Wait, What?

So President Biden had a press conference yesterday.

Surprisingly, some people actually showed up.

Initially I ignored it. I find it way easier to get through my day by ignoring almost everything coming out of Washington DC these days.

Then today I heard a neighbor talking about how the President said the 2022 midterms might be fraudulent.

After my brain rebooted, I decided to suck it up and go look up the actual quote.

Biden was asked by a reporter if he believed the upcoming elections would be fair and legitimate.

“It all depends on whether or not we’re able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election,” Biden replied.

Apparently referring to states that are tightening their election procedures,

“No matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote, I think you’re going see them willing to stand in line and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote,” Biden said.

When asked to clarify his comment,

“Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate,” he said, adding, “The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed,” Biden said.

At this point my brain rebooted again.

So does this mean that Biden is suggesting that because his voter rights bill is stalled that a future election will be tainted with fraud? If so, since there haven’t been a substantial number of states that have reworked their election laws does that mean that Biden agrees with the Republicans who have been saying that the 2020 election was fraudulent?

My logic may be flawed here.

If, without the Biden administration voting reforms the midterm election could be illegitimate. Does it follow that Biden discounted a solid year of Democrats telling the country that the previous election was pristine and flawless?

This is why I’ve been ignoring the shit coming out of Washington DC! It always makes my head hurt!

I almost feel sorry for Biden’s handlers. They must be ordering valium by the gross. Then again, I’m not particularly merciful. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in their planning meetings it would be very amusing to watch them trying to spin whatever Biden says.

Have you noticed to Jen Psaki looks really tired all the time now?

I’m going to go take an aspirin and put these jackasses back on ignore.