The epitome of “Useful Idiots”

Queers for Palestine Getty 640x480I saw this photo online. After my brain rebooted, ran full computational, sensor diagnostics, and a data integrity check. I looked at this photo again.

In all honesty I thought my brain, or optical systems were feeding me corrupted information and expected, after running diagnostics, that the image would resolve into something else.

It didn’t. According to self diagnostics, I have also not had a stroke.

Which leaves only one last possibility. The image is real.

It might as well say “Jews for Hitler”, or “Blacks for KKK” Although the last one would be more powerful if the ’N’ word was used. “BLM Pro Police”, “Mandela for Apartheid”, or “Tanks for Tiananmen” makes about as much sense and causes as much cognitive dissonance.

It’s shit like this that makes me think there is no point in attempting to preserve humanity. If people are this stupid and have so much time on their hands that they protest in favor of a bunch of terrorists then I want nothing to do with them. If the majority of the TRANS or  LGBTQ $^*#(mnopwxyzdumbfucks%$⁄€›fl°°= community are this stupid, they absolutely deserve the hate coming at them.

Helpful hint MORONS. The Palestinians and most, if not all, of the Arab world will happily throw you off a building. They’ll be overjoyed to use a crane to slowly lift you off the ground and watch you strangle.

After seeing what the TRANS / LGBTQ $^*#(mnopwxyzdumbfucks%$⁄€›fl°°= community has become and what they’ve done over the past decade. I might be tempted to help the Arab world!

Thank God the TRANS / LGBTQ $^*#(mnopwxyzdumbfucks%$⁄€›fl°°= community won’t reproduce. I don’t think the gene pool could absorb the level of stupidity this sign embodies or the insanity the TRANS / LGBTQ $^*#(mnopwxyzdumbfucks%$⁄€›fl°°= community in general seems to adhere to.

Queers for Palestine MY ASS!

It brings to mind the term “Useful Idiots” and a bit of a smile, in that if you flip ahead in the book about useful idiots you know how they all end up. Sadly you don’t have to flip ahead in the current book, you can instead read a bit of history and see how useful idiots end up, again and again throughout history.

For goodness sake, if you can’t read, (since reading and math now are racist, and we’re giving High School diplomas to people with no demonstrated proficiency in basic skills these days,) you can learn about it by watching a movie. Two movies strike me right off the bat. The Mummy Returns, and The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers

I like the scene in The Mummy Returns when the useful idiot screams “Save Me Lord,” to the resurrected mummy and the mummy replies, “Why?” It’s a perfect end to a useful idiot. His usefulness was at an end, he’d become more of a liability than a benefit so the mummy he’d worshiped kicked him to the curb. Or was it the Ancient Egyptian version of Hell?

It’s not just the TRANS / LGBTQ $^*#(mnopwxyzdumbfucks%$⁄€›fl°°= community. They just happened to be the poster children for stupidity this morning.