Are you kidding me?

LionsGate studio has reinstated masking in their offices. Kaiser appears to have done the same thing in Northern California.

There’ve also been some articles suggesting that the Biden Administration is talking about some new vaccine and potentially trying to demand everyone take it. That’s unconfirmed as of yet, but the implication that we’re going to do this COVID bullshit again is mind boggling.

A) Masks have been demonstrated to be ineffective in multiple peer reviewed studies over the past couple of years.

B) There’s a new study that appears to be independently verified describing a danger in the manufacturing process of the COVID vaccines. Here is the link to that article, there are a ton of links to other supporting materials contained within the piece, I see no reason to replicating all this links. The upshot is the COVID vaccine may well expose folks to much more serious complications than catching COVID (even the original variation).

C) The FDA and WHO have recently reversed themselves on the matter of Ivermectin and its safety and efficacy in humans, against COVID.

D) The “newest” mutation of the COVID virus is doing exactly what viruses do. The new version is more transmissible but less harmful to the general population and less harmful to even those at higher risk.

So why the hell are we talking about COVID? Why are we hearing about masking and all the bullshit that didn’t work over the past 3 years?

Is this more fear mongering on the part of an out of control Government, Medical, and News Media? I can forgive conspiracy theorists asking if this is all being ginned up to mess around with the 2024 election.

I’m shocked, that anyone among the powers that be would think we’re going to fall for this shit again, or that there is anyone who would begin to comply.

A Good Day

I did the usual chores, played a video game or two, watched Foundation on Apple TV. Then I made dinner, went out to the deck to eat and watched the sunset.

The moon rose gently over the mountain then hung behind the trees at the top of the ridge for a few minutes.

It was one of the perfect photographic shots that you miss because your phone is inside and probably won’t catch the image. You think for a minute and realize that by the time you grab the SLR, the moon will have moved on and the shot will be gone.

So you do the only rational thing.

You sit still, take another drink of your adult cocktail and enjoy the the moon moving up behind the treeline ascending to its proper place in the heavens. You store the image in your head, just like your ancestors did for the preceding million years.

That was my evening.

When I came in and was cleaning up the kitchen the pup came in and had some swelling above one eye. I think he took a wasp hit or was bitten by something while we were out walking. He sticks his head in bushes sometimes so it’s possible he ticked off a wasp or bee.

He came to show me. I’ve washed his face with a cool damp rag, I cuddled him next to me on the couch for a while. As expected, the area is a bit sensitive but the cool rag seemed to sooth it.

I’ll have to keep an eye on it. If the swelling is gone or reduced by morning it’ll be fine otherwise I may have to take him to see the vet.

I dropped the hammer on a PlayStation5

I know a lot of folks won’t get it. But there are those who will.

There are a lot of things I like more about the Playstation than the Xbox 360. To be fair, my Xbox is 6 years old or so. Part of this is about technology improvement and part of this is about the PlayStation’s operational philosophy and quality of the simulation environment.

Microsoft altered the Xbox interface several years back, and I HATED the new interface! I hated the changes so much, and that there were OS and Game updates so frequently that I kind of just stopped even turning the system on.

The Costco bundle is pretty nice, and their return policy is generous. I can see that I’ll be purchasing some additional storage for the system. But I’ve lost a few hours enjoying the game included with the bundle. There’s an interesting thing about the PlayStation 5 that I didn’t really consider. It’s large, I mean really large but I get it there’s a lot more surface area to dissipate heat. Let’s face it, these games do a ton of computing to render the playing environment. So I can see why this system is as big as it is. You sure can’t miss seeing the device.

Gaming is fantastic, streaming works fine, the BluRay player function works fine too. I was surprised to find that I can’t access my local DLNA video server via the PlayStation. OR perhaps I haven’t found the secret handshake to connect to the DLNA device.

Oddly, Sony BluRay players can access the DLNA, I’d have expected that the PlayStation (also made be Sony) would have the same function.

As I said, Perhaps I’m missing something.

The hours that I’ve “lost” playing the game have not been lost in vain. The puzzles and interactive storytelling that are affected by my choices in the game have sparked my brain in ways that have no consequences. My creativity is being stimulated and that’s helping my overall sense of well being

In the games, I can screw up SOOOO bad and just press restart, versus incorrectly solving puzzles like poorly worded “real world” Government instructions, and screwing up my life…

Playing like this is allowing my brain to do stuff in a lighter way. If the game gets frustrating… I can turn it off. I don’t have to worry about getting lost in the games because they’re mental breaks. I’m playing video games instead of watching television shows, or movies, or God Save me watching the news!