Happy New Years Eve

I think I speak for everyone when I say, “I hope 2023 is a better year!”

Given the performance of the past few years… I’m not holding my breath!

Hope springs eternal.

I’m not going to bother with a recap of the year. I think it’s probably sufficient to say if 2023 is anything like 2022 or 2021 or 2020 then I’m gong to invest in some Wellingtons. I may have to walk through shit, but I don’ have to have it on my shoes. The question is, do Wellingtons come in thigh high sizes or only up to the knees? Maybe a good set of wading boots/pants would be a better option.

I’ll leave the recaps to CNN or Tucker Carlson. They do a better job of it anyway.

2022 is closing out with a bang for me and my extended family. Hospitalizations, Trips to ER, Dementia, Funerals, and Stitches. 

For me it’s nightmares every night. I’m not talking about minor stuff, I’m talking full on sweats and waking up panicked unsure of where I am. It takes me an hour or so to calm down enough to go back to sleep and the hell of it is that when I wake up, I don’t remember anything about the nightmare.

I’m hoping that turning the page on a new year, will also turn the page on the nightmares and I’ll have a decent night’s sleep. You’ll pardon me if I don’t ring in the New Year by staying up until midnight. I’ll be content falling asleep at the usual time and sleeping through the night, The Rapture, or Armageddon, whichever comes first.

If I sleep through The Rapture, at least there’ll be no traffic although the freeways may be blocked. I probably wouldn’t notice, screwed up freeways are just another day in Southern California!

That’s actually a darkly funny plot line. Imagine a story where The Rapture happened, and some poor schmo slept through it, missing the bus so to speak, and didn’t really notice. What would that look like? The guy gets up, keeps going to work, and takes years to figure out that he’s missed the bus. If he’s in a city like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, or Los Angeles it’s possible. Maybe he keeps getting hints from his guardian angel but he’s so used to things being weird he doesn’t notice them. Maybe the hints are appointments in his calendar that he keeps missing because oddball events delay him on the way. I wonder if you could have fun with his guardian angel being pissed off about it?

It might be fun to try writing something like that. 

Have a good and safe night. I promise I won’t call anyone before noon out of courtesy to your hangovers.

Happy New Year everyone.