Sometimes you just have to say Screw IT!

I’ve been trying for 3 days to get a tow truck to get one vehicle to a service facility.
It’s less than 10 miles.

But because…

What? Why is it always so difficult to get almost anything done here? It’s not that there aren’t folks to do stuff, it’s that they’ve always got attitude about it as if they’re the only ones available, and truthfully sometimes they are.

When you try to locate someone else it’s like pulling teeth, there’s tons of scheduling difficulties and lots of hemming and hawing.

So this morning, after spending Monday and half of Tuesday and the first couple hours this morning trying to locate another towing company. I said screw it! I fired up the car that has been overheating, and in the cool overcast I allowed gravity to assist me down the mountain while keeping cool airflow over the engine. I made it to the repair facility before the temp reached 212° F.

The difference between being someone who can drive versus someone who Drives I guess. This is probably why I got almost 100,000 miles out of the brakes on my 1 Series.
If you can gauge the weight and how your car slows down when you take your foot off the gas, with engine braking you don’t really need brakes until you need to stop at a light, stop sign, or because someone else in front of you is slamming on their brakes every 8 seconds.

So I’m at the repair facility and I was thinking about the general difficulties of living where I do.

Things were never as easy as when I lived in dense urban areas. But over the past decade things have gotten a lot harder.

It’s simple things, like mandated inspections. Getting tow trucks, finding someone to do a septic tank replacement, or paint the whole house. Repairs around the house for which I may not have the tools, the skill, or both, are also a pain.

Theres a lot of good about being here.

I love my view, I’m becoming less fond of winters. Even so, the sound of snow, the beauty of full moon on untouched snowdrifts, the rainbow sprinkles you sometime see on fresh snow in the sun, these are things that I will miss if I leave this place. Typically the Summer isn’t too hot or uncomfortable and as in winter, I appreciate the sounds of nature, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the rare rain and rarer thunderstorm. I like hiking around the area and having pretty safe places to walk the dog. I enjoy watching the hummingbirds and their battles around the feeder. Their aerobatics always put a smile on my face.

There’s a lot of bad about being here.

One or two neighbors up the road who make things super miserable for everyone else. Slow police response time, The difficulties I mentioned before about getting things done. The exceedingly long commutes to get to basic services. The general cost of everything here in California. There’s no sign of that changing any time soon. I suspect that it’s going to get worse before the state figures out the people they’re increasing the taxation on are the same people they’re forced to pay subsidies to because otherwise those folks are below the state poverty line, but not the federal level.

It’s with a lot of this stuff in mind that I’ve started a pro and con list of remaining here.
It’s questionable if I can stay here without finding a job. There are a lot of memories here. Most of them are happy, but some of them are very sad. Finding people to interact in positive ways is difficult. Dating, should I choose to do that, will be almost impossible. Commuting to a job will be more difficult. Traffic has gotten so bad that even a short commute is not as easy as it once was. Sadly the bad list is outweighing the good.

I’ll keep working on it. It’s been suggested that I pack the dog up and take a road trip to some of the places I’ve been considering as alternatives to California. I think it’s a good idea…


Thank you ever so much for breaking the API between Ulysses and your publishing mechanism in your wonderful lemon fresh update. Oh and by the way… When the hell are you going to make Tags and Categories have the same selection mechanism on the web creation page??? Or is that too freaking logical for you bozos.

Thank you for screwing me out of being able to easily create something on my iPad without having to be ONLINE. What? do you have stock in cellular data plans or something?

Thank you for forcing me to use your shitty web creation form. I know you have some BS mobile application. I dumped the app when it looked like you were wanting me to pay for something or some other service to be able to use it.

And MOST OF ALL, Thank you for flushing 4 blogposts that I’ll now have to recreate in your shitty web form.

Oh sure I can maybe copy the text from Ulysses and paste it into your web page but doing so creates a wonderful editing task where each block has to be cleaned up by hand and stripped of all of it’s formatting then reapply the formatting. I’ll probably run it through a straight text editor to flush all the markup then copy plain text into your web POS.

What’s the matter WordPress? are you miffed that more people are creating content with applications that don’t rely on your web or God forbid that crappy mobile WordPress app?

Maybe instead of getting upset that people don’t like your editing or creation interface, you should take a hint…

Well that’s continuing a theme!

Called AAA to get a tow truck so that I could have the Chevy towed to a repair facility. It’s nothing big, something isn’t working right in the cooling system. It shouldn’t be any big deal to get the problem fixed.

I started this process at 8:15am. AAA wants to know what the problem is, “Does the vehicle Start? Is this just a jump situation etc…”

I tell them It starts, and why I need a tow to have it serviced. I think nothing of it. The pickup is scheduled for 10:00 am. I pour myself another cup of coffee.

AAA Sends me a text message saying that the car will be picked up at 10. Okay… Then I get a text saying they’re going to be here at 9:04am/ Okay…. I hop in the shower, I get dressed and I’m done by 8:55. 9:04 blows by, then another text, 9:37. Okay. The time blows by then another text saying 10:30. Okay… That time blows by. Then another text saying 11:00.

Now I’m annoyed!

I have some plans that require I be someplace at a specific time. You know. Like an appointment! Where you’re at a place when you say you’re going to be…

I’m considering canceling the whole deal when low and behold the tow truck shows up.

I’m thinking, “Good we can finally get this show on the road…”

The tow truck driver blocks the entire street and partially blocks the cross street. Okay I’m thinking, “we really need to get this show on the road.” The tow truck driver calls me as I’m heading down the stairs ….

REALLY???? You’re 1 or 2 hours late, you park like a deranged chimpanzee, and you’re too lazy to get out of your fucking truck to actually come to the address you’re supposed to be coming to?

Then he sees me and hangs up the phone. Gets out of the truck and says “Your car won’t start???”

I say, “Uh no the car will start but we need to get moving.” He gets pissy, and throws me attitude! OH NO YOU DID NOT!!!

I tell him I’ve got an appointment and he says, “I’m just the driver” I’m thinking, “Then you better fucking drive!” I’m trying to maintain my calm, so I don’t say anything.

Then I think about it and say, “What’s going on? You rescheduled 3 times. “

Then he gives me that “I’m just a driver,” bullshit again.

I say I get that. Then he says, “Call someone else!”

My brain didn’t even reboot. I said, “Good idea! I will.”

I stomped back into the house and immediately LIT UP AAA! While I’m on the phone with AAA I can still see this asshole tow truck driver blocking our street and part of the main cross street.

I tell AAA that they are never to send anyone from this Phelan Towing company to my address again. I tell them he’s still sitting out there playing with himself while I’m talking to them. I also tell them that I haven’t been quite this mad in years! I even said thanks cause now I know I’m alive!!!!

I cancel the call and will deal with it tomorrow.

I hop in my other car and take off. I have to pull around the idiot tow truck driver who is now blocking a different area of the cross street.

I make it to my appointment, hit the grocery store afterward, and also stopped by the Sheriffs office to ask how we need to handle the escalating situation with Crazy Pants and all the trashy people living there.

I got home about 1:00PM finally was able to eat something. I kept putting off eating because I knew as soon as I’d prepared something for breakfast the tow truck would be here and I’d waste the food.

Again, how about actually showing up when you say you’re going to?

Let me fucking guess… Being on time is racist????

Just because I’m a nice guy…

Doesn’t mean that I want to be drawn into your bullshit.

Especially if you don’t have the balls to directly ask me what you want.

I think I’m going to have a T-Shirt made!

I’m basically a nice guy. I can be an asshole, but to be honest that’s a defensive screen because so many people want to take advantage of any nice people they meet.

Being nice is perceived by some, sadly too many, as inherently weak and easily manipulated. So a lot of nice people cloak themselves in the mantle of being an asshole. If we didn’t, we’d be manipulated into doing shit that we don’t want to do, or indeed didn’t have the time to do for other people all our lives.

I can tell you this from bitter experience, once someone gets their hooks into you and figures out that they can manipulate you they will never stop. They’ll be a fucking parasite until you’ve got nothing left to give them or you actively burn them out of your life.

I have a lot of respect for people who can say “No” without guilt, fear, or remorse.

I have a hard time saying “No” because growing up I was conditioned to please EVERYONE! Instead of breaking that conditioning which was built from the damn cradle onward, I created the asshole cloak. My problem is that sometimes I leave the house without it.

An interesting case in point was Saturday.

I had a very disturbing call with my Mother. The call was beyond disturbing it was very upsetting. (No one can push your buttons like your Mother!) Normally, when I get this kind of upset, I do something physical to dissipate the hurt and anger before it turns in on me and causes further damage.

This is how we came to have a drip irrigation system at our house prior to the place burning. It’s a serious challenge to dig any kind of hole where I live. One day, The Other Half and I had a throw down of an argument. I grabbed my handy trenching tool and proceeded to dig all the trenches necessary to bury the drip lines. When he stepped out onto the deck with a tall glass of ice tea and told me to come and drink something I took it as him apologizing. He wasn’t… He was just worried that I’d work myself to heat stroke. Later he told me he kept thinking, “That dumbass will come in soon, he’s been out there working in that heat for six solid hours with no food and no water.” He only fixed me a glass of iced tea when he realized I was fixated on what I was doing.

From then on, he’d keep an eye on me. He realized that day that I was very stubborn and if I was completely engaged in doing something, I would literally forget basic stuff. This was especially true if I was working off anger, frustration, or sadness. He wasn’t so worried about me in the Winter time but Summer always made him nervous.

Anyhow, I’d had this phone call with my Mother. I pulled on my boots, grabbed my yard tool, and got to cutting and trimming. Trouble was, I ran out of plants to mangle before I ran out of anger. I switched from the chainsaw to the weed whacker and discovered there wasn’t anything tall enough in my yard to trim down.

Then I remembered that my next door neighbor had been out in Palm Springs looking after a sick friend. I marched over to his yard. Surely, there must be something that needs cutting! No Joy! Nothing had grown since the last time I trimmed his place. (I took care of his yard before the weed abatement people could ticket him.)

Now I’m getting frustrated about not being able to vent my frustration!

Hmmm. The new guy… he’s going through a divorce. He’s been spending time with his kids and doesn’t have any of his stuff with him. He’s only living there for 6 months… And he’s gone for the afternoon with his Son.

His rental yard is ripe for the trimming…

So I get to work. My anger and frustration flowing out of me as I focus on trimming the weeds. I’m happy in my own world mowing down thicket after thicket. I’ve moved to the area where he parks and have just about completed it when I hear my name.


It’s the neighbor that lives next to Crazy Pants. The guy who NEVER says what he means. Who never just asks for what he wants, instead it’s always a long drawn out convoluted miasma of words and randomized ideas. I sometimes find dealing with him excruciating. And in my current state… I’m in no fucking mood!

But then, he hits me with a question that makes me concerned that he’s losing his mind just like my Mother. He asks if I’m the property owner of the rental air B&B. He knows that I’m not. When I tell him, “No,” he asks me if I have a key to the place. Uh, “No!”

Suddenly I flash forward to where this conversation is going because this conversation is like 10 other “conversations” before.

He’s going to bitch about the exterior lights being left on and since he sleeps in his living room how these lights bother him and disrupt his sleep. YAWN! NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM!

But he wants to make it my problem. He wants me to talk to whoever and make them turn out the lights. He seems to expect me to be interested or concerned or frankly give a damn.

In the back of my mind I’m thinking, “Get off your ass, put down the fucking bong, and deal with your own shit.” He’s still droning on and on about how tough it is for him sleep and how put upon these lights are making him feel, no-one understands how difficult… blah, blah, blah.

I’m at the end of the conversation while he’s still droning on. And I’m getting really angry about it. I put my brain in neutral. Why does this guy think I, or anyone else for that matter care? Can he not see that I’m hot and sweaty and his puerile issue with the lights is of zero concern to me, I just want to get back to burning off angry energy which he’s actively refueling.

I cut off the remaining 45 minutes of his bitching and complaining, “You know man, both of the lights shine into my house too. We’ve discussed this before. The folks are renters and probably haven’t figured out what switches do what yet. When it was an Air B&B those renters always left the lights on. Having a permanent renter is better than an Air B&B here.”

He blinked, “Both Lights????”

I pretty much growled, “Uh yeah, the porch light and the deck light both shine into my house. I use this new thing they call a shade.”

The whine of the weed whacker motor drowned out whatever reply he might have made. Then I realized part of what had made me so angry. For all his whingeing and blathering on about his interrupted sleep, not once did he ask me directly to speak to someone on his behalf, he just assumed that because I’m a nice guy he can delegate his shit to me.

Now I’m really pissed off. How about this motherfucker asking himself, or me what’s up? Not once in 30+ years of living here have I gone unbidden into someone else yard to clear weeds. Clearly I’m exhibiting odd behavior.

I popped open the gate to the rest of the rental’s yard.

The weeds in that yard now know the meaning of Vengeful! The weeds on an odd small patch of land at the end of my street also learned the term.

The battery died just as I finished the little patch.

My anger and rage had abated significantly, but embers still remain.

I’m going to be really screwed the next time my Mother calls.

OH LOOK! There she is now.

Maybe I really need that belt sander I’ve been looking at. There’s some painting to be done around here. Perhaps that nice compound mitre saw too.

Sigh, “Hello Mom. No, we spoke yesterday. Yes we did, I’m sorry you don’t remember. No, I’m not lying to you…”

Hey Tucker Twitter isn’t working!

Well it’s probably working for a lot of folks, but since I don’t have a Twitter account and am really ambivalent about creating a new one I’m not able to see Tucker Carlson.

I had a Twitter account, which i got rid of a number of years ago.

In my case I was tired of speaking my mind and then either being shouted down or censored. This was especially true when what I said was 100% correct with verifiable sources.

After becoming disgusted with Twitter, killing the account, and not looking back I don’t really want to sign up again. Then there’s the fun little thing that Twitter is perhaps limiting how much I can read per day? (Is that true?) and now they’re not letting me look at any tweets behind the “Create an Account” page.

I was tuning in a couple of days a week to see what Mr Musk was proposing about the future of Twitter. I was actually thinking about rejoining the service. But now… Nah, I’m not going to jump blindly into a service that drove me away.

I was tuning into Tucker Carlson on Twitter. That was another perk for me to rejoin the service. I hadn’t quite decided when the Twitter folks locked things down.

Now I can’t see him at all and interestingly his Twitter show isn’t being rebroadcast as widely as it was.

You can go to Tucker’s web site and maybe view episodes. Although I’ve not had that work either. It looks like the link it trying to take the user to Twitter or X (whatever,) but the linkage fails without an error and never plays either.

So while I’m sure the number of people like myself who don’t really want to play Twitter’s game is vanishingly small, There are a number of us for whom Tucker is effectively OFF THE AIR.

Which is just exactly what the folks who fired Mr. Carlson from Fox wanted.