New Tires


Tire.jpgAt least I’m only having to do two. I think whoever was driving my car in the first few thousand miles was doing really stupid stuff that trashed the rear tires. 

It’s not a big deal I expected to have to replace the tires when I got the car. Given that Winter is coming I figured it would be a good idea to have the tires taken care of before it got cold and icy.

Nothing worse than not having control or the ability to move on ice.

Rather than dealing with the dealership, I came to a place that I’ve been working with for years. The price is comparable. I get to support a local business who has been amazing to me throughout the years.

When and if this car becomes really mine… I’m probably going to go with Cooper tires instead of the factory specified.

But for the time being I’ll stick with the Perrelli.