You go Texas!

It is with a high degree of satisfaction that I’ve been watching the latest dust-up between the limp-dicked federal government and the state of Texas.

Sadly the Federal Government is limp-dicked in EVERY SINGLE aspect of their being except dealing with American Citizens.

American Citizens, our government rapes metaphorically, beats, incarcerates, drugs,  forces submission and obedience if a citizen questions anything, shits and pisses on our head and all the while tells us everything is just hunky dory.

Don’t you dare speak ill of the government! The FBI will kick your door in at 4am, shoot your dog who rightfully attempts to defend you and your family and haul you off to the nearest gulag where you’ll rot for the next indeterminant number of years. Speedy trial? Yeah, MY ASS!

It is because this is how I feel about the government that I’ve been laughing my ass off as Texas and the Feds square off.

You see, I think it’s pretty damn obvious that the Federal Government has failed in its constitutional duty to secure the nation. Texas on the other hand has had quite enough of the bullshit and has stepped up to secure its own border.

I’ll tell you what, if Texas stopped me as I was driving across country and passing through their territory to see my passport I’d be just fine with it. If Texas chooses to secure all its borders that’s gonna be just fine with me too, and I could see myself asking the great state of Texas if I could live there.

See, I want to live in a place with secure borders. I’d even be willing to help secure a border with a bunch of like minded volunteers.

Since the Federal Government has FAILED Texas, and Texans in managing the border, it’s completely rational to me that the State of Texas would take action to insure its own security and wellbeing.  The people of Texas have been very patient and kind for THREE YEARS!

Eventually anyone, no matter how big hearted, is going to run out of patience.

The question I have is what does the DHS think they’re going to do? Are they planning to roll tanks to Austin, or Eagle Pass, to enforce an illegal order from Washington D.C.?

What then? Do the MORONS in DHS and the White House really believe they’ll be able to set Texan against Texan to enforce the opening of this stretch of border again?

I think it’s more likely that Texas, and I mean the good people of Texas will say “FUCK THIS SHIT!” Then demand Texas secede from the Estados Unidos and revert back to being an independent republic. Oh and just so everyone is clear… They’re going to start drilling oil again too. So we’ll all be able to thank Texas for affordable fuel.

The latest report I saw said the DHS has given Texas until today for Texas National Guard to clear out and return control of the border to DHS and CBP.

In other words to just open the border and allow everyone and anyone to cross without vetting, inspection, or ID.

Hey, that means DHS is also perfectly happy being complicit in Sex and Drug trafficking. Is the big guy, (Biden) getting his 10% of that action too?

Will DHS be the relevant department for aggrieved citizens to sue when some Arab/ Iraq/ Iran/ Hamas/ Islamic/ whatever middle eastern fuck blows up a building full of women and children? Those are typical islamic targets if what we’ve seen in Israel is any indication.

That’s not being racist or Islamophobic. That’s a fucking statement of fact. So all you bleeding heart leftists… Shut the fuck up. It’s going to happen and we all know it’s going to happen. We just don’t know when.

Oh, I know you pearl clutching liberal dumbfcuks, “3 People drowned, because Texas took control…”

Uh NO. Yeah people drowned, but not as a direct result of Texas having control of the border. Here’s a couple of little facts. They’re harsh, and they’re going to trigger you.

Animals die during migrations. It’s a fact. Humans are animals, some animals die during migration, what’s happening at the border is migration, that’s why we call them migrants, ergo, humans are going to die. Deal with it!

I notice you’re not at all concerned about the homeless citizens already on the streets of cities all over America dropping dead from hunger, poor health care, exposure, or drugs. But somehow these poor migrants illegally crossing the border deserve heart wrenching sympathy?

Uhhh NOPE! They fucking chose to come here illegally. They fucking knew what they were doing was against the law. If they die in transit so the fuck what? I guarantee you that there are trails of bodies in the bushes all along the “Migration” paths. Nobody is shedding any tears for those folks who didn’t make it.

Here’s another thought. If you’re a migrant, (A.K.A. Illegal immigrant,) and you can’t swim…


What the fuck did you think was going to happen? Did you believe angels from El Norte were going to swoop in and pluck your dumb ass out of the water?

Thank god Darwinian rules are still in effect.

I’d say don’t bother to retrieve the bodies, let ‘em wash downstream and serve as an example. Same goes for those who die in the desert.

I know I sound brutal about it, but come on. At last count, the number of migrants has exceeded the actual populations of several states. Clearly this is fucking unsustainable.

On the other hand now would be a really great time to establish a false ID. Go to Mexico, send your documents back home via a friend or Mail. Cross the border illegally, get apprehended, then give CBP a false name. Collect your free phone, your 5K and notice to appear in 2035. Go to MA collect your driver’s license, and green card, then return to your home with a nice neat legal government issued fake ID. Oh and lets not forget that FREE Healthcare you can get in California as an illegal.

I really think if Texas were to break free of the suffocating clutches of what our insane federal government has become, I’d honestly consider moving to Texas!

Like my ancestors before me, I will be free, I will not submit to the hideous perversion our politicians have made of The Founders dream of a Constitutional Republic.

I’d be willing to bet that at least some of our founders would be demanding duels at dawn with the jackasses in Washington D.C.