn’t originate the saying, I chose to give him credit because he’s the most recent famous person to say it publicly and out loud.

By the way you piece of shit. You and people like you have totally fucked everyone else who worked hard for their degrees and Phd’s. You’ve made higher education practically worthless and I can’t wait to hear that you’ve been fired because the colleges you work at can’t afford to keep your sorry asses. Maybe then we’ll get back to actual education.

I sincerely hope that Claudine Gay has her Phd REVOKED. It should be. Her Doctorate was issued on false pretenses. In fact, the other Phd’s who supposedly reviewed her doctoral thesis should perhaps have to defend their Doctorates as well. Clearly they failed in due diligence which calls into question their qualifications.

Let me make this perfectly clear. Claudine Gay was not forced to resign her position as Harvard President over the color of her skin, she was forced to resign due to the content of her character.

Yeah, I paraphrased Dr. Martin Luther King. I hope I did that right, after all I’m just an uneducated redneck from a flyover state.

If I can grasp the concept, even if I don’t attribute exactly correctly, then surely someone who went to college on scholarships for years can be expected to get it right.

Otherwise, her spending all that time “a schoolin” was a waste of money.

I must be getting old, or people are just more insane.

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I don’t want to live someplace where pot is legal.

I really don’t like the smell. Here in the neighborhood there’s a number of folks who smoke it all the dang time and even with their houses closed up for the winter, I can still smell the stuff.

That’s bad enough but it’s rather like someone smoking cigarettes or drinking in their own home, it’s their deal and who am I to judge.

Recently, I’ve noticed that I can’t go anywhere anymore without smelling pot. Sitting in traffic at a stop light, in parking lots, and near office buildings.

I can’t help but notice that some of these places I couldn’t light up a Marlboro, but someone smoking pot is oakey dokey.

Unlike cigarettes pot is an intoxicant. Pot is more like alcohol, but people are smoking pot while driving just like we old farts used to smoke cigarettes. This concerns me, and I think might be one of the reasons that driving in California has gotten so damn bad. More people than ever before are essentially drunk driving.

Sitting in traffic with my windows down, I’m getting hotboxed too. Why should I have to keep my windows up and the A/C running because you guys want to smoke pot in traffic? Furthermore why can’t I go back to smoking Marlboros?

Oh Right… Smoking cigarettes is bad for you, but smoking pot is healthy. So the effects of second hand pot smoke aren’t bad? How about second hand intoxication? What about the children riding with mommy and daddy smoking pot in the car?

Today people gasp in shock and horror when they realize people in my generation were trapped in cars with our parents smoking cigarettes. But there’s no similar outrage with pot? Talk about a double standard!

Is it any surprise that jobs aren’t getting done well?  How many fast food orders have you had screwed up? How many places have you been shopping only to find there is no organization to the merchandise?

I’ve been noticing it. I’d been pondering it until I was sitting at a traffic light with three cars around me reeking of pot.

Then watching these folks drive and thinking they were drunk, everything clicked in my head.

They were in fact intoxicated. They shouldn’t have been driving. This was midday on a weekday, I couldn’t help but wonder where these people worked.

Then I thought about the quality of the work they’d be doing.

These are the same people who are appalled that in addition to my having an ashtray on my desk at work, I’d sometimes have a beer at lunch then go back to work. At the time, I was a bench technician and my workstation had a soldering iron. The rosin in the solder was probably worse for me than my Marlboro smoldering in the ashtray.

Please notice, I said “A Beer” not a six pack.

The funny thing is that a joint might fuck you up. A single beer probably won’t impair you at all. These days, your company will say you’re not allowed to have a beer at lunch under threat of immediate termination. But they’ll say nothing about that “Medicinal” joint at lunch.

I’ve got another datapoint to work with when it comes to moving. The list is growing…

Four Seasons but with only decorative snow. I’m over 2 – 10 feet of snow falling in one storm. I like the fall change of leaves and gentle snowfall with accumulation that doesn’t last too long.
No State tax.
No Legalized Pot
Low Auto Registration, $500 a year to register a car? Really?
Generally homogeneous demographics, I’m over “Diversity”. California making me feel like I should speak Spanish instead of English has burned through my diversity quota.
Low Property Taxes.
Good Law Enforcement.
Strong constitutional beliefs. In other words no monkey shines with The Constitution when some activist group gets all mouthy about how they think we should live. I am totally over  being told that I have to live my life to spare someone else’s feelings.
I might be content with someplace that looks a lot like Mayberry. That might be a little too boring, but I’d be willing to give it a try for a while.

As an aside,

Trying to find out about Marlboros is stupidly difficult. Finding pictures of the logo and various boxes is more or less easy but there are a bunch of new packages so since I was a Marlboro smoker I was curious. MY GOD!!! I never did get to just identifying what these new packages were. They want your to register, and then answer a bunch of legal shit, then agree to be on their mailing list, then verify your age, then make sure that you’re in a country where they can send you information.


On the other hand, I can tell you anything at all about pot.

The one thing I was able to determine is that California charges an excise tax of $2.87 on every pack of smokes and that the feds charge $1.01. so $3.88 of every pack of smokes is excise taxes which doesn’t include the sales tax in whatever county you’re in. It looks like California s charging 22% on pot.

Obviously since pot is still illegal on a federal level there isn’t any federal tax on pot. California is making a killing!

Not being able to just look something up annoys the shit out of me. This registration and age and double secret handshake crap is simply designed to make people not want to ask questions.

Asking about cigarettes doesn’t mean you’re going to start smoking. It means that you had a question. It’s not technically censorship but it’s damn close. Apparently Phillip Morris makes e-cigs but they’re only in Europe and therefore the web sites redirect you to a page saying “NO NO NO YOU NAUGHTY PERSON” you’re not allowed to see this. Which is censorship…

VPNs with servers in Europe make that a nothing barrier. Nothing aside from annoyance and reminding us that surprise! We’re not actually free.

I don’t recall voting for any censorship on the internet at all, so why is it there?

Things that hit me

So I was pouring myself some coffee this morning and decided that I wanted to dress my coffee up a touch with a little cream.

No big deal.

Except I noticed the 2X More notice on the neck of the bottle. I wondered, “2X more what?”

Oh, 2X More Creamer… Then I read the fine print. Look close. 

“Than 32 OZ”

Then I looked at the bottle total fluid OZ and saw that it was 64OZ.

So let me get this right…

It’s a selling point that I get mathematically and logically double the amount of creamer when I purchase the 64OZ size?

DUH! That’s why I purchased the 64OZ Size!

Am I the one missing something here?

I was shopping and wanted a bag of tortilla chips. I’ve been partial to the Santitas brand but if I can’t find those, I’ll go for the Mission brand. I picked up a bag of Mission. As I was putting the bag in the cart it felt light. The bag was the same, the price was the same, and there weren’t any other sizes, so I thought it was just me.

I get home and while putting groceries away I pulled out the almost empty bag of Mission tortilla chips, to put the brand new bag in the pantry. Then I noticed it. The old bag was 18 OZ, the new bag was 11 OZ. For the same price. Hmmm. So 11 OZ is the break even point between the customer not really noticing and increasing profitability? 

That’s interesting.

Then there was this one…

Every single package had Imitation Krab written on it. Even packages that were just supposed to be Crab were spelled with the “K” instead of the “C”.

But I thought Krab meant that it was imitation in the first place. So now we’re being sold imitation, imitation Crab?

Or is this simply another failure of the American education system on display.

I haven’t up to recently thought about how shitty our food is. I’ve noticed that if I get really good meat that’s protein dense I don’t eat as much. 

Elk, Deer, Buffalo are some examples. But even grass-fed Beef makes a big difference. 

If I get something really protein dense, I’m also not hungry the next day. Usually a bit of fruit, bread, or cereal will hold me comfortably until the following day. 

What this means is that I can “Fast” without thinking about it.

It makes me wonder if this is our natural state. We eat good meat when the hunt was favorable, and we eat fruits, grains, and vegetables when the hunt wasn’t so good.

I also wonder how much filler and crap is in our diets and what effect that is having on our overall health. 

I know that I feel great the day, and several days, after I’ve had something a bit wilder like Buffalo. I don’t think it’s a psychosomatic effect. Sometimes I haven’t known what I ate for days if I was at a friends home. I just know I felt great and sometimes I’d ask what the meat was and been told it was something wild, or grass fed.

I’ve never really thought about it much because being a child of the 60s I believed that the FDA was always there protecting our food supply and that the FDA would never allow something to be given to the American People that wasn’t safe or healthy.

Now… Well, I wonder.

If a single meal of real meat, and garden vegetables can make me feel like a million bucks, it makes me wonder;

What exactly have I been eating?

Is it possible that we’re being moved toward eating stuff that could effectively allow us to starve with full bellies?

One hell of a method to control the population. 

My pronoun is Dr. I also identify as Black.

After the stellar example set by Claudine Gay, and Harvard, I’ve realized I was going about this education thing all wrong. I actually thought I had to go to class and do the work!

Silly me!

All you have to do is get a scholarship then plagiarize the hell out of people who actually did the work! Oh, I suppose you need to spout some Marxist Crap and whine about how oppressed you are as a member of a “Minority” and play the victim really well.

Who knew you only had to write ten academic papers for publication in your entire career? Oh that those ten papers can have at least 50 examples of plagiarism.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to bother with paying an obscene amount of money to listen to Socialist/Marxist/Victim/Racists, indoctrinate me.

I’m just going to claim I went to Harvard and completed my Phd in Physics. I’m fairly sure the level of education I’ve obtained reading actual books and watching YouTube conspiracy videos is sufficient to meet Harvard’s requirements.

Hell, I’ll submit this Blog as evidence that I’ve written and published material.

But my Crowning achievement is my New Book. A Brief History of Time, The book is actually written by Stephen Hawking, but by Harvard and Claudine Gay’s rules… WHO CARES!

After years and years of dedicated fucking around… I’m a Physicist!!!

No, you can’t accuse me of stealing anything, I identify as a Black woman. No, you can’t ask questions!

Now, who do I see about collecting my 800 thousand dollar per year paycheck???

For Fucks Sake! 

How did academia come to this low point? 

Plato, Socrates, Newton, Archimedes, Hawking, Darwin, and all the rest of the great thinkers from our history are either weeping for the future, or have decided to just go get drunk off their asses and watch humanity devolve into what?

Gender confused sheep who can’t command fire? Well at least at that point we can look forward to humanity’s relatively swift extinction and some other sentient species evolving.

Many Years from Now, in an Afterlife Nightclub™.

“Hey guys, can I join you at the bar? Oh, Sorry Stephen… err Doctor Hawking, I was making a point, not trying to claim your work as my own. Given that you had a sense of humor I figured I could get away with it. Can I buy you a beer? Is anyone taking bets on how long Humanity lasts?”

Happy New Year

I hope everyone isn’t too hung over.

All is quiet here and aside from a pup who’s a bit under the weather. You know the pu pis sick when you wake up in the middle of the night and can hear their tummy making all kinds of weird sounds.

He was dozing, but when I asked him if he needed to go out, he was instantly up and heading to the door.

He’s been out 6 times since 3am. I appears whatever it was seems to have passed. He’s sound asleep on the couch now. 

I plan on spending a nice quiet day and perhaps napping through the afternoon.

Now that we have some sunshine, I may take him for a walk earlier than usual just to get that out of the way.

When he’s sick, I don’t get much sleep. I lay awake worrying over him and trying to cuddle him so he’s comfortable.

I’ve at least been a little productive today. I’ve managed to start collecting the documents for tax season. The plan is, once I get the various 1099 forms and other statements at the end of Jan, All that crap is going to the accountant and the IRS will be out of my hair for another year. Fingers Crossed!