After almost a year I finally broke down and bought a new computer.

Truth be told, I bought a new machine last year.  It was defective out of hte box. Long story short, I ended up paying for that machine even after it was stolen from the carrier when I shipped it back to the manufacturer.

This meant putting up with a machine that was failing in a number of ways, not the least of which was the keyboard. There were other things too. strange and unaccountable crashes and behaviors that I’d see but the computer would claim didn’t happen. Uh Huh… tell me that AI hasn’t already invaded our computers…

After a year of my older system degrading. I finally bit the bullet and ordered what I wanted. I got the new machine yesterday, It’s up & running and we’re in the “Settiling” portion of our lives. I rebuilt the system from the ground up, not using any backups. So I relaoded everything and then moved the data from the server to the new system. 

My reasoning for this was that I wanted to leave behind anything that might have been lurking in system files from the old machine(s) and get a fresh start. So here we are…

Hopefully this will make filling out forms and job applications a bit easier, and less error prone.

What I’m saying here is any errors in text, punctuation, or what have you, are now soley the problem of the human running the machine not the machine.

Maybe I’ll even be writing more since it won’t be quite so frustrating an experience.

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