I just noticed there are 1600 blog posts here.

Wow, I hadn’t been paying attention.

I’ll grant you not all 1600 are worth reading. Generally they’re pretty Hit and Miss.

Sometimes I’ll hit on something that strikes a chord though.

Here’s a short story from my library

Here’s another short story

One consistent favorite is called Night Rain

Surprisingly, this post about excessive regulation has been getting a lot of hits in the past month.

Everyone’s favorite about AT&T is always near the top of the “Popular List”

My view on Busybodies has also been trending lately.

There’s a lot more here, but these are probably among the best of the bunch.

Feel free to browse. The Tag list to the right hand side of the page is up to date for the more current posts. However the Category List at the bottom of a post will lead you down the rabbit hole to older posts.

One of these days I’ll decide to convert the Category list completely over to Tags and then everything will be fully in sync.

Enjoy yourselves and take these posts with a grain of salt, or in some cases… An entire salt lick.

Be Well.