Biden has announced he’s running. Yipee… NOT!

Excuse me while I vomit.

President Biden has announced that he’s running in 2024.

I’m not ready for another couple of years of Biden, and Trump, campaigning. Can’t we do better?

Biden is a complete waste. The Biden administration is in my opinion nothing more that a silent coup that put an ultra left, liberal, if not socialist / communist government in place. Since they’ve taken control, they have been dragging the rest of the nation down a path that isn’t going to work. But it may possibly irrevocably damage our country.

I think what we need is a pragmatic President and administration. We need someone who is going to look dispassionately at government processes, and have the courage to discard any process, service, or department, that isn’t working.

We don’t need the distraction of Biden’s campaign. Nor do we need Trump’s bombast.

Isn’t there anyone else from any party that is serious, has some ability to work with congress, and capable of doing the job?

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