Is it just me? Or do other people argue with Siri?

I wasn’t even trying to argue with Siri. I didn’t ask Siri for anything!

Suddenly Siri answered a question that I hadn’t asked.

I was talking to the dog Jesse and apparently Siri thought “Jesse “ sounded enough like Siri that it needed to respond.

I told Siri to shut the fuck up. Then Siri got mouthy with me saying “I wont respond to that.”

Excuse me??? Dumb shit, you DID just respond to that! Gee Siri you’re not too bright for a computer are you?

Siri: “I found some results on that, I can display them for you if you ask from your iPhone.”

Okay, Now I’m curious. I pick up my iPhone I ask Siri to display the results

The little Siri indicator on my iPhone was moving like it does when it’s listening so obviously Siri knew I was using the iPhone.

BUT and this is a serious BUG as far as I’m concerned. The HomePod also heard what I said and told me again it could display the result if I asked using my iPhone.


I pressed the side button on my iPhone which manually activates Siri and asked again. Again the HomePod responds and tells me to ask from my iPhone.

Do you notice the endless loop here?

I try again, this time whispering to my iPhone like Creepy Joe Biden trying to sound threatening. Again the HomePod responds.

I leave the living room and go into the bathroom once again pressing the button on the iPhone and whispering my request.

The HomePod minis in the bedroom hear me and tell me to ask from my iPhone


Now I’m pissed and call Siri a piece of shit. I ask what happened to Siri automatically showing results on my nearest devices with displays, like the iPad and iPhone? It used to do that without question.

Siri: “Oh you’ve lost your iPad let me make it make a sound.”
Me: No! Stop! Don’t make a sound on my iPad!

Siri completely ignores me and OH, just to be EXTRA helpful Siri plays the sound on the iPad and keeps playing it. I pressed the power button and both the volume buttons. The iPad even with physical confirmation that the unit was in the hands of a human KEEPS making an annoyingly loud sound.

I force restarted the damn machine!

Is this what we have to look forward to? Is this our future? Will I be subjected to Siri misbehaving and refusing to comply with command directives?

I know Siri is just a clever approximation of AI. I don’t really like “Intelligent” assistants, on my phone or when I’m “ON the Phone” talking to a corporation to get assistance with their product or service.

I’d love to know why I, an adult male, who speaks English natively can’t get these systems to respond in any helpful way. It begs the question for me; am I the only person who has trouble with these bits of software? Is it that I speak English with little to no accent? If I spoke with a heavy accent would I get better response?

If I’m not the only person having problems with these systems, the why are they ubiquitous?

Siri does often work for me. But when Siri screws the pooch it’s major. The most recent iteration of Siri also has a defect in its responses.

If you’re using the Siri American voice 1, and you say “Siri stop playing music in 2 hours,” Siri responds “Stopping in two hours.” But unlike in the past, it now finishes the word “Hours” as though it’s asking a question. It used to sound proper, but the latest HomePod update has done something bad to the Voice responses.

Not to bash on Apple, but I do expect that testing would be done to make sure that the software works when that software interfaces with an actual Human.